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(ESSA MORE PEOPLE BUY AND FLY CESSNA AIRPLANES. THAN ANY OTHER MAKE 1972 WORLD'S LARGEST PRO. DUCER OF GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT SINCE 1956 MODEL 150 —— OWNERS MANUAL PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS GRoss WeIGHT SPEED: ‘Top Speed at Sea Levei Cruise, 797 Power a¢ 3060 it RANGE, Cruise, 18% Power at 7000 22.5 ‘Gallons, No Reserve Cruise, 18% Power at 7000 41 35 Callons, Mo Reserve Optimum Range at 10,000 1 22.5 Gallons, No Reserve Optinienn Range at 10, 000 35 Gallons, Mo Reserve RATE OF CLIMB AT SEA LEVEL, SERVICE CEILING ‘TAKE-OFF: ‘Ground Run Total Distance Over 40°Fi Gustaele | | | | LANDING: (Ground Rott ‘Total Distance Over 30:F1 Obstacle STALL SPEEDS. Flaps Up, Power Ol i Flaps Down, Power Ol! " 7 POWER LOADING: Pounds /Hi> FUEL CAPACITY: Total ‘Standard Tanks Optional Long Range Tanks OW CAPACITY: "Total PROPELLER: Pixed Pitch (Diaieter) ENGINE: Continental Engine 100 rated MP at 2180 NPA Model 150 * 1600 the 122 sph 17 sph 375 Tit anh 725 8.2 hrs 17 sph 568 nt St hes 33 mph 0 84 hes Suh 870 tp Hca0 sas 1s 4.0 07s 59 apn enol 120 tbs 1e.0 26 gat Seal bats 69 inches 0-200-4 Slandard Trainer Commuter F150. EMPTY WEIGHT: (Approximate] 980 bs 1000 1bs 1055 ths 985 lbs USEFUL LOAD: (Approximate) 2 8201 600 tbs 55 tos 615 Ios WING LOADING: Pounds Sq Feat fifa oa? 0? 10.0 "A lis manust cos operation of te Motel 150 whch w cealwale ay Medel TOL ‘under TAK Tipe Ceca oI. The manual ao cowie gedan the Mel een Cessna 0 whch cesitcated as Mage FIS0L det frend Tye Cette io H/3 and AA Tow Cevteate Ho ALK The Moe #190 ke ration Sh. fens (ane ance a one yan 02004 enyte manasa (ewe taped CONGRATULATIONS... .. Welcome tothe ranks of Cessnt owners! Your Cessna has baen designed and eon- structed to give you the most in performance, ecanomy, afd comfort. It is ou tae sire that you wll find fying it, eitner for business oF pleamure, 2 pleasant and Drovitable experience, This Ownet's Manual tts been prepared as a guide to help you get the most pleasure ‘and tility from your Model 150, It contains information about your Cessna's equips ment, upersting procedures, and perfornauce; ant suggestions for its servicing ata fare, We unge you to read it from caver to cover, and lo refer toi frequently. ‘Our interest in your fying pleasure has not ceased with your purchase of 2 Cessna. World-wide, the Cessua Dealer Organization hacket ty the Cessna sorvice Bepart tment stands ready (o serve you, "The following services are oflered hy most Cessrat Dealers: ‘THE CESSNA WARRANTY ~~ It is designed to provide you with the most comprehensive coverage possible ‘a. No exclusions V. Coverage includes parts and tapor €2 Available at Cessna Dealers world wide 4) Destin the indastry Specie benefits and provisions a the warranty plus ather important benefits for you are coulained in your Customer Care Program book supplied with your alrevafl. Wacranty service 1s avallable to you at Any authorized Cesena Devier tougtout the world upon presestation of your Customer Care Card which establisies jour eligibility under the wasraney FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL to provide you vith courteous expert FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE EQUIPMENT to provide you with tho riosteificlent and aceurate workmanship possIole. ‘A STOCK OF GENUINE CESSNA SERVICE PARTS'on hand when you heed them. ‘TUE LATEST AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION FOR SERVICING CESSWA AIRPLANES, since Cessna Dealers fv all of the Servic ‘Manuals and Perts Catalogs, Kep: eutvent by Service Letters and Service News Letters, published by Cessna Aireratt Company. ‘We urge all Coasna owners to use the Cessna Dealer Oruaniaation tothe fltest. ‘A current Cessia Dealer Directory accompanies your new airplane, ‘The Directory {is revised frequently, and a curreat copy can bo obtained from your Cegsnn Dealer Make your Directory one of your evose-ccuntey Might planning aid; 4 warm weleotne avalls you at every Cassa Dealer. PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS — Page = SECTION | - OPERATING CHECK LIST . Ml SECTION Il - DESCRIPTION AND. OPERATING DETAILS ... 2 SECTION Ill - EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION IV - OPERATING LIMITATIONS. 4 SECTION V - CARE OF THE AIRPLANE. 54 OWNER FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM .. SECTION Vi - OPERATIONAL DATA. SECTION VIl- OPTIONAL SYSTEMS. 61 ‘This manual describes the operation and performance of the Standard Model 150, the Trainer and the Commuter. Equip- ment deseribed as “Optional” denotes that the subject equipment 4s optional on the Standard airplane. Much of this equipment is standard on the Trainer and Commuter, Section I rrr OPERATING CHECK LIST One of the first steps in obtaining the utmost performance, service, and flying enjoyment from your Cessna is to familiarize yourself with your airplane's equipment, systems, and controls. ‘This can best be done by reviewing this equipment while sitting in the airplane, ‘Those items whose function and operation are not obvious are covered in Section Section I lists, in Pilot's Check List form, the steps necessary to operate your airplane efficiently and safely. This not a check list in its true form as it is considerably longer, but it does cover briefly all of the points that you should know for a typical flight, ‘The flight and operational characteristics of your airplane are normal inall respects. There are no unconventional charaeleristies or oper- ations that need to be mastered. All controls respond