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Company  project  presented  in  fulfillment  of  the  requirement  for  the  degree  of  
MBA  in  International  Business  Management  (NTU)  
Graduate  Business  School,    
Griffith  College  Dublin  
Submitted  on  May  2010  

Graduate  Business  School  
Assignment  Cover  Sheet  

Student  name:   Manjulekshmi  Sasidharan  

Student  number:   2622639    
Course:   MBA  in  International  Business   Stage/year:   2    
Study  Mode:   Full  time   yes     Part-­‐time      
Lecturer  Name:   June  Meehan  
Assignment  Title:   Company  Project  
No.  of  pages:   59    
Disk  included?   Yes       No   no    
Additional  Information:   (ie.  number  of  pieces  submitted,  size  of  assignment,  A2,  A3  etc)  

Date  due:     27  may  2010    
Date  submitted:   27  may  2010    

Plagiarism  disclaimer:  
I   understand   that   plagiarism   is   a   serious   offence   and   have   read   and   understood   the   college   policy   on  
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I  hereby  certify  that  this  assignment  is  my  own  work,  based  on  my  personal  study  and/or  research,  and  that  I  
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CANDIDATE  NAME:  Manjulekshmi.  S.  
                                                             I   certify   that   the   ‘company   project   on   the   best   practices   adopted   by   House   of  
Fraser   and   Primark   on   stock   loss’   is   the   result   of   my   individual   work   and   that   reference   is  
provided  for  others  work  and  acknowledged.    


                                                                                                                                                             There   were   many   people   who   helped   me   to  
accomplish   this   Endeavour   over   the   period.   They   provided   a   lot   of   help,   support,   and  
motivation.  This  task  might  have  never  been  completed  if  these  people  not  support  me.  These  
people  are  mentioned  below.  
First   of   all,   I   would   like   to   thank   my   GOD   for   helping   me   achieving   my   task.   It’s   because   of   HIM  
that   I   am   what   I   am   right   now.   I   owe   a   lot   to   my   supervisor   June   Meehan,   because   of   her  
guidance,  wisdom,  experience,  and  support  I  achieved  my  goal.  
I   would   also   like   to   thank   Professor   Wallace   Ewart,   John   Byren   For   their   added   support   and  



                                                                                                                       My   special   thanks   to   my   parents,   for   giving   me   all   the   support  
for  the  completion  of  my  studies  and  for  achieving  my  goals  in  life.  
                                                                                                                       I  would  like  to  give  special  thanks  to  Vishnu  Praveen,  for  giving  
me  all  the  support  for  successfully  finishing  my  MBA  in  International  Business  Management.  



             Title  Page………………………………………………………………………………….………………….....  1  
             Candidate  Declaration……………………………………………….…………..………………….……...3  
               Table  of  Content…………………………………………………………………………….………………6-­‐8  
               Executive  Summary……………………………………………………………………………………....9-­‐10  
           CHAPTER  1  
         1.1.Background  of  the  study……………………………………………………………………..….……  12  
         1.3.Source  of  Data……………………………………………………………....………………………….….13  
         1.4.Purpose  of  the  Study………………………………………….………………………...………..…..…13  
         1.5.  About  the  Study………………………………………………………………………...………..…..…..13  
         CHAPTER  2  
         2.  LITERATURE  REVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………..….15  
         2.1.  Shrinkage  Shrink……………………………………………………………………..…………….….  16  
         2.2.  Definition………………………………………………………………………………..…………….….  17  
       2.3.  How  Shrinkage  is  Occuring?................................................................................................17-­‐18  
       2.4.Internal  Shrinkage………………………………………………………………………..…………….19  
       2.5.  External  Shrinkage……………………………………………………………………….……………19  
       2.6.  Reason  For  Shrinkage……………………………………………………………………………….  19  
2.6.1.  Shoplifting  …………………………………………………………………………..……….………..19-­‐21  
 2.6.2.  Employee  theft  …………………………………………………………………….………………….22  
 2.7.    Best  Practices  for  Employee  Theft  ……………………………………………….…..………….23  
 2.8.  Best  practices  to  reduce  Shrinkage…………………………………………………..…..……...  24  
 2.8.1.  Management  Policy………………………..…………………………………………………….…....25  
 2.8.2.  CPTED……..……………………………………………………………………………………….……….26  
 2.8.3.  Audits……………………..………………………………………………….…………………………….26  
 2.8.4.  Store  Detectives………………………………………………………………………………….……..27  
 2.8.5.  Peer  Reporting…………………………………………………………………………………………  27  
 2.8.6.  Loss  Prevention  Technology…………………………………….………………………….….28-­‐30  
 2.9.  Fake  Cameras  ………………………….……………………………………………………………….….30  
 2.10.Ceiling  Mirrors  …………………………………………………………………………………………...30  
 2.11.  Free  Products  and  Gifts……………...…………………………………………………………….…31  
 2.12.  Staff  Training………………………………………………………………………………..……..…….  31  
   3.1.  House  of  Fraser…………………………………………………………………………….……..…….  33  
   3.2.  Best  practices  Adopted  by  House  of  Fraser…………………………………………...…….  34  
   3.2.1.  Best  practice  to  Reduce  Internal  Loss………………………………………………...….  34-­‐36  
   3.2.2.  Best  practices  to  Reduce  External  loss…………………………………….……………..  36-­‐39  
 3.3.  Primark………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..  40  
 3.4.  Best  practices  Adopted  by  Primark  ………..………………………………………………….41-­‐42  
 3.5.SWOT  Analysis…………………………………..………………………………………………………43-­‐45  

4.  Analysis  and  Interpretation…………………………………………………………………………..47-­‐48  
5.1.  Avoid  Internal  theft…………………………....………………………………………………………….50  
5.2.  Avoid  External  Theft………………………………………………………………..…………………….51  
5.3.  Recommended  Best  Practices………………………………………………………….…………….52  
5.4  Reason  for  Choice……………………………………………………………………………………….53-­‐54  
6.1.  Bibliography………………………………………………………………..…………………………….55-­‐59  

Executive  summary  

                                                                                                                                             Executive   summary   summarizes   the   overall   company  

report.   Each   chapter   is   briefly   described   in   this   section.   The   company   report   includes   an  
introduction,   literature   review,   best   practices   of   house   of   Fraser   and   Primark,   analysis   and  
interpretations,  recommendations  and  conclusion.    

                                                                     The   introduction   includes   the   objective   of   the   study,   purpose,   background   of  

the   study   and   different   source   of   data.   The   researcher   is   concerned   about   the   stock   control  
practices,  which  concentrated  on  stock  loss  due  to  internal  and  external  theft.  One  of  the  main  
problems  faced  by  most  of  the  companies.  

                                                               In   this   report   the   researcher   is   trying   to   make   an   effort   to   compare   and  
analyze   the   internationally   accepted   best   practices   in   stock   control.   House   of   Fraser   a   U.K  
based   company   and   Primark   an   Irish   based   company   are   the   two   companies   considered   for  
this   study.   The   researcher   has   gone   through   the   best   practices   adopted   by   the   international  
companies  to  reduce  the  internal  and  external  theft.  Clear  information  about  house  of  Fraser  is  
got  through  an  in-­‐depth  interview  with  the  line  managers  and  security  officers.  The  company  
currently   employs   the   researcher,   which   gives   more   information   from   personal   experience.  
The  remaining  information  about  the  company  is  collected  through  intranet  and  the  company  
journal.   A   thorough   study   about   the   best   practices   adopted   by   Primark   is   done   through   in-­‐
depth  interview  with  the  H.R.  manger  and  through  secondary  research.  The  secondary  data  is  
collected  through  Internet,  company  website,  journals  and  magazines.    

                                                                                               The   author   has   done   a   thorough   analysis   on   the   best   practices  
adopted   by   House   of   Fraser   and   Primark.   A   parallel   comparison   with   the   internationally  
accepted  principals  gives  a  clear  interpretation  on  this  subject.  House  of  Fraser  and  Primark  
have  an  outstanding  performance  on  the  adoption  of  security  system  to  prevent  internal  and  
external   loss.   However,   even   after   the   adoption   of   these   security   measures   house   of   Fraser   is  
suffering  from  heavy  losses.    
                                                       From   the   analysis   of   the   study,   it   is   clearly   derived   that   house   of   Fraser   and  
Primark   have   many   drawbacks   in   the   adoption   and   management   of   the   security   measures.  
Loss   can   be   reduced   through   different   methods,   which   is   explained   in   this   report.   In   this  
report,   author   adds   many   recommendations   to   overcome   the   drawbacks   of   stock   control  
                                                                 The   report   is   submitted   in   anticipation   with   the   company,   that   they   will  
consider  the  report  and  do  proper  amendments  to  reduce  the  internal  and  external  theft  in  
the  company.  They  will  make  the  company  activities  to  international  standards.  


