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Columban College, Inc., Olongapo City, Philippines

After, the said approval the
Abstract researchers choose their participants and
give them an informed consent wherein
Social media influencers (SMIs) are signed by their guardians and parents. The
independent third party endorsers who use participants of the said study, was composed
social media networks to shape his or her of four (4) students, and one (1) teacher.
audiences. This research aims to known the
impacts and influence of social media After, the said interview the
influencers on the decision making of the researchers found out that SMIs gives a lot
youth. This study aims to know the main of life lessons, motivation and advices that
reasons why does people rely their decision could generate and apply to our lives. In
making to their favorite SMIs, and to addition, the researchers also found out that
understand the positive and negative impacts SMIs are both having a good and bad
and consequences of SMIs to the youth impacts and consequences in dealing with
decision making. the decision making of the youth.

The researchers use the research Overall the researchers found out
design phenomenology which refers to the that SMIs nowadays is very influential in
life based experiences of the participants. In influencing the people especially the youth
addition, the researchers use the sampling in terms of their decision making. In
technique purposive sampling wherein they addition, the researchers also found out that
choose their participants based on inclusion social media and its users has a capability to
criteria of the said research. Furthermore, to influence and rely themselves on others
gathered and conducted an interview the especially when it comes to dealing with
researchers asked a letter of approval to the their decision making.
Senior High School principal as well as to
Keywords: SMIs, Decision Making,
our researcher adviser and coordinator.
Influence, Impacts, Youth.
INTRODUCTION powerful tool that can persuade followers to
follow specific influencers and buy a certain
Nowadays, social media is the product they are endorsing (Jaakonmäki et
primary tools of communication and al., 2017). This agrees in the social learning
interaction that helps to develop relationship theory of Bandura, that Electronic Word of
in one another. According to (Boyd et. al, Mouth E-WOM encourages consumers to
2008) social media is a websites which share their opinions with other consumers.
allow profile creation and visibility of Word of mouth is known to be one of the
relationship between users. Due to this, most credible and trusted sources of
relationship they develop an interaction that marketing.
resulting in influencing one another that According to the Nielson Global
leads into the rise of what we called social Trust in Advertising Survey, 92% of the
media influencers. Social media influencers consumers worldwide trust electronic word-
(SMIs) as stated by Burke (2017) is of-mouth (E-WOM) of SMIs
independent third party endorsers who use recommendations more than any other
social media networks to shape and advertising form. In addition, it is also agree
influences his or her audiences. that E-WOM has a quicker access to social
According to the statistic conducted media influencers in manipulating and
by MuseFind (2016) it shows that 92% of influencing the desired decision of their
consumers trust an influencer more than an followers. As stated by (Chukwuere et. al,
advertisement or traditional celebrity 2017) another reason why SMIs influences
endorsement. Furthermore, it also shows in the daily lives of people it is because of the
the statistic conducted by Forbes, it shows use of social media platforms such as
that shown that 78% of consumers’ facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube and
purchases are impacted by companies social other social networking sites. In addition, it
media posts. In the statistic conducted by affirms in the report of Aimia, that shows
Twitter (2016), it shows that 40% of 31% of consumers said that they’re using
respondents have made a purchase after social media to browse for new items to buy
seeing it used by an influencer, because of of. According to the statistics by ION
their fame and popularity. published on Forbes, it shows that around
On the other hand, according to 71% of consumers are more likely to make a
Gashi (2017) electronic words of mouth or purchase based on a social media reference.
E-WOM are a reason why people especially As stated by (Lim et. al, 2017) some
the followers suddenly purchasing and of the positive impacts of SMIs are more
making their own decisions. Gashi (20170 credible, inspiration, trustworthy and
added that the E-WOM of SMIs are knowledgeable due to their amiability with
considered more reliable in comparison to its consumers. It was agrees based on
the information generated by companies Laroche et al. (1996) that influencers can
themselves. The electronic word-of-mouth alter consumer or followers preferences in
(E-WOM) of SMIs, is considered as a different fields and inevitably create a sense
of willingness-to-purchase. It also gives an
opportunity to have a closer connection, life be seen as a reason of diverse influences and
