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A. Warming up
Discuss the following questions with other students.
Are you usually free at the weekend or do you have a lot of
How many weeks‘ holiday from your work or school do you have
every year? Is it enough?
Practice Conversation
Andini, Maya and Ardi are having a conversation about their
vacation plan for semester break. Read their conversation and
practice it with your friends.
Ardi : Do you know we will have a long weekend this week?
Thanks to the red mark on the calendar.
Maya : Wow great. So what we are going to do? Any idea?
Andini : Well, I think going to mountain will be fun. It‘s near
and there are many vacation spots to visit. We can go to
some waterfalls and tea plantation.
Maya : Hmm we have been there before. How about going to
some beaches in Gunung Kidul, we can also go to see a
waterfall and cave. I heard it‘s not too far.
Ardi : Wow that will be fun. It‘s been a while since my latest
trip to a beach.
Andini : How do we get there?
Ardi : How about inviting our classmates? We can rent a car
Maya : That‘s a good idea.
Andini : That sounds great.
Ardi : Ok, I‘ll let them know first. I‘ll send a message to our

Grammar Focus
Practice 1
1. Choose the alternative which has the closest meaning to the
a. I‘m going to go to Surabaya.
 I hope I can go to Surabaya.
 I intend to go to Surabaya.
 I want to go to Surabaya.

b. I‘m planning to buy a ticket to Singapore.

 I have thought carefully about buying a ticket to
 I‘d like to buy a ticket to Singapore.

c. I‘d like to buy a holiday package.

 I enjoy buying holiday package
 I want to buy a holiday package.

d. I‘d rather go to Malang than to Yogya.

 I like Malang more than Yogya.
 I want to go to Yogya.
 I intend to go somewhere.

2. What form of the verb do we use after I‘m going. I‘m planning
and I‘d like? What form do we use after I‘d rather?

3. What does I’d mean in I’d like and I’d rather: I had or I

4. Make these sentences into questions.

a. You‘re going to see it.
b. You‘re planning to do it.
c. You‘d like to see it.
d. You‘d rather go home.

Practice 2
When you have some free time, do you go away for day/weekend?
Use the prompts bellow to make questions with planning to, would
like or would rather, then ask two other people.
a. (plan/have) any days or weekends away in the near future. Who
(plan/go) with?
b. Which places near you home (like/visit) for the day?
c. Which other parts of your country (like/visit) for a few days?
d. For a weekend away, (rather/visit) the mountains, the seaside or
a city?
e. Which of these cities (rather/visit) for a long weekend:
Bandung, Bali or, Yogyakarta?
f. Which other cities /country (would/ like) visit one day?

Picture source:


Practice 3
a. Which of these are most important to you on holiday? Choose
two of them only.
Discuss these things in groups.
 the scenery  weather
 sightseeing and  shops
culture  who you go with
 the food  the entertainment
 distance  other (please specify and
 the accommodation explain)
 cost

Practice 4
Example of travel advice
 If you plan to go to mountain at this time, it‘s better to leave in
the morning because it‘s usually raining in the afternoon.
 You should wear a hat or cap if you visit Borobudur in the
afternoon. It is going to be very hot.
 You can take Batik Solo Trans it‘s cheaper than taxi and it‘s
quite convenient.

Giving Travel Advice
Your friend from other city is going to spend their holiday in the
city where you live (it can be Solo or your hometown) for two
days. What place would you suggest them to visit? What
transportation they should take? What things they should bring to
make their trip become more comfortable?


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