                                                                         This   is   a   company   report,   created   as   a   part   of   the   MBA   course   of   Griffith  
College.  This  report  is  based  on  the  best  practices  adopted  by  companies  to  reduce  stock  loss.  A  
cross  comparison  has  been  done  between  House  of  Fraser  and  Primark  (branded  as  penneys  in  
Ireland).  The  researcher  is  trying  to  compare  the  internationally  accepted  best  practices  with  
the  companies.    
                                                     A  personal  experience  in  the  working  place,  is  the  motivation  for  the  researcher  
to  choose  this  subject.  As  an  employ  in  house  of  Fraser,  the  importance  of  reducing  the  stock  
loss   in   the   company   come   in   to   notice.   The   information   about   the   companies   is   collected  
through  informal  interviews  with  the  line  managers  and  through  the  company  manuals.    
                                                                                           The  author  is  employed  in  House  of  Fraser  Dundrum,  which  gives  more  
access  to  the  information.  The  need  for,  improving  loss  prevention  method  come  in  to  notice  
through   stock-­‐taking.   House   of   Fraser   is   presently   suffering   stock   loss   in   all   their   stores.   The  
author   recognized   the   importance   to   improve   the   methods   to   avoid   stock   loss,   which   is   a   great  
loss   to   the   company.   Currently   the   company   is   trying   to   improve   its   security   measures   and   the  
author  is  trying  to  support  the  company.      
                                                                   The  objective  of  the  study  is  to  understand  the  best  practices  adopted  by  the  
companies  to  reduce  stock  loss.  Through  a  cross  company  analysis,  it  is  trying  to  understand  
the  companies’  adopted  methods  to  reduce  stock  loss.  This  provides,  a  realistic  remedy  to  the  
company  to  reduce  stock  loss.    

1.3.  SOURCE  OF  DATA:  
                         The  source  of  the  data  for  the  literature  review  is  collected  through  books,  journals,  and  
websites.   The   company   information   about   house   of   Fraser   and   Primark   is   collected   through  
informal   interviews   with   the   line   managers,   company   manuals   and   the   information   provided  
through   intranet.   All   the   secondary   data   is   collected   from   articles   published   in   well-­‐known  
journals  and  books.    
                                         The   main   purpose   of   this   study   is   to   provide   a   solution   to   the   problem,   which   is  
facing  by  House  of  Fraser  and  Primark.  This  helps  to  improve  the  reduction  in  the  stock  loss,  
which  helps  the  company  to  develop  to  world  class  standard.    
                                                                                                           In   addition   to   this,   the   author   is   considering   the   study   as   a  
contribution  to  the  company.  This  helps  to  enhance  the  knowledge  of  the  author  about  a  well-­‐
known  problem  facing  by  the  companies.    
                                                                             This   study   is   trying   to   explore   the   reasons   for   retail   shrinkage,   the  
different  ways  of  stock  loss,  the  best  practices  adopted  by  the  companies  to  reduce  stock  loss  
etc.   In   this   study   the   cause   of   the   retail   shrinkage   is   explained   thoroughly,   with   supporting  
evidence.   The   remedial   measures,   adopted   by   the   companies   are   explained   in   the   remaining  
                                             The  best  practices  adopted  by  different  companies  are  derived  through  literature  
review.   This   gives   a   supportive   evidence   to   compare   the   best   practices   adopted   by   House   of  
Fraser   and   Primark.   Through   SWOT   analysis,   two   companies   present   position   in   the   retail  
market  is  explained.      
                               The  suggestions  and  the  recommendations  are  the  best  practices  derived  through  the  
study.  The  adoption  of  these  methods  will  help  to  reduce  stock  loss  to  a  limit.    


                                                                           In   this   chapter   the   researcher   discussed   about   shrinkage   in   retail  
sector.   This   explained   the   different   types   of   shrinkage.   The   different   reasons   of  
shrinkage,  helped  to  understand,  how  shrinkage  occurred  in  retail  sector.    
                                       In   this   chapter   the   researcher   explained   the   internationally   adopted   best  
practices   to   reduce   shrinkage.   In   this   whole   study,   it   was   describing   the   internal   and  
external  factors  of  shrinkage  and  the  remedies  adopted  by  companies.    
                                                       A   route   through   this   chapter   helped   to   understand,   the   importance   to  
adopt  best  practices  to  reduce  shrinkage  in  companies.  This  part  of  the  study  also  gave  
compact   information   of   the   losses   suffered   by   companies   due   to   internal   and   external  
theft.   The   whole   research   was   based   on   the   main   factors   of   shrinkage;   therefore   the  
literature  review  gave  information  to  support  this  point.  
                             All   the   below   details   were   well   supported   by   reference.   All   these   literatures  
helped   to   understand   the   most   efficient   loss   prevention   tools,   which   were   successfully  
accepted  and  established.    
                                           Shrink   is   an   intimidating   problem   for   all   retailers   and   suppliers.   Studies  
done   by   efficient   consumer   response   Ireland   reveals   that,   the   annual   global   losses  
comes  around  $232  billion  and  the  cost  of  managing  shrinkage  comes  $46  billion.  That  
means,   the   total   cost   comes   around   $278   billion.   In   Ireland   alone   the   annual   shrink  
estimates  €453  million,  which  is  equivalent  to  101  million  Guinness.    
                                               The  efficient  consumer  response  survey  Ireland  revealed  that  the  potential  
retail   margin   for   Irish   retailers   come   up   to   4.64%.   But,   currently   the   retailers   are  
getting  only  2.99%.  This  figures  revealed  that  the  retailers  are  suffering  a  missed  profit  
opportunity  of  1.65%.  

(Beck.A.,  Peacock.C.&  O'Neill.H.,  2010)  

         Shrinkage   is   defined   as’   “the   amount   of   merchandise   that   has   disappeared   through  
theft,   has   become   useless   because   of   breakage   or   spoilage,   or   is   unaccounted   for  
because  of  sloppy  recording”.  (Purpura.P.,  2005)  
                       The   researcher   is   discussing   the   strategies   to   reduce   shrinkage.   The   studies   are  
showing   that   an   average   retailer   spends   slightly   more   than   half   of   a   percent   of   its  
annual  sales  revenue  on  security  and  loss  prevention.  (McGowan,D.,2004)  
                                     Many  surveys  have  conducted  to  find  the  causes  of  retail  shrinkage.  There  are  
different   reasons   for   shrinkage;   we   can   mainly   divide   it   to   internal   and   external  
shrinkage.  Internal  and  external  shrinkages  are  the  challenges  facing  by  all  retail  Unit.  
         The   following   table   shows   compact   details   of   different   surveys   conducted   to   find   the  
causes   and   the   intensity   of   retail   shrinkage.   It   concluded   that   main   causes   of   retail  
shrinkage  are  internal  and  external  theft.  Internal  and  external  theft  came  up  with  almost  
the  same  figures.  Then  came  the  process  and  the  inter  company  fraud.    

       (Beck.A.,  Peacock.C.&  O'Neill.H.,  2010)  
                                                                                                                                     According   to   National   retail   research   group,   the   main  
reason   of   shrink   came   from   employee   theft.   A   study   conducted   in   2006   in   supermarkets  
revealed  that  employee  theft  was  56%,  shoplifting  21%,  receiving  10%,  retailing  pricing  5%,  
accounting/administration   4%   and   damaged   goods   comes   4%.   The   national   retail   security  
survey   also   disclosed   that,   employee   theft   was   the   single   most   significant   source   of   inventory  
shrinkage  in  all  the  previous  NRSS  studies.  The  second  largest  source  of  inventory  shortage  
was  loses  through  shoplifting.  (Hollinger.R.,  2007)  
                                                 All   these   studies   are   showing   that   the   main   causes   of   retail   shrink   is   through  
employee   theft   and   shoplifting.   The   researcher   is   trying   to   understand   the   best   practices   to  
reduce  retail  shrink,  concentrating  on  these  two  causes.    