advices, inspiration and relationship to one impact to individual. In addition, this can
specific influencer as stated by (Hsu et. al, result into developing anxieties about the
2013). According to (Khalid et. al, 2018) solitary nature of media that creates and
one of the good influence of SMIs in youth affects the loss of community’s traditions
is it help them to driven their personal and values. This affirms in the study of
motivation to reach their self-fulfillment. (Booth and Matic 2011) that social media
According to (Laroche et. al, 2012) influencers are now an influential
increasing connection, increase information powerhouse of “somebodies” who hold
sharing and lessons, and positively “immense growth and increasing power in
influencing relationships are the positive manipulating once decisions”
impacts of SMIs. Aside, from being According to Vero (2017) 74% are
trustworthy of social media influencers, it more likely to trust a specific brand if social
also help to increasing connection, media influencers are talking about it on
information and positively influencing their social media platforms or channels.
relationships as stated by Houser (2016). According to the conducted statistic, 94 %
One of the good qualities and impacts of of Millennial and 96 % of Generation Z
SMIs according to the research of Fadhila consumed contents from influencers at least
(2018) are make them informed and once per week. In addition, Thai Millennial
deliberates purchasing decisions. According and Generation Z place a lot of trust in
to Lucy Hart, head of influence and social media influencers, nearly as much as
advocacy at Mischief PR, she explains the their family and friends. According to
reason consumers are drawn to SMIs, Hubspot data, 71% of people are more likely
because consumers or followers feel as to make a purchase online if the product or
though they are friends who gives service comes recommended by others. Hall
inspiration and motivation from these (2017) clearly stated that the advancement
influencers. In addition, according to of the internet helped social media
(Boateng and Okoe, 2015) that SMIs have influencers intensify the connectivity
been proven to have a great impact on between consumers and empower them to
purchase decisions of consumers as they, make informed, deliberate and influence
due to curiosity, easily embrace information their purchasing decisions.
other content that come from reliable In the Philippines, Serrano (2019)
sources. said that the more followers you have the
Besides of its positive consequences, more you become influential in terms of
some of the negative consequences of social perceiving and convincing your followers in
media influencers as stated by Njoroge their decision-making. He added that as a
(2013) are that influencers can be the social media influencer you must credible
authorities of the internet because they can not just because you know what you are
control, influence and manipulate its talking about, but also you need to walk
follower and audiences decisions. According with your talk. Gosingtian (2016) states that
to (Livingstone et. al, 2005) influencers can being influencers needs a sense of aesthetics
so that you can persuade and interconnect influencers in the decision making of the
with your followers and being a social youth using qualitative approach.
media influencer you must listen and learn The main purpose of this research is
to deceive your followers purchasing to analyze and to discuss what are the
decision. consequences or impact of social media
The researches in all areas reflect a influencers in the life of youth and how they
certain ideas about the influence of social influence the decision making of them.
media influencers (SMIs) in terms of This research, aims to find an answer
decision-making of youth nowadays. Based the following questions on (1) why most of
on the following researches it can observe the youth rely their decisions to their
the different and diverse impacts of SMIs in favorite social media influencers SMIs?, (2)
the youth decision making. In Global What are the reasons why SMIs influence
Situational Analysis, it’s elaborated the youth in their decision- making?, (3) What
positive and negative consequences and are the positive and negative consequences
impacts of SMIs to the youth. It also stated of social media influencers SMIs in our
that E-WOM has a greater instrument to daily life? (4) How do social media
persuade the youth decisions. Furthermore, influencers SMIs influences the perspective
the over use of social media has a great of the youth? and (5) How does social media
mechanism to dictate ones person decision. influencers SMIs affects the decisions made
While in Asian Situational Analysis, it is by youth in daily life?
clearly showed that SMIs has great impact
between Generation Z and Millennial
nowadays. In addition, it also discuss that
Framework of the Study
SMIs empowered the youth to informed.
Social media is consists of several
Lastly, in Local Situational Analysis, it
online-based platforms that allow consumers
discuss the aesthetics of being social media
to search for, interact with and share
influencers and it also discuss that SMIs
information about anything and everything
need to learn to persuade the decisions of
as stated by (Alves, et. al, 2016). Based on
