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Data Processing and Statistical Treatment For instance, the main purpose of the

study is to determine the job-related

problems and job-performance of staff nurse
After the retrieval of the research in the government and private hospitals in
instrument, the next activity of the Iloilo City in relation to: (a) top
investigator is to process the raw data into management, (b) middle management, (c)
quantitative and qualitative forms. Data lower management (d) communication, (e)
involves input, throughput and output financial condition (f) hospital facilities and
mechanisms. Input involves the responses (g) job hazard.
from the research instrument by the subjects
of the study; throughput includes statistical
procedures and techniques; and output, the The subjects may be categorized (1)
results of the study which are presented in as a whole, (2) as government and private
data matrix form hospitals, (3) according to job-performance,
(4) nursing practice.

In data processing, both quantitative

and qualitative forms are involved to arrive In 1986, Kerlinger stressed five rules in
at exact analysis and interpretation of the categorizing research information. These
result. are as follow:
A numerical value (quantitative) is 1. Categories are set up according to
useless without descriptive the research problem.
interpretation(qualitative) of the former.
2. The categories are exhaustive
3. the categories are mutually
Data Processing exclusive and independent.
Data processing is a means of 4. Each category (variable) is derived
converting information either manually or from one classification
by machine into quantitative and qualitative
5. Any categorization scheme must
forms for use in research analysis.
be one level of discourse.
Data processing consists of three
basic steps, (1) categorization, (2) coding
and (3) tabulation of data. Of the five foregoing rules, Rule 1 is best
because categories are based on the purposes
of the research problem in order to arrive at
Categorization of data valid results.
- 1categorization of data For example, the main problem of the study
refers to the grouping of subjects under is to determine the effectiveness of teaching
study according to the objectives or Mathematics using the traditional and
purposes of the study. modern methods to secondary students in
public and private schools in the city and
province of Cebu. First the subjects are Data Matrix
categorized as a whole; second, year level;
Presentation of data is usually in
third; as to gender; and fourth , public and
tabular form. This is called data matrix and
private schools.
the data processing output is either
quantitative or qualitative. Data matrices are
useful in analysis and interpretation because
Coding of data.
they give a clear picture of the results of the
- After the subjects have been study.
categorized into groups and subgroups, data
are next coded by the investigator.
Information from the questionnaires, test, Three types of data matrices.
interview schedules, rating scale and many
1. Univariate matrix – a univariate
others must be transformed into coded items
matrix involves only one variable.
to facilitate tabulation of data. The codes
may be numerical or alphabetical. The 2. Bivariate matrix - the bivariate
former is commonly used due to sufficient matrix involves two variable.
number coverage and is fit for computer
processing. 3. Multivariate matrix - the
multivariate matrix has three or more
Tabulation of data.
- Once the raw data have Dummy Tables
been given numerical codes, they are ready
for tabulation. This done by tallying and Dummy tables are helpful in preparing the
counting the raw data to arrive at a data matrix because they are used in
frequency distribution and to facilitate in planning, summarizing, organizing and
organizing them in a systematic order in a analyzing the data on how the different
table or several table. Tabulation can be variables differ with each other. Dummy
done either manually or by machine like tables are almost similar with real tables
electric computer or mechanical counter- except that only the total number of
sorter. variables, total number of cases, percentages
are presented. Unlike real tables, the
frequency, mean, percentage, descriptive
interpretation and total are shown.
The researcher has the option to choose the
appropriate device he will use in tabulating
data, taking into consideration the
availability of resources, i.e. 7Ms Statistical Treatment
(manpower, materials, money, machinery, Many researchers find difficulty to
methods, moment of time and marketing.) use the appropriate statistical tools in
processing the data. It us a must that
researchers diagnose the problem by using
the appropriate statistical tool to arrive at
accurate and definite interpretation of Analysis and interpretation of results
results. A researcher is similar with a are not easy task for the researcher to
physician wherein the latter diagnoses the undertake especially if he is not an expert to
ailment and prescribes the appropriate diagnose the appropriate statistical tool to
medicine to cure the ailment. An ailment answer the research problems/objectives.
cannot be cured if the physician prescribes Analysis should be done first before
inappropriate medicine interpretation. Analysis is useless without
interpretation and interpretation is
impossible without analysis. In other words,
Incorrect Statistical Tool analysis and interpretation should go hand in
hand in order to give meaningful results.
-The author read several Interpretation is important to have a clearer
theses and dissertations in which the meaning of the research findings.
researcher used percentage in scale options
(4, 3, 2, 1) and the like. This is a common
error. Percentage is incorrect of
inappropriate statistical tool to scale options
due to vague interpretation of the results. In analyzing the data, statistical techniques
are used to give meaning to the data
gathered from the subjects. A set of raw data
Comparing the weighted arithmetic per se is meaningless but has meaning once
mean and percentage as statistical tools to it is interpreted. For instance, a mean score
scale option, the former has exact or precise of 3.7 is meaningless without interpretation
interpretation of the whole results and the but meaningful only if is interpreted as
latter has varied or vague interpretation of “very much effective”.
the results. In others words, there is no
specific or exact interpretations of results to
percentage. Data Analysis
Data analysis may be defined as an
examination of data or fact in terms of
quantity, quality, attribute, trait, pattern,
Submission of the copy of the Statement of trend, relationship among others so as to
the Problem (RQ/RO) answer research questions which involve
statistical techniques and procedures. The
Proofread chapter 1/2/3 bases in analyzing research data are specific
Submit updated Chapter 1/2/3 before Prelim problems/objectives, hypotheses, measuring
Examination instruments and statistical tools.

