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Travel expense management

After New SWITCH TEM implementation the master data of the employee will be moved from
HCM to PI and PI to FACT.
The over view of the process can see as below.

The Functional spec is a description of the global HR mini master interface from HCM system
(Group HR SAP system).

The interface will trigger from the HCM system and send changes to the HR mini master to
FACT. The SAP standard iDoc for HR mini master will be used both on the Outbound and the
Inbound interface.

This is an IDOC to IDOC interface. Inbound IDOC from HCM to PI is basis type HRMD_ABA05.
Outbound from PI to SWITCH is basis type HRMD_A07.
The interface will run on the basis of Personnel areas in HCM. A mapping of these to FACT is
hence required. Whenever an HR mini master is changed within one of these Personnel areas
then an iDoc is triggered and send to FACT.

The mapping table between the HCM Personnel areas and FACT Personnel areas take place
inside FACT in the code domain table ZZLTM_CODEMAPS (transaction: ZLTM_EDIT). Code
domain is in PI.
TEM Code Domain requirement.

As per the country requirement BPO will provide you the code domine mapping template

Copy of HCM
lookup Table Template (2).xlsx
The transaction code: ZLTM_EDIT is used to maintain the Code domains for the HCM interface. There
are three Code domains:

When a Code domain value is maintained is it important that all values are maintained correct.
Otherwise the subscription will not work or lead to table inconsistencies.

The Code domain consists of two data sets:

a) From value
b) To Value

The ‘From value’ is the actual subscription. It consists of one or two values. The first value is the HCM
Personnel area and the second value is the HCM Personnel Sub area. The Personnel area is straight
forward i.e. if the value exists then the PA record is passed on.

The second value (Sub area) is used for special cases like China and India where HCM only has one
company code (and personnel area) where as TEM has many company codes (personnel areas).

The sub area is used to define the city in HCM. It is therefore useful to determine the company code in
TEM for China.

NOTE: It is important that all combinations of Personnel area and Personnel sub area are maintained
otherwise will a missing entry e.g. for a city mean that the data will not be passed on.

Note:-Once you entered in to that tcode the status of the code domine must be in deployed status.

Once you created the code domine table mapping then you Release the Code domain
Once released the mapping you have to approve it through the t-code ZLTM_APPROVE

Like wise you have to maintain the payment method and Org management.

This will send an idoc to PO to update the table. A confirmation idoc is returned from PO once the table
has been updated. If the Idoc getting success then the master data will be interface to FACT.

You can find the data in PRMD.

In switch TEM, NWBC was implimented to create the trip.

Roles requirement.

The traveler/Line manger/Travel assistant/Finance manager must have the below roles,
. If user have the above roles the NWBC will display like this.

Traveler must create the trip in NWBC only ,

Then click on enter receipts.

Save and sent for approval.
Once traveler submited the trip then the workitem will be appear in in line manager inbox. Please note
that, to flow the work item to his manger inbox, First you have to make sure that the manager duly
mapped to traleler as a manager (This mapping will be interface from HCM).
Then in background PREC tcode will be run and this will make change gether all “to be settled” status
trips in to settled status.

Then in Back end PRFI tcode will be run through a batch job this will make change all settled trips, in to
Transferred to FI status by a posting run.
Then in back end PRRW will be run to post and generate the document in to FI.

Select 18405 and post it.

With FI document no .

Journal entries,

Bank Advance:

Advance Travel Expenses A/c Dr and Vendor A/c Cr

At the time of posting Expenses:

Expenses a/c Dr

To Vendor a/c

To Advance Travel Expenses A/c Dr

Cash Advance:

Vendor A/c Dr and TEM Cash Advance A/c Cr

At the time of posting Expenses:

Expenses A/c Dr and Vendor A/c Cr

Substitute mapping: Actually this is not uner the sope of CCC this has to done by user, Incase if he is
unable to do that CCC needs to support it.

Go to tcode zpowl_subs

The personalization is used by NWBC to define which Expense reports that should be routed to an

1) Transaction: FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_S Individual Processing of Pers. Data

This transaction code is used to maintain the personalization for one user at a time.
NOTE: The Dialog should be set to: DIA_CO_CCA_TR
The default setting for all users should be set to:

Selection by: ‘H’

View: ‘A_DIR’

This will link all direct reports of a person in the HR hierarchy to the manager (approver) in NWBC.

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