in the normal way within the entire range of operation, All airspeeds mentioned in Sections 1, Hand Wl are indicated airsyeeds. Corresponding calibrated airspeeds may be obtained {rom the Airspeed Correction Table in Section VI. BEFORE ENTERING THE AIRPLANE. (2) Mako an exterior inspection in accordance with figure 1-1, BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE. (1) Seats, Seat Belts, and Shoulder Harnesses -- Adjust and lock. (2) Fuel Shutoff Valve Handle -~ "ON." (2) Brakes -- Test and sel. (9) Radios and Electrical Squipment -- "OFF." vet Note Visually check aircraft for general condition during walk« around inspection. In cold Weather, remove even small accumulations of frost, ice or enow from wing, tail and control surfaces. Also, make sure that control surfaces contain no interial accumulations of Lee or debris. If night flight is planned, check operation of all lights, and make sure 2 flashlight is available, TD) a. Remove control wheel lock. bl Check ignition switch "OFF." ce. Turn on master switeh and check fvel quantity indicators, then turn master switch "OFF." Cheek fuel shutoff valve handle "ON." Figure 12 © ©©® © 2 © a Romove rudder gust lock, if installed, Disconnect tail ie-down, Cheek control surfaces for freedom of movement and security. Check aileron for freedom of movement and security. Disconnect wing tie-down, Check main wheel tire for proper Inflation. Visually check fuel quantity, then check fuel filler eap secu! Check oil level, Do not operate with less than four quarts, Fill to six quarts for extended flight. Before first flight of day and after each refueling, pull out strainer drain knob for about four seconds to clear fuel strainer of possible water and sediment. Check strainer drain closed. If water Is observed, there is a possibility that the wing tank sumps contain water. ‘Thus, the wing tank sump drain plugs and fuel Line drain plug should be removed to check for presence of water. Cheek propeller and spinner for nicks and security. Check carharotar air filter for vextrietions by dnt ar other foreign matter. Check landing light for condition and cleanliness, Check nase wheel strut and tire for proper inflation, Disconnect nose tie-down, Inspect flight instrument statie sourco opening on left side of fuselage for stoppage, Visually check fuel quantity, then check fuel filler cap secure. Check main wheel tire for proper inflation. Remove pitot tube cover, if installed, and check pitot tube opening for stoppage, Check stall warning vent opening for stoppage. Check fuol tank vent opening for stoppage. Disconnect wing tie-down, Check aileron for freedom of movement and security. 1-3 BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE. (1) Seats, Seat Belts, and Shoulder Harnesses -- Adjust and lock. (2) Fuel Shutoff Valve Handle -- "ON." (3) Brakes -- Test and set. GG) Radios and Electrical Equipment -- "OFF." STARTING THE ENGINE. (1) Carburetor Heat -~ Cold. @) Mixture -- Rich. (3) Primer -- As required, (4) Throitie =~ Open 1/4 inch, (5) Master Switeh ~- “ON, (6) Propeller Area -= Clear (1) Ignition Switeh -— "START" (release when engine starts) (8) Oil Pressure -- Cheek. BEFORE TAKE-OFF. (1) Cabin Doors -- Latehed. {2) Flight Controls -- Check for free and correet movement. (@) Elevator Trim Control Wheel -- "TAKE-OFY" setting, (4) Throttle Setting -- 1700 RPM. (5) Engine Instruments -- Within green a (G)_ Suetion Gage -- Check in green are (4.6 to 5.4 inches of mercury). (7). Magnetos -- Check (RPM drop should not exceed 150 RPM on either inagneto or 75 RPM differential between magnetos), (8) Carburetor Heat -~ Check operation, (9) Flight lustruments and Radios -- Sel. (10) Optional Wing Levoler -- "OFF." TAKE-OFF. NORMAL TAKE-OFF. (1) Wing Flaps -- Up. (2) Carburetor Heat -- Cold. (3) Throttle - Full "OPEN," 14 (4) Elevator Control -- Lift nose wheel at 58 MPH, (5) Climb Speed -- 70 to 80 MPH. MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE TAKE-OFF. (1) Wing Flaps ~~ Up, (2) Carburetor Heat -- Cold. (3) Brakes -- Hold. (4) Throttle -- Full "OPEN." (5) Brakes -- Release. (6) Elevator Controt ~~ Slightly tail low. (7) Climb Speed -- 70 MPH (with obstacles ahead), CLIMB, (1) Airspeed -- 75 to 85 MPH. NOTE If a maximum performance climb 1s necessary, use speeds shown in the Maximum Rate-Of-Climb Data Chart in Section VL (2) Throttle (3) Mixture ~ Full "OPEN." Rich (unless engine is rough). CRUISING. (1) Power -- 2000 to 2750 RPM. (2) Elevator Trim Control Wheel ~~ Adjust. (3). Mixture -- Lean to maximam RPM. BEFORE LANDING. (1) Misture -- Rich (2) Carburetor Heat -- Apply full heat before closing throttle, (3) Airspeed -- 10 to 80 MPH (flaps up). (4) Wing Flaps -- As desired below 100 MPH. (3) Airspeed -» €0 to 70 MPH (flaps extended). BALKED LANDING (GO-AROUND). (2) Throttle -- Full "OPEN," (2) Carburetor Heat -- Cold. (3) Wing Flaps -- Retract to 20°. ()_ Upon reaching an airspeed of approximately 65 MPH, retract flaps slowly NORMAL LANDING. (1) Touchdown -~ Main wheels first. (2) Landing Rott -~ Lower nose wheel gently, (3) Braking -~ Minimum required, AFTER LANDING. (1) Wing Flaps -- up. (2) Carburetor Heat -- Cold. SECURING AIRCRAFT. (1) Parking Brake -- Set, (2) Radios and Electrical Equipment -- "OFF." (3) Mixture ~~ Idle eut-oif (pulled full out). (@) Ignition and Master Switches - "OFF." (6) Control Lock ~~ Installed, 1-6 1-7 INSTRUMENT PANEL ee Figure 241, Section Il ———_—_ — se DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING DETAILS ‘The following paragraphs deseribe the systems and equipment whose funetion and operation is not obvious when sitting in tho airplane, This, seclion also covers in somewhal greater detail some of the items listed in Cheek List form in Section I that require further explanation, FUEL SYSTEM. Puel is supplied to the engine from livo tanks, one in each wing. From these tanks, fuel flows by gravity through a fuel shutoff valve and fuel strainer to the carburetor. Refer to figure 2 2 for fuel quantity data. For fuel system sorvice Information, refer lo Lubrication and Servieing Procedures in Section V. FUEL STRAINER DRAIN KNOB. Refer to fuel strainer servicing procedure, Section V. i FUEL QUANTITY DATA (U.S. GALLONS) TANCE UEC Tonooamne | TORE cas hen ruicn | UwSARLE | TCL coxourtons vou Thvo, STANDARD Wine : (13 GAL, EACH) ae a5 26.0 TWO, LONG nANGH WN (19 GAL. EACH) e. oe Figure 2-2. 