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Risk SEEETTTT LY use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle. 5 cr g Across 2 4 ypu something, you consicer he goal an bad & = 8 liyou a risk, you get rid of it. (9) 5 20 fa isk's -itedsts nom, orl exist very Soon, and it needs urgent | 2 action.) Down | 1 Marskis itso unimportant thal you can igre. 30) 2 ttyou ask, you reduce the chance of a large loss by sharing its insurance with others, for example, (6) 3A risk is possible or likely in the future. (9) 5A risk is very big. () 6 Iariskis + itis very small indeed. (9) 7 ifyou fou make & judgement about it based on the information that you have. (5) 9A risk is not likely to happen. (6) fn Ps TP aw F a r ls p EE] complete the verbs with the missing vowels. All the verbs collocate with risk(s). 1 2 3 4 ep r stmt fs mist 24 ac pana UNITS *> RISK Use these verbs to label the four groups in exercise B as appropriate. ‘Manage Predict Match the following sentence halves. 1. ifthe allegations against the CEO a) younevertake a risk. prove to be well-founded, 2. With sucha provocative advertising |b) at he risk of being repetitive. campaign, 3. You can’t hope to be successful in ©) you risk losing your no-ciaims bonus. business if 4 wil say again that your comalaint 4) you should know you are doing so at is unjustified, your ov tisk. 5 Ifyou play the stock market, )_ the future of the company is at risk. 6 Trynot to make a claim on 4) we run the risk of alienating our more your insurance policy this year consefvative customers. otherwise Look at the graph, which shows sales of soft drinks produced by Kanko. Then underline the correct adverbs (1-10) in the text. JF mM AM FF AS OO ON ast quarter and quarter 3rd quarter ath quarter ‘As you can see from the graph it has been a zutherresonabiy! disappointing year for Kanko overall. However, the fst quarter Was fal'vexceprionaly® good, as sales of our new soft drink N-Ergy rose steadydramaicaly Cnfortunately, owing to unexpected production problems, sles fell sharplysteadity* throughout te second quarter. They then rose exceptionaiy/sharply*uatil the end of July. The rest ofthe summer was adiyslighty Tess suevessful, and sales dd nol pick up again "athe frst haif of September: We were thea firiiseverely” confident that we had the inde conto, ut sales just levelled of thro Subsequent problems at our Norwich subsidiary, however, meant that sales began to drop dtramaticaly/graduall*, and there ate no sigas ofa possible recovery al present. It spears {hat we had moderazetsibadiy” misjudged the seriousness of the situation at Norwich, and thal we were not falyfairy prepared to handle such acxss Situation put the next ewo months; 25 YOM JOVANI YOM FOVNONVT UNITS > RISK 26 Linking ideas EE complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. There has been a steady rise in sales since last winter, Sales have risen steadily since last winter The overall position shows a gradual increase in profi The overall position shows that profit will. They expected a dram They expected sales, increase in sales with the introduction oftheir new soft drink There was a significant growth in turnaves, reflecting the group's rapid expansion over the last year, Turnover INO, the Swedish financial group, has announced a sharp rise in net profits to e1.14bn, IN, the Swedish financial group, ha announced t 7 Among electronics, there was a slight fallin mieroehip shares, Among electronics, Study the following examples: Besides organised crime and corruption, terrorism is also a grave cause of cancetn among executives, The company is lasing direction, Furth So driving factors behind t ticated tr ase in risks. core products are losing apoe: 1d a5 well as corruption and organised crime are seen as the heir financial situation is precarious. Moreover, there has been recent bad press about poor forking conditions fn their overseas factories. There are financial risks involved in addition to legal and operational ones. Cross out the two explanations which are not correct: tq he words in tales are used to a) reinforce an idea, add information, ») express the caus N 1 ) conte jote: further Fa sentence and moreover are fo We need executives who can a) manage strategic risks properly There are still very few ») investment opportunities in the region. In order to increase our market a share, we are considering cut in our profit margin What we need to dois always get | d) Up-to-date information about the risks we face Increased competition isa threat to Xe) the survival of aur company. Ihis clear that the risk of civil war) has decreased words; they often occur at the beginni something, the reason for something Match the following items. Notice how the linkers are used. in addition to a reduction ia all our prices, Furthermore, we need to protect ourselves against negative changes in customer demand, Moreover, the government appears 10 have the situation firmly under control. a5 well as maintain good channels of communication between the key players in our company. 1 addition to being able to take decisive action whenever necessary Besides, a political crisis is looming. | 7 | 1 UNIT6 => RISK Read this short text about health and safety in the workplace. In most of the lines 1-10 there is one extra word which does not fit, Some lines, however, are correct, Ifa tine is correct, aut a tick (¥’) on the appropriate tine, Ifchere isan extra word in the line, write that word in the space provided. Implementing a systematic approach to workplace safety will require fora iy organizations and within the safety ural change in ma profession. All organizations they need wo nurture a ‘safety eultare™ Company policy and workstation practice must ditate that satety never takes in a back seat to other interests, No one should or fest be tolerate potentially disabli satening risk inthe name of cost-cutting, productivity or any other a priority. Safety and health considerations must he with an integral part ofthe ‘operating policies of every organization. The consequences ate too expensive when the bealth and safety are seen as secondary, Jeff Smithson, Staff Restaurant Manager at Kenko, talks to Paula, his assistant. Put the lines of the conversation in the correct order. 1... Paula: I hear someone had a nasty fallin the staff restaurant at lunch time, A broken elbow, as well as a minor head injury. Atleast that's what Mary Dawson diagnosed. She called an ambulance straight away. Apparently, one of our attendants had spilt some oil, and was about to clean up, but too ate. Jim Perry from Accounts? Near the salad bar? But how did it happen? Ob dear. Poor Jim! Is he badly nurt? (Oh yeah. She's got a first-aid certificate, hasn't she? It's really good to have someone like her around, Pretty nasty, yes. You know Jim, don't you? That's right, yes. Well, he slipped somewhere near the salad bar. 10. Jett: Absolutely We need people lke her. Besides, ve must also make sure canteen users are properly warned of wet ar greasy surfaces. e D to write Jeff Smithson’s e-mail to the Human Resources Manager. Give details of Jim’s accident (When/where/ happen? Who is Mary Dawson? What did she do?) ‘ Accident in restaurant - Jim Perry aa YOM JOVNONVT

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