their followers. Besides, it can be observe
the research, the large amounts of content
that it is very relevant issue and common
that is shared on social media have had a
problems in different analysis in Global,
significant impact on the behavior and the
Asian and Local.
purchase decisions of consumers. However,
Based on overall different
according to (Kembau et. al, 2014) within
researches, the researchers showed some of
the social media platforms some groups of
studies don’t elaborate and clearly states
people have been deemed to be more
what are social media influencers (SMIs)
influential than others, now pertaining as the
are, and how it influence the youth in
social media influencers.
purchasing and making decisions. This
According to (Uzunoǧlu et. al,
research, will address the gaps in knowledge
2014), social media influencers (SIMs) are
by searching the impacts of social media
referred as a third-party individual with high
social status and strong social influence. (called “the frame”) influences the choices,
Forbes (2016) claims that a social media decisions and perception of the people that
influencer (SMI) can shape the attitudes, makes about how to process that
opinions, actions as well as purchase information.
decisions of its followers.
The author also explains that this is SOCIAL MEDIA
due to their influential power and their
ability to participate in conversations and
interactions with their followers. Social
media influencers are also known to have
the ability to master the E-WoM, which has
been found to have a great impact on the SOCIALMEDIA INFLUENCERS
purchase decisions of consumers (Freberg et (SMIS)
al, 2010).
There are three supporting and
existing theories that can help in defining
the influence of social media and influencers
in terms of decision-making, communicating
and interacting with different social media MOUTH (E-WOM)
platforms. It also discussed how powerful
social media is it, in influencing media,
audiences and people whom using it.
The first theory is the two-step flows
theory proposed by (Lazarsfeld et. al, 1944).
This theory, suggests that the flow of INFLUENCE
information and influence from the mass
media to their audiences involves two steps,
the first one is from the media (opinion
leaders) to certain individuals and from that THEORIES
individual to the public.
The second theory was proposed by
Marshall McLuhan in 1964 is the media
ecology theory, which refers into how media MEDIA FRAMING
of communication affects human perception, ECOLOGY THEORY
understanding, feeling, value, and decision- THEORY Gregory
making. Marshall
Objective of the StudyBateson
Research Questions/McLuhan
And the last theory is the framing THEORY (1972)
theory positing by Gregory Bateson in 1972, (Lazarsfeld et.
Research Questions
al, 1944)
it explain that framing as a theory of mass The main focus of this research is to
communication, suggests that how find out how does social media influencers
something is presented to the audience Figure 1: Theoretical Framework of the study.
(SMIs) influences the decision-making of
the youth and what are positive and negative The research design and methodology of
consequences that influencing them. This this research is phenomenology. According
research specifies, to answer the following to (Crotty, 1998) phenomenology research
questions: is a descriptive research focuses on seeking
1. Why most of the youth rely their realities not pursuing truth, it is in the form
decisions to their favorite social media of manifestation of phenomena as it is in the
influencers SMIs? form of life world made of interconnected,
2. What are the reasons why SMIs influence lived experiences subjectively. As stated by
youth in their decision- making? (Bozzi et. al, 1990) phenomenology is a way
3. What are the positive and negative of thinking about knowledge in a
consequences or impacts of social media philosophical and theoretical viewpoint on
influencers SMIs in our daily life? how do we know what we know. In
4. How do social media influencers SMIs addition it is a methodological space within
influences the perspective of the youth? the social science research to study human
5. How does social media influencers SMIs phenomena at a deeper level of conscious to
affects the decisions made by youth in daily understand lived experiences just like
life? research data collection, interviews,
discussions, participant observations and
action research. Phenomenology is a way of
Research Objectives thinking about what life experiences are like
for people as stated by (Powers & Knapp,
The main objectives of this research are:
1995) and is primarily concerned with
interpreting the meaning of these
1. To discover what is the main reasons
experiences. Phenomenological research
why does the social media
“explores the humanness of a being in the
influencers can influence the
world” (Bergum et. al, 1991). In addition, as
decision making of the youth.
stated by (Van Manen, 1984).
2. To understand the impacts of SMIs
Phenomenological research is an
to the youth decision making.
introspective human science, the intent of
3. To discover and to know what are
which is to interpret and to understand as
the both positive and negative
opposed to observing, measuring,
impacts and consequences of SMIs
explaining, and predicting.
in the youth’s decision making.