                                                                                                                       According   to   the   study   done   by   retail   research,   internal  
shrinkage  is  more  than  external  shrinkage.  Internal  shrinkage  is  due  to  theft  done  by  a  store  
or   employers   or   employees.   This   includes   collusion   between   employees   and   friends   or  
relatives,  suppliers,  vendors  and  administrative  staff.  (Dempsey.S.J.,2008)  
                                                                                                                     External   shrinkage   is   caused   by   theft   done   by   outsiders,  
generally   shoplifters.   A   study   done   on   166,000   shoplifting   incidents   in   101   retail   firms  
showed   that   health   and   beauty   products,   over   the   counter   medication   and   CD’s   were   the  
main  products  being  stolen.  Discount,  department  stores  and  supermarket  retailers  are  the  
highest   apprehension   rates   of   shop   lifters.   Security   officer’s   reported   that,   an   average  
shoplifter  caught  with  about  $200  worth  products.(Lamba.A.J.,2003)  
                                                                                 There   are   different   reasons   for   shrinkage.   Different   companies   have  
adopted   different   methods   to   reduce   shrinkage.   Before   the   adoption   of   best   practices   to  
reduce  shrinkage,  the  companies  have  to  understand,  how  these  shrinkage  is  occurring.  The  
below  details  are  explaining  the  main  reasons  for  shrinkage.  
2.6.1.SHOP  LIFTING:  
                                                           The   second   largest   source   of   inventory   shortage   is   through   shoplifting.  
According  to  UK’S  center  for  retail  research  found  that,  Ireland  ranked  11th  out  of  the  22  
countries  in  Europe  for  shoplifting.  A  survey  done  in  21  retailers,(358  stores  )  in  Ireland  
showed  that,  the  Irish  shops  have  a  loss  of  €453m  or  1.38%  of  annual  sales  loss.  With  in  
a  time  period  of  12  months,  there  was  an  increase  of  39%  of  shoplifting  in  Ireland.  CSO  
figures   indicated   that   the   retailers   in   Ireland   are   suffering   a   slump   of   10%   sales   in  
September  2009  when  compared  to  the  previous  year.  Recession  also,  acted  as  a  major  
factor  for  this  slop.  (Monaghan.G.,2009)  
 The  main  techniques  of  shoplifting  are  explained  below.    
     This   is   one   of   the   main   techniques   used   by   shoplifters   to   steal   merchandise   from   the  
shop.  Hiding  products  in  different  places;  
• Baby  carriage  or  strollers  
                                   Hiding  the  merchandise  objects  under  blankets,  toys  and  other  things.    
• Umbrellas  with  handles:  
                                 Umbrellas  closed  but  not  snapped  on  their  elbows,  drop  item  in  to  it  while  leaning    
The  counter.  
• Cratch  carring:  
                                     Women  wearing  long  skit  or  coat  and  men  with  long  coat  do  this.    
                                 They  place  the          merchandise  between  their  thighs  and  walk  away.  
• Using  baby  cloths  and  newspapers  to  hide  stolen  items.  Some  of  them  make  slits  in  the  
lining  of  the  pocket,  so  that  they  can  reach  the  merchandise  with  out  being  seen.  
• A  large  open  bag:  The  bag  is  placed  on  thieves’  feet  and  drops  the  objects  in  to  it.    
• “Bag  bag”  holding  a  paper  bag  which  is  dirty  and  keeping  the  things  inside  it.  
 (  Tian.K.  &  Keep.B.,2002)  
• Some   robbers   steal   the   garments   by   putting   it   under   their   own   clothes   from   fitting  
room  and  walk  away.  
• Another  way  is,  they  took  the  clothes  from  racks,  which  is  near  to  the  door  and  walk  
• Some  customers  boldly  walk  away  with  large  items  that  do  not  put  in  an  ordinary  bag.    
• Robbers   just   grab   the   things   and   walk   away   relying   on   the   unawareness   and   slow  
response  of  the  sales  advisor.    (Dempsey.S.J.,2008)  
                                                     This  is  one  of  the  common  methods  adopted  by  the  robbers  to  steal  things  
from  the  shops.    
• A  large  group  of  people  will  enter  to  the  store  and  divide  to  different  small  groups,  
which  makes  it  difficult  for  the  employees  to  watch.  
•  Pair  of  shoppers  enter  to  the  shop  one  of  them  will  distract  the  sales  person  and  
the  other  will  steal  the  thing.    
• If   there   is   only   one   employee   in   the   shop,   they   will   send   the   sales   person   to   the  
back   room   to   find   something   and   steal   the   things   and   the   leave   the   shop   before  
they  are  coming  back.(Hess.M.K.,2008)  
2.6.2.  EMPLOYEE  THEFT:  
           Employee  theft  is  the  biggest  threat  facing  by  all  companies.  Studies  shown  that,  employee  
theft  itself  accounts  for  nearly  half  of  the  inventory  shrinkage.  This  shrinkage  is  more  than  
the  shoplifters,  administrative  errors  and  more  than  vendor  fraud.  (Bond.R.,2007)  
There  are  three  main  factors,  which  influence  employee  fraud,    
1) Situational  pressure  (financial  or  status  need)  
2) An  opportunity  to  commit  and  conceal  a  crime.  
3) A  way  to  rationalize  the  dishonest  act.  
 Some   employee’s   steal   for   status   or   to   cover   extra   expenses,   the   inadequacy,   or   the  
inequity  in  the  compensation  is  another  factor.    

                                                               A   survey   done   in   the   Irish   retail   market   revealed   that,   Irish   shop   workers  
are  the  worst  shoplifters.  There  is  a  loss  of  €167m  in  goods  and  cash  a  year,  which  is  the  
worst   rate   in   Europe.   Employee   theft   create   36.8%   shrinkage   in   Ireland,   this   is   the   highest  
rate  in  Europe.  The  shop  workers  itself  steal  items  worth  166.7m.  (Monaghan.G.,2009)  
                                                                                                     According  to  the  research  done  by  G4S  Secure  solutions  revealed  
that,   in   the   last   12   months   around   one   in   the   ten   retail   employees   committed   a   crime  
against   their   employer.   The   loss   due   to   employee   theft   can   make   a   dramatic   impact   on  
retailer’s  revenue  (Greenwell.D.,2010)  