21 a RIGHT FUEL TANK VALVE cone z JL eine ¢nanison_ f(D | / corns FUEL cca SYSTEM = TT oss g ve$thewation — T3BRRE a pl oe ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. Electrical energy is supplied by a 14-volt, direct-current system powered by an engine-driven alternator (see figure 2-4). A 12-volt battery is located on the right, forward side of the firewall Just inside the cowl access door. Power is supplied through a single bus bar; a master switch controls this pawer to all circuits, except the engine ignition sys~ tem, optional clock and optional flight hour recorder (operative only when the Engine is operating). MASTER SWITCH. ‘The master switch 1s a split-rocker type evitch labeled "MASTER," and 1s "ON" in the up position and "OFF" in the down position. The right half of the switch, labeled "BAYT," controls all electrical power to the airplane. The left hal’, labeled "AL'T, ” controls the alternator. Normally, both sides of the master switch should be used simulta- neously; however, the "BAT" side of the switch could be turned "ON" separately to check equipment while on the ground, The "ALT" side of the switch, when placed in the "OFF" position, removes the alternator from the electrical system. With this switeh in the "OFF" position, the entire electrical load is placed on the battery, Continued operation vith the alternator switeh "OFF" will reduce battery power low enough to open the battery contactor, remove power from the alternator field, and pre~ vent alternator restart, AMIMETER ‘The ammeter indicates the flow of current, in amperes, from the al~ ternator to the battery or from the baitery to the aireraft electrical sys- tem, When the engine Is operating and the master switch is "ON," the ammeter indicates tho charging rate applied to the battery. In the event the alternator 1s not functioning or the electrical load exceeds the output of the alternator, the ammeter indicates the discharge rate of the battery. OVER-VOLTAGE SENSOR AND WARNING LIGHT. ‘The ai system consisting of an over: and a red warning light, labeled vraft is equipped with an automatic over-voltage protection voltage sensor behind the instrument panel HIGH VOLTAGE", near the ammeter. In the event an over-voltage condition oceurs, the over-voltage sen- sor automatically removes alternator field current and shuts down the 23 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM “SCHEMATIC. Figure 2-4. allernator, ‘The red warning Light will then turn on, indleating to the pilot that the alternator is not operating and the aireraft battery 1s sup- plying all elecirical power. ‘The over-voltage sensor may be reset by turning the master switch off and back on again. If the warning light does not illuminate, normal alternator charging has resumed; however, if the light does illuminate again, a malfunction has occurred, and the flight should be terminated as soon as practical. ‘The over-vollage warning light may be tested by momentarily turning off the "ALT portion of the master switch and leaving the "BAT" portion turned on, FUSES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS. Fuses on the left lower portion of the instrument panel protect the majority of electrical circuits in the airplane, Laboling below each fuse retainer indicates the circuits protected by the fuses. Fuse capacity is shown on ech fuse retainer cap. Fuses are removed by pressing the fuse retainars inward and rotating thera counterclockwise until they dis engage. The faulty fuse may then be lifted out and replaced. Spare fuses are held Ina clip inside the map compartment, Nore A special "SLO-BLO" fuse protects the wing flaps elreutt If this fuse is replaced, care should be taken to assure that the replacement fuse 1s of the proper type and eapa~ eity. A'SLO-BLO" fuse is identified by an integrally, mounted spring encircling the fuse element, ‘Two additional fuses are located adjacent to the battery; one fuse pro~ tects the battery contactor closing eirevit, and the other fuse protects the ‘optional elock: sind optional flight hour recorder circuits ‘The airplane ulilizes three circuit breakers for cireuit protection, A “push-to-reset' eizeuit broaker (labeled "ALT") is located on the left side of the instrument panel near the fuses and protects the alternator cir cuit, The alternator fleld and wiring 1s protected by an automatically re~ selling cireuit breaker mounted belind the left side of the instrument panel. The cigar lighter has a manually reset type circuit breaker mount~ ed directly on the back of the lighter behind the instrument panel. When more than one radio is installed, the radio transmitter relay 25 (which is 2 part of the radio installation) is protected by the fuse labeled INAVIDOME, "Tt is important to remember that any malfunction ss other ystems protected by this fuse (navigation lights, dome