B. Participants
The participants of the study are
composed of 3 female students and 1 male
student and 1 teacher who were selected
using purposive sampling. They were
A. Research Design
chosen according to the criteria (1) they are
usually exposed and actively users of social In addition, the participants were asked
media applications such as youtube, on their views regarding their experience as
facebook, twitter and instagram which neither a follower nor viewers of social
commonly social media influencers are media influencers. The said, interview was
exist. (2) they are usually open and exposed successfully conducted accordingly to the
in watching different blogs that being researcher’s expectations and knowledge.
uploaded by their favorite idols in their
social media applications. (3) They are RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
students and teacher of Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS) of Columban
College Inc. (4) they are all youth (5) they This research, will primary focuses on
have a strong presence of social the impacts and how does SMIs influence the
characteristic and personality that same with decision making of the youth nowadays. With
their idolize influencers. connection, the participants of the research
were selected and chosen through the use of
C. Data Gathering Procedure sampling technique purposive sampling. In
addition, to gather the results, the
The researchers asked approval to the researchers conducted an interview to the 5
Senior High School principal Dr. Segundo selected participants and asked questions and
C. Redondo Jr. and to Ms. Geraldine S. follow up questions regarding their
perspectives and knowledge about the
Paler HUMSS Coordinator and research
influence of social media influencers (SMIs)
adviser through presenting and signing the
and their impacts to the youth nowadays.
letter of approval in conducting an interview
to the various students from Grade 12
HUMSS and other participants including the
In connection with the said interviews,
Participant A said that, most of the
the researchers choose their participants then
youth rely their decisions to their favorite
discuss the informed consent and give it to
influencers, because, “it motivates the
them that will sign by their guardian and
person’s mind to be optimistic”. In addition,
parents as an approval of the said interview.
participant A used social media for only one
Participants were assured that the
hour in watching videos and checking her
confidentiality, truthfulness and objectivity
accounts. In addition, both participants B
of the data were considered.
and C states that, “inspirations” serve us
The said interview was conducted after
the participants returned the informed reasons why youth rely their decisions to
consent that completely signed and their favorite social media influencers. As
approved by their guardians and parents. participant B said, “inspirations” are
The interview was conducted in just 1 day causes of relying of the youth in SMIs.
on the said 5 participants of the research. Participant B use social media for 2 hours.
Similar to participant B, participant C also
said that, “we rely on them because we see or her audiences”. In addition participant E
them as our role model and inspirations”. states that, SMIs are credible and trusted
“Yes, SMIs are good influencer, because sources that why they influence the decision
they give a inspirations, besides they are making of the youth. Based on the results, it
also trusted and reliable”. She uses social falls under the theory of Marshall McLuhan
media for one and half hour. On the other which is the Media Ecology Theory.
hand, participant D answered that said, “life
experiences and their lessons we got from
our favorite influencers” are the reasons
why do they always rely their decision
Participants A and B states that,
making to them”. “Yes, I watched their
the positive impacts of SMIs are giving
videos for one hour and one of my
inspiration and motivation. On the other
favorite SMI is Michelle Fox”. Participant
hand, participant C answered that the
E states that, “SMIs are trusted and
positive impacts of SMIs are giving us
trustworthy” resulting into relying our
smile and happiness through showing us
decisions to them. “They can be a role
into different places and endorsing
model as long as their topics are full of
different cultures through their videos
knowledge and sense and not just a piece
and blogs. Both participants D and E said
of trash”. “I only consumed one hour in
that, teaching us life lessons and advices
watching videos and using internet, and
are the positive impacts of SMIs towards
some of my favorite influencers are NAS
our life.
DAILY and Alex Gonzaga”. This results,
Participant A states that, the negative
falls under the theory of Marshall
impacts of SMIs are “posting something
McLuhan which is the Media Ecology
sensitive and manipulating our own
decisions”. Participant B states that, “easy to
believe those without further looking in their
backgrounds are the negative impacts of
SMIs”. Participant C states that, “looking
them as superior and trustworthy persons