                                                                                                                                                   The   adoption   of   best   practices   to   reduce   employee  
theft  depends  up  on  the  rules  and  regulations  of  the  company.  The  following  methods  are  
the  common  best  practices  adopted  by  companies  to  reduce  employee  theft.    
                                                                                                                                                       In   order   to,   avoid   employee   theft,   it   has   to   consider  
from   the   initial   state   of   recruitment.   Employee   has   been   hired   only   after   checking   their  
personal   and   professional   background.   The   criminal   history   has   to   check,   to   understand  
the  crimes  involving,  violence,  theft,  and  fraud.  Education  verification  helps  to  understand  
the   verification   of   the   degree   from   the   accredited   institution.   The   employment   verification  
gives  more  idea  about  the  positions,  length  of  employment  and  the  reason  for  leaving  the  
job.  (Bond.R.,2007)                                                          
                                                                                                                                                     A   positive   work   environment   encourages   the  
employees  to  see  themselves  as  an  important  part  of  the  organization.  This  is  an  effective  
deterrent   to   employee   theft.   Fair   employment   practices,   rules   and   regulations,   proper  
employee   recognition,   open   lines   of   communication   between   the   management   and   the  
employees  reduce  the  likelihood  of  internal  theft.  (Scarborough.N.M.  &  Zimmerer.T.,2003)  
                                                                                                                                                                                   Proper   education   and   training   have   been  
given   to   the   employees   about   the   policies   and   procedures   related   to   fraud.   The  
organization’s   code   of   conduct   and   ethic   policies   has   been   clearly   explained   to   them.   The  
crucial  factor  is  that,  the  company  has  to  explain,  how  the  violation  of  these  policies  will  be  
disciplined.(Fischer.R.J.&  Janoski.R.  ,2000)  
                                                                                                 The  company  has  to  investigate  the  entire  incident;  the  violations  
of  policies  and  procedures,  the  allegations  of  fraud  or  the  warning  signs  of  fraud  will  help  
to  reduce  losses.  (Cook.L.,2009)  
                                                                                                           All  these  above  methods  help  to  reduce  employee  theft  to  an  extent.  
                                                                                                         Different   companies   have   adopted   different   best   practices   to  
reduce   shrinkage.   A   combination   of   different   loss   prevention   methods   acted   the   best   to  
reduce   shrinkage.   The   loss   prevention   methods   and   technique   include   CPTED   (crime  
prevention   through   environmental   designs),   management   policy   and   operations,   internal  
and  external  audits,  use  of  store  detectives  or  loss  prevention  specialists,  peer  reporting  of  
suspicious   or   criminal   activity.   Non-­‐   technology   loss   prevention   tools   include,   observation  
mirrors,  locking  antitheft  cables  and  wires,  wire  lanyards,  security  bars  and  other  devices.  
             Introduction   of   technology   for   loss   prevention   methods   includes,   closed   circuit  
television  (CCTV),  benefit  denial  tags  (ink  tags)  Electronic  article  surveillance  (EAS),  source  
tagging,   computerized   inventory   control,   radio   frequency   identification   (RFID)   and   DNA  
                                                                   Security   officers   act   as   a   main   part   in   store’s   loss   and   prevention   methods.  
These  loss  prevention  methods  can  be  overt  o  covert.  Overt  security  means  security  means  
are  visible  to  all  customers.  These  include  visible  cameras,  locking  equipments,  security  tags  
and  uniformed  security  officers.  On  the  other  hand,  covert  security  means  hidden  cameras,  
in  store  detectives  wearing  plain  clothes  and  shops  with  the  customers.    
2. CPTED  
                                                                                                       Introduction   of   a   strong   management   policy   which  
increase  the  employee  awareness  and  participation  in  managing  the  problems  helps  
to   reduce   shrinkage.   Studies   done   on   shoplifters   are   revealing   that,   shoplifters   are  
less   likely   to   steal   from   shops,   which   has   a   strong   management   policy.   These  
management   policies   mainly   include   motivated   store   personal,   organized   displays,  
presence   of   store   detectives   and   store   personals   regularly   approaching   and  
acknowledging  customers.    
                                                                   The   internal   loss   in   the   retail   sector   is   mainly   due   to   employee  
theft.   This   can   be   controlled   mainly   through   good   management   techniques   and  
through  very  intelligent  security  policies.    
• Honest   employee   is   an   asset   for   the   organization.   So   the   management   has  
been  careful  from  the  first  stage  of  recruitment.    The  employer  has  to  check  
the   previous   employment   background,   conduct   a   background   check   and   do  
an  in  depth  application  interview.  
• One   of   the   main   factor   which   prevents   the   theft   to   a   certain   extend   is   the  
salary  and  the  wages  to  the  employees.  More  stealing  are  common  in  places  
where  the  employee  are  underpaid  rather  than  overpaid.    
• Al   employees   have   to   feel   that,   they   are   an   integral   part   of   the   organization  
and  their  service  is  a  valuable  part  of  the  organization.    
• The  company’s  code  of  ethics  or  company  policies  should  be  clearly  defined  to  
the   employees,   from   the   initial   stage   of   employment.   Policy   explains   the  
expected   ethical   standards   from   the   employees   and   the   consequences   of  
violating  it.  (Fischer.R.J.&  Janoski.R.,2000)  
2.8.2.CPTED(  Crime  prevention  through  environmental  design.)  
         Crime   prevention   through   environmental   design   means   designing   the   shopping  
environment   in   such   a   way,   which   prevents   theft.   CPTED   involves   designing   the  
inside   and   outside   the   building,   entrances   and   exits,   landscaping   and   lighting   to  
increase  the  detection  of  stealing.      
                                                     The  three  main  strategies  used  for  CPTED  involve,  territorial  reinforcement,  
natural   surveillances   and   natural   access   control.   In   territorial   reinforcement,   a   border   is  
created   between   public   and   private   property,   which   creates   a   feeling   of   territory.   This  
makes  it  easy  to  give  message  to  the  offender  that  the  property  is  under  the  ownership  of  
somebody  else  and  the  offender  has  to  keep  away  from  the  place.  In  natural  surveillance  
involves  designing  the  environment  to  improve  lighting  and  landscaping,  which  improves  
the   observation   inside   and   outside   the   store.   Natural   access   control   makes   the   business   or  
property  a  riskier  crime  target,  with  doors,  fences,  and  gates.  (Crowe.T.D.,2000)  
                                                                                                                                                         Audits   are   a   tremendously   important   loss  
prevention   effort.   Audits   can   be   done   both   internally   and   externally.   Internal   audits   are  
done  by  store’s  own  personal  and  people  who  are  hired  by  the  company  do  external  audits.  
Audits  on  inventories  help  to  find  out  the  shrinkage  in  the  company  as  well  as  the  person  
who  is  responsible  for  the  theft  and  losses.  More  often,  the  audits  are  the  quicker  to  find  
the  shrinkage.  Regular  audits  helps  to  prevent  the  theft,  as  the  theft  and  the  losses  will  be  
liable   to   the   person   in   charge.   So,   more   care   will   be   taken   by   the   person   in   charge   to   avoid  
theft  and  losses.(  Sennewald.  C.  A  &  Christman.J.H.,  2008)  
                                                                                                         Many   of   the   large   companies   have   there   own   loss   prevention  
department   and   they   employee   these   people   for   investigation.   Store   detectives   are   also  
called   LP   agents.   The   main   duties   of   store   detectives   are   to   control   the   shrinkage.   They  
have   different   duties,   which   includes   employee   investigation   specialist,   auditors,   payroll  
trade   off   for   capital   expenditures   in   system   and   technology.   (Sennewald.C.A   &  
                         According  to  Dan  Doyle,  the  chairperson  of  national  retail  federation  loss  prevention  
council,  loss  prevention  specialist  works  as  the  internal  police  of  the  organization.  The  loss  
prevention   specialist   investigates   the   internal   and   external   theft   of   the   assets.   They   are  
responsible   to   investigate   the   employees   and   the   customers   who   are   destroying   the  
company   property,   stealing   cash   and   merchandise.   They   also   investigate   the   crimes   and  
activities  acting  against  the  company.  Many  companies  have  implemented  peer  reporting  
hotlines  and  incentives.  (Crowe.T.D.,2000)  
2.8.5.  PEER  REPORTING:  
                                                       A  study  done  in  2004  reveals  that  peer  reporting  is  one  of  the  most  effective  
techniques   to   detect   and   prevent   employee   theft.   Many   major   security   service   companies  
are   assisting   organizations   for   peer   reporting   programmes.   “Alert   line   ethics   and  
Compliance   Hotline,   offered   by   Pinkerton   investigative   services   and   Safe   to   say   Hotline  
services   are   offered   by   Wackenhut   are   the   two   examples.   Employees   can   report   to   these  
organizations  and  information  will  be  received  back  to  the  company.  (Dempsey.S.J.,2008)  
(a)  EAS  (Electronic  article  surveillances)  
                                                       According   to   the   national   supermarket   research   group,   around   25   %   of   the  
shrinkage  in  supermarket  is  through  shoplifting.  Statistics  from  the  supermarket  shrinkage  
shows  that,  there  is  a  13  percent  reduction  in  shrinkage  in  stores,  which  implemented  EAS  
technology.  EAS  has  many  elements  in  success  factor.  The  sensor  are  moisture  resistant,  it  is  
very   thin   which   remain   inconspicuous.   This   EAS   system,   stand   up   to   both   freezer   and  
microwave  with  out  interfering  the  quality  of  the  product.  (Litwak.D.,2005)  
                                                                                 According   to   the   national   retail   security   survey,   most   of   the   retailers  
have   adopted   EAS   system   as   a   successful   loss   prevention   method.   These   retailers   are  
realizing   that   shoplifting   is   the   second   most   costly   source   of   shrinkage   or   theft   in   retail.   The  
supermarket   shrink   survey   reveals   that   the   top   cause   of   shrinkage   in   stores   is   due   to  
employee   theft.   Companies,   which   installed   EAS   system,   are   saving   more   money   than   the  
one,  which  are  not.  (Ennen.S.,2009)  
(b)  RFID  (Radio  Frequency  Identification)  
                                   According   to   Avery   Dennison,   the   introduction   of   RFID   system   in   Gerry   Weber  
fashion  and  Lifestyle  Company  is  extremely  successful.  This  system  helps  to  reduce  theft  and  
ensure  stores  are  well  stocked  with  popular  items.  The  RFID  fabric  care  cables  are  applied  in  
the   manufacturing   process,   this   avoids   the   retail   staff   to   fit   and   remove   the   conventional  
bulky   tags   in   the   store.   In   addition   to   this,   these   tags   are   automatically   deactivated   after   the  
consumer  paid  for  the  item  in  the  check  out.  The  RFID  inlay  is  incorporated  with  a  care  label  
which  is  washable  up  to  140°  F  and  can  be  dry-­‐cleaned.  This  helps  to  trace  back  the  garment  
from  the  production  to  the  point  of  sales,  even  if  it  is  washed  or  dry-­‐cleaned.  (Dennison.A.  ,  
(  c)  CCTV(Closed  Circuit  Television)  
                                                                                                               The  installation  of  CCTV  was  found  being  positively  correlated  
to   prevent   retail   crime.   This   has   become   the   principal   weapon   in   fighting   against   shop  
crime.   CCTV   acts   as   a   day   and   night   surveillance   with   an   unparalleled   capacity   to   detect   the  
offender.  Studies  done  in  retail  stores  revealed  that,  the  installation  of  CCTV  in  retail  reduces  
the   loss   to   sales   from   2.45%   to   1.97%.   The   studies   are   showing   that   there   is   a   massive  
reduction  in  the  stock  loss  after  the  installation  of  CCTV  in  stores.  After  6  months  there  is  a  
reduction  of  37.8%  stock  loss  from  stores,  which  installed  CCTV.  (Beck.A.  &  Willis.A.,2000)  
                                                                                                           A   survey   conducted   in   2004   in   seventeen   stores   revealed   that,  
stores  with  more  CCTV  operators  reaped  more  benefits  when  compared  to  stores  who  are  
not  using  CCTV.  These  stores  benefits  in  terms  of  high  theft  discovery  rate,  great  security  for  
the  store,  higher  stock  recovery  rate  and  reduced  losses.  (Beck.A.  &  Willis.A.,2000)  
                                                                                         According  to  Rutgers’  crime  prevention  service,  CCTV  can  prevent  and  
deter   crime   because   of   deterrence,   prosecution,   fear   reduction,   monitoring,   and   intervention.  
Deterrence  means  that,  the  shoplifters  may  see  the  cameras  and  leaves  the  target  due  to  the  
impression  of  high  risk.  Fear  reduction  means  the  presence  of  camera  creates  a  safe  feeling  in  
and   around   the   store,   which   prevents   the   potential   criminals   from   attacking.   Robbers   and  
shoplifters  may  be  observed  in  camera  and  can  then  be  catch  and  prosecute  with  evidence.  In  
monitoring   and   intervention,   the   security   guards   can   monitor   the   suspicious   behaviors   and  
prevent   the   crime   from   occurring.   They   can   also   be   assisted   with   a   member   of   staff.  
(Dempsey.S.J.  ,  2008)  
(d)  DNA  Tagging:  
                                                                             This   is   one   of   the   emerging   anti-­‐shoplifting   or   anti-­‐counterfeiting  
technologies   that   use   microscopic   fragments   of   DNA.   Jun-­‐Jei   Sheu,   a   Taiwanese   scientist  
started   the   research   with   microscopic   fragments   of   DNA   embedded   in   everyday   objects.  
(Dempsey.S.J.  ,  2008)  
                                                                                                           In  2005,  UK  firm,  Red  web  security  has  developed  a  DNA  tagging  
product.  It  is  called  a  biosynthetic  ‘ipowder’.  This  works  on  a  pretty  simple  concept.  These  
ipowder   carries   a     “uniquely   traceable   DNA   code”   registered   to   the   owner   or   a   precise  
location.   This   ipowder   can   be   immersed   in   a   device,   which   can   be   mounted   in   the   ceiling,  
front   door   or   on   the   wall.   This   powder   suspended   in   a   red   dye   sticks   to   the   clothes   and   skin  
and  cannot  be  removed  for  several  weeks.  This  helps  to  trace  the  person  or  the  merchandise  
products.  (Haines.L.,  2005)  
                                                   A   study   done   on   employee   theft   revealed   that   the   presence   of   a   fake   camera  
has  a  positive  effect  on  employees,  which  reduce  employee  theft.  The  cameras  look  real  with  
red   lights   and   cosmetically   it   looks   identical   to   the   real   ones.   The   presence   of   this   camera  
can   deter   theft.   Only   trusted   employees   must   know   the   reality   of   these   fake   cameras.   The  
fake   camera   cost   less   when   compared   to   the   real   camera.   The   survey   is   suggesting   fake  
cameras  as  a  supportive  tool  for  CCTV  to  detect  staff  theft.  (Alstete,J.,  2006)  
                                                                                 A   study   done   on   retail   shrinkage   suggested   ceiling   mirrors   as   one   of  
the   cheapest   tool   for   loss   prevention.   The   mirror   helps   the   investigators   to   watch   the  
activity  in  high  theft  area.  In  some  departments  the  mirrors  are  used  to  increase  the  range  of  
their  camera.  (Carter.N.,1995)  
                                                                   Companies  have  proved  that  giving  free  products  and  gifts  to  the  employees  
reduces   employee   theft.   Chicklets   gum   factory   in   Queen   reported   employee   theft   in   the  
company.  Many  of  their  staff  steals  the  products.  The  packages  are  small  and  easy  to  remove  
from   the   factory.   The   management   kept   55-­‐gallon   of   drums   at   the   employee   entrance   with   the  
products   inside.   The   employees   can   take   whatever   they   want   from   the   drums.   The   drums  
hardly  used  and  the  theft  stopped  as  well.  This  is  a  great  example  to  show  that  giving  gift  can  
reduce  employee  theft.  (Alstete,J.  ,2006)  
                                                         A   survey   done   by   KPMG   on   the   stock   loss   in   retail   sector   revealed   the  
importance   of   staff   training   to   reduce   stock   loss.   Companies   in   America   are   giving   training  
monthly   or   quarterly.   Half   of   the   companies   in   Asia   pacific   region   and   almost   half   in   EMEA  
(Europe,  middle  east  and  African  region)  train  annually.  (Larson.M.,2009)  
                                                                                                             An   alert   and   well-­‐trained   staff   is   the   sole   for   good   crime  
prevention.   Investing   in   staff   training   is   not   an   expensive   loss   prevention   method.   Refreshing  
the   staff   memories   through   15   minutes   meetings   helps   to   keep   the   staff   alert.   The   companies  
will   get   proper   advice   through   business   crime   reduction   partnership,   crime   prevention  
officers,  trade  association  and  trade  newspapers.  (Dear.L.,2009)    

