Corrected Proposed - Mizoram - Uni - Syllabus - M.Sc. - AI

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M.Sc. (A.I)

About Programme:
M.Sc –AI is a two year master’s program which delivers intensive training in programming
and the fundamentals of artificial intelligence through a range of specialist modules.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world and the advances being made in this
fast-paced field of computer science creates a demand for highly-skilled individuals
possessing the skills and knowledge with which our MSc programme is designed to equip
you.AI is a key growth area aiming, among other things, to automate the completion of
highly complex tasks and increase productivity.

As a result, AI has broad application in a variety of industries and is already a growing part
of many existing industries.

The specialist nature of this degree will provide you with the skills to meet the needs of the
industries that are recognizing the transformative potential of AI, from healthcare to
manufacturing to the automotive industry.


1. Minimum Eligibility:
Any passed Graduate or equivalent through ( 10 +2 + 3) and Mathematics in Higher
Secondary of recognized University/ Board . Additionally, In case of Post graduate
Diploma qualified in Computer science or statistics, Mathematics is not mandatory.
Applicants with relevant work experience of minimum two years shall get relaxation in the
eligibility conditions for all PG programmes.
2. Duration:
i. Minimum: Two academic year from the year of joining the course
ii. Maximum Duration for the completion of the course: The Candidate shall have to
complete the course within Four academic years from the year of joining the course
iii. Class Improvement Facility: The University permits the students to improve their class and
percentage during the duration of 4 years. Candidates who could not complete the course within
the period of FOUR years from the year of joining the course are permitted to avail the facility
of ‘Re-registration’ on payment of prescribed fee for two more years.
3. Medium of Instruction: English Only (except Language papers)

First Semester



MSC-AI–101 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 70 30 100
Computer Organization and Digital 4
MSC-AI–102 Architecture 70 30 100
MSC-AI–103 Programming with C 70 30 100
MSC-AI–104 Operating Systems 70 30 100
MSC-AI–105 Advanced Database Management System 70 30 100
MSC-AI–190 Programming with C-LAB     100
Advanced Database Management System- 2
MSC-AI–191 LAB     100

  Total 24 350 150 700

Second Semester

Total Marks


MSC-AI–201 Machine Learning 70 30 100
MSC-AI–202 Data Structures using C++ 70 30 100
MSC-AI–203 Computer Networks and Management 70 30 100
MSC-AI–204 Engineering Mathematics 70 30 100
MSC-AI–205 Programming in Python 70 30 100
MSC-AI–290 Data structures using C++-LAB     100
MSC-AI–291 Programming in Python-LAB     100

  Total 24 350 150 700





MSC-AI–301 Robotics and AI 70 30 100
MSC-AI–302 Computer Graphics and Animation 70 30 100
MSC-AI–303 Internet of Things and its Applications 70 30 100
MSC-AI–304 Deep Learning 70 30 100
MSC-AI–305 Game Theory of Artificial Intelligence 70 30 100
MSC-AI–390 Computer Graphics and Animation - LAB     100
MSC-AI–391 Robotics and AI -LAB     100

  Total 24 350 150 700

Fourth Semester



MSC-AI–401 Human-Computer Interface 70 30 100
MSC-AI–402 Cyber Security and Data Protection 70 30 100
MSC-AI–403 Data Science Applications of NLP 70 30 100
Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing 4
MSC-AI–404 70 30 100
Cloud Computing and Data Protection – 2
MSC-AI–490 LAB     100
MSC-AI–491 Project Work     100

MSC-AI–492 Seminar and Viva Voce 2     100

  Total 28 280 120 700
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
M.Sc-AI-101 Credit -4

Learning Objective:

 To provide comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of AI principles and techniques by

introducing AI’s fundamental problems
 To give insight of the state-of-the-art models and algorithms used to undertake these
 To expose students to the frontiers of AI-intensive computing and information systems

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

 Explain what constitutes "Artificial" Intelligence and how to identify systems with
Artificial Intelligence.
 Explain how Artificial Intelligence enables capabilities that are beyond conventional
 Use classical Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as search algorithms
 Ability to apply Artificial Intelligence techniques for problem solving.
 Explain the limitations of current Artificial Intelligence techniques

Unit-I Introduction to Al and Production Systems -Problem formulation, Problem Definition

-Production systems, Control strategies’, Search strategies. Problem characteristics, Production
system characteristics -Specialized productions system- Problem solving methods – Problem
graphs, Matching, Indexing and Heuristic functions -Hill Climbing-Depth first and Breath first,
Constraints satisfaction – Related algorithms, Measure of performance and analysis of search
algorithms. Intelligent agents: reactive, deliberative, goal-driven, utility-driven, and learning
Unit-II Problem-solving through Search: Forward and backward, state-space, blind, heuristic,
problem-reduction, A, A*, AO*, minimax, constraint propagation, neural, stochastic, and
evolutionary search algorithms, sample applications.

Unit-III Knowledge Re and Reasoning: Ontologies, foundations of knowledge re and

reasoning, representing and reasoning about objects, relations, events, actions, time, and space;
predicate logic, situation calculus, description logics, reasoning with defaults, reasoning about
knowledge, Knowledge re-Production based system, Frame based system. Inference –
Backward chaining, Forward chaining, Rule value approach, Fuzzy reasoning – Certainty
factors, Bayesian Theory-Bayesian Network-Dempster – Shafer theory.

Unit IV Machine learning and Knowledge Acquisition: learning from memorization,

examples, explanation, and exploration. Learning nearest neighbour, naive Bayes, and decision
tree classifiers, Q-learning for learning action policies, applications. Sample applications of AI,

Unit V Expert systems – Architecture of expert systems, Roles of expert systems – Knowledge
Acquisition – Meta knowledge, Heuristics. Typical expert systems – MYCIN, DART, XOON,
Expert systems shells.

Suggested Readings:
 Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach (3rd Edition):By – Stuart Russell and Peter
 Artificial Intelligence Engines: A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Deep
Learning By – James V Stone
 Artificial Intelligence By Example By – Denis Rothman
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning By – Chandra S.S.V
 Artificial Intelligence Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction By – Tom Taulli
 Artificial Intelligence: An Essential Beginner’s Guide to AI, Machine Learning,
Robotics, The Internet of Things, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Reinforcement
Learning and Our Future By – Neil Wilkins
Computer Organization and Digital Architecture

M.Sc.-AI-102 Credit-4

Learning Objective:

 To understand the basics involved in data representation and digital logic circuits used in
the computer system.
 To know the general concepts in digital logic design, including logic elements, and their
use in combinational and sequential logic circuit design.
 To expose students to the basic architecture of processing, memory and i/o organization
in a computer system.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

• Identify, understand and apply different number systems and codes.

• Understand the digital representation of data in a computer system.
• Understand the general concepts in digital logic design, including logic elements, and their use
in combinational and sequential logic circuit design.
• Understand computer arithmetic formulate and solve problems, understand the performance
requirements of systems
Unit I: Binary numbers and Arithmetic : Data and number re- binary-complement re, BCD-
ASCII, conversion of numbers from one Number system to the other, (r-1)’s & r’s complement
re. Weighted and Unweighted Codes – Gray Code, Excess 3 Code, Binary Arithmetic, Floating
Point Numbers. Computer arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication & division
Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra, Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR),
MINTERM, MAXTERM, truth table, Boolean expression, simplification, Boolean Algebra, K-
map up-to 4 variable, Canonical Forms.

