Chapter 1 Tle

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In the broadest sense, education is a device by which a social group continued

existence renew yourself, and defend his ideals. Carter V. Good, education is the

process of the development of one’s skills in the form of attitudes and behaviours that

prevail in the society. Social process in which a person is affected by something that

guided environment, so you can achieve social skills and develop personalities.

According to Syjuco (2005) the education system in the Philippines embraces

formal and non-formal education. It is closely related to the American mode of education

but differs in the number of school years as other countries have 12 years basic

education. In the country however, elementary education is composed of 6 years and

secondary education is 4 years which together with the tertiary education comprise the

formal education system.

The concept of Technology and Home Economics aims to develop manipulative

skills, safe working practices, good working habits, technical knowledge, related

industrial information, and citizenship essential to successful employment, advancement

in the occupation, and success as respected members of the community (Belen, 1962;

Lazo, 2000). The curriculum provides classroom and practical experience to enable the

learner to gain understanding and acquire competencies in various economic related

activities to the four major areas, namely: Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Agricultural

Arts, and Entrepreneurship.

Hayes defined technology and livelihood education is vital to becoming a

productive member of the modern workforce. Choosing a career path and then learning

the technology related to that field or industry, can be an excellent way to improve the

chances of succeeding in a career endeavour. Technology education is widely

available; however, it is not always free. Typically, students will attend vocational

school, technical colleges and universities to learn technology, including computer



The Bachelors in Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood

Education (BSED –TLE) is a four –year degree program in the Philippines that will

prepare you in teaching TLE subjects in high school.

As a TLE major you will be taking the same professional education courses

presented in the Bachelor of Secondary Education overview along with a couple of

other subjects such as Basic Drafting, Business Mathematics, Entrepreneurship, Basic

Electricity, Plumbing, Cosmetology, Foods, Carpentry and Masonry, and Basic

Electronics. There are also specialized courses or subjects on Handicrafts, Advance

Electronics, Fishery or Agriculture among others. This can help you compare the

different BSED-TLE program out there because not all schools are offering the same

specialized courses under this program.

Technology and livelihood education in the global community is a subject that

helps student to be trained it daily aspects of life and learn daily works of our daily living.

It just not helps student but people who need the knowledge of it. It develops our skills

that will helps us in the present time and the near future. Technology and livelihood

education in the global community is a subject that helps student gain knowledge about

cooking, sewing, good attitudes and right conduct, and many important things that will

help students to use it and develop their selves to be a good citizen with right

knowledge about the daily living and needs (Anislag 2013 ) .

According to Serpa Juan (2014) technical Skills are the source of learning of the

students which it can acquire through studying and applying. It is also refer to talent and

expertise which the person possesses to perform a certain job or skill. These skills can

now be identified by the teachers and students. Technical skills are also known as hard

skills or skills that are more on practice rather than theory. In our K to 12 Education

Curriculum, those technical skills are graded and can now be assessed by the teachers.

Our country now is undergoing this curriculum which helps all the learners to acquire a

certain skill. Examples of those skills are more on communication or language, sports,
arts, music and livelihood education. They are all under technical skills but usually it

focus on livelihood education.


This study determined the pathways of the program of TLE as the course

description in the college. As through, the years, the increasing of enrolees in the

university is been identified by the factors that the students practically think first and

also the high demand of this program in our society.

Statement of the problem

This study will be conducted to determine the factors influencing the second year

BSED-TLE students in choosing TLE as a major in Leyte Normal University, S.Y. 2016-


Specifically, the study sought answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile BSED-TLE students in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Family monthly income

2. What are the reasons of the respondents in choosing TLE?

3. What are the benefits of the students in choosing TLE as a major?

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study is anchored by the following enactment and theory that will strengthen

the TLE program.

One of the learning areas of the Secondary Education Curriculum used in

Philippine secondary Schools. As a subjects, in high school, its component areas are:

its component areas are ; Home Economics, Agri-Fishery Arts, Industrial Arts,

Information and Communication Technology.

According to Department Order No.40, s. 1975, practical arts education in

secondary education is intended to help the learner to understand the world of work and

determine his interest in certain broad occupational areas that are sampled or studied. It

aims to develop certain skills and understanding that will help the learner choose his

vocation wisely and possibly enter upon with a certain amount of knowledge and skills

that will prove helpful when the choice of work is made. Most importantly, practical arts

education focuses on career awareness, orientation, and exploration of the world of

work, and the development of values and work ethics. Also, it enhances the

transmission of cultural heritage and appreciation of the achievements of the Filipino

people, particularly in technology and in the world of work.

Social Constructivist Theory

Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural learning highlights the role of social and

cultural interactions play in the learning process. This theory does not have stages, like

Jean Piaget’s theory. Vygotsky’s theory states that knowledge is co-constructed and

that individuals learn from one another. It is called a social constructivist theory because
in Vygotsky’s opinion the learner must be engaged in the learning process. Learning

happens with the assistance of other people, thus contributing the social aspect of the

theory. A fundamental aspect of Vygotsky’s theory is the Zone of Proximal

Development. This is a “range of tasks that are too difficult for an individual to master

alone, but can be mastered with the assistance or guidance of adults or more-skilled

peers (Vygotsky, 1962).” Another part of this theory is scaffolding, which is giving the

learner the right amount of assistance at the right time. If the learner can perform a task

with some assistance, then he or she is closer to mastering it. This theory is relevant to

healthy adolescent development because if students work in pairs, they are interacting

with people and therefore can learn different academic ideas from one another. This

theory shows that students learn from each other; they can assist one another and co-

construct knowledge.
Profile of the students

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Family monthly income

Reason of choosing TLE as a

major Second Year
 Interest
 Parent’s preference Students of
 In demand Leyte Normal
 No entrance exam University
 Specialization

Benefits of choosing TLE as a


Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the conceptual framework

Significance of the Study

This study is useful and relevant to the following stakeholders of Leyte Normal

University BSED-TLE students. The study will be very much useful to the BSED-TLE

students as they will be aware of the factors that influence them in choosing TLE as a

major. The awareness of this factor will serve as a guide and help them work harder in

their studies.

To the student. This study will provide knowledge about Technology and

Livelihood Education. This will give them information of the advantages and benefits

they can get in choosing TLE as a major.

To the teachers. As persons who are highly involved in the monitoring of the

practices and conduct of the students, this study will help to determine the factors of the

increasing percentage of students choosing Technology and Livelihood Education as a

major. In addition, this will help them improve their teaching performance to produce top

performing future educators.

To the school administrators. This study will provide valuable information

concerning the needs and the problems in Technology and Livelihood Education.

Through this study, the administrators can make improvements with this major.

To the parents. The primary supporters in aspirations and endeavours of their

children, this study will enable them to see the areas of the programs that need more

their support and will inspire them to be involved in the university’s efforts in providing

their children with high quality education.

Scope and Delimitation of Study

This study focused on the factors influencing the second year BSED-TLE

students in choosing TLE as a major at Leyte Normal University S.Y. 2016-2017. The

respondents or clientele of this study were the second year BSED-TLE students. The

study was conducted at Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. The questionnaire was

the main tool in gathering data with regard to the factors influencing the second year

BSED-TLE students in choosing TLE as a major.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are defined operationally to allow better


Factors. As used in the study, this refers to the status and condition to act

together, or act separating in order to produce a result.

Skills. The ability to do something well or expertise, it is refers to the capability of

the respondents in specializing TLE.

Course. This is the educational career wherein the students are freely to select

of what specialization they are got.

Influence. The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or

behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself, this can be the factors that

could be the considerations of the respondents in selecting a major as course


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