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Listen Up 1

Audio Script

Unit 1 What’s Your Name? Unit 9 There Is a Desk

Unit 2 How Are You? Unit 10 Stand Up!
Unit 3 What Number Is It? Unit 11 It’s a Pencil
Unit 4 I Have Two Eyes Unit 12 What Color Is It?
Review 1 Unit 1 ~ Unit 4 Review 3 Unit 9 ~ Unit 12
Unit 5 She’s My Mom Unit 13 Jenny Is Tall
Unit 6 Are You Happy? Unit 14 I Can Sing
Unit 7 How Old Are You? Unit 15 What’s This?
Unit 8 Where’s Your Mom? Unit 16 He’s Clever!
Review 2 Unit 5 ~ Unit 8 Review 4 Unit 13 ~ Unit 16
Unit 1 What’s Your Name?

CD 1 Track 2 Jenny : My name is Jenny.

1. Warm Up What’s his name?
A. Look, listen, and point. Mike: His name is Sam.
Lisa: What’s your name? Sam: Woof, woof.
Harry: My name is Harry.
What’s your name? CD 1 Track 7
Lisa: My name is Lisa. B. Listen and write.
Harry: What’s your name? 1. My name is Jenny.
Tony: My name is Tony. 2. His name is Mike.
3. His name is Sam.
CD 1 Track 3
B. Listen and repeat. CD 1 Track 8
1. Harry 2. Lisa 3. Tony C. Listen and circle.
4. Jenny 5. Mike 6. Sam 1. Q: What’s your name?
A: My name is Mike.
CD 1 Track 4
2. Listening Practice 1 CD 1 Track 9
A. Listen and number. D. Listen and write.
1. Mike 2. Lisa 3. Jenny 1. Mike: What’s your name?
4. Sam 5. Tony 6. Harry Jenny: My name is Jenny.
2. Jenny: What’s his name?
CD 1 Track 5
Mike: His name is Sam.
B. Listen and match.
1. What’s your name?
My name is Tony.
2. What’s your name?
My name is Lisa.
3. What’s your name?
My name is Harry.

CD 1 Track 6
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Jenny : What’s your name?
Mike: My name is Mike.
What’s your name?
Unit 2 How Are You?

CD1 Track 10
1. Warm Up
A. Look, listen, and point. Girl 2: Good night, David!
Jenny: Good morning, Mike. Boy: Good night, Linda!
Mike: Good morning, Jenny.
Jenny: How are you? CD1 Track 15
Mike: I’m fine. Thanks. B. Listen and match.
How are you? 1. evening 2. night 3. afternoon
Jenny: I’m great!
CD1 Track 16
CD1 Track 11 C. Listen and circle.
B. Listen and repeat. 1. evening
1. morning 2. great 2. afternoon
3. fine 4. afternoon 3. good night
5. evening 6. night
CD1 Track 17
CD1 Track 12 D. Listen and write.
2. Listening Practice 1 1. Girl: How are you?
A. Listen and number. Boy: I’m fine!
1. evening 2. great 2. Man: Good night!
3. afternoon 4. fine Woman: Good night!
5. night 6. morning

CD1 Track 13
B. Listen and check.
1. How are you?
I’m fine. Thanks.
2. How are you?
I’m great. Thanks.

CD1 Track 14
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl 1: Good afternoon, Mr Jones.
Mr Jones: Good afternoon, Sandy.

Man: Good evening, Ms. Park.

Woman: Good evening, Mr. Wilson.
Unit 3 What Number Is It?

CD1 Track 18 Girl: It’s number six.

1. Warm Up
A. Look, listen, and point. CD1 Track 23
Harry: What number is it? B. Listen and write.
Lisa: It’s number two. 1. What number is it?
What number is it? It’s number two.
Harry: It’s number five. 2. What number is it?
What number is it? It’s number four.
Lisa: It’s number one. 3. What number is it?
It’s number five.
CD1 Track 19 4. Is it number three?
B. Listen and repeat. Yes, it is.
1. one 2. two 3. three 5. Is it number one?
4. four 5. five 6. six Yes, it is.
6. Is it number two?
CD1 Track 20 No, it isn’t. It’s number 6.
2. Listening Practice 1
A. Listen and number CD1 Track 24
1. three 2 five 3. one C. Listen and circle the answer.
4. six 5. two 6. four 1. Is it number three?
2. Is it number four?
CD1 Track 21
3. Is it number six?
B. Listen and match.
1. What number is it?
CD1 Track 25
It’s number two.
D. Listen and write.
2. What number is it?
1. Girl: What number is it?
It’s number one.
Boy: It’s number three.
3. What number is it?
2. Boy: Is it number four?
It’s number five.
Girl: Yes, it is.

CD1 Track 22
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Boy: Is it number three?
Girl: No, it isn’t.
Boy: Is it number four?
Girl: No, it isn’t.
Boy: What number is it?
Unit 4 I Have Two Eyes

CD1 Track 26
1. Warm Up 2. I have two eyes.
A. Look, listen, and point. 3. It has one mouth.
Lisa: I have two eyes. 4. It has lots of hair.
Harry: I have two eyes.
And I have one nose. CD1 Track 32
Jenny: I have one nose. C. Listen and draw.
And I have two ears. 1. I have one head.
2. I have one mouth.
CD1 Track 27 3. The cat has one nose.
B. Listen and repeat.
1. eye 2. nose 3. ear CD1 Track 33
4. mouth 5. head 6. hair D. Listen and write.
1.Boy: I have one mouth.
CD1 Track 28 Girl: I have one head.
2. Listening practice 1 2.Girl: She has one head.
A. Listen and number She has lots of hair.
1. hair 2. nose 3. head Dog(Sam): Woof, woof!
4. ear 5. eye 6. mouth

CD1 Track 29
B. Listen and circle.
1. Lisa has one nose.
2. Harry has two ears.
3. Jenny has two eyes.