Participant A states that, “the main
that resulting in losing the sense of
reasons why SMIs influence youth decision
independence of a person are the negative
making it’s because they “serve as a role
impacts of SMIs in our daily lives”.
model or great inspiration to his or her
Participant D said that, “the negative
audiences surrounding them”. In addition,
impacts of SMIs to our lives are “we cannot
both participants B and C answer that, the
live without watching their daily uploads
reasons why SMIs influence youth in terms
and losing our keeps and bonds from our
of their decision making is because of their
family”. And participant E said that, SMIs
popularity and their rich. As for participant
negative impacts in our daily lives are
D, “words of wisdom or E-WOM are the
“posting something that was not undergo in
main reasons why does SMIs influence his
proper way of looking and thinking on its
negative impacts”. Overall, this results fall participant A, “social media and SMIs are
under the theory of Media Ecology Theory the reasons why they affect the decision
of Marshall McLuhan. making of people”. Participant C also
answered that the “it is because of continues
SMIS INFLUENCING THE PERSPECTIVE growth of SMIs in our generation today, in
OF YOUTH just one click you can easily search and find
The participants A, B, C, and E something interesting”. Both of participants
answered that overused of social media and B and D stated that, SMIs affects the
its power to deceive people is the way of decision making of people because of their
influencing youth’s perspective. According own word of wisdom or their E-WOM. As
to participant A, she said that “SMIs per participant B, it is because of the “words
influence youth and netizens through of wisdom which is the primary causes that
posting something influencing in their social make them easily to believe and making
media platforms and applications”. As for them to influence their decision making”.
participant B, it is because of use of According to participant D, “it is because we
technology and social media that make can easily apply their wordy words or E-
people often think that it is all right and fine WOM in our lives especially in terms of our
because it is from the SMIs”. As per decision making”. Participant E said that,
participant C, “SMIs and over use of social “he cannot answer the question it is because
media are the one who influence the he is dealing with his own decision making
perspective of the people nowadays”. although he watched some of the blogs of
According to participant E, “SOCIAL them. He added that,” he embraces the life
MEDIA is deceiving”; “it can manipulate lessons that he gathered in the social media
everyone's mind”. On the other hand, influencers and teach that lessons to his
participant D said that SMIs are good currently students”. The results fall, under
speakers that one of the influencing factors the Media Ecology Theory of McLuhan and
to influence the perspective of the people”. the framing theory of Gregory Bateson.
“For me, they used their E-WOM to
influence the people especially the youth. DISCUSSION
This falls under the theory of Gregory The researchers, gather their results
Bateson which is the Framing Theory and from the answers of their participants, were
the theory of Two-Step Flows Theory by it is the basis of their discussion. The
Lazarsfeld et. al, 1944. discussion, will gives focus on the research
questions of the study which all referring in
SMIS AFFECT DECISION OF YOUTH IN the impacts of social media influencers in
DAILY LIFE the decision making of the youth nowadays.
The participants A and C said that,
the causes of affecting youth’s decision in In previous interview, the
daily life it is because of the continuously researchers found that some of reasons why
growth of SMIs and the large number of people rely their decisions to their favorite
netizens who used social media. As per SMIs it is because of they can motivates
persons mind to be optimistic, they serves as In the recent interview, the
a inspirations, they can give life lessons and researchers found out that some of the
experiences and they are trusted and POSITIVE IMPACTS OR CONSEQUENCES of
trustworthy people and influencers. It SMIs in our daily lives are they gives
affirms the study of Houser (2016) that information, gives motivation, gives
aside, from being trustworthy of social inspirations, make us happy and satisfied
media influencers, they also help to us as well. This affirms in the study of
increasing connection, information and (Khalid et. al, 2018) that one of the good
positively influencing relationships. It also influence of SMIs in the youth is, it help
affirms the study of (Khalid et. al, 2018) that them to driven their personal motivation
SMIS help them to driven their personal to reach their self-fulfillment. In addition,
motivation to reach their self-fulfillment. it also supported by Lucy Hart, a head of
influence and advocacy at MISCHIEF PR,
Based on the interview conducted by
the researchers, some of the reasons why she explained that the reasons why
SMIs influence peoples decision making are consumers are drawn to SMIs because
