Yos Alonzo Practicas

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Your personality qualities

Your personal qualities and skills will, in effect determine your secretarial success. Because you are
to be assistant to an executive, your boss has a right to expect high standards, from you.
Developing a secretarial personality requires aiming very high and not settling for second-best.

The secretary makes her boss look good. This may to be a bit blunt, but its true. Every executive
wants his secretary to do her work so well that it reflects credit in him. She attends to all the
details of his office, makes sure that he doesn’t miss a meeting, gets out his rush job in a burst of
speed, organizes his “busy work” so that he is not bogged down, in short, she tries to make his
office a model of efficiency. It has often been said that a topnotch secretary can make a so-so
executive look good, but a poor secretary can make a top executive look bad indeed!

She is tactful. “By tat,” said one executive, “I don’t mean just being nice to people, though that’s
important, of course. I mean doing the right thing at the right time. It´s another be polite to a
caller, almost anyone can do that, but it´s another thing to give a caller satisfaction. In other
words, to see that he is helped in such a way that satisficed. A few days ago, one of our customers
in Akron called long distance to ask about a shipment that was help up, and he was a pretty upset.
I was not there, but he told me about it later. My secretary talked to him she didn’t have much
information to start with, but she got it in a hurry, called him back, and saved the day. He told me
that she was the soul of diplomacy and made him see, in a tactful way, that there was absolutely
nothing to worry about.” Yes, a secretary is caller upon every day to exercise tact in dealing with
other executives, customers, callers, and even her own boss!

She has a “Sense of anticipation.” It was said of a famous shortstop for a major-league baseball
team that he seemed to know exactly where the ball was going the minute it struck the bat.
En los últimos tiempos el tema de recursos humanos ha dado mucho que decir y se hay convertido
en un hecho polémico. Circulan en cuanto a su importancia y eficacia dentro de la empresa,
múltiples opiniones. La tendencia moderna nos dice que es importante y necesario. Muchos otros,
opinan que solamente significa un gasto para la empresa.

Muchos gerentes aun son partidarios de este concepto y por ello son sus enemigos totales. Otro
grupo lo crea, pero no le da importancia.

En Guatemala se ha tomado este Departamento como en encargado de cumplir con las

prestaciones laborales, velar por los salarios, efectuar la selección y reclutamiento de personal, así
como tratar de conseguir prestaciones adicionales para los empleados sin contribuir con el
mejoramiento de la empresa.

Para lograr que el recurso humano de una empresa sea productivo es necesario tomar en cuenta
varios elementos: Que los fines de ese departamento sean alcanzar la capacidad y la habilidad
necesarias para lograr que los empleados estén motivados

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