CE Sertificate WESTIN

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Safenet Limited

Denford Garage,Denford,Kettering,Northants.,NN14 4EQ,U.K.

Tel:+441832732174 e‐ mail: ofFlce@safenet co.uk VVebsite:

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EC Examination Certificate

丁his is to cetti″ that

Guangdong Westinpower Co., Ltd.

Westi n power I nd ustrial Zone, S ha ntou F .T .2, Ch na i

Has had a range of Westinpower Diesel Generator Sets examined to the

Machinery Directive 20061421EC, as amended and the Low Voltage
Directive 20141351EU.

With reference to model TM2500

Manufactured by:

Guangdong Westinpower Go., Ltd.

Westin power I nd ustria I Zone, S ha ntou F .T .2, Ch ina

1. The technical file contains all the relevant information.

2. Having verified that the appropriate tests have been conducted.
2.1. The standards and transposed standards have been applied correctly.
2.2. The example representing series production of the item, complies with the
essential health and safety requirements of the Directive 20061421EC, as
2.3. The technical file contains all the information required to include the models
listed in the attached annex to this certificate.
2.4. Compliance with EN 60204-1:2006+41:2009 gives compliance with the Low
Voltage Directive 20141351EU.

Certificate Number: 6528110117 version 3

Date: 23/01/2017

Signed for Safenet Limited

Peter McNicol
Technical Manager
This Docllme注 畜re総 参itts the property of Safenet Ltd arld i″ 鵬i be retur:led ko the鶴 lf so reqttested
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Safenet Limited
Denford Garage,Denford,Kettering,Northants.,NN14 4EQ,U“ K.
Te::+441832732174 e― ma‖ : o爾 ce@safenet cO uk 1/Vebsle: ―
.safenet co uk

EC Examination Certificate

Annex Certificate 6528110117 version 3

Modeis included:

TC30,TC44,丁 C50,TC55,TC66,TC70,丁 C75,丁 C80,TC93,丁 Cl10,TC125,丁 C130,

TC145,TC165,TC175,TC200,TC210,丁 C220,TC235,丁 C250,TC270,丁 C275,TC300,
TC315,TC345,TC360,TC375,丁 C440,丁 C450,TC500,丁 C550,TC560,丁 C625,TC650,
TC690,丁 C715,丁 C750,丁 C825,TC850,TC880,丁 C1000,TCl100,丁C1250,TC1375,
TC1560,TC1650,TP10,TP12,TP15,TP17,TP22,丁 P27,丁 P33,TP38,丁 P50,TP60,
TP66,TP75,TP85,TP88,丁 P100,TPl10,TP125,TP150,TP165,TP190,TP200,
TP220,丁 P250,丁 P260,TP270,TP275,TP300,丁 P310,TP330,TP345,丁 P375,丁 P385,
TP438,TP440,TP500,TP550,TP560,TP625,丁 P660,TP690,TP700,丁 P750,TP825,
TP880,TP940,TP960,丁 P975,TP1000,丁 Pl100,丁 P1375,TP1385,丁 P1500,TP1650,
TP1875,TP1880,TP2000,丁 P2250,丁 P2500,TU500,TU550,丁 U625,丁 U670,丁 U690,
TU700,丁 U710,TU715,TU730,TU750,TU800,TU825,TU880,TU950,TU1000,
TU1080,TUl100,丁 Ul125,TU1240,TU1250,TU1300,TU1375,TU1400,丁 U1450,
TU1500,TU1560,TU1660:TU1670,TU1750,丁 U1800,丁 U1810,TU1875,TU2000,
丁U2250,TU2500,TX300,TX330,TX345,丁 X380,TX400,TX440,TX450,丁 X500,
丁X550,TX570,丁 X620,TX650,TX690,丁 X710,丁X750,丁X850,丁 X870,TX1000,
丁Xl100,TX1250,丁 X1375,丁X1500,丁X1800,丁X2000,丁 X2200,TX2250,丁 X2500,
TX2750,TX3000,TX3300,TM7.5,丁 Mll.5,丁 M16,丁 M22,TM33,丁 M44,丁 M820,
TMl100,丁 M1400,丁 M1540,丁 M1650,丁 M1900,TM2100,TM2250,丁M2500,TS028,
TS034,TS044,丁 S055,丁S088,丁 S094,TS0110,丁 S0120,TS0135,TS0140,
丁S0150,TS0165,TS0175,丁 S0200,丁 S0220,TS0250,TS0255,TS0275,丁 S0300,
TS0385,TS0410,丁S66,TS88,TSl10,丁S125,丁 S140,TS165,丁 S200,TS220,丁 S250,
丁S275,TS385,丁 S400,丁 S480,丁 S550,丁 S620,丁 S690,丁 S825,TS880,TS1000
TMC1400,TMC1540,TMC1650,TMC1900,TMC2100,TMC2250,TVV1 80,TW200,
丁W210,丁 llV220,TVV250,nrV285,TW300,TW330,TW385,TVV400,丁 W440,TWV450,
TWV500,TVV51 0,TW575,TllV580,1詢 り625,1¬ Ⅳ630,1詢 り700,T1/V750,TIN825,TWV880,
nlV930,TAll,丁 A15,丁 A17,TA19,丁 A22,丁 A25,丁 A33,丁A38,TA44,丁 A55,丁 A63,TA66,
丁A90,TAl10,TA165,丁 A200,丁A250,TA275,丁 A375 and TA400.

Signed for Safenet Limited

Directive Peter McNicol
Number Technical Manager

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