because they serves as a role model, they are consumers or followers feel as though
rich and popular, because of their words of they are friends who gives inspiration and
wisdom and because they are credible and motivation from these influencers. It was
trusted sources. It affirms the study of (Lim also supported by (Laroche et. al, 2012)
et. al, 2017) SMIs are being credible, gives that the said increasing connection,
inspirations, trustworthy, and increase information sharing and lessons,
knowledgeable due to their amiability with are positively influencing the relationship
its consumer. It also affirms the previous of an influencer and its followers. It was
statistics conducted by Twitter last 2016, it also, supported by (Hsu et. al, 2013) that
shows that 40% of respondents have made a it also gives an opportunity to have a
purchase after seeing it used by an closer connection, life advices,
influencer, because of their fame and inspiration, and relationship to the
popularity. This also affirms in the study of influencers.
Gashi (2017) where she discuss that
With the connection, the
Electronic Words of Mouth (E-WOM) of
researchers found out based on the
SMIs are the proven reason why most of the
previous interview that some of the
people especially the followers suddenly
purchasing and making their own decisions.
OF SMIS in our daily lives are they can
However, it was negate the statistic
conducted of MuseFind (2016) that around posts something sensitive and depressive
92 % of people and consumers nowadays through their social media accounts,
trust an influencer more than advertisement makes us believing them too much,
or traditional celebrity endorsement. cannot forget to watch their videos, lose
our bonds and keeps in our family, and
lack of knowledge and awareness about
they are posting in their social media consumers’ purchases are impacted by
accounts and applications. It affirms the companies social media posts. It was
study of, (Booth and Matic, 2011) that negates the statistics of Nielson Global
social media influencers are now an Trust in Advertising Survey, it shows that
influential powerhouse of “somebodies” 92% of the consumers worldwide trust
who hold “immense growth and electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) of
increasing power in manipulating once SMIs recommendations more than any
decisions” It was negate the statement of other advertising form. This agrees the
Njoroge (2013) that influencers can be social learning theory of Bandura, that
the authorities of the internet because Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM)
they can control, influence both good and encourages consumers to share their
bad and can manipulate its follower and opinions with other consumers. Word of
audience’s decisions. It also supported by mouth is known to be one of the most
(Boateng and Okoe, 2015) that SMIs have credible and trusted sources of
been proven to have a great impact on marketing.
purchase decisions of consumers as they,
In the recent interview,
due to curiosity, easily embrace
researchers found out that social media,
information other content that come from
SMIs growth, and SMIs words of wisdom
reliable and unreliable sources. It was
or flowery words are the reasons in
disaffirm by (Livingstone et. al, 2005) that
affecting the decision of people in their
influencers can be seen as a reason of
daily life. This was affirm by (Jaakonmä ki
diverse influences and impact to
et al, 2017) that electronic word-of-
individual. In addition, this can result into
mouth (E-WOM), is the powerful tool that
developing anxieties about the solitary
can persuade consumers or followers to
nature of media that creates and affects
follow specific influencers and buy a
the loss of community’s traditions and
certain product they are endorsing. It was
contradict the statement of (Chukwuere
Based on the interview, they found et. al, 2017) that SMIs influences the daily
out that SMIs can influence the lives of people it is because of the use of
perspective of people due to posting social media platforms such as facebook,
something in their social media accounts, twitter, instagram, youtube and other
over use of social media, large growth of social networking sites. However, it was
SMIs nowadays and SMIs capacity as a also negate by Burke (2017) that social
good speaker and influencer. This affirms media influencers (SMIs) use social media
the report from Aimia, that shows that networks to shape and influences his or
31% of consumers say they’re using her audiences. According to Hubspot data,
social media to browse for new items to 71% of people are more likely to make a
buy. Furthermore, it also affirms Forbes purchase online if the product or service
statistic that shown that 78% of comes recommended by others. This
contradicts the statistics by ION speakers that why people and youth tend
published on Forbes that around 71% of to be influence their decision making.
consumers are more likely to make a 5. Most of the participants, were answered
purchase based on a social media that Electronic Words of Mouth (E-WOM)
reference. or flowery words are the key in affecting