Unit II: Combinational and Sequential Circuit: Adder, Subtractor , BCD adder, multiplexer,
De-multiplexer, encoder, decoder, Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flop (SR, JK, D, T, Master-slave),
Application of flip-flop-- Asynchronous counter up-to 4 bit, decade counter, mod-n-counter,
Synchronous counter—ring counter, Johnson’s count, Up down counter, Register.

Unit III: Memory Organization and I/O interface: Types of memory RAM ROM, EPROM,
DRAM, SRAM, Addressing Modes, Associative memory, main memory, virtual memory,
secondary memory, I/O interface, polling, interrupts, DMA, mode of data transfer

Unit IV: CPU Organization: CPU organization, instruction format, addressing mode, RISC,
CISC, Von- Neumann- Architecture Pipeline & vector processing, Pipeline structure, speedup,
efficiency, throughput and bottlenecks. Arithmetic pipeline and Instruction pipeline.

Unit V: Multiprocessors: Characteristics of Multiprocessors, Interconnection Structures:-

Time-Shared Common Bus, Multipart Memory, Crossbar Switch, Multistage Switching Network
and Hypercube Interconnection. Inter-processor Arbitration:- System Bus, Serial Arbitration
Procedure, Parallel Arbitration Logic and Dynamic Arbitration Algorithms. Cache Coherence:-
Conditions for Incoherence and Solutions to the Cache Coherence Problem.Booth’s. Dual Core,

Suggested Readings:
 Modern Digital Electronics, R.P.Jain, 4e, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
 Computer Organization & Architecture, William Stallings, 8e, Pearson Education.
 Computer Architecture & Organization, John P. Hayes, 3e, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Computer Organization, 5e, Carl Hamacher, ZconkoVranesic&SafwatZaky, Tata
McGraw Hill.
 Digital Computer Fundamentals, Bartee C. Thomas , McGraw-Hill International Edition
 Computer System Architecture, M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education.
 Computer Architecture & Organization, Nicholas Carter, McGraw Hill.
 Computer Architecture & Organization, 2e, Miles Murdocca& Vincent Heuring, Wiley

Programming with C
M.Sc-AI-103 Credit-4

Learning Objective:

 To provide student the exposure to problem-solving through programming.

 To train the student to the basic concepts of the C-programming language.
 To give the student hands-on experience with the concepts of C Programming.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

 Identify situations where computational methods and computers would be useful.
 Given a computational problem, identify and abstractthe programming task involved.
 Approachthe programming tasks using techniques learned and write pseudo-code.
 Choose right data representation formats based on the requirements of the problem.
 Usecomparisons and limitations of the various programming constructs and choose the
right one for the task in hand.
UNIT – I Introduction to programming – definitions and developing Algorithms and
flowcharts for simple programs. Introduction to C Programming: Origin and history of c
programming character set, Identifiers and keywords data types, constants, variables, operators,
special operators, constants, Expressions, compound statements, structure of C program, Input
and output function.

UNIT-II C Statements – selection statements – if nested if’s, the if-else –if ladder the
conditional expressions, switch statement nested switch statements, iteration statements – the for
loop, for loop variations, the while loop, the do-while loop, declaring variable with in selection
and iteration statements, jump statement, the return statement, the go to submit, break statement,
exit ( ) function, the continue statement, expression statement. Block statements.

UNIT – III Arrays – Array what is an array? – Array Declaration, Array Initialization –
Accessing individual elements of an array – Two Dimensional Arrays – Multi Dimensional
Array, Passing an array element to a function – Rules of using an array. What are strings? String
I/O, string Manipulation.

UNIT – IV Functions – The General Form of a Function, Math functions, elements of function,
function categories, types of functions, Function Arguments Call by value, Call by Reference,
return statement. Uses of functions. C pre – processor, storage classes – Automatic – Register,
Static and external. Pointers – definition, pointer variables, pointer expressions, arithmetic
pointers, pointers and arrays, initializing pointers and functions and problems with pointers.

UNIT – V Structures and File system– Definition, accessing structure members, structure
assignments, array of structures, passing structures, structure pointers, uses of structures Unions
– definitions, difference between structure and union, type def. Files – introduction to streams
and files, basics of files – file pointer, opening and closing files, writing and character, file

Suggested Readings:

 Let Us C by Yashwanth Kanethar.

 “Programming in ANSI C” by E. Balaguruswamy.
 Complete Reference of C++ by Herbert Schilde.
Operating Systems
M.Sc-AI-104 Credits-4

Learning Objective:

 To provide students knowledge of Operating System and process control

 To understand the concepts of threads, concurrency, memory management scheduling
 To impart knowledge of I/O and files, distributed systems
 Provide knowledge of security and networking.
 Student teams will implement a significant portion of an operating system

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

 Students demonstrate an ability to analyze a problem and identify and define the
computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
 Students demonstrate an ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based
system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.

Unit –I Introduction to Operating Systems:Evolution of Operating Systems,Types of

operating systems - Different views of the operating systems – Principles of Design and
Implementation. The process concept – system programmer’s view of processes – operating
system’s views of processes – operating system services for process management

Unit-II-Process Management: Concept of process and process synchronization:Process

Management and Scheduling,(Scheduling Algorithms).Inter-process communication, Hardware
requirements: protection, context switching, privileged mode; Threads and their Management;
Tools and Constructs for Concurrency, Detection, Prevention and Avoidance of deadlocks,
Mutual Exclusion: Algorithms, semaphores – concurrent programming using semaphores.
Unit-III-Memory Management: Memory Management paging, virtual memory management,
Contiguous allocation – static, dynamic partitioned memory allocation – segmentation. Non-
contiguous allocation – paging – Hardware support – Virtual Memory, Dynamic Resource

Unit-IV-File Systems: A Simple file system – General model of a file system – Symbolic file
system – Access control verification – Logical file system – Physical file system – allocation
strategy module – Device strategy module, I/O initiators, Device handlers – Disk scheduling,
Design of IO systems, File Management, directory management.

Unit-V-Protection & Security-Protection & Security: Protection- Goals of protection, Domain

of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access matrix, Revocation of access rights
Security- The security problem, Authentication, One-Time passwords, Threats

Case Study : Study of different Operating, Systems(Linux, Windows, Android OS,MAC OS,

Suggested Readings:

 “Operating System Concepts” by AviSilberschatz and Peter Galvin

 “Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles” by William Stallings
 “Operating Systems: A Concept-Based Approach” by D M Dhamdhere
 “Operating System: A Design-oriented Approach” by Charles Crowley
 “Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective” by Gary J Nutt
 “Design of the Unix Operating Systems” by Maurice Bach
 “Operating System Concepts: Windows Xp Update 6th Edition” by Silberschatz Galvin
 ”Operating Systems” by Archer J Harris

Advanced Database Management System

M.Sc-AI-105 Credits-4

Learning Objectives:

 Understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems.

 Master the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL.
 Understand the relational database design principles.
 Familiar with the basic issues of transaction processing and concurrency control.
 Familiar with database storage structures and access techniques.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Describe the fundamental elements of relational database management systems

• Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-relationship model, relational
database design, relational algebra and SQL.

• Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios

• Convert the ER-model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate SQL
queries on data.

• Improve the database design by normalization.