Data Analysis and Interpretation Types of Data Analysis k

Univariate Analysis
- tests a single to determine common statistical tools used in this type are
whether the sample is similar to the the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, z-
population from which is has been drawn. test and chi-square.
2. Bivariate Analysis
- tests two variables on how 6. Descriptive Analysis
they differ with each other. The common
- Descriptive analysis merely
statistical tools to be used in bivariate
describes the characteristics, composition,
analysis are correlation coefficient, z-test
structures, and substructures that occur as
(descriptive) and t-test (experimental).
units within the larger structure. The
Correlation coefficient used both descriptive
researcher should consider the forces that
and experimental designs.
hold together and the strains that tend to
destroy the system apart. He also analyzes
on what makes the system work and
3. Multivariate Analysis
regulate. Statistical tools commonly used in
- tests three or more descriptive analysis type are the arithmetic
independent variables at a time on the mean, chi-square and Friedman two-way
degree of relationship with the dependent ANOVA.
variable. The statistical tools used in this
type are the F-test or analysis of variance
(ANOVA), Friedman two-way ANOVA, 7. Classification Analysis
and Kruskal-Wallis one-way research for
- usually employed in natural
experimental design. Chi-square is used for
science subjects such as Botany, Zoology,
descriptive research. Friedman and Kruskal-
Biology, Phycology, Ichthyology,
Wallis ANOVA are both applicable in
Conchology, Mycology and the like. The
experimental and descriptive designs.
specimens collected are specified form
phylum to species. Taxonomic studies of
plants and animals are commonly used in
4. Normative Analysis
this study.
- Normative analysis is a type
of data analysis wherein the results of the
study is compared with the norm or However, if ecological parameters
standard. The statistical tools used in this such as temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen,
type are the arithmetic mean and the turbidity and many others are taken into
standard deviation. consideration in the study area, statistical
tools such as mean and t-test are used to test
the significant difference between means.
5. Status Analysis Moreover, if ecological parameters are not
reckoned, hence no statistical tool is used.
- Status analysis stresses real
facts relating to current conditions in a
group of subjects chosen for study. The
8. Evaluative Analysis
- Evaluative analysis is a type
of data analysis that appraises carefully the
worthiness of the current study. The
statistical tools commonly used in this type
are weighted arithmetic mean, percentages,
Friedman two-way ANOVA and z-test.

9. Comparative Analysis
- In comparative analysis, the
researcher considers at least two entities (not
manipulated) and establishes a formal
procedure for obtaining criterion data on the
basis of which he can compare and conclude
on is better than the other. Common
statistical tools used in this type are the
mean, variances and t-test.

Cost-Effective Analysis
- Cost-effective analysis is
applicable in comparing the cost between
two or more variables and to determine
which of the variables is most effective. The
statistical tools commonly used in this type
are the arithmetic mean, variance, t-test and

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