the decision making of the people
CONCLUSIONS especially the youth in their daily lives.
While, some of the participants answered
The following are the conclusions that social media, SMIs growth are the
drawn from the findings: reasons that can affect them in their
decision making,
1. Majority of the participants answered that
inspiration is the primary key why people RECOMMENDATIONS
especially the youth rely their decision
making to their favorite SMIs. The recommendations were as follows:
Furthermore, motivation, learning life
experiences and gaining trust is serves as 1. To the youth, learn to stand firmly to
reasons why people rely their decisions. your decisions, and not rely it other
2. Majority of the participants answered that people especially to your favorite
the reasons why SMIs influence the SMIs. Because, not everything that
peoples decision making it is because of you see and you loved can benefit you
their fame , popularity, and rich. On the successfully. Also learn to look to both
other hand, some of the participants also positive and negative impacts of
answered that they serves as an watching blogs of your SMIs.
inspiration, giving life advices, and the 2. To students, learn to appreciate the
power of their Electronic Words of Mouth consequences and impacts of decisions
(E-WOM) are the primary reasons why you made to your life. Learn to firmly
does SMIs influence the youth decision stand in your decisions and not rely it
making. to others.
3. Almost all of the participants answered 3. To school, learn to facilitate and
that the positive impacts of SMIs are empower to teach the students
giving us life inspiration and motivation. regarding the positive and negative
In addition, some of the participants added impacts of SMIs and social media into
that makes us all happy serves also the lives of your students.
positive impacts of SMIs. 4. To parents, learn to educate and your
4. Most of the participants answered that children and start it by yourselves. In
influence the perspective of the people is addition, teach them in choosing good
because of the huge growth of technology, decisions and teach them to accept the
social media and SMIs. In connection, one impacts nor consequences of their
participant stated that they are good decisions.
5. To future researchers, this research Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou. (2017).
will strongly benefits you to study and Modelling the impact of social media
conduct more researches regarding the influencers on behavioural intentions of
impacts and influence of the SMIs to millennials: The case of tourism in rural
youth’s decision making. areas in Greece. Journal of Tourism,
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Nur Leila Khalid, Sheila Yvonne Jayasainan Philippines. Columban College was first
and Nurzihan Hassim (2018). Social media known as Naval Reservation Junior College.
influencers - shaping consumption culture It was passed by the Admana family in 1961
among Malaysian youth 16 October 2018. to the Columban Fathers. The first director
Retrieved from of Columban College was Rev. Thomas L. Convery with Rev. Fr, Paul O’ Malley SSC
8 as his assistant. The Columban Sisters were
assigned in 1962 to assist in the
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Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) that same year the Paris of St. Columban
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Business Review, 4(2), 711. doi: inaugurated with O’ Malley as its parish
10.21512/bbr.v4i2.1385 priest. In 1965, Convery was succeeded by
Rev. William F. Sullivan, SSC as school
Shih-Ming Pi, Hsiu-Li Liao, Su-Houn Liu director. Rev. Fr. John Curry SSC took over
and I-Shan Lee (2011). Factors influencing in 1971 and Rev. Fr. Edward McKenna was
the behavior of online group-buying in the school director from 1973 to 1975. From
Taiwan. African Journal of Business 1976 to 1982 Rev. Fr. Richard Cannon SSC
Management Vol. 5(16), pp. 7120-7129, 18 was the school director. He was succeeded
August, 2011. Retrieved from by Rev. Fr. Vincent Lyons from 1982 to 1983. In 1983 the administration of the
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%20al.pdf fathers to the Vincentian Fathers. Rev. Fr.
Constancio Gan was appointed school
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In 1993 Most Reverend Bishop
Weinswig, D. (2016, October 5). Influencers Deogracias Iniquez Jr. the head of the
Are The New Brands. Retrieved diocesan school, took over the
from administration of Columban College like
einswig/2016/10/05/influencers-are-the- any diocesan school, the director of an
new-brands/ institution comes from the diocesan clergy
assigned in the diocese in Iba.
Research Locale Rev. Fr. Daniel O. Presto was
appointed as school director in 1993 and
The research will be primarily be
became the president until October 2005, He
conducted inside the Columban College
was succeeded by Rev. Fr. Roland M. Almo
Main Campus in Olongapo City,
and then by Rev. Fr. Msgr. Crisostomo A. Figure 2. Map of Columban College
Cacho and is presently the school president. Main Campus in Olongapo City