Unit I Relational Databases :Purpose of Database System – Views of data – Data Models –
Database System Architecture – Entity Relationship model – ER Diagrams - Introduction to
relational databases - The relational Model – Keys. Functional Dependencies – Non-loss
Decomposition – Functional Dependencies – First – Second - Third Normal Forms -
Dependency Preservation – Boyce/Codd Normal Form - Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth
Normal Form – Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form

Unit II Relational Query Languages: Relational Algebra - SQL fundamentals - Data

Definition, Query Structure, Basic operations, Additional Operations, Set Operations, Null
Values, Aggregate Functions, Nested Subqueries - Modification of the Database - Join
Expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity Constraints, SQL Data Types and Schemas,
Authorization - Advanced SQL features – Accessing SQL from a Programming Language -
Dynamic SQL (JDBC and ODBC), Embedded SQL, Functions and Procedural Constructs,
Triggers, Recursive Queries, Advanced Aggregation Features, OLAP
Unit III Transactions : Transaction Concepts - Transaction Recovery – ACID Properties –
System Recovery – Media Recovery – Two Phase Commit - Save Points – SQL Facilities for
recovery – Concurrency – Need for Concurrency – Locking Protocols – Two Phase Locking –
Deadlock – Recovery Isolation Levels – SQL Facilities for Concurrency.

Unit IV Database Implementation: Overview of Physical Storage Media – Magnetic Disks –

RAID – Tertiary storage – File Organization – Organization of Records in Files – Indexing and
Hashing –Ordered Indices – B+ tree Index Files – B tree Index Files – Static Hashing – Dynamic
Hashing – Query Processing Overview.

Unit V Spatial Database and Data base security: Representation of Spatial data, Spatial data
operators and indexing, , Security architecture, Database application security models

Suggested Readings:

 C.J.Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, Vol I & II, Addison Wesley.

 KorthSilberschatz, Data Base System Concepts, McGraw Hill.
 J.D.Ullman, Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia.
 Wiederhold, Database Design, McGraw Hill.
 R. Elmasri, and S.B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education
 Raghu Ramakrishnan, Database Management Systems, McGraw-Hill Education.

Programming with C-LAB

M.Sc-AI-190 Credit-2

Learning Objectives:

1. To introduce students to the basic knowledge of programming fundamentals of C language.

2. To impart writing skill of C programming to the students and solving problems.
3. To impart the concepts like looping, array, functions, pointers, file, structure.
Learning Outcome:
After completing this lab course you will be able to:
1. Understand the logic for a given problem.
2. Write the algorithm of a given problem.
3. Draw a flow chart of a given problem.
4. Recognize and understand the syntax and construction of C programming code.
5. Gain experience of procedural language programming.
6. Know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging C code.
7. Understand using header files.
8. Learn the methods of iteration or looping and branching.

 Introduction to computer programming- use of editors
 compilation, debugging
 Basic C programs
 String Manipulation
 File Management,
 Control and loops,
 Programs using if conditions;
 Switch case,
 Loops
 Arrays
 Functions
 Files,
 Command line arguments
 String manipulations

Advanced Database Management System-LAB

M.Sc-AI-191 Credit-2

Learning Objective:
 To explore the features of a Database Management Systems
 To interface a database with front end tools
 To understand the internals of a database system

Learning Outcome:
 Ability to use databases for building web applications.
 Gaining knowledge about the internals of a database system.
 Basic SQL
 Intermediate SQL
 Advanced SQL
 ER Modeling
 Database Design and Normalization
 Accessing Databases from Programs using JDBC
 Building Web Applications using PHP & MySQL
 Indexing and Query Processing
 Query Evaluation Plans
 Concurrency and Transactions
 Big Data Analytics using Hadoop
 Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharshan, “Database System Concepts”,
6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
 RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 4 th Edition,
Pearson/Addisionwesley, 2007
Machine Learning
M.Sc-AI-201 Credit-4
Unit 1 Introduction : Machine Learning, , Varieties of Machine Learning, Learning Input-
Output Functions , Types of Learning , Input Vectors, Outputs, Training Regimes, Noise
Performance Evaluation , Learning Requires Bias , Sample Applications ,Sources, Boolean
Functions, Re, Boolean Algebra, Diagrammatic Res, Classes of Boolean Functions ,Terms and
Clauses ,DNF Functions, CNF Functions, Decision Lists Symmetric and Voting
Functions, Linearly Separable Functions

Unit -2 Using Version Spaces for Learning: Version Spaces and Mistake Bounds
Version Graphs ,Learning as Search of a Version Space, The Candidate Elimination Method,
Neural Networks, Threshold Logic Units, Definitions and Geometry, Special Cases of Linearly
Separable Functions , Error-Correction Training of a TLU , Weight Space, The Widrow-Hoff
Procedure , Linear Machines, Networks of TLUs, Statistical Learning, Learning Belief Networks
,Nearest-Neighbor Methods

Unit 3: Decision Trees: Definitions, Supervised Learning of Univariate Decision Trees,

Networks Equivalent to Decision Trees, Over fitting and Evaluation, The Problem of Replicated
Subtree ,The Problem of Missing Attributes, Comparisons, Inductive Logic Programming, A
Generic ILP Algorithm , Inducing Recursive Programs , Choosing Literals to Add, Relationships
Between ILP and Decision Tree Induction

Unit 4 : Computational Learning Theory: Notation and Assumptions for PAC Learning
Theory,PAC Learning ,The Fundamental Theorem, Some Properly PAC-Learnable Classes, The
Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension, Linear Dichotomies, Capacity 84 VC Dimension and PAC
Learning , Unsupervised Learning, Clustering Methods, Hierarchical Clustering Methods

Unit 5:Temporal-Difference Learning : Temporal Patterns and Prediction Problems

Supervised and Temporal-Difference Methods, Incremental Computation of the (∆W), An
Experiment with TD Methods, Theoretical Results, Intra-Sequence Weight Updating, Delayed-
Reinforcement Learning, Q-Learning, Discussion, Limitations, and Extensions of Q-Learning,
Using Random Actions, Generalizing Over Inputs, Partially Observable State, Scaling Problems,
Explanation-Based Learning ,Domain Theories, Evaluable Predicates, More General Proofs,
Utility of EBL, Applications

Suggested Readings:

1. EthemAlpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, Second Edition

2. Stephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
3. Christopher M Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
4. Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning,

Data Structures using C++

M.Sc-AI-202 Credits-4
UNIT-I: ARRAYS:Abstract Data Types and the C++ Class, An Introduction to C++ Class-
Data Abstraction and Encapsulation in C++- Declaring Class Objects and Invoking Member
Functions- Special Class Operations- Miscellaneous Topics- ADTs and C++Classes, The Array
as an Abstract Data Type, The Polynomial Abstract Data type- Polynomial Re- Polynomial
Addition. Spares Matrices,Introduction- Sparse Matrix Re- Transposing a Matrix- Matrix
Multiplication, Re of Arrays.

UNIT-II: Stacks and Queues: Templates in C++, Template Functions- Using Templates to

Represent Container Classes, The Stack Abstract Data Type, The Queue Abstract Data Type,
Subtyping and Inheritance in C++,
Evaluation of Expressions, Expression- Postfix Notation- Infix to Postfix.