Light, or optional Saaeeel wheel map Jight) which eauses the fuse to open will de-activate {hose systems and the tranamitter relay. In this event, the switches for these Lighting systems should be tured off to isolate the efreults; then yeplace the "NAV-DOME" fuse to re-activate the transmnitter relay and yermit sts usage, Do not turn on any of the lights protected by the fase until the malfunction has been corrected, LIGHTING EQUIPMENT. EXTERIOR LIGHTING. Conventional navigation lights are located on the wing tips and top of the rudder. Optional lighting includes a single landing Tight in the cowl hse cap, a flashing beacon on the top of the vertical fin, and a strobe Tight on cach wing tip. Al] exterior lights are controlled by rocker type eitehes on the left switch and control panel. ‘The switches axe "ON" in the up position and "OFF" in the down position. ‘the flashing beacon should not be used when flying through clowds or overenat, the flashing light reflected from water droplets or particles in the atmosphere, particularly at night, can produce vertigo and loss of orientation. ‘The two high intensity strobe lights will enhance anti~collision pro- jection. However, the lights should be turned off when taxting tn the Vicinity of other aircraft, or during flight through clouds, fog or haze. INTERIOR LIGHTING. MMumination of the instrument panel Is provided by red flood lighting in the forward portion of the overhead console. The magnetic compass io laminated by integral lighting. A dimming rheostat on the Teit switch pad control panel operates these Tights. A second rheostat on the panel an ols optional radio lighting. Lighting intensity is decreased as the rheostats are turned counterclockwise, ‘Am optional map light may be mounted on the bottom of the pilot's contrat wheel, ‘The light illuminates the lower portion of the eabin Just Jonward of the pilot and is helpful when checking maps and other flight fate during night operations, To operate the light, first turn on the 26 NAV LT switch, then adjust the map light's intensity with the rheostat dise located at the hottom of the control wheel ‘A cabin dome light in the overhead console is controlled by a rocker type switeh on the left switch and control panel. The switch is "ON" in the up position and "OFF" in the down position. WING FLAP SYSTEM. "The wing flaps are electrically operated by a flap motor located in the right wing. Flap position is controlled by a switch, labeled “WING FLAPS", on the lower center portion of the instrument panel. Flap posi- tion is mechanically indicated by a polnter housed in the left front door— ost. To extend the wing flaps, the flap ewiteh must be depressed and held inthe "DOWN" position unlll the desixed degree of extension is reached. Releasing the switch allows it (o return to the center off position, Normal full flap extension in flight will require approximately 9 seconds. After the flaps reach maximum extension or retraction, limit switches will automatically shut off the flap mator. ‘To retract the flaps, place the flap switch in the "UP" position, The switch will remain in the "DP" position without mamual assistance due to an fover-center design of the switeh, Full flap retraction in flight requires. approximately 6 seconds. More jradual flap retraction can be accomplish~ ‘ed by intermittent operation of the flap switeh to the "UP" position. After Tull retraction, the switch is normally returned to the center off position, CABIN HEATING AND VENTILATING SYSTEM. ‘The temperature and volume of airflow into the cabin can be regulated to any degree desired by manipdlation of the pash-pull "CABIN H'T" and. "CABIN AIR" Inobs. Heated fresh air and outside air are blended in a cabin manifold just aft of the firewall by adjustment of the heat and air controls; this air 1s then vented into the cabin from outlets in the eabin manifold near the 24 pilot's and passenger's fect. Windshield defrost air fs also supplied Py 2 duct leading from the manifold. ‘A separate adjustable ventilator near each upper corner of the wind- shield supplies additional outside air to the plot and passenger PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM. ‘to set the partking brake, pull out on the parking brake knob, Apply and welense toe pressure to the pedals, and then release the parking brake aaa sre rstelease the parking brake, apply and release too pressure on tie pedals while checking to see that the parking brake knob ie full sn- SEATS. standard seating consists of individually adjustable pllot and front paseenger seats with fwo-pooition reclining backs. By ralsing 9 16ve% rar oc the seat on the inboard side, the seat can be adjusted fore and Ue front atrol kab near the center of the front edge of the seat is usot AM ajhst the Feclining angle of the seat back, To xecTine the bck, pat to ane forward fismaly and Lean back against the seat. The control wi") a ere adended as Long as the seat back is reclined. To return the beak Tema ex tothe upright position, pull forward on the bottom edge of the CLAMS Ste back of these seats will also fold forward and lay down fat as back to stowing or retrieving articles from the baggage area. ‘A child’s seat is available for installation in the rear of the cabin. ‘The oat back Is seeured to the cabin sidewalls, and the seat potion 1s ste ched to brackets on the floors. The child's seat is not adjustable. SHOULDER HARNESSES. ‘Shoulder harnesses are provided for the pliot and front seal passen ger. Ench harness is altached to the rear doorpost just above window 2-8 line and is stowed behind the cabin door, When stowed, each