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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Centro Industrial y Desarrollo Empresarial

Comunicación en Inglés
Química aplicada a la industria
1. Match the following expressions with their images
Single neck flat bottom flask 1 analytical balance 30
Erlenmeyer flask 3 Buchner funnel 12
Graduated cylinder 8 Crucible 11
Filtering flask 5 Mortar and pestle 13
Three neck round bottom flask 2 pH sticks 18
Beaker 6 burette (buret) 7
Round bottom boiling flask 4 oven 29
Separatory funnel 9 tongs 21
Test tube 25 stand 14
pH meter 17 bath 19
buffers 16 pH
watch glass 20 ring 15
condenser 10 Buchner flask
petri dish 22 Pipette 26
volumetric flask 27 Funnel 24
vial 23 Filter paper 28

Laura Lizeth Gómez paez

Química aplicada a la industria
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje
Centro Industrial y Desarrollo Empresarial
Comunicación en Inglés
Química aplicada a la industria


Alchemy is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Its practitioners mainly
sought to turn lead into gold, a quest that has captured the imaginations of people for
thousands of years. However, the goals of alchemy went far beyond simply creating some
golden nuggets.
Alchemy was rooted in a complex spiritual worldview in which everything around us
contains a sort of universal spirit, and metals were believed not only to be alive but also to
grow inside the Earth. When a base, or common, metal such as lead was found, it was
thought to simply be a spiritually and physically immature form of higher metals such as
gold. To the alchemists, metals were not the unique substances that populate the Periodic
Table, but instead the same thing in different stages of development or refinement on their
way to spiritual perfection.

The alchemy and the science differ in multitude of fields and processes of investigation and
experimentation, nevertheless it is curious to observe how, historically, the first one was
identifying with the second one and even there is argued that one was the precursor of
other one. The alchemy is a practice called protocientífica, at the same time as a doctrine of
philosophical cut. It combines different knowledge considered scientific as the medicine, the
physics, the chemistry or the metallurgy with others less recognized as the astrology, the
spiritualism, the mysticism and even the art. Both most famous legends related to the
alchemy are based on the search of the stone filosofal or on the transformation of lead on
The science, for your part, is the knowledge obtained across the observation and
experimentation, being based on certain laws, reasonings or, definitively, processes of
investigation. On there having no been a solid base on the one that to settle itself, multitude
of fields included by the alchemy they are rejected by the science as the spiritualism or the
mysticism. This does not want to say that many men dedicated to her should not use own
processes of the science. Robert Boyle, for example, is considered to be one of the most
influential persons in the development of the chemistry.

Laura Lizeth Gómez paez

Química aplicada a la industria
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje
Centro Industrial y Desarrollo Empresarial
Comunicación en Inglés
Química aplicada a la industria

The alchemist of michael scott

Alberto Magno, friar German Dominico whom his companions were calling the Universal
Doctor for the knowledge that the same Bacón was possessing, in fact, was considering it to
be an authority. His knowledge was including the astronomy, physics, geography and,
certainly, alchemy.

 Medieval: Of the Middle Ages or that has relation with this historical period.
 Elements: medium or place where being lives (earth, air, fire and water)
 Precious metals: A precious metal is a valuable metal such as gold or silver.
 To cure: To make eliminate a disease, a wound or a physical hurt to a person, an
animal or an organism.
 Prolong: do that a thing lasts more time.
 Substance: Any material that possesses physical properties is called a substance. The
word also refers to the gist or main idea of something. If you remember the main
point of a lesson, you've got the substance.
 Cliché: a trite, stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a
popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact
by long overuse, as sadder but wiser, or strong as an ox.
 Seeking to: buscando

Laura Lizeth Gómez paez

Química aplicada a la industria
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje
Centro Industrial y Desarrollo Empresarial
Comunicación en Inglés
Química aplicada a la industria

Laura Lizeth Gómez paez

Química aplicada a la industria

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