UNIT-III: Linked Lists : Single Linked List and Chains, Representing Chains in C++, Defining
a Node in C++- Designing a Chain Class in C++- Pointer manipulation in C++- Chain
Manipulation Operations, The Template Class Chain, Implementing Chains with Templates-
Chain Iterators- Chain Operations- Reusing a Class, Circular Lists, Available Space Lists,
Linked Stacks and Queues, Polynomials, Polynomial Re- Adding Polynomials- Circular List Re
of Polynomials, Equivalence Classes, Sparse Matrices, Sparse Matrix Re- Sparse Matrix Input
Deleting a Sparse Matrix, Doubly Linked Lists, Generalized Lists, Re of Generalized Lists-
Recursive Algorithms for Lists- Reference Counts, Shared and Recursive Lists

UNIT-IV: Trees: Introduction, Re of Trees, Binary Trees, The Abstract Data Type, Properties
of Binary Tress, Binary Tree Res, Binary Tree Traversal and Tree Iterators, Introduction, Inorder
Traversal Preorder Traversal, Postorder Traversal, Thread Binary Trees, Threads, Inorder
Traversal of a Threaded Binary Tree, Inserting a Node into a Threaded Binary Tree, Heaps,
Priority Queues, Definition of a Max Heap, Insertion into a Max Heap, Deletion from a Max
Heap, Binary Search Trees, Definition, Searching a Binary Search Tree, Insertion into a Binary
Search Tree, Deletion from a Binary Search Tree, Height of Binary
Search Tree.
UNIT-V: Graphs and Sorting: The Graph Abstract Data Type, Introduction,Graph Re,
Elementary Graph Operation, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Spanning Trees,
Biconnected Components, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees, Kruskal S Algorithm, Prim s
Algorithm Sollin’ s Algorithm, Shortest Paths and Transitive Closure, Single Source/All
Destination: Nonnegative Edge Cost, Single Source/All Destination: General Weights, All-Pairs
Shortest Path, Transitive Closure.Sorting: Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort Merging,
Iterative Merge Sort, Recursive Merge Sort, Heap Sort.

Suggested Readings:

1. Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, University Press (India)
Pvt.Ltd, 2nd edition, Universities Press Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.

2. Data structures and Algorithms in C++, Michael T.Goodrich, R.Tamassia and .Mount, Wiley
student edition, John Wiley and Sons.

3. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education. Ltd.,
Second Edition.

4. Data structures and algorithms in C++, 3rd Edition, Adam Drozdek, Thomson

5. Data structures using C and C++, Langsam, Augenstein and Tanenbaum, PHI.

6. Problem solving with C++, The OOP, Fourth edition, W.Savitch, Pearson education.

Computer Networks and Management

M.Sc-AI-203 Credit -4
Unit 1 : Introduction: Analogy of Telephone Network Management, Data and
Telecommunication Network Distributed computing Environments, TCP/IPBased Networks:
The Internet and Intranets, Communications Protocols and Standards- Communication
Architectures, Protocol Layers and Services; Case Histories of Networking and Management –
The Importance of topology , Filtering Does Not Reduce Load on Node, Some Common
Network Problems; Challenges of Information Technology Managers, Network Management:
Goals, Organization, and Functions- Goal of Network Management, Network Provisioning,
Network Operations and the NOC, Network Installation and Maintenance; Network and System
Management, Network Management System platform, Current Status and Future of Network

Unit 2: Basic Foundations: Standards, Models, and Language: Network Management

Standards, Network Management Model, Organization Model, Information Model –
Management Information Trees, Managed Object Perspectives, Communication Model; ASN.1-
Terminology, Symbols, and Conventions, Objects and Data Types, Object Names, An Example
of ASN.1 from ISO 8824; Encoding Structure; Macros, Functional Model.

Unit 3 : SNMPv1 Network Management: Managed Network: The History of SNMP

Management, Internet Organizations and standards, Internet Documents, The SNMP Model, The
Organization Model, System Overview. The Information Model – Introduction, The Structure of
Management Information, Managed Objects, Management Information Base. The SNMP
Communication Model – The SNMP Architecture, Administrative Model, SNMP Specifications,
SNMP Operations, SNMP MIB Group, Functional Model SNMP Management – RMON:
Remote Monitoring, RMON SMI and MIB, RMONI1- RMON1 Textual Conventions, RMON1
Groups and Functions, Relationship Between Control and Data Tables, RMON1 Common and
Ethernet Groups, RMON Token Ring Extension Groups, RMON2 – The RMON2 Management
Information Base, RMON2 Conformance Specifications.

Unit 4 : Broadband Access Networks, Broadband Access Technology; HFCT Technology: The
Broadband LAN, The Cable Modem, The Cable Modem Termination System, The HFC Plant,
The RF Spectrum for Cable Modem; Data Over Cable, Reference Architecture; HFC
Management – Cable Modem and CMTS Management, HFC Link Management, RF Spectrum
Management, DSL Technology; Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Technology – Role of the
ADSL Access Network in an Overall Network, ADSL Architecture, ADSL Channeling
Schemes, ADSL Encoding Schemes; ADSL Management – ADSL Network Management
Elements, ADSL Configuration Management, ADSL Fault Management, ADSL Performance
Management, SNMP-Based ADSL Line MIB, MIB Integration with Interfaces Groups in MIB-2,
ADSL Configuration Profiles
Unit 5 : Network Management Applications: Configuration Management- Network
Provisioning, Inventory Management, Network Topology, Fault Management- Fault Detection,
Fault Location and Isolation 24 Techniques, Performance Management – Performance Metrics,
Data Monitoring, Problem Isolation, Performance Statistics; Event Correlation Techniques –
Rule-Based Reasoning, Model-Based Reasoning, CaseBased Reasoning, Codebook correlation
Model, State Transition Graph Model, Finite State Machine Model, Security Management –
Policies and Procedures, Security Breaches and the Resources Needed to Prevent Them,
Firewalls, Cryptography, Authentication and Authorization, Client/Server Authentication
Systems, Messages Transfer Security, Protection of Networks from Virus Attacks, Accounting
Management, Report Management, Policy- Based Management, Service Level Management.

Suggested Readings :

1. Mani Subrahmanian, “Network Management Principles and Practice”, 2nd Edition,

Pearson Education, 2010.
2. Morris, “Network management”, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Mark Burges, “Principles of Network System Administration”, 1st Edition, Wiley
DreamTech, 2008.
4. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking,” Addison-Wesley, 6 thedition,
5. Douglas Comer, “Automated network management systems current and
futurecapabilities,” Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2007.
6. Adrian Farrel, “Network management know it all,” Morgan Kaufmann, 2009Jianguo
Ding, “Advances in network management,” CRC Press, 2010
7. Heinz-Gerd Hegering, Sebastian Abeck, and Bernhard Neumair, “IntegratedManagement
of Networked Systems,” Morgan Kaufmann, 1999
8. William Stallings, “SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2,” AddisonWesley,

Engineering Mathematics
M.Sc-AI-204 Credit -4
Unit I: Ordinary Differential Equations :Basic concepts and definitions of 1st order
differential equations; Formation of differential equations; solution ofdifferential equations:
variable separable, homogeneous, equations reducible to homogeneous form, exact differential
equation, equations reducible to exact form, linear differential equation, equations reducible to
linear form (Bernoulli’s equation); orthogonal trajectories, applications of differential equations.

Unit II: Linear Differential equations of 2nd and higher-order: Second-order linear
homogeneous equations with constant coefficients; differential operators; solution of
homogeneous equations; Euler-Cauchy equation; linear dependence and independence;
Wronskian; Solution of nonhomogeneous equations: general solution, complementary function,
particular integral; solution by variation of parameters; undetermined coefficients; higher order
linear homogeneous equations; applications.

Unit III: Differential Calculus(Two and Three variables): Taylor’s Theorem, Maxima, and
Minima, Lagrange’s multipliers

Unit IV: Matrices, determinants, linear system of equations: Basic concepts of an algebra of
matrices; types of matrices; Vector Space, Sub-space, Basis, and dimension, linear the system of
equations; consistency of linear systems; the rank of a matrix; Gauss elimination; the inverse of a
matrix by Gauss Jordan method; linear dependence and independence, linear transformation;
inverse transformation; applications of matrices; determinants; Cramer’s rule.