                                                                    CROSS COMPANY ANALYSIS:


About  the  company:  
                                                                                                                       House   of   Fraser   is   one   of   the   UK’S   largest   and   most  
prestigious   retail   organizations.   This   is   a   British   department   store,   with   around   62  
stores   across   UK   and   Ireland.   This   is   founded   by,   Hugh   Fraser   and   James   Arthur   under  
the   brand   Arthur   and   Fraser   in   Glasgow,   Scotland   by   the   year   1749.   It   has   a   long  
strategy   of   rebranding   the   name   to   House   of   Fraser.   House   of   Fraser   has   acquired  
different   companies   including   T.   Braid   &   Sons   Ltd   of   Scotland,   Erie   and   E.   Dingle   &   Co.  
Ltd,   Hide   &   Co   and   the   Army   &   Navy   Stores   in   southern   England,   Switzer   &   Co.   Ltd,  
Dublin  and  other  independent  stores.  Over  the  decade  more  than  50  stores  joined  the  
                                                                                                                             The   head   quarters   of   House   of   Fraser   is   in   London,  
England.  By  the  year  of  2008  the  company  operates  63  department  stores  in  UK  and  
Ireland  including  the  web  store  House  of  Fraser  is  providing  
different   products   in   the   store,   which   includes   jewellery,   cosmetics,   clothing,   home-­‐
ware   and   kitchen   gadgets.   House   of   Fraser   has   revenue   of   £   596   million,   which  
operates  with  around  2000  employees.    
                   In  the  year  September  2005,  House  of  Fraser  has  opened  its  first  store  outside  UK  
is  in  Dundrum  Town  center,  Dublin,  Ireland.  The  company  provides  the  same  standard  
of  products  and  services  to  the  customers  in  Ireland.  This  store  operates  with  around  
200  employees.  This  store  operates  under  the  same  rules  and  regulations  as  in  U.K.  
                                                                                 House  of  Fraser  Dundrum  is  reporting  an  annual  loss  of  €  89,528  
in  2009.  The  company  suffered  an  internal  loss  of  24.4%  and  an  external  loss  of  57.6%  
in   the   store.   In   addition   to   this,   the   company   declared   a   loss   of   1%   due   to   fraud,   1%  
due   to   robbery,   3%   due   to   damage   and   13%   loss   due   to   others.   House   of   Fraser   is  
reveling  that  the  major  loss  of  the  company  is  through  shoplifting  from  fitting  rooms.  
These  above  figures  are  showing  the  importance  of  adoption  of  best  practices  in  house  
of  Fraser.    
                                                 House   of   Fraser   has   adopted   the   same   loss   prevention   methods   in   all  
stores.   They   have   different   security   policies   for   opening   and   closing   the   store,   interior,  
and  exterior  checks,  booking  staff  in  and  out  the  store  etc.      
       In   this   context   we   are   discussing   the   main   security   measure   adopted   to   reduce  
internal  and  external  loss.    
               (3.2.1)  BEST  PRACTICES  TO  REDUCE  INTERNAL  LOSS:  
House   of   Fraser   has   adopted   specific   procedures   for   opening   and   closing   the   store   to  
avoid  theft  by  staff  and  intruders.  
• It  is  the  company  policy  that  an  authorized  key  holder  and  at  least  one  staff  member  of  
the  management  or  security  must  present  when  opening  and  closing  the  store.  
• The   security   must   not   hold   store   keys   or   be   asked   to   set   the   intruders   alarm   at  
• Person   who   enters   a   store   on   his   or   her   own   risk,   without   a   cause   may   be   liable   to  
disciplinary  action.    
• It  is  the  company  policy  that  there  should  be  only  four  sets  of  keys.  Each  key  holder  
Is  responsible  for  the  security  of  the  key  while  in  possession.    
• Authorized  key  holder  can  access  to  the  alarm  panel  and  they  can  choose  their  own  
 PIN  number.  The  PIN  number  is  on  personalized  choice  and  this  not  recorded  anywhere.  
• None  of  the  authorized  person  is  allowed  to  reveal  the  PIN  number  under    
Any  circumstances.    
• The  PIN  number  must  be  deleted  when  the  authorized  person  leaves  the  business    
Alternatively,  transfer  to  another  store.    
• The  key  holder  upon  arrival  does  a  visual  check  of  the  accessible  perimeter    
Of  the  premise.  
• Extreme  care  must  be  taken  when  there  is  any  damages  taken  place.    
• The  security  has  check  all  attempted  burglary.  The  fire  exits  must  always    
been  kept  clear  and  operational.  
After  the  internal  and  external  check  the  security  will  do  a  final  preopening  check.  
• Make  sure  that  the  CCTV  system  is  fully  operational  and  that  the  correct  tape  is  
 Inserted  and  recording  is  properly  working  in  each  videocassette  recorder.    
• Make  sure  all  display  cabinets  and  windows  are  locked  with  the  keys  removed.    
                                   As   a   condition   of   employment   any   person   engaged   in   work   on   company  
premises   must   accept   that   they   are   liable   to   be   searched   as   and   when   requested.  
Searches   will   be   carried   out   regularly.   HOF   staff,   concession   staff,   cleaners,   and  
visitors  will  be  scheduled  at  random  searches.    
                                                     The   quality   of   the   searches   being   conducted   should   be   in   line   with  
current   audit   guidelines.   Bags   personal   belongingness   etc   can   be   searched   at  
anytime   when   the   staff   is   inside   the   premises.   Lockers   cabinets   and   cars   can   be  
searched  at  anytime  in  the  presence  of  the  person.  It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  sales  
manager  and  loss  prevention  manager  to  ensure  that  regular  checking  is  conducting.    
                                                                                                                         In   the   event   of   person   being   found   with   an  
unauthorized   possession   of   company   property   during   staff   search   senior  
management   must   be   contacted   immediately.   If   it   is   a   work   experience   trainee   or  
employment   trainee   concerned   agency   or   respective   sponsor   will   be   informed.  
Correct  course  of  action  must  be  taken  according  to  the  human  resource  manual.    
                                 An  internal  loss  prevention  investigation  is  conducted  when  it  is  identified    
that  the  employee  is  suspected.    
• Acting  criminally  against  company’s  interest.    
• Benefiting  financially  or  materially,  from  a  loss  to  the  company  caused  by  a  
 breach  of  operational  procedure.    
• Failing  to  comply  with  company  procedures  and  policy.    
                                                                             HOF  has  implement  different  loss  prevention  methods  like  CCTV,    
monitoring  service,  Electronic  article  surveillance  (EAS)  etc.  
                                     One   of   the   main   losses   of   merchandise   pieces   takes   place   in   HOF   is   from  
fitting  rooms.  So  the  company  has  established  certain  procedures  to  avoid  theft  from  
fitting  rooms.    
• All  fitting  rooms  must  be  kept  clean  and  functional.    
• All  cleaners  including  contract  cleaners  must  be  under  supervision.  
 None  of  the  merchandise  product  will  be  allowed  to  taken  by  the  cleaners.  
• None  of  the  fitting  room  cubicle,  must  not  be  used  as  storage  space  under  
 any  circumstances.  
• Fitting  room  must  not  be  kept  in  such  a  way  as  stock  room  doors  or  fire  exits  
 are  accessible  for  public.    
• Regular  check  of  the  fitting  room  is  done  to  ensure  that  no  article,  ticket,    
hanger  etc  left  unattended.    
• Disk  control  system  must  be  fully  equipped  for  all  stock  room.    
• All  fitting  rooms  will  be  manned  all  the  time.    
(B))  Electronic  article  surveillance  (EAS)  
                                                               House   of   Fraser   has   implemented   an   anti   theft   solutions   from   the  
point   of   sales.   EAS   antennae   are   helping   the   retailer   to   reduce   theft   in   the   stores.   The  
technology   incorporates   360degree   rotation   of   radio   frequency   signals,   which   helps  
in   a   better   detection   of   Radio   frequency   security   tags   at   all   angles.   This   helps   the  
retailers   to   detect   the   stolen   merchandise   effectively.   This   system   offers   fewer  
pedestals   but,   wider   aisles   (around   2m),   which   preserves   and   keeps   the   look   of   retail  
environment.   House   of   Fraser   is   using,   Alpha   Cable   Loks,   from   alpha   high   theft  
solutions   are   being   trailed   to   combat   the   theft   of   desirable   and   high   value  
merchandise  such  as  handbags,  jackets  and  suits.  (Thompson.S.,2009)  
                                     The  implementation  of  checkpoint’s  security  solutions,  reduce  losses  on  high-­‐
end   goods,   improved   stock   results   in   the   store   and   concession.   This   creates   a   very  
pleasant  retail  environment  to  the  customers  and  the  luxury  merchandise  can  be  kept  
securely  on  open  display.      
                                                                                             In   addition   to   the   EAS   technology,   House   of   Fraser   has   also  
installed   EAS   enabled   version   visitor   counting   software.   Checkpro   manager   Visiplus,  
provides   an   insight   to   the   number   of   visitors   to   its   stores.   This   information   is   captured  
and   stored   which   allows   the   managers   to   analyze   the   information   online.   This   helps  
them  to  determine  the  specific  areas,  which  need  more  staffing  and  helps  to  measure  
the  promotional  campaigns  in  attracting  customers  to  the  store.  This  data  can  be  used  
to   make   a   customer   conversion   rate   reports.   Visplus   develops   quantitative   data,   which  
allows  HOF  to  identify  the  areas  for  improvement  and  reduce  cost.(  Marc.P.,2009)  

