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LPE2301 LN2 Exercise 1 & 2

Name: Muhammad Hifdzul Iman bin Mohd Khalid

ID: 208009


1. Based on the topic given, search for information on the issue from the Internet.
2. Make notes by completing the table provided below.

Playing video games leads to antisocial behaviour

For Against
Video games can make your kid creative. A Too much video game playing makes your
study by the Michigan State University’s kid socially isolated. Also, he may spend less
Children and Technology Project found a time in other activities such as doing
relation between video game playing and homework, reading, sports, and interacting
greater creativity, regardless of gender, with the family and friends. On the other
race or type of video game played. hand, a study by researchers at the North
Carolina State University, New York and the
University Of Ontario Institute Of
Technology points out that gamers usually
do not replace their offline social lives with
online game playing, but rather it expands
them. In fact, among gamers, being a loner
is not the norm.
Video games increase your kid’s self- Some video games teach kids the wrong
confidence and self-esteem as he masters values. Violent behavior, vengeance and
games. In many games, the levels of aggression are rewarded. Negotiating and
difficulty are adjustable. As a beginner, other nonviolent solutions are often not
your kid begins at the easy level and by options. Women are often portrayed as
constant practicing and slowly building weaker characters that are helpless or
skills, he becomes confident in handling sexually provocative. On the other hand, a
more difficult challenges. Since the cost of University of Buffalo study suggests that
failure is lower, he does not fear making violence and bad behavior played in the
mistakes. He takes more risks and explores virtual world may be contributing to better
more. Your kid can transfer this attitude to behavior in the real world. Gamers who
real life. play violent games may feel guilty about
their behavior in the virtual world and this
may make them be more sensitive to the
moral issues they violated during game
Games that involve multiple players Video games may also have bad effects on
encourage your child to work cooperatively some children’s health, including obesity,
to achieve his goals. Your kid learns to video-induced seizures, and postural,
listen to the ideas of others, formulate muscular and skeletal disorders, such as
plans with other kids, and distribute tasks tendonitis, nerve compression, carpal
based on skills. Some online games are tunnel syndrome.
even played internationally, and this can
introduce your kid to players of different
nationalities and cultures. This fosters
friendships among different people.

3. Answer these questions.

• What is your stance on the issue?
My stance on the issue is that playing video games can give positive or negative effects
based on the person itself.

- Provide 2 reasons to support your opinion. Use appropriate conjunctions to give reason and
support your opinions.
The reason is if they know how to limit their time on playing video games, they could
avoid any bad effects from playing video games and it also works in the other way. The
other reason is playing video games can relieve stress because most people love to play
it during their free time but it also can contribute to stress as when they play competitive
games and they are so serious about the game it could be getting worse.

• What two questions on the issue that you want to discuss with your group?
Do you ever playing video games, how much time you played it in a day and how you
limit it?

Do you ever playing games to relieve your stress or you feel stress when playing video

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