Unit V: Matrix-Eigen value problems: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem,

basis, complex matrices; quadratic form; Hermitian, SkewHermitian forms; similar matrices;
diagonalization of matrices; transformation of forms to principal axis (conic section).

Suggested Reading :
1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9th Edition, Pearson,
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. Jain and Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House
4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11thReprint,
5. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
6. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010.

Programming in Python

M.Sc-AI-205 Credit -4
Unit 1 -Introduction to Python Programming Language. : Introduction to Python Language,
Strengths and Weaknesses, IDLE, Dynamic Types, Naming Conventions, String Values,
String Operations, String Slices, String Operators, Numeric Data Types, Conversions, Built In

Unit 2- Data Collections and Language Component : Introduction, Control Flow and Syntax,
Indenting, The if Statement, Relational Operators, Logical, Operators, True or False, Bit
Wise Operators, The while Loop, break and continue,The for Loop, Lists, Tuples, Sets,
Dictionaries, Sorting Dictionaries, Copying Collections.

Unit 3-Object and Classes : Classes in Python, Principles of Object Orientation, Creating
Classes Instance Methods File Organization Special Methods Class Variables Inheritance
Polymorphism Type Identification Custom Exception Classes

Unit 4-Functions and Modules : Introduction Defining Your Own Functions Parameters
Function Documentation Keyword and Optional Parameters Passing Collections to a Function
Variable Number of Arguments Scope Functions - "First Class Citizens" Passing Functions to
a Function Mapping Functions in a Dictionary Lambda Modules Standard Modules – sys
Standard Modules – math Standard Modules – time The dir Function

Unit 5-I/O and Error Handling In Python : Introduction Data Streams Creating Your Own
Data Streams Access Modes Writing Data to a File Data From a File Additional File Methods
Using Pipes as Data Streams Handling IO Exceptions Working with Directories Metadata
Errors Run Time Errors The Exception Model Exception Hierarchy Handling Multiple

Suggested Readings:
1) Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming
2) Python Cookbook: Recipes for Mastering Python 3
3) Learn Python in 1 Day: Complete Python Guide with Examples
4) Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
5) Python Pocket Reference: Python in Your Pocket
6) Python Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn,
and TensorFlow

Data Structures using C++-LAB

M.Sc-AI-290 Credits-2
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
a) Create a singly linked list of integers.
b) Delete a given integer from the above linked list.
c) Display the contents of the above list after deletion.
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
a) Create a doubly linked list of integers.
b) Delete a given integer from the above doubly linked list.
c) Display the contents of the above list after deletion.
Write a C program that uses stack operations to convert a given infix expression into its postfix
Equivalent, Implement the stack using an array.
Write C programs to implement a double ended queue ADT using
i) array and ii) doubly linked list respectively.

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

a) Create a binary search tree of characters.
b) Traverse the above Binary search tree recursively in Postorder.
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
a) Create a binary search tree of integers.
b) Traverse the above Binary search tree non recursively in inorder.
Write C programs for implementing the following sorting methods to arrange a list of integers in
ascending order: a) Insertion sort b) Merge sort
Write C programs for implementing the following sorting methods to arrange a list of integers in
ascending order: a) Quick sort b) Selection sort
Write a C program to perform the following operation: A) Insertion into a B-tree
Write a C program for implementing Heap sort algorithm for sorting a given list of integers in
ascending order.
Write a C program to implement all the functions of a dictionary (ADT) using hashing.
Write a C program for implementing Knuth-Morris- Pratt pattern matching algorithm.
Write C programs for implementing the following graph traversal algorithms:
a)Depth first traversal b)Breadth first traversal

Suggested Readings:
1. Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, 2nd Edition, Sartaj Sahni,
Universities Press.
2. Data structures and Algorithms in C++, Adam Drozdek, 4th edition, Cengage learning.
3. Data structures with C++, J. Hubbard, Schaum’s outlines, TMH.
4. Data structures and Algorithms in C++, M.T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount, Wiley
5. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3rd edition, M. A. Weiss, Pearson.
6. Classic Data Structures, D. Samanta, 2nd edition, PHI.

Programming in Python

M.Sc-AI-291 Credit -2
 Running instructions in Interactive interpreter and a Python Script
 Write a program to purposefully raise Indentation Error and Correct it
 Write a program to compute distance between two points taking input from the user
 (Pythagorean Theorem)
 Write a program that takes 2 numbers as command line arguments and prints its
 Write a Program for checking whether the given number is a even number or not.
 Write a program using a for loop that loops over a sequence. What is sequence ?
 Write a program using a while loop that asks the user for a number, and prints a
countdownfrom that number to zero.
 By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four
million,find the sum of the even-valued terms.
 Write a program to count the numbers of characters in the string and store them in a
dictionary data structure
 Write a program to use split and join methods in the string and trace a birthday with a
dictionary data structure.
 Write a program combine_lists that combines these lists into a dictionary.
 Write a program to print each line of a file in reverse order.
 Write a program to compute the number of characters, words and lines in a file.
 Write a function ball_collide that takes two balls as parameters and computes if they
arecolliding. Your function should return a Boolean representing whether or not the
balls arecolliding.
 Write a function nearly_equal to test whether two strings are nearly equal. Two strings
a and bare nearly equal when a can be generated by a single mutation on b.
 Write a function cumulative_product to compute cumulative product of a list of
 Write a program that defines a matrix and prints
 Write a program to perform addition of two square matrices
 Install packages requests, flask and explore them. using (pip)
 Class variables and instance variable
o Robot
o ATM Machine

Suggested Readings:
1) Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
2) Python Pocket Reference: Python in Your Pocket
3) Python Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn,
and TensorFlow
Robotics and A.I
M.Sc.-A.I-301 Credit-4
Unit 1: Introduction:Brief history, robot technology, Basic Terminologies, classification, and
characteristics, physical configuration, structure of industrial robot, Automation. Robot Grippers:
Types of Grippers, Design aspect for gripper, Force analysis for various basic gripper systems
including Mechanical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems.

Unit 2 Robot Sensors: Transducers and Sensors, Sensors in Robot, Tactile sensor, Proximity
and range sensors, Sensing joint forces, Robotic vision system, Image grabbing, Image
processing and analysis , Image segmentation, etc. Kinematics: Transformation matrices and
their arithmetic, link and joint description, Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, frame assignment to
links, direct kinematics. Dynamics: Introduction to Dynamics , Trajectory generations ,
Manipulator Mechanism Design

Unit 3 Robot Cell Design: Robot work cell design and control, Safety in Robotics, Robot cell
layouts, Multiple Robots and machine interference, Robots cycle time analysis, Industrial
application of robots,

Unit 4: Robot programming:Lead through programming, Robot programming as a path in

space, Motion interpolation, WAIT, SINGNAL AND DELAY commands, Branching
capabilities and Limitations Robot languages: Textual robot languages, Generation, Robot
language structures, Elements in function

Unit 5: Robot application:Material transfer, Machine loading/unloading. Processing operation,

Assembly and Inspection, Feature Application. Economical aspects for robot design, Safety for
robot and associated mass, New Trends and recent updates in robotics, International Scenario for
implementing robots in Industrial and other sectors. Future scope for robotisation.