harness is held in place by two retaining clips on the rear doorpost. When stowing the harness, place it behind both retaining elips. ‘To use the shoulder harness, fasten and adjust the seat belt first. Remove the harness from the stowed position, and lengthen as required by pulling on the end of the harness and the narrow release strap. Snap the harness metal stud firmly Into the retaining slot adjacent to the seat belt buckle, Then adjust to length by pulling down on the free end of the harness. A properly adjusted harness will permit the occupant to lean forward enough to sit completely erect but is tight enough to prevent ex- cessive forward movement and coatact with objects during sudden decel- eration. Also, the pilot will want the freedam to reach all controls easily. Releasing and removing the shoulder harness is accomplished by pulling upward on the narrow release strap and removing the harness stud from the slot in the seat belt buckle, In an emergency, the shoulder har- ness may be removed by releasing the seat belt first, and then pulling the harness over the head by pulling up on the release strap. STARTING ENGINE. Ordinarily the engine starts easily with one or two strokes of primer in warm temperatures to six strokes in cold weather, with the throttle ‘open approximately 1/4 inch, In extremely cold temperatures, it may he necessary to continue priming while cranking. ‘Weak intermittent firing followed by puffs of black smoke from the exhaust stack indicates overpriming or flooding. Excess {uel can be clear ed from the combustion chambers by the following procedure: Sel the mixture control in fall lean position, throttle full open, and crank the en- Unrough several revolutions with the starter. Repeat the starting procedure without any additional priming. Hf the engine 1s underprimed (most Likely in cold weather with a cold engine) it will not fire at all, and additional priming will be necessary. As soon as the cylinders bogin to fire, open the throttle slightly to keep it running, 29 After starting, if the oil gage does not begin to show pressure with- In 30 seconds in tie sammertime and about twice that long in yery cold ‘weather, stop engine and investigate. Lack of oil pressure ean cause serious engine damage. After starting, avoid the use of carburetor heat unless icing conditions prevail. TAXIING. When taxiing, it is important that speed and use of brakes be held to ‘a minimum and that all controls be utilized (see Taxting Diagram, figure 2-5) to maintain directional control and balance. ‘Taxiing over loose gravel or cinders should be done at low engine speed to avoid abrasion and stone damage to the propeller tips. ‘The nose wheel is designed to automatically center straight ahead when the nose strut is fully extended, In the event the nose strut 1s over inflated and the airplane is loaded to'a rearward center of gravity posi- tion, it may be necessary to partially compress the strut to permit steer ~ ing.” This can be accomplished prior to taxiing by depressing the airplane nose (by hang) or during taxi by sharply applying brakes. BEFORE TAKE-OFF. WARM-UP, ‘Most of the warm-up will have been conducted during tax, and addi tional warm-up before take-off should be restricted to the checks out- Lined in Section I, Since the engine is closely cowled for efficlent in-flight cooling, precautions should be taken to avoid overheating on the grou MAGNETO CHECK. The magneto check should be made at 1700 R2M as follows. Move ignition switch first to "R" position and note RPM. Next move switeh back to "BOTH" to clear the other set of plugs. ‘Then move switch to the "L" position, note RPM and return the switch bo the "BOTH" position, RPM Grop should not exceed 150 RPM on either magneto or show greater than 79 RPM differential between magnetos. If there is a doubt concerning operation of the ignition system, RPM checks at Higher engine speeds will usually confirm whether 2 deficiency exists. 2-10 TAXIING DIAGRAM Se AEs. ea “use pown aturnon ||) | vse pow auneron @ Seu wine Ap Oran Ano A] Saas” D oa || mee DOWN ELEVATOR — cone Nore : Strong quartering tail winds require caution, Se ee ee ee aeee bralcng when tho airplane 19 ln this atid Use the steerable nose wheel and rudder tO a | Figure 2-5, ‘An absence of RPM drap may be an indication of faulty grounding of one side of the ignition system or should be cause for suspicion thal the magneto timing is set in advance of the setting specified. ALTERNATOR CHECK. Prior to flights where verification of proper alternator and voltage regulator operation is essential (such as night or instrument flights), a positive verification can be made by loading the electrical system momen- tarily (3 to 5 seconds) with the optional landing ligt, (st 80 equipped), or by operating the wing flaps during the engine runup (1700 RPM). The am~ moter will remain within a needle width of zero if the alternator and vol~ tage regulator are operating properly. TAKE-OFF. POWER CHECKS. It is important to check full-throttle engine operation carly in the take bff run. Any signs of rough engine operation or sluggish engine accelera~ ton is good cause for discontinuing the (ake-off. If this occurs, you are Justified in making a thorough full-throttle, static ranup before another take-off is attempted. The engine should run smoothly and turn approxi- mately 2500 to 2600 RPM with carburetor heat off Full throttle ranups over loose gravel are especially harmful to pro- peller tips. When take-offs must be made over a gravel surface, it is very important that the throttle be advanced slowls. This allows the air plane