Furthermore, Columban College Inc. Significance of the Study

Basic Education offers a primary and
secondary education, and according to This study is significant to the
registar’s office, in primary levels it has followings, as it tackles the influence of
composed of 192 students while in junior social media influencers in the decision-
high school level, there are about 492 making of the youth and what are the
students with the total of 684 students for positive and negative consequences of it.
both primary and junior high school, in the Students- This research can give them
academic year 2019-2020. awareness in using social media and making
good decision in life.

In addition, Columban College Inc. Teachers- This research can help them to
also offers Senior High School program gain more knowledge about the influence of
which composed and compromise of 5 social media influencers and the social
strands which are the Science, Technology, media itself, and also they can be the tool in
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), educating and teaching their students to be
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), capable aware in choosing and making
Accountancy and Business Management decision.
(ABM), Technical Vocational and Social Media Influencers- This can help
Livelihood (TVL) and also the current batch them to be more careful enough in
of General Academic Strand (GAS). It has a persuading and endorsing something in their
total population of 968 students from grade social media platforms or application.
11 and 967 students from grade 12, with the
total population of 1,935 students from Parents- It will help them to guide their
Senior High School level in the academic sons and daughters in using their social
year 2019-2020. media platforms, and they can also help in
teaching them in making a good decision.

Youth- This research will help them to give

limits in using their social media
applications and it will help them in
choosing and making their own decision by
not influencing by others.

School- This research can give them

knowledge and awareness that can leads into
improving and giving more focus the
Empowerment Technologies subject and
teaches it to all grade-levels of high school.

Researchers- This research can help future

researches to conduct more research
regarding the influence and impact of social
media influencers in the decisionn-making
of the people especially the youth.

Definition of Terms

Electronic Words of Mouth (E-WOM) -

the strategy of talking that mainly used by
social media influencers, in influencing

Generation Z – newest generation ranging

between1997 to present. They are currently
4 to 24 years old.

Millenials- also known as Generation Y, it a

demographic cohort directly follows by
Genration X. It is ranging between 1981-

Netizens- people or users of different social

media applications and the internet itself.

Social Media- a website where in social

media applications and platforms that
usually use by social media influencers and
people especially the youth.

Social Media Influencers (SMIs) - a social

media user, blogger, entertainer and
influencer who influence the decision-
making of the youth.

Youth- a certain person who use social

media applications and platforms and the
one who influence the decision-making.

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