Results and Discussion Summary

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This research, will primary focuses on the impacts and how does SMIs influence the
decision making of the youth nowadays. With connection, the participants of the research were
selected and chosen through the use of sampling technique purposive sampling. In addition, to
gather the results, the researchers conducted an interview to the 5 selected participants and asked
questions and follow up questions regarding their perspectives and knowledge about the influence
of social media influencers (SMIs) and their impacts to the youth nowadays.


Participant A said that, most of the youth rely their decisions to their favorite influencers,
because, “it motivates the person’s mind to be optimistic”. In addition, participant A used social
media for only one hour in watching videos and checking her accounts. In addition, both
participants B and C states that, “inspirations” serve us reasons why youth rely their
decisions to their favorite social media influencers. As participant B said, “inspirations” are
causes of relying of the youth in SMIs. Participant B use social media for 2 hours. Similar to
participant B, participant C also said that, “we rely on them because we see them as our role
model and inspirations”. “Yes, SMIs are good influencer, because they give a inspirations,
besides they are also trusted and reliable”. She uses social media for one and half hour. On the
other hand, participant D answered that said, “life experiences and their lessons we got from
our favorite influencers” are the reasons why do they always rely their decision making to
them”. “Yes, I watched their videos for one hour and one of my favorite SMI is Michelle
Fox”. Participant E states that, “SMIs are trusted and trustworthy” resulting into relying our
decisions to them. “They can be a role model as long as their topics are full of knowledge
and sense and not just a piece of trash”. “I only consumed one hour in watching videos and
using internet, and some of my favorite influencers are NAS DAILY and Alex Gonzaga”. This
results, falls under the theory of Marshall McLuhan which is the Media Ecology Theory and
the social influence theory by Herbert Kelman.


Participant A states that, “the main reasons why SMIs influence youth decision making
it’s because they “serve as a role model or great inspiration to his or her audiences surrounding
them”. In addition, both participants B and C answer that, the reasons why SMIs influence youth
in terms of their decision making is because of their popularity and their rich. As for participant
D, “words of wisdom or E-WOM are the main reasons why does SMIs influence his or her
audiences”. In addition participant E states that, SMIs are credible and trusted sources that why
they influence the decision making of the youth. Based on the results, it falls under the theory of
Marshall McLuhan which is the Media Ecology Theory.


Participants A and B states that, the positive impacts of SMIs are giving inspiration
and motivation. On the other hands, participant C answered that the positive impacts of
SMIs are giving us smile and happiness through brought us into different places and
endorsing different cultures through their videos and blogs. Both participants D and E said
that, teaching us life lessons and advices are the positive impacts of SMIs towards our life.

Participant A states that, the negative impacts of SMIs are “posting something sensitive
and manipulating our own decisions”. Participant B states that, “easy to believe those without
further looking in their backgrounds are the negative impacts of SMIs”. Participant C states that,
“looking them as superior and trustworthy persons that resulting in losing the sense of
independence of a person are the negative impacts of SMIs in our daily lives”. Participant D said
that, “the negative impacts of SMIs to our lives are “we cannot live without watching their daily
uploads and losing our keeps and bonds from our family”. And participant E said that, SMIs
negative impacts in our daily lives are “posting something that was not undergo in proper way of
looking and thinking on its negative impacts”.


The participants A, B, C, and E answered that overused of social media and its power to
deceive people is the way of influencing youth’s perspective. According to student- participant
A, she said that “SMIs influence youth and netizens through posting something influencing in
their social media platforms and applications”. As for student-participant B, it is because of use
of technology and social media, that make people often think that it is all right and fine because
it is from the SMIs”. As per student-participant C, “SMIs and over use of social media are the
one who influence the perspective of the people nowadays”. According to participant E,
“SOCIAL MEDIA is deceiving”; “it can manipulate everyone's mind”. On the other hand,
participant D said that SMIs are good speakers that one of the influencing factors to influence the
perspective of the people”. “For me, they used their E-WOM to influence the people especially
the youth.

The participants A and C said that, the causes of affecting youth’s decision in daily life it
is because of the continuously growth of SMIs and the large number of netizens who used social
media. As per participant A, “social media and SMIs are the reasons why they affect the decision
making of people”. Participant C also answered that the “it is because of continues growth of
SMIs in our generation today, in just one click you can easily search and find something
interesting”. Both of participants B and D stated that, SMIs affects the decision making of people
because of their own word of wisdom or their E-WOM. As per participant B, it is because of the
“words of wisdom which is the primary causes that make them easily to believe and making
them to influence their decision making”. According to participant D, “it is because we can
easily apply their wordy words or E-WOM in our lives especially in terms of our decision
making”. Participant E said that, “he cannot answer the question it is because he is dealing with
his own decision making although he watched some of the blogs of them. He added that,” he
embraces the life lessons that he gathered in the social media influencers and teach that lessons
to his currently students”. The results fall, under the Media Ecology Theory of McLuhan and the
framing theory of Gregory Bateson.

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