co start rolling before high RPM Is developed, and the gravel will be blown back of the propeller rather than pulled into it. When unavoid- able small dents appear in the propeller blades, they should be immediate ly corrected as described in Section ¥, Prior to take-off from fields above 5000 feet elevation, the mixture should be leaned to give maximum RPM ina full-throttle, static runup, FLAP. SETTINGS. Normal and obstacle clearance take-offs are performed with flaps up. ‘The use of 10° fips will shorten the ground run approximately 10%, bat this advantage is lost in the climb to a 50-foot obstacle, Therefare the 2-42 use of 10° flaps is reserved for minimum ground runs or for take-off Trom soft or rough fields with no obstacles ahead, If 10° of flaps are used in ground runs, it is preferable to leave them extended rather than retract thom in the elimb to the obstacle. The ex- ception to this rule would be in a high altitude take-off (n hol weather where elimb would be marginal with flaps 10°, Flap deffections greater than 10° are not recommended at any time for take-off, PERFORMANCE CHARTS, Consult the Take-Off Distance chart in Seetion VI for take-off dis tances al gross weighl under various altitude and headwind conditions. CROSSWIND TAKE-OFFS. ‘Taxe-offs into strong crosswinds normally are performed with the ‘minimum flap setting necessary for the field length, to minimize the drift angle immediately after take-oif. The airplane is accelerated to a speed slightly higher than normal, then palled off abraptly to prevent possible selling back to Uue runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, make a coordinated turn into the wind to correet for drift. ENROUTE CLIMB. CLIMB DATA, For detailed data, see Maximum Rate-Of-Climb Data chart in Section VI. CLIMB SPEEDS. ‘Normal climbs are conducted at 75 to 85 MPH with flaps up and fall throttle, for best engine cooling, ‘The mixture should be (ull rich wnless the engine is rough due to too rich a mixture. ‘The best rate-of-elimb speeds range from 76 MPH at sea level to 10 MPH at 10,000 feet. If an obstruction dictates the use of a steep climb angle, climb at an obstacle clearance speed of 70 MPH with flaps retracted. NOTE Steep elimbs at low speeds should be of short dura~ tion to allow improved engine cooling, MAXIMUM CRUISE SPEED PERFORMANCE 75% POWER ALTITUDE RPM TRUE AIRSPEED Sea Level 2525 110 5000 Feet 2650 115 "7000 Feet Full Throttle ut CRUISE. Normal cruising 1s done between 65% and 75% power. The power settings required to obtain these powers at various altitudes and outside air temperatures can be determined by using your Cessna Power Com- puter or the OPERATIONAL DATA, Section VI Cruising ean be done most efficiently at high altitude because of lower air density and therefore higher true airspecds for the same power. This, is illustrated in the table above which shows performance at 75% power at various altitudes. ‘To achieve the lean mixture fuel consumption figures showa in Sec lion VI, the mixture should be leaned as follows: pull the mixture control cout until engine RPM peaks and begins to fall off, then enrichen slightly back to peal RPM. Carburetor lee, as evidenced by an unexplained drop in RPM, can be removed by application of full carburetor heat. Upon regaining the origi nal RPM (with heat off), use the minimum amount of heat (by trial and error) to prevent ice from farming. Since the heated air causes a richer mixlure, readjust the mixture setting when carburetor heat is to be used continuously in cruise flight, ‘The use of full carburetor heat is recommended during fight In very heavy rain to avoid the possibility of engine stoppage due to excessive water ingestion, ‘The mixture setting should be readjusted for smoothest ‘operation. STALLS. ‘The stall characteristics are conventional for the flaps up and flaps aad Gown condition. Slight elevator baffeting may ocear just before the stall with flaps down, Stall speeds are shown in Section VI for aft e.g., full gross weight conditions. They are presented as calibrated airspeeds because indicated airspeeds are unreliable near the stall. ‘The stall warning hora produces a steady signal & to 10 MPH before the actual stall 18 reached and remains ‘on until the aizplane flight attitude is changed. SPINS. Spins are approved in this airplane (see Section IV), For recovery from an inadvertent or intentional spin, the following procedure should be used, (1) Retard throtile to idle position. (2) Apply fall rudder opposite to the dircetion of rotation, (3) Alter one-fourth turn, move the control wheel forward of neutral in a brisk motion, (4) As rolation stops, neutralize rudder, and make a smooth r covery from the resulting dive. Application of aileron in the direction of the spin will greatly increase the rotation rate and delay the recovery. Ailerons should be held tn a neutral position throughout the spin and the recovery, Intentional spins with flaps extended are probibited, LANDING. Normal landing approaches can be made with power-on or power-off at speeds of 70 to 80 MPH with flaps up, and 60 to 79 MPH with flaps down, Surface winds and air turbulence are usually the primary [actors in determining the most comfortable approach speeds, Actual touclidown should be made with power-off and on the main wheels first, The nose wheel should be lowered smoothly to the runway As speed is diminished, 2-15 SHORT FIELD LANDINGS. For a maximum performance short field landing in smooth air condi- tions, make an approach at 60 MPH with 40° flaps using enough power to control the glide path. After all appreach obstacles