 (C)  EPOS  Scan  :  (  Electronic  point  of  sale)  
                                                   EPOS  scan  is  tried  and  tested  system  specifically  developed  for  and  proven  
to   be   effective   in   retail   applications.   Epos   Scan   is   on   the   idea   that   it   links   to   CCTV  
coverage   with   EPoS   data   from   the   sales   terminal.   It   is   a   particular   event   like   void   or  
refund   takes   place.   EPOS   scan   ensures   that   images   of   the   sales   terminal   relating   to   this  
event  are  recorded.  The  images  are  recording  with  a  fixed  camera  permanently  trained  
on   the   sales   terminal,   or   it   may   orient   a   PTZ   (pan   tilt   zoom)   camera   near   the   sales  
terminal,  which  captures  the  required  picture.    
                                                                                                                       In  addition  to  the  store’s  main  coverage  EPOS  system  can  
be  used  as  a  recording  system.  EPOS  audit  roll  data  corresponding  to  the  event  being  
monitored,  maintains  a  searchable  log  of  events  types  and  locations.  In  House  of  Fraser  
the  typical  event  which  monitors  include  voids,  manually  keyed  credit  card  sales  and  
low   value   transactions   in   departments   where   the   goods   on   sale   are   mostly   of   high  
value.  EPOS  scan  helps  to  identify  suspicious  transactions  by  reviewing  EPOS  audit  roll  
information   along   with   CCTV   images   of   the   sales   terminal.   The   Epos   scan   instantly  
brings   the   target   event   to   the   notice   of   the   security   staff,   which   helps   to   watch   the  
whole   transaction   as   it   is   happening.   This   is   a   very   effective   and   efficient   tool   in  
reducing  shrinkage.  
                                                           All   these   above   details   are   showing   the   different   methods   adopted   by  
House   of   Fraser   to   reduce   shrinkage   due   to   internal   and   external   losses.   Even   after  
with  the  adoption  of  these  methods  House  of  Fraser  is  suffering  from  a  loss  of  €  89528.  
This   figures   are   showing   that,   they   need   an   improvement   in   the   adoption   and  
application  of  security  measure.  
(3.3)  PRIMARK.  
       About  the  company:  
                                                                                         Primark   is   a   clothing   retailer,   which   is   established   in   the   year  
1969.   The   company   has   branches   in   Ireland,   United   Kingdom,   Netherland,   Germany,  
Spain,   Portugal   and   Belgium.   The   company   operates   with   its   head   office   in   Dublin,  
Ireland.   The   company   has   38   stores   in   Ireland,   136   in   UK,   14   in   Spain,   2   in   Germany,   2  
in   Portugal   and   1   of   each   in   Netherland   and   Portugal.   Primark   is   a   subsidiary   of  
Associated   British   Foods   plc   (ABF)   and   under   the   control   of   Weston   family.   In   the   year  
2008  the  company  makes  revenue  of  £1933  m.  It  employs  around  27500  staff  all  over  
the  stores.  
                       The   main   principle   of   the   company   is   to   market   fashionable   clothing   at   a  
competitive   price.   In   addition   to   clothing   it   also   provides   a   wide   collection   of   home  
ware,   jewellery,   foot   ware,   health   and   beauty,   Christmas   products,   giftware,   sports  
ware  and  accessories  to  the  customers.  
                                                                                 In  2006,  Primark  joined  the  ethical  trading  initiative,  which  brings  
businesses,  NGO  and  trade  unions  to  work  on  honor  right  issues  in  their  supply  chains.  
Primark   took   remedial   measures   to   avoid   unethical   practices   in   their   supply   chain.  
They   terminated   the   contract   with   the   companies   doing   child   labour   and   unethical  
                                                   Penneys  is  reporting  a  very  small  percentage  of  internal  and  external  loss  
in   their   store.   The   managers   are   revealing   that   Primark   have   only   1%to   2%   of   internal  
loss   in   their   store.   Penneys   is   suffering   from   an   external   loss   of   €1000   to   €2000   per  
month.  CCTV  is  their  prime  loss  prevention  tool  in  all  stores.  The  store  detectives  are  
acting  as  a  supportive  tool  for  the  CCTV  operation.    
                       Detailed  explanations  of  the  loss  prevention  tools  are  explaining  below.  
                 (A)SECURITY  SERVICES:  
                   One  of  the  best  methods  adopted  by  Primark  to  reduce  internal  and  external  theft  
is   through   security   services.   The   company   is   providing   the   customers   a   comfortable  
and   safe   shopping   environment.   Primark   has   outsourced   it’s   security   from   a   trusted  
agency.    This  security  officer  provides  a  wide  range  of  services.    
                                                                                                                 The   security   officers   in   Primark   monitor   both   the  
customers   and   the   staff   during   working   hours.   They   discourage   and   avoid  
troublemakers,  which  provides  an  exciting  shopping  environment.  They  always  act  as  
deterrent   against   theft   by   customers   and   staff.   The   security   officers   are   obliged   to  
analyze  the  incidents  or  theft,  which  makes  a  loss  to  the  company  and  make  arrest  if  
necessary.  They  provide  information  services  to  the  management.  The  security  officers  
will   provide   a   great   assistance   in   collecting   money   from   different   tills.   In   Primark,   in  
addition   to   these   services   the   security   is   giving   first   aid   if   necessary.   The   security  
offices  are  always  vigilant  to  find  the  losses  done  by  staff  and  customers.    
                                                           One   of   the   best   practices   adopted   by   Primark   for   loss   and   prevention            
method   is   the   introduction   of   store   detectives.   They   patrol   the   shop   like   an   ordinary  
shopper,   watching   for   shoplifters.   These   detectives   follows   the   shoppers   behaving  
suspiciously   to   make   sure   if   they   are   doing   any   theft   or   not.   These   store   detectives  
investigate  employee  theft  activity,  credit  Card  and  check  fraud.  They  are  responsible  for  
searching  employee  lockers  and  bags  randomly.    
                                       Penneys   has   introduced   different   criteria   to   avoid   losses   from   their   home  
ware   department.   All   the   items   that   were   sold   from   home   ware   department   have   been  
accompanied   with   a   sold   out   stickers.   None   of   the   merchandise   items   are   allowed   to  
move  out  from  the  store  with  out  these  stickers.  These  stickers  are  mainly  used  as  an  
identification  tool  to  recognize  between  a  sold  out  item  or  not.  These  stickers  make  the  
job  of  security  officers  quite  easy.    
                                         In   Primark,   CCTV   acts   as   the   major   tool   for   loss   prevention.   This   helps   in  
investigating   shoplifting,   credit   fraud,   embezzlement   etc.   In   Primark   they   have  
installed   different   units   for   controlling   CCTV.   Some   of   these   units   are   visible   to   the  
customers   and   some   are   not.   CCTV   give   the   security   officers   a   better   view   of   a   suspect,  
they   can   record   incidents   with   out   revealing   themselves   to   the   shoplifting   suspects.  
The  application  of  CCTV  in  Primark  gives  assistance  to  the  store  vigilant  working  in  the  
                               In   this   part   of   the   study,   the   researcher   is   trying   to   do   a   cross   company  
analysis   between   the   two   companies.   SWOT   analysis   has   done   to   understand   the  
strength  weakness,  opportunities,  and  threats  of  the  company.    
                                                           House  of  Fraser  have  been  thriving  business  since  1749,  it  has  62  shops  
in   and   around   UK   and   Ireland.   It   has   great   strength   for   its   private   label   and   wider  
brand   portfolio   across   fashion,   beauty,   children   wear,   and   home   values.   House   of  
Fraser  is  well  known  for  providing  a  collection  of  different  branded  products  at  high  
quality.   They   are   providing   every   imaginable   brand   available   in   the   market.   They  
have  a  very  strong  portfolio  of  brands.  The  store  is  providing  a  lot  of  staff  for  assisting  
the  customers.  They  have  a  strong  infrastructure.  House  of  Fraser  is  providing  a  store  
card   to   the   customers,   it   is   giving   rewards   to   the   customers   on   the   basis   of   the  
amount   of   points   acquired   in   each   quarter   of   the   year.   In   addition   to   this,   the  
cardholders  will  get  extra  10%  discounts  for  everything  they  buy.  Through  all  these  
ways  house  of  Fraser  is  trying  to  get  a  good  place  in  customer’s  mind.  (Papas.C.,2009)  
                                                                           Some   of   the   customers   are   considering   house   of   Fraser   as   an  
expensive   store.   House   of   Fraser   has   spent   a   lot   of   money   for   the   adoption   of   loss  
prevention  methods.  However,  still  now,  House  of  Fraser  is  suffering  shrinkage  due  to  
internal   and   external   theft.   In   this   store,   the   external   loss   is   greater   when   compared   to  
the  internal  losses.  the  company  is  suffering  a  loss  of  around  ninety  grants  in  just  one  
store  (Marc.P.,2009)  
                                                                                                   House   of   Fraser   is   a   well-­‐known   department   store,   whose  
main   income   is   selling.   The   main   cause   of   loss   for   the   company   is   through   external  
loss.  If  the  store  is  over  coming  this  weakness,  they  can  save  a  good  lot  of  money.  The  
store   can   earn   more   money   through   improving   online   sales.   The   store   has   it’s   own  
website,  through  which  they  can  earn  more  profit.(Randall.C.,2008)  
                                                                                                                                                               The   intensive   competition   in   the   market   is   a  
great  threat  facing  by  House  of  Fraser.  They  company  has  to  adopt  new  strategies  to  
overcome  this.  With  the  hit  of  recession  in  the  retail  market,  consumer  confidence  has  
decreased.   Studies   have   also   shown   that   recession   increased   retail   theft.   Therefore,  
the   company   has   to   give   more   importance   to   reduce   theft.   House   of   Fraser   is  
providing   a   variety   of   branded   products;   counterfeit   products   in   the   market   are   a   big  
threat  for  them.  (Dey.S.  &  Srinivasan.S.,2007)  
                                                                         Primark   is   a   well-­‐reputed   firm,   which   is   established   in   the   year  
1969.   This   has   around   193   outlets.   They   have   a   very   strong   market   position.   The  
main  aim  of  Primark  is  to  provide  low  price  and  good  quality  products.  They  have  a  
very   strong   returns   and   margins   from   their   business.   Primark   has   a   very   strong  
distribution   network,   which   is   providing   the   same   goods   to   all   stores.   With   the  
changes   in   the   trends   they   will   always   change   their   designs   as   well.   This   acts   as  
another   way   to   increase   their   profits.   Moreover,   recognition   for   valuing   quality  
services   and   quality   products   to   the   customers   attracted   more   people.
                                                 Primark   is   suffering   losses   through   internal   and   external   theft.   Primark   is  
suffering  more  external  theft  when  compared  to  the  internal  theft.  If  the  company  can  
overcome   these   they   can   save   a   good   amount   of   money   from   the   stock   loss.   Penneys   is  
not   offering   sales   assistant   for   each   customers   due   to   the   immense   amount   of  
customers.  (White.T.,2009)  
                     The  increasing  demand  of  online  retail  spending  is  a  very  good  opportunities  for  
Primark.   The   growing   global   foot   ware   market   is   the   next   opportunities   for  
development.   The   global   foot   ware   market   is   expected   to   continue   growing   by   3.7%  
between  2005  and  2011.  Recession,  can  be  positive  by  giving  good  quality  products  at  
low  price.  (Teather.D.,2009)  
                                                                                                 Primark   don’t   give   expression   and   communication,   as   it   does  
not   advertise,   which   is   an   advantage   to   the   competitors.   Primark   don’t   have   an  
advertising  whilst  but  their  competitors  have.  The  competition  in  the  market  is  another  
threat   facing   by   the   company.   Presently   Primark   is   competing   with   other   well  
established  companies  like  M&S,  next,  Zara,  H&M  etc.  (Jennifer.J.,2010)  