Suggested Reading:
1. Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Systems, Applications by Saeed B Niku PHI.
2. Fundamentals of Robotics Analysis and Control, Robert J Schilling, PHI.
3. K.S. Fu, R. C. Gonzalez and C.S.G. Lee, obotics Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence,
McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. D. Richard, Klafter, and A. Thomas, Chmielewski, Michael Negin, Robotics Engineering-An
Integrated Approach, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
5. A. Ghosal, Robotics Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford University Press India,
6. S. R. Deb, Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, Tata McGraw -Hill, 2009.
7. M. P. Groover, Mitchell Weis, Roger, N. Nagel, Nicholas G. Odrey, Industrial Robotics
Technology, Programming and Applications, McGraw Hill, Int. 2008.

Computer Graphics and Animation

M.Sc-AI-302 Credit -4
Unit I : Introduction to Graphics and Graphics Hardware System Application of computer
graphics, Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Display, Random Scan,Display, Input Devices,
Graphic Software and graphics standards, Numerical based on Raster and Random scan display,
Frame buffer, Display processor.

Unit II: Output Primitives and Clipping operations,Algorithms for drawing 2D Primitives lines
(DDA and Bresenham„s line algorithm), circles (Bresenham„s and midpoint circle algorithm),
Antialiasing and filtering techniques. Line clipping (cohen-sutherland algorithm), Curve clipping
algorithm, and polygon clipping with Sutherland, Hodgeman algorithm, Area fill algorithms for
various graphics primitives: Scanline fill algorithm,boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm,
Polygon re, various method of Polygon Inside test: Even-Odd method, winding number method,
Character generation techniques.

Unit III: 2D and 3D: Geometric transformation, 2D Transformation: Basic transformation,

Translation, Rotation, Rotation relative to an arbitrary point, scaling, Matrix Res and
Homogeneous coordinates, window to viewport transformation.3D Geometric transformation 3D
Concepts: Parallel projection and Perspective projection, 3D Transformations, composite 3D
transformation, co-ordinate transformation, Inverse transformation

Module IV: Object modeling and Visible Surface detection fractal geometry methods, fractal
dimensions, Geometric construction of deterministic self-similar fractals, Iterated function
system to generate fractals. Bezier curves and Bezier surfaces, Bsplinecurves and surfaces,
Visible surface detection method: Basic illumination, diffuse reflection, specular reflection,
shadows. Ray tracing method, Depth-buffer method, A-buffer method, Depth-sorting method
(painter„s algorithm), Binary search partition method, Scan line method,

Module V: Introduction to multimediaDesign of animation sequences, Computer Animation

languages, Elementary filtering techniques and elementary Image Processing techniques,
graphics library functions used in animation design

Suggested Readings:
1. Foley et. al., “Computer Graphics Principles & practice”, 2nd ed. AWL, 2000.
2. D. Hearn and P. Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Prentice Hall, 1986.
3. R. Plastock and G. Kalley, “Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics”,
Schaum‟sSeries,McGraw Hill, 1986
4. R.H. Bartels, J.C. Beatty and B.A. Barsky, “An Introduction to Splines for use in
5. Graphics and Geometric Modeling”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1987.
6. C.E. Leiserson, T.H. Cormen and R.L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 1990.
7. W. Newman and R. Sproul, “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw-Hill,
8. F.P. Preparata and M.I. Shamos, “Computational Geometry: An Introduction”, Springer-
VerlagNew York Inc., 1985.
9. D. Rogers and J. Adams, “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics”, MacGraw-
HillInternational Edition, 1989

Internet of Things and Its Applications

M.Sc-AI-303 Credit -4
Unit 1- Introduction to IoT: Sensing, Actuation, Networking basics, Communication Protocols,
Sensor Networks, Machine-to-Machine Communications, IoT Definition, Characteristics. IoT
Functional Blocks, Physical design of IoT, Logical design of IoT, Communication models &

Unit -2 -M2M to IoT-The Vision-Introduction, From M2M to IoT, M2M towards IoT-the
global context, A use case example, Differing Characteristics. Definitions, M2M Value Chains,
IoT Value Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT

Unit 3-M2M vs IoT An Architectural Overview–Building architecture, Main design principles

and needed capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, standards considerations. Reference
Architecture and Reference Model of IoT. Various architectural views of IoT such as Functional,
Information, Operational and Deployment. Constraints affecting design in IoT world-
Introduction, Technical design Constraints.

Unit 4- Web of Things - Web of Things versus Internet of Things – Two Pillars of the Web –
Architecture Standardization for WoT– Platform Middleware for WoT – Unified Multitier WoT
Architecture – WoT Portals and Business Intelligence

Unit 5- Domain specific applications of IoT: , IoT applications for industry: Future Factory
Concepts, Brownfield IoT, Smart Objects, Smart Applications.Study of existing IoT
platforms /middleware, IoT- A, Hydra etc. Home automation, Industry applications, Surveillance

Suggested Readings:

1. Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 1 st

Edition, VPT, 2014

2. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting

Everything”, 1 st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013

3. Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-
4493- 9357-1

Deep Learning
M.Sc-AI-304 Credit -4

Unit I : Introduction to Deep Learning: Deep Learning, neural network, reasons to go Deep
Your choice of Deep Net, An old problem: The Vanishing Gradient, Deep Learning Models:
Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Deep Belief Nets, Convolutional Networks, Recurrent Nets

Unit II : Additional Deep Learning Models: Autoencoders, Recursive Neural Tensor Nets,
Deep Learning Use Cases, Deep Learning Platforms and Software Libraries : Deep Learning
Platform,, Dato GraphLab, Deep Learning Library, Theano, Caffe, TensorFlow

Unit III: ConvNetsBasic concepts of Convolutional Neural Networks starting from filetering.
Convolution and pooling operation and arithmatics of these, ConvNet Architectures Discussions
on famous convnet architectures - AlexNet, ZFNet, VGG, C3D, GoogLeNet, ResNet,

Unit IV Recurrent Neural Networks : Discussion on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),

Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) architectures and basics of word embedding, Vision and
Language Discussion on different tasks involving Vision and Language e.g., Image and video
captioning along with the use of attention.

Unit V : Explainability and Bias : Discussion on explainability and bias in Deep Learning
system. The need for explanation, introspection vs justification, activation maximization and
activation map based explanation generation, Black-box explanation generation etc. Bias in AI
and in image captioning task.

Suggested Readings:
1. Deep LearningBy Ian Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio and Aaron Courville
2. Deep Learning TutorialBy LISA Lab, University of Montreal
3. Deep Learning: Methods and Applications By Li Deng and Dong Yu
4. First Contact with TensorFlow, get started with Deep Learning Programming By Jordi Torres
5. Neural Networks and Deep Learning By Michael Nielsen
6. A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks By David Kriesel
Game Theory of Artificial Intelligence

M.Sc-AI-305 Credit -4
Unit IIntroduction to Game Theory: What is game theory? Theory of rational choice,
Interacting decision makers
Unit IIStrategic Games and Nash Equilibrium: Strategic games: examples, Nash equilibrium:
concept and examples, Best response functions, Dominated Actions, Symmetric games and
symmetric equilibria, Illustrations of Nash Equilibrium Cournot’s model of duopoly market
Unit III Bertrand’s model of duopoly market : Electoral Competition, War of
AttritionAuctions, Accident Laws
Unit IV Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium : Introduction, Strategic games with randomisation,
Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium: concept and examples, Dominated Actions , Formation of
Players’ beliefs
Unit V :Extensive Games and Nash Equilibrium: Introduction to extensive games, Strategies
and outcomes, Nash equilibrium, Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium Backward induction,
Illustrations of Extensive Games and Nash Equilibrium : Stackelberg model of duopoly markets,
Ultimatum game

