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Report Assignment 2



ATIK SUHROWATI (1406643066)






Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) is used to achieve an optimal energy

economization. HEN is a successful way to minimize energy consumption. HEN is a
system exchange of hot and cold streams to obtain a state where the minimum utility
required. HEN is widely used in processing industries to exchange heat energy among
several process streams with different supply temperature. By the use of HEN, a large
amount of utility costs such as the costs of steam and cooling water, as well as the
costs of heaters and coolers can be saved. In our plant, the stream is divided into two
streams; there are cold stream and hot stream. Cold stream need heating to raise the
supply temperature to specified target temperature, while the hot stream require
cooling to lower the supply temperature to desired target temperature. In our plant,
the hot stream is cooling process and the cold stream is heating process. Although the
streams can be listed, but to calculate the minimum temperature difference and
generate composite curve is not possible, because our process manufacturing is in
batch system and we just have 2 hot streams, so we can’t integrate the heat from
another stream. It means the heating and cooling system is executed step by step in
time space, so the process is separated from one to another unit because of the gap
time, while the condition is not supporting as well so that the heat integration can’t be
The electricity that used in our plant from equipment is 486.508 kWh per day
that contained electricity from conveyor, pressing, separation, drying process, mixing,
mature tank, reactor, adsorber and pump. Our plant is running in 3 batch for days
because the supplier couldn’t supply the raw material for 17,056 kg in one
delivery time. So, total of electricity that used in our plant is 160,547.475 kWh per
The total water utility in our plant is consisting of water utility for raw
material, cooling agent, and steam. Water as raw material used for main process
was washing, and the cooling was used in the final process to reduce the
temperature of the product. The cooling agent in this process is raw water that we
got from PDAM. The steam in this plant is used on cooking process. The water


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needed for each purpose are 0.833 m3/day of water for water washing unit, 0.008
m3/day of water for condenser unit, 0.376 m3/day of water for steam.
Generation steam will be occur in boiler unit, where the boiler used for
evaporate water to produce steam. Steam which is used for process produced from
boiler with combustion fuel. We choose boiler to produce steam in this plant,
because the process is running in batch system. Actually, unit operations in this
plant have unit operation that can generate heat, but, the residence time process
needs a long time to distribute other process. Water, which is used for generate
steam, used clean water source to prevent other compound enter the boiler which
is cause explosion. The total fuel needed from fish our plant is 33.56 kg LPG for
one batch peoduction.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... ii

LIST OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................. v
CHAPTER 1 ENERGY INTREGATION .......................................................... 6
1.1 Stream Classification .................................................................................... 6
1.2 Heat Exchanger Network .............................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 2 UTILITY ........................................................................................ 9
2.1 Electricity ...................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Water ........................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Water for Main Process ........................................................................ 11
2.3 Steam ........................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Fuel .............................................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION ............................................................................ 15
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 17


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Table 1. 1 Hot Stream in Fish Plant ....................................................................... 6

Table 2. 1 Total Electricity Requirement of Process Equipment per Batch ........... 9
Table 2. 2 Total Water Demand ........................................................................... 11
Table 2. 3 Total Water Demand for Main Process ............................................... 12
Table 2. 4 Steam Required in 1 Batch .................................................................. 12

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Heat Integration in a process is designed in order to reduce the cost for

utilization for fuel and energy utilities. Method used in order to design the heat
integration is the pinch technology. Pinch technology that will minimize the heat
will generate a heat exchanger network (HEN). Often, heat exchanger are
combined in a hear exchanger network to distribute the available hot streams in
the most effective way (Sinnott & Towler, 2009).
There are 3 heat exchanger in this plant with 2 heaters and 1 cooler. In
order to minimize the energy used, there are to basic step which are pinch
technology and heat exchanging network.

1.1 Stream Classification

There are several streams in fish oil plants, but only a few streams are
necessary to evaluate the heat transfer. Flow to be evaluated is divided into two
types, namely cold fluid and heat fluid. Cold fluid is the flow of heat that requires
utilities to heat flow towards the desired temperature. Meanwhile, hot fluid is a
flow that requires a cool utility to cool the flow towards the desired temperature.
The initial temperature (termed supply temperature), final temperature (termed
target temperature), and enthalpy change of both streams are given in table 1.1.