                                           In   the   whole   research,   the   researcher   is   concentrating   on   the   shrinkage   in  
the  retail  due  to  internal  and  external  theft.  From  the  research  it  is  clear  that  House  of  
Fraser   is   suffering   a   great   loss   due   to   internal   and   external   theft.   Primark   is   only  
suffering   a   small   loss.   Both   of   the   companies   have   different   aims   but   they   have   the  
same  common  enemies  for  internal  and  external  theft.  
                                                                                     House   of   Fraser   is   a   well-­‐reputed   company   providing   a   vast  
amount   of   branded   products   to   the   customers.   They   have   adopted   different   loss  
prevention  tools  like  RFID,  EAS,  CCTV  etc,  but  still  now  the  company  is  suffering  a  great  
loss  due  to  internal  and  external  theft.  In  the  company  the  external  loss  is  double  when  
compared   to   internal   loss.   The   company   has   to   take   proper   actions   to   control   this.  
CCTV   is   a   major   aid   for   controlling   losses   but   it   have   often-­‐limited   value   in   detecting  
crimes   carried   out   by   staff.   A   small   percentage   of   staff   working   in   retail   is   dishonest,  
but  it  made  around  24.4%  internal  loss  to  the  company.    
                                                   House   of   Fraser   is   revealing   that,   the   major   loss   for   the   company   is  
occurred   from   women   ware.   From   the   overall   loss,   loss   from   women’s   wear   itself  
accounts   for   38.4%   to   39.6%.   In   order   to   avoid   the   loss   from   the   fitting   room,   the  
customers   are   assisted   by   a   sales   advisor.   Make   the   customers   aware,   that   they   are  
being  watched  all  the  time.  To  avoid  the  theft  from  the  fitting  room,  the  fitting  room  is  
kept  tidy.  Un-­‐tagged  stocks  are  not  allowed  to  take  to  the  fitting  room.  A  maximum  of  
four  items  are  only  allowed  to  take  to  the  fitting  rooms.    
                                           The   staff   theft   made   house   of   Fraser   a   loss   of   24.4%.   The   company   has  
adopted   only   very   few   methods   to   reduce   internal   loss.   The   security   made   random  
checks  in  lockers  and  bags  of  the  staff.  The  security,  monitor  the  staff  on  floor,  if  there  
is  any  doubt  about  the  staff.    

