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Name: Adnan Asghar

Reg no: SP18-BBA-109

Section: C

Importance of pre purchase stage for developing organization marketing


Pre purchase stage: To be successful organization require to focusing on the pre purchase
stage because it is the customer purchase decision because customer collects information about the the
organization through different sectors.

1. Organization require to understand the customer needs and wants then set their pre purchase stage
because It increase the sales of the organization and create a brand image.
2. This is but one example of why it's important not only to find ways to effectively communicate
product features, advantages, and benefits, but also to document and measure whether the
customer experienced them. This information can then be connected with next-step behavior.
3. As an association promoting system is to understanding the client need that have a tremendous
effect on the client.
4. Give them that data that are helpful and client can without much of a stretch settle on choice
about the item. Give interior and outside assets data about the items. It can't disappear client to
another other option.
5. Through the use of interactive product experiences at a variety of offline venues, customers can
learn about products while manufacturers and sales channels can capture customer behavior data.
These digital environments have the dual advantages of improving the customer experience while
also providing the means to gain insight into real customer needs.
6. If it were possible to learn about what products customers looked at, what features interested
them, and what parameters were important in their decision-making process, we would know a
great deal more about which products to offer, how to market and merchandise them to improve
conversion, and how to build customer experiences that resonate with the buyers' wants and

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