Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)

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(Department of secondary teacher education)


Roll no:

PROGAM: B.ed ½ years

Course: Human development and learning (8610)

Semester: autumn, 2020

Q.1 Growth and development may look like same but they have many differences. Explain
these differences.

Growth refers to a natural uplift in human body. For instance, increases in
human Weight, height, muscles and length. It describes narrow part of life-spine in human

It is larger term than growth. It deals with whole life-spine of a man.
Such as, it stresses the fact of behavioral development, social development and intellectual
development of men.

Differences of Growth and development

1. Growth is quantitative which measures weight and height. Whereas development is

both quantitative and qualitative, and it measures behavioral and intellectual
development of human.
2. Growth ends at age of maturation. On the other hand, development continues to death.
3. Growth is convergent upon cellular change. Owing to cellular change, a child leads
towards adulthood. While development relies on organizational transformation. Due to
this change, a child’s skill and behavior take a titanic ship.
4. Growth associates with the progress of physical body one stage to another. For
instance, a child wear small size of clothe at age of childhood when he grows up his size
of clothe changes according body. Whereas development associates to gradual
transformation behavior and skill of a child.
5. Growth portrays external change of a child. Such as, changes in size of hand, head, and
legs. On the other hand, development depicts internal change of a child. It identifies
through assessment and evaluation of child’s brain.
6. Last but not least, growth depicts one aspect of life that is physical size of body. While
development shows several aspects of a child’s life. It includes child’s emotional state,
intelligence and interpersonal skills. 

Q. 2 What do you think whether development of a child depends on heredity or

environment? Illustrate with examples.

Child development refers to continual physiological and physiological
growth of individuals. A child develops by both heredity and environment. But environment
plays a greater role in development of a child. It flourishes child’s feelings, thoughts, behavior
and skills. Environment not only strengthens individuals’ thinking abilities, but also enables
them to face positive and negative time in life. It also makes a child to cope with challenges and
accepts situation and move on. Environment develops a child with following factors as:

1. Family environment:

Family environment plays a key role in development of a child. It is

primary stage of growth in life. In family, a child learns from his parents, brothers, sisters and kit
and keen. This environment flourishes child’s way of living and knowledge. For instance, if a
child nourishes productively, he would get sound future. However, a child future will be dark if
he does not get basic facilities of life.
2. A positive environment for learning:
A learning environment boosts a child’s
cognitive power and knowledge. It helps a child to know what is good and what is
bad for him. Learning environment teaches him values and norms of a society.
There a child is aware of meaning of life. This is because it gives him every lesson of
life. For example, a positive learning can be a school, home and society.

3. Health and nutrition:

It is right to say that health is wealth. It means a sound
health gives a sound mind and body. When health is gone, it means everything
is gone. Hence, health is the key factor of a child development. As illustration,
when a child gets safe food and do game and sleep on time, he will live a
healthy life. Whereas a child faces malnutrition and do not receives good food.
As a result he always gets ill.

4. Financial situation:
Money is omnipotent in modern day. It is need of every
one. It gives myriad facilities to individuals in society. Such as individuals can buy
food, books, clothe, shelter and other consumption of life. For example, when a
child is born in a rich family, he would get every demands and needs in life. In
contrast, if he is born in a poor family, he would confront hurdles and challenges
in life.
5. A beautiful nature:
A sound nature nourishes a child’s body and brain
effectively. It gives him good health and a manly look. In rural area, people are
healthy for sound environment of nature.
Q3. Suggest some activities for preschool children which may enhance children's physical

Physical activities plays vital role for physical growth of children. It
strengthens children’s body and gives freshness to mind. Physical activities such as, running,
jumping, coloring and painting are some orthodox methods used for children’s growth. These
activities enhance preschool children’s physical growth. When a preschool child uses these
steps, it not only makes him healthy, but also remains active day and ninth.


1. Drawing of picture:

This physical activity strengthens children’s hand movement. It also

encourages pupils to play with pictures of animal and other things.

2. Throwing and catching:

Throwing and catching of ball increases children’s muscle

movement. Due to this, blood sugar level reduces and improves energy level of children. So, it
puts a positive impact on children’s health.

3. Running:

Children should be led towards walking and running on daily basis. This sort
of activity reduces their weight and makes healthy.

4. Writing:
Writing should be taught to children. It helps small children to move
their fingers, and it improves writing skill of pupils as well.

5. Kids stories:

Children should be taught kids funny and moral tales. It makes them
happy and lough. Owing to this, they will enjoy short stories and grow with happy.

Q. 4 How Vygotsky's theory is different from Piaget's theory?

Vygotsky's theory:

According to vygotsky’s theory, a children cognition power

develops through cultural such as, language, instruction and social interaction. This is basis on
two concept including Zone proximal development (ZPD) and Scaffolding. ZPD stresses the fact
that children achieve their cognitive progress from adult. Whereas scaffolding refers to adjust
level of support that learners get according to their needs and performance.

Piaget's theory:

According to piaget theory, individuals cognition power boost

through passage of various stage and age. A child’s thinking power augments when s/he
experience things and learns with passage of age. Cognitive memory boosts with adopting and
Vygotsky’s theory states that students learns and their cognition ability
boost according to cultural and interaction in a society. While piaget’s theory refers that
a student learns from environment.

Q5. What are social skills? Also discuss the social characteristics and the factors affecting
social development at preschool level.

Social skills:
Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each
other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal
appearance. Human beings are sociable creatures and we have developed many ways to
communicate our messages, thoughts and feelings with others.

Social characteristics of preschoolers are given following.

1. Becoming more social

2. Moving from parallel play to associative play. Does joint activities
3. Helpful mainly because of interest in matching words to actions
4. Beginning of independence
5. By four growing sense of initiative and self-reliance
6. Becoming aware of basic gender identity
7. Imaginary play mates not uncommon

Factors effecting social development at preschool level

1. Peer relationships:

During the preschool years, peers (other children who are a child’s
equal) begin to play an important role in children’s social and cognitive development.
2. Pro-social behavior:
Pro-social behaviors are voluntary actions towards others such as
caring, sharing, comforting and cooperation. Research on the roots of pro-social behavior has
contributed to our knowledge of children’s moral as well as social development. Several factors
seem to be associated with the development of pro-social behaviors.

3. Play:
Most of a preschooler’s interaction with peers occurs during play. However,
the degree to which play involves other children increases over the preschool years.

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