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Group Members: Muhammad Zaheer Bangash (SP18-BBA-079)

Arslan Mustafa (SP18-BBA-092)

Adnan Asghar (SP18-BBA-109)
Section: C
Subject: Research tools and techniques
Submitted to: Dr. Basharat Naeem
Topic: What Lessons World Learnt from How Chinese
Responded effectively containing Novel Coronavirus.
At the end of the 2019 some government health officials of China informed World
Health Organizations of a new kind of illness that is spreading quickly throughout
the city of Wuhan in China. They later informed in February this year that this was
a virus and it was causing pneumonia-like illness. Then it was quickly determined
that it was coronavirus. The WHO declared that the virus is a pandemic.
How was China effected
According to BBC news “the origins of the coronavirus have been linked to
illegally traded wildlife at the seafood market in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province,
where the outbreak began. The exact source has not yet been identified.”
The virus originated from china so obviously it was the first country to suffer from
it. China was hit hard by the virus. Below are some of the latest statistics that are
up to this date:
DEATHS: 3,248
Health sector of china is dealing with it. They are spreading awareness in people to
maintain cleanliness and distance from each other.
China was also effected economically by the virus. Following is the report by
China's economy was devastated by the novel coronavirus outbreak in the first two
months of the year, according to data published Monday, and analysts say the
nightmare is far from over.
 Retail sales plunged 20.5% during January and February over the same
period in 2019, industrial output was down 13.5%, and fixed asset
investment fell by nearly 25%, according to the National Bureau of
Statistics. All three data points were much weaker than analysts were
expecting, and the decline in industrial production was the sharpest
contraction on record.
 China's unemployment rate has shot higher, up to 6.3% in February from
5.2% in December.
How has China reacted to the pandemic virus
China has set an example for other countries in how to contain and eliminate the
virus. They proved themselves in industrial and business field but this time they
Ihave proved how good they are administratively.
They took quick steps to control the novel coronavirus.
1. Built Hospital in just 10 days.
2. Made isolation wards.
3. Spread awareness in the people.
4. The government didn’t let the hopes of people go down.
5. Use modern IT technology and put it to good use.
6. Implemented the preventive measures.
The spreading rate of the virus was faster initially but as soon as the government
took above mentioned steps it has slowed down significantly.
According to latest report by BBC news Government and regional officials have
imposed tight restrictions in a bid to reduce infections, including cancelling flights,
closing schools and workplaces and ordering some cities to go into lockdown.
ring some cities to go into lockdown.
Now as this Pandemic Virus has become a global issue every country should take
notice of how effectively has china been dealing with this problem. Studying
China’s reaction will help other countries to learn what they need to do to stop the
corona virus.
There are following points that we learned from china;
Accurate Identification and detection system with the good speed
China identify the unknown virus with in a weak, china speedly response of these
virus and reported to the world health organization(WHO).
In comparison of SARS to identify HIV and sequenced in 2003, few years in the
case of HIV in the 1980s.
One of the major problem is that to identify this virus with accurate,reliable and
fast detection system to identify infected and non infected peoples.When these
virus outbreak in wuhan, there were no test equipment and it was very costly
method.It require saveral laboraties and labour intensive.National Medical
Products Administration of China took immediate action to speed up the work of
biotech companies to develop detection kits or equipment. The first kit was
introduced on 13 January, with a sufficient supply available two weeks later.
There is a problem for scientist to identify genetic sequence of virus and develop
Make the good or right decison at the right time, right people for the right
The experience in China reinforced the importance of listening to science and
public health experts during pandemic events. And overreacting is better than not
China’s is always systematic and proactive risk management,they are collaboration
between government official and health experts, China proven that they are
capable for to control COVD-19.China releases the clinical data related to the virus
and WHO helped other country to control these disease. For example, analysing
more than 40,000 cases in China, we know 80% of COVID-19 infected patients
won’t need medical intervention, while 20% would need medical treatment and
Here are following points that we learned from Hangzhou’s work to control the
spread of COVID-19:
1)Provide clear Instruction about the method and scope of lockdowns.
2)Track implementation to communities,individual,houses,public facilities and
3)Provide food and other basic things to the people with the help of government
4)Designate infectious disease care and management facilities to isolate, monitor
and treat positive cases.
6)Establish channels that provide information to the public.
Big data and information technology is important to avoiding the spread of
Business and organization have been allowed to reopen to employees. There are
following points that are implemented,
1) Businesses and organization open on the bases of following policies or
piriorities.For example health care related facilities screening machine and other
basic facilities.
2) Health QR codes were established for everyone in the city and everyone who
entered the city. The green code allows you to move freely. The yellow code
requires a seven-day self-quarantine. The red code requires a 14-day self-
quarantine. The yellow and red codes can be turned green after the quarantine time.
This health surveillance system has been applied in most cities in Zhejiang
Province, and will be implemented in other provinces.
3) Each individual must monitor and record their temperature and update their
profile daily in order to maintain their health status level.
4) The health database is closely monitored by Hangzhou’s Center for Disease
Control and Prevention.
5) Proactively create clarity and security for employees.
6) Rapidly innovate around new needs.
Here are graph that shows different sectors recover it
Sectors and product groups recover at different speeds, thus requiring distinct
approaches. Stock prices fell across all sectors in the first two weeks that China’s
epidemic accelerated, but leading sectors, such as software and services, and
healthcare equipment and services, recovered within a few days and have since
increased by an average of 12%. The bulk of sectors recovered more slowly but
reached prior levels within a few weeks. And the hardest-hit sectors — such as
transportation, retail and energy, representing 28% of market capitalization for
China’s largest stocks — are still down by at least 5% and showing only minimal
signs of recovery.

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