                                                       The   above   information   is   showing   that   House   of   Fraser   has   been   more  
aware  about  these  losses.  It  made  a  loss  of  €  89,528  in  2009.  If  the  company  is  more  
aware   they   can   save   this   money.   One   of   the   biggest   faults   in   House   of   Fraser   is   the   lack  
of   employee   training.   Even   after   the   company   is   aware   about   the   loses,   the   company   is  
not  taking  efficient  steps  to  back  up  the  technology  they  installed  to  avoid  losses.    
                                         Primark   is   a   well-­‐established   company   providing   a   wide   collection   of  
products   at   a   reasonable   price.   This   company   is   also   suffering   a   great   loss   due   to   theft.  
However,   here,   it   is   just   the   opposite   of   House   of   Fraser.   Here   the   internal   theft   is   very  
low  when  compared  to  the  external  theft.    
               The   security   officials   have   reported   that,   they   report   a   minimum   of   five   external  
thefts  in  Primark  from  each  store.  However  in  Primark,  the  company  has  to  give  more  
importance  to  avoid  external  theft.    
.                              S UGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:

                                                             House  of  Fraser  has  to  give  more  importance  to  avoid  both  internal  and    
External  theft  and  Primark  has  to  give  more  importance  to  external  theft.  
• Increased  usage  of  video  surveillance  camera.  
The  studies  are  showing  that  the  installation  of  video  surveillance  camera  helps  
to   prevent   employee   theft.   The   employees   must   be   well   aware   that   they   are  
being   monitored   all   the   time.   The   installation   of   cameras   in   the   storage   room  
and  fake  cameras  has  a  positive  effect  on  minimizing  employee  theft.    
• Better  hiring  practices  and  applicant  screening.  
                             The   job   applicants   must   be   carefully   screened   before   hiring   new  
employees.  A  proper  reference  checks,  which  includes  the  professional  checks  
and  police  record  checks.  A  proper  reference  check  is  very  crucial  for  the  staff  
handling  money.    
• Salary  raises/  open  discussions  
                 In   certain   cases   the   employees   may   be   dissatisfied   with   the   salary   and  
other  issues.  Then  they  have  a  feeling  that  the  best  way  to  revenge  against  the  
company   is   to   steal.   Through   an   open   discussion   and   workshops,   the  
employees   can   explain   their   problem.   This   will   help   the   company   to   find  
remedial  measures  to  make  them  happy.    
• Giving  free  products  to  the  employees.  
                         Giving  products  to  the  employees  have  a  positive  impact  to  reduce  theft.  
The  “give  away”  or  certain  kind  of  perks  acts  as  a  reward  for  respectful  behavior  
of  employees.    
• Peer  Reporting:  
Peer   reporting   is   another   method   to   recognize   the   person   who   is   stealing.  
However,   the   company   has   to   be   very   careful   in   this.   The   company   does   not   take  
any  actions  with  out  any  solid  evidence.  
• Better  control  system  and  record  keeping:  
A   proper   control   of   the   inventory   through   regular   weekly   or   monthly   stock  
taking   will   limits   the   employee   theft.   It   is   quite   easy   to   understand   the   losses  
happening.  Presently  companies  are  doing  stocktaking  in  6  months  or  one  year.  
A  proper  control  through  weekly  or  monthly  stock  taking  will  reduce  the  loss.    
• Giving  the  employees  proper  training:  
All  employees  have  given  proper  training  for  loss  prevention  and  placing  the  
cases  behind  the  cash  register.  The  training  given  to  the  staff  is  considered  as  
the   most   effective   approach   to   loss   prevention.   This   has   to   be   closely  
accompanied   by   technology.   Therefore,   the   company   has   to   give   more  
importance   to   training   and   technology.   Giving   proper   training   to   the   staff   is  
the  most  cost  effective  way  to  reduce  shrinkage.    
• Hiring  and  keeping  the  staff  honest:  
                                         Employees   have   direct   contact   with   the   customers   and   the   stock.  
So,   hiring   and   keeping   the   honest   staff   is   one   of   the   best   way   to   reduce  
shrinkage.  Through  proper  training  they  will  be  well  aware  about  the  different  
procedures   inside   the   company.   They   can   better   know   how   the   loss   is  
happening  and  how  can  it  be  reduced.  They  know  the  products  that  are  very  
prone  for  stealing  and  the  places  that  need  more  care.  
• Placing  the  most  prone  area  to  video  surveillance  
                                                                             The   security   officials   and   the   staff   have   been   very   keen  
about  the  places  in  the  shops,  which  is  very  prone  to  theft.  For  e.g.:  products,  
which   are   kept   very   near   to   the   entrance   of   the   shops.   By   placing   video  
surveillances  in  these  areas  will  help  to  minimize  the  loss.    
                       House   of   Fraser   and   Primark  are  two  different  companies  working  in  retail  
sector.   These   two   companies   are   following   different   loss   prevention   methods.  
House   of   Fraser   have   already   adopted   the   new   technology   loss   prevention  
methods   like   EAS   tagging,   RFID   etc.   but   Primark   is   not   following   that.   House   of  
Fraser   has   to   adopt   new   methods   to   reduce   losses   from   women’s   ware   and   the  
losses  made  by  staff.  Primark  has  to  give  importance  to  external  loss.  Therefore,  
the   author   is   trying   to   suggest   different   best   practices   for   two   companies.   The  
following   best   practices   are   supporting   the   present   methods   adopted   by   both   the  
company  and  it  is  also  considering  the  company’s  present  strategy  
                       HOUSE  OF  FRASER                                            PRIMARK  
1.Loss  prevention  training  for  the  staff   1.loss  prevention  training  for  the  staff  
2.  Disk  control  system      
3.  Store  detectives   2.  Disk  control  system  
4.proper  security  tagging  on  all  merchandises                              
products.   3.  Fake  cameras  in  stock  rooms    
5.  Peer  reporting      
6.  Fake  cameras  in  storerooms.   4.  Implementing  ceiling  mirrors  
7.  Free  products  and  samples  for  staff    
                         All   these   methods   are   the   best   one   which   has   been   used   to   reduce   shrinkage   in  
retail.  Even  after  the  implementation  of  different  technologies  the  companies  are  suffering  
losses.   The   companies   have   to   adopt   new   methods   to   reduce   employee   theft.   Employees  
are  the  main  aspects,  which  can  reduce  retail  shrinkage.  
                                       The   author   chose   two   different   strategies   for   two   companies.   Primark   is   a  
company,   which   is   providing   good   quality   products   at   a   reasonable   price.   On   the   other  
hand,   House   of   Fraser   is   providing   all   the   branded   products   in   the   market.   The   adoption   of  
new  technologies  like  RFID,  EAS  tag  is  not  suggested  for  Primark,  because  it  will  affect  their  
business   strategy.   It   makes   the   products   more   expensive.   House   of   Fraser   has   already  
adopted  these  technologies  in  all  stores.    
                     House   of   Fraser   and   Primark   are   not   targeting   their   staff.   Through   proper   training   to  
the   staff,   they   can   back   up   their   present   loss   prevention   methods.   The   above   research   is  
also   suggesting   the   importance   of   staff   training   to   avoid   internal   and   external   loss.   The  
studies  done  on  this  field  is  proving  that  staff  training  is  the  best  method  to  avoid  internal  
and  external  loss.    
 Both  the  companies  have  adopted  the  disk  control  system  but  it  is  not  working  efficiently.  
In  House  of  Fraser  they  are  reporting  the  major  loss  from  fitting  room.  Therefore,  they  have  
to  give  more  importance  to  this.    
                                           House   of   Fraser   does   not   have   the   store   detectives   or   shadow   security,   but  
Primark   is   following   it.   The   store   detectives   are   working   as   a   good   loss   prevention   tool   in  
Primark  to  avoid  external  theft.  House  of  Fraser  can  adopt  this  method  to  avoid  external  loss  
to  a  certain  extend.  The  personal  experience  from  the  job  is  showing  that,  in  House  of  Fraser  
some  merchandise  products  are  not  properly  tagged.  The  staff  has  been  more  aware  about  
                             Both,   the   companies   are   not   considering   fake   cameras   as   a   tool   to   avoid   theft.   The  
above   studies   are   showing   that   the   presence   of   fake   cameras   are   avoiding   staff   theft   to   an  
extend.  Implementing  more  ceiling  mirrors  is  useful  in  Primark.  The  secondary  research  is  
showing   that   mirrors   in   the   store   can   act   as   a   loss   prevention   tool.   The   adoption   of   fake  
cameras  and  ceiling  mirrors  is  considered  as  a  cheap  loss  prevention  tool.  
House  of  Fraser  doesn’t  give  free  gifts  and  products  to  their  staff.  The  studies  are  showing  
that  giving  free  gifts  and  products  to  the  staff  can  reduce  the  staff  theft.    
In   addition   to   the   above   method,   hiring   and   keeping   them   honest   staff   will   glorify   the   effort.  
From  the  researcher’s  personal  opinion,  instead  of  introducing  new  methods,  giving  proper  
training  to  the  staff  will  be  more  effective.    
(5.5)  CONCLUSION:  
                                           The  whole  research  is  revealing  that,  the  internal  and  external  theft  is  making  a  
huge   loss   to   the   companies.   House   of   Fraser   is   suffering   huge   loss   when   compared   to  
Primark.  It  is  derived  from  the  study  that,  the  best  method  to  reduce  internal  and  external  
theft   is   staff   training.   House   of   Fraser   and   Primark   are   not   giving   proper   training   to   the  
employees.   The   additional   methods   can   act   as   a   supportive   loss   prevention   tool.   The  
adoption  of  this  method  can  save  money  and  can  increase  the  efficiency  of  the  company.  


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