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ECPLC | Task 2

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Scenario: Escalator

light emergency emergency

sensor stop stop

An escalator is put to standby state with the push button standby.

The escalator runs up, if the light barrier is interrupted by persons stepping onto the escalator
(interruption = 1-signal).

The drive system remains switched ON for 20 seconds at a time. The following must be observed:

if several persons use the escalator one after another, the last person must get the full 20 seconds run-

If an OFF switch is actuated, the standby state is switched off; this may require stopping the current

If the Emergency OFF button is actuated or the motor protection of the drive motor trips, the system
must be stopped immediately.

Signals are: “Standby”, “OFF” and “Fault”

1. Draw PLC wiring diagram
2. Create a PLC tag table. Select the righ tcontact (NO/NC) for the tag.
3. Write PLC program for the given scenario
4. Download and test your program


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