Suggested Readings :
1. Osborne, M.J.An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press, 2004
2. Mas-Colell,A., M.D. Whinston and J.R. Green Microeconomic Theory, OxfordUniversity
Press, 1995
3. Gibbons, R.A Primer in Game Theory,Pearson Education, 1992

Computer Graphics and Animation-LAB

M.Sc-AI-390 Credit -2
1. Implementation of Algorithms for drawing 2D Primitives–Line(DDA, Bresenham)–all
slopesCircle (Midpoint)
2. 2D Geometric transformations–TranslationRotation ScalingReflection ShearWindow-
3. Composite 2D Transformations
4. Line Clipping
5. 3D Transformations - Translation, Rotation, Scaling.
6. 3D Projections–Parallel, Perspective.
7. Creating 3D Scenes.
8. Image Editing and Manipulation - Basic Operations on image using any image
editingsoftware, Creating gif animated images, Image optimization.
9. 2D Animation–To create Interactive animation using any authoring tool.
Suggested Readings:
1. Graphics and Geometric Modeling”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1987.
2. C.E. Leiserson, T.H. Cormen and R.L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 1990.
3. W. Newman and R. Sproul, “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw-Hill,
4. F.P. Preparata and M.I. Shamos, “Computational Geometry: An Introduction”, Springer-
Verlag New York Inc., 1985.
5. D. Rogers and J. Adams, “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics”, MacGraw-
Hill International Edition, 1989
Robotics and AI-LAB

M.Sc-AI-391 Credit -2
 Configure the working of robots
 Use the robot end effecters
 Control servo and non-servo system
 Use the different types of sensor in robotics.
 Interface sensors using µP or µC
 Measure various parameters of Electro-Mechanical Instruments Pressure, Flow, Speed
and Moisture
 Interface Actuators using µP or µC
 Interface Drives using µP or µC
 Interface Stepper Motor using µP or µC
 Interface PLC and prepare Ladder Diagram
 Use robot trainer to perform different tasks
 Use Robot programming commands
Suggested Readings:
 Robotics for Engineers Koren Yoram McGraw - Hill Education, New Delhi, 1 st Edition
 Textbook On Industrial Robotics Hedge, G S Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, ,1st
Edition Industrial Robotics: Technology, Programming and Applications Groover Mikell
P. McGraw - Hill Education, New Delhi 2 nd Edition
 Robotics Fu K. S., Gonzalez R C., Lee C S G . McGraw - Hill Education, New Delhi Pvt
Ltd Robotic Engineering Richard k lafter PHI, New Delhi, 2012


Human-Computer Interface

MSc-AI-401 Credits -4
Unit I : Introduction :Objective ,Historical Evolution,Roots of HCI in India, guidelines in HCI :
Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules, Norman’s Seven Principles, Heuristic Evaluation, Interface
Design Guidelines
Unit II :Interactive System Design: Concept of Usability Engineering, Usability, Usability
Study, Usability Testing , Acceptance Testing, Software Tools, HCI and Software Engineering,
Prototyping, Human Computer Interface
Unit III: User Centered Design (UCD): GUI Design & Aesthetics, HCI in Indian Industries,
HCI Analogy, Interactive Devices : Touch Screen, Gesture Recognition, Speech Recognition,
Keyboard, Response Time
Unit IV:Design Process And Task Analysis: HCI Design, Design Methodologies, Participatory
Design, Task Analysis, Engineering Task Models, Concur Task Tree (CTT),DIALOG DESIGN
Dialog :Introduction to Formalism ,Visual Thinking, Direct Manipulation Programming, Item
Sequence, Menu Layout, Form Fill-in Dialog Boxes, Human Computer Interface
Unit V: Information Search And Visualization : Database Query, Multimedia Document
Searches, Information Visualization Advanced Filtering, Hypertext and Hypermedia, Object
Action Interface Model for Website Design, Object oriented programming: Object Oriented
Programming Paradigm (OOPP) Objects, Object Oriented Modeling of User Interface Design
Suggested Readings :
1. Dix A, Finlay J,Abowd G D and Beale R Human Computer Interaction, 3rd edition,
Pearson Education, 2005
2. Preece J, Rogers Y,SharpH,Baniyon D, Holland S and Carey T Human Computer
Interaction,Addison-Wesley, 1994
3. BShneiderman; Designing the User Interface,Addison Wesley 2000 (Indian Reprint)

Cyber Security and Data Protection

M.Sc-AI-402 Credit -4
Unit I : The Security Environment: Threats, vulnerabilities, andConsequences, Advanced
persistent threats, The state of security today, Why security matters to DoD, Principles of
Cybersecurity, The interrelated components of thecomputing environment Cybersecurity models
(the CIAtriad, the star model, the Parkerianhexad)Variations on a theme: computersecurity,
information security, andinformation assurance

Unit II Cybersecurity Management Concepts:Security governance, Management models,

roles, andfunctions, Enterprise Roles and StructureInformation security roles andpositions,
Alternative enterprise structures and interfaces,Strategy and Strategic Planning:Strategy ,
Strategic planning and securitynStrategy, The information security lifecycle, Architecting the

Unit III : Security Plans and Policies : Levels of planning, Planning misalignment, The
System Security Plan (SSP), Policy development and implementation, Laws and Regulatory
Requirements, Timeline of U.S. laws related toinformation securityThe Federal Information
SecurityManagement Act (FISMA) Security Standards and Controls: Security standards and
controlsCertification and accreditation

Unit IV: Risk Management:Principles of risk, Types of risk, Risk strategies, The Risk
Management Framework(RMF), Security Metrics and Key PerformanceIndicators (KPIs):The
challenge of security metrics, What makes a good metric, Approaches to security metric,
Metrics and FISMA, Physical Security and EnvironmentalEvents: Physical and environmental
threats, Physical and environmental Controls, Contingency Planning:Developing a contingency
plan, Understanding the different types of contingency plan, Responding to events

Unit V: Security Education:Training, andAwareness: Human factors in security, Developing

and implementing asecurity training plan, Cross-domain training (IT and othersecurity domains),
Managing information security across the DoD enterprise, The purpose of certification
andaccreditation, Trends in certification andaccreditationSecurity project ,Managing information
security acrossthe DoD enterprise: The strategic direction of DoD ITand information security,
Responsibilities within the DoDenterprise, The future of cybersecurity: Key future uncertainties,
Possible future scenarios.

Suggested Readings :

1. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation (2nd Ed.) Author: Jon Erickson

2. The Art of Invisibility: The World’s Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the
Age of Big Brother and Big Data Author: Kevin Mitnick

3. Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker Author(s): Kevin
Mitnick, William L. Simon

4. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography

Author(s): Simon Singh

5. Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World
Author(s): Joseph Menn

Data Science Applications of NLP

M.Sc-AI-403 Credit -4

Unit I : Introduction to Computational Linguistics - Word meaning - Distributional

Semantics - Word Sense, Disambiguation - Sequence Models - N-gram Language Models -
Feedforward Neural Language
Unit II Models - Word Embeddings - Recurrent Neural Language Models - POS tagging and
Sequence, Labeling - Structured Perceptron, Viterbi - Loss-augmented Structured Prediction -
Neural text models and tasks.
Unit III Information Extraction from Text - Sequential Labeling - Named Entity Recognition
– Semantic, Lexicon Induction - Relation Extraction - Paraphrases Inference Rules - Event
Extraction - Opinion
Unit IV Extraction - Temporal Information Extraction - Open Information Extraction -
Knowledge Base, Population - Narrative Event Chains and Script Learning - Knowledge graph
augmented neural networks for Natural Language.
Unit V: Machine Translation - Encoder-decoder models, beam search - Attention Models –
Multilingual, Models - Syntax, Trees, Parsing - Transition-based Dependency Parsing - Graph-
based Dependency, Parsing - Deep Generative Models for Natural Language Data - Text
Analytics - Information Extraction with AQL - Conversational AI.
Suggested Readings:
1. Emily Bender, Linguistics Fundamentals for NLP, Morgan Claypool Publishers, 2013
2. Jacob Eisenstein, Natural Language Processing, MIT Press, 2019
3. Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin, Speech and Language Processing, Third edition, Prentice
Hall, 2018
4. Chris Manning, Hinrich Schuetze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing,
MIT Press, 1999

Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing

M.Sc-AI-404 Credits -4

UNIT- I : Systems Modeling: Clustering and Virtualization:Distributed System Models and

Enabling Technologies, Computer Clusters for Scalable Parallel Computing, Virtual Machines
and Virtualization  of Clusters and Data centers.

