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“Minimize the direct sun exposure and heat absorption (shading)”

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Table of Contents
1. Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Objectives of the experiment ............................................................................................................. 5
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Appliances and equipment ................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Procedures .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3.1. Preparations Preliminary ............................................................................................................ 6
3.3.2. Wetted Column Pressure Drop ................................................................................................... 6
3.3. 3. Loading and Flooding Points Identification:............................................................................... 7
3.3.4. Shut Down Operations ................................................................................................................ 7
4.Result and conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 7
5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 9
6. References .............................................................................................................................................. 10
1. Abstract
Absorption Heat Transformer (AHT) systems are equipment’s with a special capacity to increase
to more usable values the temperature of low or mid-heat waste sources. The research involves a
study of water-lithium bromide solutions used as refrigerant to test AHT structures. The first is
describing a simple AHT method, explaining the operating series and analyzing the
thermodynamic system. The AHT method was then studied for the use in an automotive business.
The effect of various parameters on the AHT device output has been determined through a machine
code and the results have been graphically provided. In order to improve the COP and heat
transference at the absorber in other words, to provide hot process water, it has also been shown
how the simple AHT mechanism can be changed. For various configuration changes from the base
system for comparison, the system output data was displayed in a tabular style. It has been proven
that the COP could be raised by 14.1%, the heat transfer at the absorber by 158.5% and the hot
process water provided by 3.59% compared with simple AHT device by adding different
Keywords: Heat; Reality's quantity; heat; Heat strength; Heat work; Heat potential; Field
potential; Constant temperature; Thermal energy Thermal energy
2. Introduction
The absorption or absorption of gas is a unit operation that is increasingly used in chemical industry
and environmental fields. It is a mass transfer method where a vapor solvent A is dissolved in a
gas mixture by a liquid that is more or less soluble in the solution. The solution ammonia
absorption from air is an example. The packed tower is a popular device used for gas absorption
(Figure 1). It consists of a cylindrical column or tower with a gas inlet and space on the bottom, a
liquid inlet and distributor on the top, a gas and liquid outlet respectively on the top and on the
bottom and assisted mass of inert solid forms called packaging. Compared to plate columns,
packed columns are comparatively easy units. The controlling current, co-current and transversal
modes can be categorized according to the form of flow in the operation. The column used in this
experiment is regulated by the flow, which is the form operation most commonly used. It is worth
noting at the very beginning that certain phenomena have a quantum character. This implies that
the magnitudes that they describe shift their values between the constant nearby values. The
machine states where the determined phenomena exist, define these constant values. Therefore,
the status values are not continually changed and the consistency of transition only affects the
inter-state values of the quantities representing the studies phenomena. Bing the phenomenon that
has been documented.
The findings are that the layers and surfaces of the natural structure can be distinctly indicated.
These layers are the interstate spaces and their textures are the fields that are potential. All varies
in spaces, but variability doesn't take place in the fields. You can also take them into account on
the natural phenomenon definition plane. This is a pity, the shallow, simplistic, linear
representations of the natural systems are generally portrayed and their actual quantum essence is
thereby disregarded.
The phenomena of heat absorption by a thermal device is one of those processes of the quantum
kind. The top limit of the rate of gas flow is called the flood speed in a given packed tower with a
given type, scale and fluid flow. This gas speed cannot be exceeded by the tower. The gas phase
passes through the column in a lined gas-liquid tower. To enable the gas stage to flow, the friction
and the pull-down fluid induced by the packaging and the drop must be resolved with enough
pressure drop. The liquid must collapse by gravitational force against this pressure drop. When the
fluid is spread across the top of the packaging, the fluid preferably flowed through thin films over
the whole packaging surfaces; but what actually happens is that in some areas the films appear to
get thicker and thinner such that the liquid flows through the packing at tiny rivulets and traverses
localized pathways, especially at low fluid rates. The channeling is known. The point of loading
is when the liquid starts building up and the point of flooding is reached as gas flow further
increases. It's where the liquid overflows in the column.
Many manufacturing plants emit large quantities of low temperature waste heat to the environment
every day at temperatures between 60 and 100 μC. The absorption heat-transformers (AHT's) are
the devices used to raise these low or reasonably warm thermal sources to more effective levels in
a circuit opposite to absorption heat pumps. This waste heat can effectively be recovered by the
AHT method and reused in manufacturing processes by about 50%. Although the AHT mechanism
is almost identical to AHP, the absorption systems have all the benefits. Any of these benefits
include the ability to operate on excess heat and solar energy sources. The system operates silently
and requires less maintenance as the pump is the only moving component of the system. Other
advantages include lower mechanical input, longer life and simple construction.
His research aims at presenting alternative systems for the use of traditional heat. The application
of the AHT method allows the waste heat to provide hotter process water than the waste heat
source. The traditional heat consumption systems that only contain hot water below the heat source
waste temperature are not.

2.1 Objectives of the experiment

• Determine the stressed decrease over a wet packed column experimentally according to air
flow rate and equate the findings with those determined theoretically.
• Determine the loading and flood points of the packed column at preset water flow speeds by
visual inspection and graphical methods
• Forms experimental data based on the generalized relationships on loading and flood curves of
the column.
3. Methodology
3.1 Materials

3.2 Appliances and equipment

• Rapid ring random packaging packed absorption column
• stopwatch
• Rapid Ring random packing
Packed column absorption parts
(1) Water(left) and mercury(right) handle
(2) valve in the drain discharge into the sump tank
(3) Gas analysis equipment
(4) Lower Stop cock (S3)
(5) Lower Stop cock
(6) Water pump
(7) Down-coming pump
(8) Air flow pump
(9) Down-coming piping .