Table 1. 1 Hot Stream in Fish Plant

Stream Stream T in T out Cp Delta H
Type (kg/batch
In Out (⁰C) (⁰C) (kJ/kg.C) (kW)
18 19 200 40 Hot 1.76 2.57 32.85
20 21 200 40 Hot 1.11 5.62 113.71

Through table 1.1. we can define that our plants has 2 hot streams. Q value
as specific heat of measured substances in each streams is resulted from general

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Enthalpy associated with a stream passing through the exchanger is given

by First Law Thermodynamics;
In heat exchanger, no mechanical work is being performed:
The above equation simplifies to:

1.2 Heat Exchanger Network

Heat exchanger network is needed to optimize and to determine of utilities
system that would be used in this plant. HEN is used to decrease the using of
unnecessary utilities since heat of fluid can be used in purpose to replace utilities.
An overall goal of using the available energy sources in the most efficient way
can be satisfied by optimal heat recovery from different parts of a given process
(Zhang et al., 2011).
Good heat recovery from a given process can be achieved through
effective use of heat exchangers. Often, heat exchangers are combined in a heat
exchanger network to distribute the available hot streams effectively. Now that we
have the system requirements, we turn our attention to heat-exchanger network
design and explain how to construct a network that will accomplish the necessary
heat transfer and satisfy the stream data using the least amount of heating and
cooling utilities and the fewest number of heat exchanger units.
To analyze HEN, we use Heat Recovery Pinch Method. The pinch
analysis is done in 3 basic steps, which are:
1. Composite curve making
2. Problem table algorithm
3. Heat recovery pinch
4. Threshold problem
The term ‘pinch’ was introduced by Linnhoff and Vredeveld to represent a
new set of thermodynamically based methods that guarantee minimum energy
levels in design of heat exchanger networks. The best design for an energy-

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efficient heat exchanger network will result in a tradeoff between the energy
recovered and the capital costs involved in this energy recovery. The success of
pinch technology has led to more inclusive ideas of process integration in which
chemical processes are examined for both mass and energy efficiency.
The first step of making pinch methods is calculating the minimum
temperature difference. The calculation of the minimum temperature differences
is not possible to calculate for this plant. This is because fish oil process is in a
batch step, which means the heating and cooling system is executed step by step
in time space. And we can see from the stream classification, we just have 2 hot
streams, so we can’t integrate the heat from another stream.
The conclusion taken from this analysis is that since out fish oil plant
happens in a batch condition, with a big time difference between each heat
exchanging process and also the temperature maximum and minimum limit is
quite the same, we decided that our plant condition does not support the use of
heat integration and the final process utilize 2 heat exchanger with the help of 1

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2.1 Electricity
In general, electricity is needed in our factory is divided into two sources,
included electricity for process of producing fish oil. Here are the data of
electricity needed in the process units which use an electrcity at our plant per day,
sums up in the table.

Table 2. 1 Total Electricity Requirement of Process Equipment per Day

Time Power
No Equipment Code Quantity Required
per (kW)
day (h)

1 Screw Conveyor Y-100 1 1.5 1.5 2,25

2 Belt Conveyor Y-101 1 0.5 2 1

3 Twin Screw Press F-100 1 0.5 2.2 1,1

4 Belt Conveyor Y-102 1 0.5 1.5 0,75

5 Decanter Separation F-101 1 1.5 13 19,5

6 Tray Drier E-100 1 6 45 270

7 Mixer M-100 1 0.5 5.5 2,75

8 CSTR tank R-100 1 1 11.5 11,5

9 Mixer M-101 1 0.5 5.5 2,75

10 Mature Tank 1 24 3 72

11 CSTR tank R-101 1 1.5 2 3

12 Disk Stack Cetrifuge F-103 1 1.5 4 6

13 Heater 2 6 12 72

14 Pump P-100 1 1.25 3.3 4.125

15 Pump P-101 1 1.25 2.4 3

16 Pump P-102 1 1.25 2.25 2.8125

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Table 2. 1 Total Electricity Requirement of Process Equipment per Batch (continued)

Time Power
No Equipment Code Quantity per Required
day (kWh)

17 Pump P-103 1 1.25 2.25 2.8125

18 Pump P-104 1 1.25 2.25 2.8125

19 Pump P-105 1 1.25 2.25 2.8125

20 Pump P-106 1 1.25 2.25 2.8125

21 Pump P-107 1 0.1 2.25 0.225

22 Pump P-108 1 0.1 1.65 0.165

23 Pump P-109 1 0.1 1.65 0.165

24 Pump P-110 1 0.1 1.65 0.165

TOTAL 24 126.85 486.508

Based on table 2.1 we have electricity requirement for a day is 486.508

and we assume that our plant running for 330 days in a year. Thus we can
calculate the electricity needs for the purposes of process and utilities annually
using the following equation.

Electricity from PLN for industries with price 1,457.72 IDR/ kWh. Needs
of electricity per day for equipment is

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2.2 Water
Water which used in this plant is divided based on needs, namely water as
raw material, cooling agent, and steam. Water as raw material used for main
process was washing, and the cooling was used in the final process to reduce the
temperature of the product. The cooling agent in this process is raw water that we
got from PDAM. The steam in this plant is used on cooking process and also
deodorization. The total water that we need can be seen in table 2.2.