are cleared, pro- gressively reduce power and maintain 60 MPH by lowering the nose of the airplane, Touchdown should be made with power-off and on the main wheels first, Immediately after touchdown, lower (he nose wheel and apply heavy braking as required. For maximum brake effectiveness, re tract the flaps, hold full nose-up elevator, and apply maximum brake pressure without sliding the tires. Slightly higher approach speeds should be used under turbulent s eonditions. CROSSWIND LANDINGS. When landing In a strong crosswind, use the minimum flap setting required for the field length, Use a wing low, crab, or a combination method of drift correction and land in a nearly level attitude, Excessive nose strut inflation can hinder nose wheel alignment with the airplane ground track ina drifting crosswind landing at touchdown and during ground roll. This can be counteracted by firmly lowering the hose wheel to the ground after initial contact. This action partially com~ presses the nose strut, permilting nose wheel swiveling and positive ground steering BALKED LANDING {GO-AROUND). Ina balked landing (go-around) elim, the wing fap setting should be reduced to 20° immediately after full power is applied, Upon reach- Ing a safe airspeed, the Mays should be slowly retracted to the full ap position. In critical situations where undivided attontion to the airplane is re~ quired, the 20° flap setting can be approximated by holding the flap switch for approximately two seconds. This technique will allow the pilot to ob= {ain the 20” setting without having to divert his attention to the flap post= tion indicator. 2-16 COLD WEATHER OPERATION Prior to starting on cold mornings, it is advisable to pull the pro~ eller throught several times by hand to "break loose” or "lmber" the oil, thus conserving battery energy. NOTE When pulling the propeller through by hand, treat it as if the ignition switch is turned on, A loose or broken ground wire on either magneto could cause the engine Lo fire Tn extremely cold (0°F and lower) weather, the use of an external pre heater is recommended whenever possible to reduce wear and abuse to the engine and electrical system, Cold weather starting procedures are as follows: With Preheat: (1) With ignition switeh "OFF" and throttle closed, prime the engine four to ten strakes as the propeller is being turned over by hand. Nore Use heavy strokes of primer for best atomization of fuel. After priming, push primer all the way in and turn to locked position to avoid possibility of engine drawing fuel through the primer. 2 ~ Clear (3) Master Switeh -- "ON." (8) Throttie -- Open 1/4". (9) Mixture =~ Pull rich, (6) Ignition Switeh -- START. (7) Release ignition ewitch to BOTH when engine starts, (0) Ol Pressure =~ Check. Without Ps (1) Prime the engine eight to ten strokes while the propeller is being turned by hand with throttle closed, Leave primer charged and ready for stroke. (2) Propeller Area -- Clear 2a (2). Mixture -- Pull rich, (Master Switen -- OW. (5) Ignition Switch —- START. {6) Pup throtile rapicly to fll open twice, Return to 1/4" open position, (7) Hetease ignition switeh to "ROTH" when engine starts. (8) Continie to prime engine until itis running smoothly, or alternately, pump throttle rapidly over First 1/4 of totat travel (a) OM Pressure -- Cheek. (10) Pull carburetor feat knob full on after engine has started, [Leave on wnt engine is running smoothly (11) Tock primer NOTE I the engine does not start during the first few attempts, or If engine firing diminishes in strength, i is probable that the spark plugs have been frosted aver. Preheat must be used before another start is attempted. IMPORTANT Pumping the throttle may cause raw fuel to accumulate in the intake air duct, creating a fire hazard in the event. of abackfire. If this occurs, maintain a cranking action to euck flames into the engine. An outside attendant with a fire extinguisher is advised for cold starts without pre- heat. During cold weather operations, no indication wil be apparent on the oil temperature gage prior to take-off if outside alr temperatures are very | cold. After a suitable warm-up period (2 to 5 mnlnutes al 1000 RPM), ac~ celerate the engine several times to higher engine RPM. IC the engine accelerates smoothly and the oil pressure remains normal and steady, the airplane is ready for take-olf. When operating in sub-zero temperature, avoid using partial earbu- relor heal, Partial heat may increase the carburetor air temperature to the 32” to 70° range, where icing is critical under certain almospheric conditions. | Refer to Section VI for cold weather equipment. Section I | wenn wwre NEREEEESNETERNDNSONGAGESROEEOSEEERES “ORIG! EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergencies caused by aireraft or engine malfunctions are extreme- ly rare if proper pre-flight inspections and maintenance are practiced Enroute weather emergencies can be minimized or eliminated by eareful fight planning and good Judgement when unexpeeted weather is encounter- ed. However, should an emergency arise the basic guidelines described in this section should be considered and applied as necessary to correct the problem. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS. Malfunctions in the electrical power supply aystem can be detected by periodic monitoring of the ammeter and over-voltage warning light; boxw= ever, the cause of these malfunctions Is usually difficult to determine. Broken or loose alternator wiring is most likely the cause of alternator failures, although other factors could eauso the problem. A damaged or improperly adjusted voltage regulator can also cause malfunctions. Prob= lems of this nature constitute an electrical emergency and should be dealt with immediately, Electrical power malfunctions usually fall into two categories, excessive rate of charge and insufficient rate of charge. The paragraphs below deseribe the recommended remedy for each situailon, EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE. ‘After engine starting and heavy electrical usage at low engine speeds (such as extended taxiing) the battery condition will be low enough to ae~ cept above normal charging during the inilial part of a flight. However, after thirty minutes of eruising Hight, the ammeter should be indicating less than two needle widths of charging current, If the charging rate were to remain above this value on a long flight, the battery would over- heat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate, Electronic eom- ponents in the electrical system could be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage if a faulty voltage regulator setting is causing the overcharging, To preclude these possibilities, an aver-vollage sensor Will automatically shut down the alternator and the over-voltage warning ight Will illuminate if the charge voltage reaches approximately 16 volts. at Assuming that the malfunction was only momentary, an attempt should be made to reactivate the alternator system. To do this, turn both sides of the master switeh off and thea on again, If the problem no longer exists, normal alternator charging will resume and the varnng light will go off. if the light comes on again, a malfunction is confirmed, In this event, the flight should be terminated and/or the current drain on the battery minimized because the battery can supply the electrical system for only A'limited period of time, If the emergency oceurs atnight, power must be conserved for later use of the landing light and flaos during landing. INSUFFICIENT RATE OF CHARGE. If the ammeter indicates a continuous discharge ate in flight, the alternator is not supplying power to the system and sould be shut down since the alternator field cieuit may be placing an unecessary load on the system, All non-essential equipment should be turned “OFF” and the {light terminated as soon as practical. ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS OF POWER. CARBURETOR ICING A gradual loss of RPM and eventual engine rouginess may result from the formation of earburetor ice, To clear the ice, apply full throt- le and pull the carburetor heat knob full out until the engine runs smooth~ ly; then remove earburetor heat and readjust the throttle, if conditions require the continued use of carburetor heat in cruise flight, ase the mini "ain amount of heat necessary to prevent ice {rom forming and lean the mixture slightly for smoothest engine operation, SPARK PLUG FOULING. {A slight engine roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled by carbon or lead deposits, ‘This may be verified by turning the ignition switch momentarily from "BOTH" to either “L" of "R" position. An obvious power loss in single ignition operation is evidence of spark plug or magneto trouble, Assuming that spark plugs are the more likely cause, lean the mixture to the normal lean setting for ervising flight, If the problem does nol clear wp in several minutes, determine if a richer mixture setting will produce smoother operation. 4B not, proceed to the nearest alzport for repairs using the "BOTH" position of the ignition switch unless extreme roughness dictates the use of @ single ignition position. 32 MAGNETO MALFUNCTION A sudlien engine roughness or misfiring is usually evidence of mag~ neto problems, Switching from "BOTH" to either "L" or "R" ignition Switch position wil identify which magneto is malfunctioning. Select different power settings and enrichen the mixture to determine if con- ‘tinued operation on "BOTH magnetos 1s practicable. If not, switeh to ‘the good magneto and proceed o the nearest airport for repairs, LOW OIL PRESSURE, If Jow ofl pressure Is accompanied by normal oil temperature, there is a possibility the oil pressure gage or relief valve is malfunctioning. A leak in the line to the gage is not necessarily cquse for an immediate pre- cautionary landing because an orifice in this line will prevent a sudden Joss of oil from the engine sump. Howover, a landing at the nearest air- port would be advisable to inspect the source of trouble, If tolal loss of oil pressure is accompanied by @ rise in oil tempera ture, there is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent, Re- duce engine power immediately and select a suitable forced landing field, Leave the engine running at low power during the approach, using only the imum power required to reach the desired touchdown spot. FORCED LANDINGS. PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER. Before attempting an “of! airport’ landing, one should drag the land- ing area at a safe but low allitude to inspect the terrain for obstructions and surface conditions, proceeding as follows: (1) Drag over selected field with flaps 20° and 70 MPH airspeed, noting the preferred area for touchdown for the next landing approach, ‘Then retract flaps upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed. (2) On downwind leg, turn off all switches except the ignition and master switches. (3) Approach with flaps 40° at 65 MPH. (4) Unlateh cabin doors prior to final approach. (5) Before touchdown, turn ignition and master switches "OFF." (6) Land in a slightly tail-low attitude, a3

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