3.3 Procedures
3.3.1. Preparations Preliminary
When the drains underneath the tank and down tube were closed, the valve in the water
discharge tube was opened. Up to three-fourths of the volume was filled with purified water. The
three three-way buckets between the column and the gauge were placed to calculate the pressure
drop using only a water gauge.
3.3.2. Wetted Column Pressure Drop
The pressures falling into a wetted column were calculated in this section of the manual conditions
number two (2). The flow metres for gas and water and the stopcock were locked, while the C4
opened completely. The pump has been activated and the flow rate has been set at 3-4 liters/minute.
The pump ran 2 to 3 minutes until the pump was disabled. Five minutes have been exhausted.
When S2 and S3 are available, manometer readings for airflow rates of 20 to 170 liters/minute
starting with low rates have been taken throughout the column. The drop in pressure over the wet
column was calculated using the measured measurement. These experimental values were
compared with theoretical values, based on air flow rates.
3.3. 3. Loading and Flooding Points Identification:

The loading and flood points of the packed column were defined in this section of the experiment
using the Table 422-5.1 of the manual conditions number 2(2) for Part C. At the beginning and
end of this experiment, the operating temperatures of liquid and gas were registered. Ten air flow
rates ranging from 20 to 170 liters per minute were implemented for each given water flow rate.
Visual measurements on each settings of the column were observed which established the column
loading and flooding points.

3.3.4. Shut Down Operations

After the experiment, the water tank and the water from the down-coming tube were drained and
then their valves were closed.

4.Result and conclusion

Respectively, demonstrate the experimental and theoretical pressure decreases in a weathered
column with increased and decreased air flow rates. The pressure loss is increased with an
increasing gas flow rate, as is apparent in the above table. When the air flow rate is lowered, a
larger pressure decrease is achieved when the air flow rate is increased. The drag force against the
packing and dropping water increases the pressure drop.
the experimental pressure drop increases as the air flow rate is increased and the reverse can be
observed for the decreasing air flow rate. It can also be observed that the theoretical pressure drop
is lesser than the actual. This is because of the assumptions made in the calculation of the
theoretical value. A smooth pipe was assumed.
Air Flow Rates
Theoretical Pressure
∆P/H 600 Drop
400 Decreasing Air Flow Rate
0 Increasing Air Flow Rate
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
v (m/s) Dry Column

Loading and flooding points of the bunked bed at the pre-set water flow rates are
visually and graphically determined

Both graphically and visually, flooding and loading points have been created. When the water
began to build up at the base of this pipe, a point of load was observed, while the flood was
observed while the water level was at the top of the column. The loading and flooding stage was
graphically calculated with the log (soft/soft) compared to log vo seen in figure 3. The loading and
flooding points are the points where there is a dramatic difference in the curve slope.

On the basis of the table below, the air flow speeds at which loading and flooding are observed
decrease as the rate of fluid water flow is increased. This happens since, the higher the flow rate,
it is easier for the liquid to collect because of the substantial reduction in the gas flow direction.
The field is reduced by the resistant fluid flux to the gas flux.
2.2 Loading and flooding column curves from experimental data based on the proposed
generalized correlations

Empirical associations are used to detect pressure drops in gas flow in different random package
based on experimental results. The first generalized correlation was suggested by Sherwood,
Shipley and Holloway for fluttering packaged columns based on air-water device studies.
0.3 3
Loading Based on
Visual Observation
Flooding Based on
Visual Observation
Loading Based on
Graphical Method
Flooding Based on
Graphical Method
Power (Loading Based
on Visual Observation)

The flood line and load line are seen in figure 4, all based on visual and graphical observation. The
flooding and charging points produced by means of visual inspection are significantly larger than
the ones graphically achieved, as the increments in air flow speeds are experimentally large and
the precise flood and charging point can be hard to ascertain, unlike the pattern of the curve.

The Y-axis is the capability parameter and the flow parameter is the X-axis. The flow parameter
matches the liquid-to-gas kinetic energy ratio, while the power parameter depends on the real gas

5. Conclusion

Absorption is a unit process that contains two stage operations—usually a gas and a liquid—which
absorb more liquid soluble in gas. Filled beds are used to improve interaction between the two and
thereby maximize productivity. The inclusion of packaged beds allows more pressure for gas to
pass through, leading to a lack of pressure. The resultant pressure falls as the air flow rate increases.
This is consistent with the observations if the loss of pressure is to be logically measured. One of
the many issues to be addressed when it comes to absorption is flooding. The flood is the point at
which a high air flow rate causes the liquid to fill the column. The prelude is the loading point that
can be used in the packaging as the beginning of liquid accumulation. In addition to these visual
findings, flooding and loading points may also be established using the graphical tool. Both are
just 50-70% of the flood speed when building the absorption tower, as much of the equipment; it
is therefore necessary to know these two speeds.

Four of the first persons to suggest a broad connection for flooding and loading of packed columns
were Sherwood, Shipley and Holloway. They calculated the ratio of gas kinetic energy to fluid
potential energy versus the flow parameter, a dimensionless number that determines the system's
relative kinetic energy. This offers a curve downhill, which results from experiments at a wide
range of air and water speeds. Just a portion of the curve was achieved in the experiment.

6. References
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