Table 2. 2 Total Water Demand

Process Volume (m3)

Water Washing 0.833
Condenser 0.008
Steam 0.376
Total 1.217

The description for each process will be discussed in this chapter. The cost
for water utility can be seen in the calculation below.

2.2.1 Water for Main Process

Water in this plant is used in water washing process and also in
deodorization process. Water in washing process is used to remove the soaps from
alkali refining process and also the gum from degumming process. The quantity
of water that we used in this process is 841,155 kg/batch or 0.841 m3. Other
process needs cooling water to cooling the fish oil and impurities from evaporator.
The temperature of output from evaporator is too high, so the condenser is needed
to reduce its temperature, 40oC. This process is needed before the fish oil is being
stored. We can see the total water that we used for main process from table 2.3.

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Table 2. 3 Total Water Demand for Main Process

Process Mass (kg/batch)

Water Washing 833.33
Condenser 7.821
Total 841.155

2.3 Steam
Steam utility is a plant used for making heating agent in cooker and
deodorization. Steam which is used for process produced from boiler with
combustion fuel. We choose boiler to produce steam in this plant, because the
process is running in batch system. Actually, unit operation in this plant have unit
operation that can generate heat, but, the residence time process needs a long time
to distribute other process. Water, which is used for generate steam, used clean
water source to prevent other compound enter the boiler which is cause explosion.
Generation steam will be occur in boiler unit, where the boiler used for evaporate
water to produce steam. The steam required in this plant, based on 1 batch system,
can be seen in table 2.4.

Table 2. 4 Steam Required in 1 Batch

Q mass
(kW/batch) Time (kg/batch)
Cooking 1315398.275 1200 353.65
Dedorization (Top
product) 2893.16 7200 7
(Bottom Product) 6317.92 7200 15.28

From the table 2.4, we can calculate the amount of water required in one
batch of process. The calculation used for require water is based on

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So we get that the water needed for indirect cooking and also
deodorization is 375.93 kg/batch.
Assumption that we used is temperature of steam out is the same with the
temperature of the out process. For more information, the condition of the steam
- Cooking
Cpsteam= 1.968 kJ/kgoC
T1 (stream)= 15.5oC
T2 (stream)= 90oC
Assumption for steam temperature t1= 152 oC and t2= 45 oC

2.4 Fuel
Fuel needed to make steam which is used as a heater in heat exchanger. To
increase the temperature of several steams in the process, we need steam that is
generated from boiler unit. The stream generation is derived from combustion of
fuel. The fuel used for heating the water become steam is by using gas. The
assumption for the boiler is that the energy needed in the steam generation process
is equal to Boiler Thermal Output (BTO). Another assumption are:
- Basis operation = 1 batch (3 hours)
- Boiler efficiency = 75% (based on Rule of Thumb)
- The Net Heating Value for gas = 46100 kJ/kg
The data for calculation are:
- Cp Water = 1,968 kJ/kg.oC (Assumed constant in every temperature)
- Latent heat of water = 40,65 kJ/mol= 2260 kJ/kg
The calculation of fuel needed for this process is described below:
1. Calculation of BTO (Boiler Thermal Output or energy to generate steam)

(( ) ( ))

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2. Calculate the mass of fuel

So, the mass of gas needed is 33.56 kg for one batch production. The type
of gas used is LPG that contain butane and propane, and the supply for LPG in
Indonesia is abundant. After calculate the mass of the gas, we can calculate the
cost of the fuel.

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After the explanation in the chapters before, we can conclude some points
1. There are 2 hot streams of our Fish Oil Plant.
2. Our plant cannot execute HEN because our fish oil plant happens in a batch
condition, with a big time difference between each heat exchanging process
and also the temperature maximum and minimum limit is quite the same.
3. The total electricity needed is 189.17 kWh/batch.
4. The total water utility in our plant consists of raw material, cooling agent, and
5. The water needed for each purpose are : 0.833 m3/day of water for water
washing unit, 0.008 m3/day of water for condenser unit, 0.376 m3/day of water
for steam.
6. Fuel needed to generate the steam boiler is that the energy needed in the steam
generation process is equal to Boiler Thermal Output (BTO). Total fuel needed
from fish oil plant is 33.56 kg LPG for one batch peoduction.

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Kern, Donald Q. (1965). Process Heat Transfer. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

McCabe, Warren et al. (1993). Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering 5th Ed.
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Perry, Robert H. and Green, Don W. (1997). Chemical Engineering Handbook 7th
Ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Seider, W., Seader, J., Lewin, D., Widagdo, S. (2010). Product and Process
Design Principles. Synthesis, Analysis and Evaluation. 3rd Ed. John Wiley
& Sons.
Smith, Robin. 2005. Chemical Process Design and Integration. England: McGraw

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