UNIT- II : Foundations:Introduction to Cloud Computing, Migrating into a Cloud, Enriching

the ‘Integration as a Service’ Paradigm for the Cloud Era, The Enterprise Cloud Computing

UNIT- III : Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) & Platform and Software as a Service
(PAAS / SAAS):Virtual machines provisioning and Migration services, On the Management of
Virtual machines for Cloud Infrastructures, Enhancing Cloud Computing Environments using a
cluster as a Service, Secure Distributed Data Storage in Cloud Computing. Aneka, Comet Cloud,
T-Systems’, Workflow Engine for Clouds, Understanding Scientific Applications for Cloud

UNIT- IV : Monitoring, Management and Applications:An Architecture for Federated Cloud

Computing, SLA Management in Cloud Computing, Performance Prediction for HPC on Clouds,
Best Practices in Architecting Cloud Applications in the AWS cloud, Building Content Delivery
networks using Clouds, Resource Cloud Mashups.

UNIT – V : Governance and Case Studies:Organizational Readiness and Change management

in the Cloud age, Data Security in the Cloud, Legal Issues in Cloud computing, Achieving
Production Readiness for Cloud Services.

Suggested Readings:

1. Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms by Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg and
Andrzej M. Goscinski, Wiley, 2011.
2. Distributed and Cloud Computing, Kai Hwang, GeofferyC.Fox, Jack J.Dongarra,
Elsevier, 2012.
3. Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach, Anthony T.Velte, Toby J.Velte, Robert
Elsenpeter, Tata McGraw Hill, rp2011.
4. Enterprise Cloud Computing, Gautam Shroff, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
5. Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management and Security, John W. Rittinghouse,
James F.Ransome, CRC Press, rp2012.
6. Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the
Cloud, George Reese, O’Reilly, SPD, rp2011.

Cloud Computing and Data Protection-LAB

M.Sc-AI-404 Credits -4
List of Expriments

1. Install Virtualbox/VMware Workstation with different flavours of linux or windows

OS on top of windows7 or 8.
2. Install a C compiler in the virtual machine created using virtual box and execute
Simple Programs
3. Install Google App Engine. Create hello world app and other simple web applications
using python/java.
4. Use GAE launcher to launch the web applications.
5. Simulate a cloud scenario using CloudSim and run a scheduling algorithm that is not
present in CloudSim.
6. Find a procedure to transfer the files from one virtual machine to another virtual
7. Find a procedure to launch virtual machine using trystack (Online Openstack Demo
8. Install Hadoop single node cluster and run simple applications like wordcount.
Project Work

M.Sc-AI-491 Credits -8


The project proposal or the synopsis is the frame work for carrying out the project. Itshould be
prepared in consultation with Guide. The necessary parts of a project proposal are given in the
following form:
 Title of the Project.
 Introduction and Objectives of the Project.
 Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/E-learning etc.).
 Tools / Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications.
 Analysis (DFDs, ER Diagrams/ Database Design etc. as per the projectrequirements).
 Whether the project is done for any Industry/Client? The Name and Addressof the Industry or
Client is to be mentioned.
 Future scope and further enhancement of the project. Also mention limitationof the project.
1. A Project Report should include the following items:
 Introduction
 Objectives
 Tools/Environment Used
 Analysis Document (This should include SRS i.e., Software
Requirement Specification in proper structure based on SoftwareEngineering concepts, E-R
diagrams/Class diagrams/any relateddiagrams (if the former are not applicable), Data flow
diagrams/othersimilar diagrams (if the former is not applicable), Data dictionary)
 Design Document (Modularization details, Data integrity & constraintsincluding database
design, Procedural design, and User interfacedesign).
 Testing (Test case designs are to be included separately for Unittesting, Integration testing,
System testing; Reports of the outcome of
Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing are to be includedseparately. Also, details of
debugging and code improvement are tobe included.)
 Input and Output Screens.
 Implementation of Security for the Software developed (In case, youhave set up a User Name
and Password for your software, you shouldensure the security of User Name and Password
during transmissionto server)
 Limitations of the Project
 Future Application of the Project
 Bibliography
Students need not to attach the code in their project reports. The project reportshould be
hard/spiral bound; should consist of a contents page; all pages of reportshould be numbered;
content should be well organized in a meaningful manner;paragraph alignment should be
maintained, printouts of text & screen layouts shouldbe original and should not be xeroxed). In
the scheduling Viva-voce date,studentshave to submit the softcopy (two copies) of the project
2. Certificate of Originality from the Supervisor.
3. The Project Report may be about 50 to 80 double spaced A-4 size typed pages(excluding
program code)
This is to certify that the project report entitled...................................................
mitted to ……………………………………………………………… inpartial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Master Of Science-Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc-AI),
is an original work carried out by Mr./ Ms.............................
…………………………………………………………… Roll.No.:..................... under the
supervision of Mr./Ms.............................................................The matter embodied in this project
is a genuine work done by the studentand has not been submitted either to this University or to
any other University /Institute for the fulfilment of the requirement of any course of study.
Signature of the student Signature of the supervisor
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Roll. No.:
The students have to make three copies of his completed Project Report and submit one of itto
the ……………………...One copy of the report will be with him/her for reference.
The Project Report is evaluated for 8 credits.
A student will be unsuccessful if it is found some Unfair cases of copied versions ofproject
synopsis and project reports.
Student has to resubmit the project synopsis if he/she is unsuccessful in the project.
Students are advised to select a new topic for the project and should prepare and submit
theproject synopsis again.
If any student cleared all the semester’s papers then he/she will be eligible for givingthe project
reports immediately in the next semester.
1. The Project Report should be submitted in A-4 size papers typed in double space.The Project
Report should be hard bound.
2. Ensure that it contains the following:
 Project Proposal.
 Certificate of Originality from the Supervisor.
 All signatures should be accompanied by the date of signature.
It should include all items mentioned in Section III.
3. If any project report is received in the absence of the items listed above, it willbe rejected and
returned to students for compliance. Also, violation of ProjectGuidelines may lead to rejection of
the Project.
4. Only One hard bound/spiral bound original copy of the project report is to besubmitted to the
University. One copy of the same Project Report is to beretained with the student and the student
is supposed to carry his/her copywhile appearing for viva voce.
5. Xerox copy of the project report is not acceptable.
6. Not more than two students will be permitted to work on the same project.
7. If the title of the Project differs from the title mentioned in the Project Proposal, theProject
Report will be rejected and will be returned back to the student.
8. In case, students require any letter from the University for doing a project in anyorganization,
they may request the Co-ordinator of the study centre or the Universityfor the Issuance of the

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