CD1 Track 30
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Boy: I have one head. And I have one
mouth. My cat has one head. And it
has one mouth.
Girl: It has lots of hair too!

CD1 Track 31
B. Listen, write, and number.
1. I have two ears.
Review 1
CD1 Track 39
CD1 Track 34 3. Writing Practice
1. Listening Practice A. Draw. Then listen and write.
A. Listen, write, and match. 1. What’s your name?
1. My name is Harry. 2. How are you?
2. My name is Jenny.
3. My name is Lisa. CD1 Track 40
Useful Expressions
CD1 Track 35
Listen, repeat, and practice.
B. Listen and number.
Man: Nice to meet you.
1. Good night.
Woman: Nice to meet you too.
2. Good afternoon.
3. Good evening.

CD1 Track 36
C Listen, write, and match.
1. It’s number six.
2. It’s number four.
3. It’s number one.
4. It’s number five.
5. It’s number three.
6. It’s number two.

CD1 Track 37
D. Listen, number, and write.
1. ear 2. nose 3. hair
4. mouth 5. eye

CD1 Track 38
E. Look and listen.
Mike: Good morning!
Jenny: Good morning!
Mike: What’s your name?
Jenny: My name is Jenny.
What’s your name?
Mike: My name is Mike.
Jenny: How are you, Mike?
Mike: I’m great. Thanks.

Unit 5 She’s My Mom

CD1 Track 41 CD1 Track 46
1. Warm Up B. Listen and number.
A. Look, listen, and point. 1. She’s my sister.
Mike: Is she your Mom? 2. She’s my grandma.
Lisa: Yes, she is. 3. He’s my grandpa.
Mike: Is he your Dad?
Lisa: Yes, he is. CD1 Track 47
And he’s my brother. C. Listen and write.
His name is Tony. 1. She’s my grandma.
2. He’s my grandpa.
CD1 Track 42 3. He’s my brother.
B. Listen and repeat.
1. mom 2. dad 3. brother CD1 Track 48
4. sister 5. grandma 6. grandpa D. Listen and write.
1. Boy: Is he your brother?
CD1 Track 43 Girl: Yes, he is.
2. Listening practice 1 2. Girl: Is she your sister?
A. Listen and number. Boy: Yes, she is.
1. grandpa 2. sister 3. dad
4. grandma 5. mom 6. brother

CD1 Track 44
B. Listen and match.
1. She’s my mom.
2. He’s my brother.
3. He’s my dad.

CD1 Track 45
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: Is she your grandma?
Boy: Yes, she is.
Girl: Is he your grandpa?
Boy: Yes, he is.
And she’s my sister.
Her name is Sally.

Unit 6 Are You Happy?

CD1 Track 49 3. He is thirsty.
1. Warm Up
A. Look, listen, and point. CD1 Track 55
Harry: Jenny, are you sad? C. Listen and circle.
Jenny: No, I’m not. 1. I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty.
Harry: Are you angry? 2. I’m not sad. I’m sick.
Jenny: No, I’m not.
Harry: Are you happy? CD1 Track 56
Jenny: Yes, I am. I’m very happy! D. Listen and write.
1. Girl: Are you angry?
CD1 Track 50 Boy: Yes, I am.
B. Listen and repeat. 2. Boy: Are you sick?
1. happy 2. sad 3. angry Girl: No, I’m not. I’m hungry.
4. sick 5. thirsty 6. hungry

CD1 Track 51
2. Listening practice 1
A. Listen and number.
1. thirsty 2. sad 3. happy
4. hungry 5. angry 6. sick

CD1 Track 52
B. Listen and circle.
1. I’m not sad.
2. I’m not angry.
3. I’m happy.

CD1 Track 53
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Boy: I’m not angry. I’m hungry.
Girl: I’m not happy. I’m sick.
Boy: I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty.

CD1 Track 54
B. Listen, write, and match.
1. She is sick.
2. He is hungry.
Unit 7 How Old Are You?
CD1 Track 57 Girl: He’s twelve.
1. Warm Up Is your brother twelve?
A. Look, listen, and point. Boy: No, he’s eleven.
Harry: Happy birthday, Jenny.
How old are you? CD1 Track 62
Jenny: I’m eight. B. Listen, write, and match.
Harry: Me too. 1. My brother is twelve.
How old are you, Lisa? 2. My sister is ten.
Lisa: I’m nine. 3. My brother is eleven.
Jenny: How old are you, Tony?
Tony: I’m seven. CD1 Track 63
C. Listen and circle.
CD1 Track 58 1. A: How old are you?
B. Listen and repeat. B: I’m twelve.
1. seven 2. eight 3. nine 2. A: How old is she?
4. ten 5. eleven 6. twelve B: She’s ten.

CD1 Track 59 CD1 Track 64

2. Listening practice 1 D. Listen and write.
A. Listen and number. Girl: How old is he?
1. eleven 2. eight 3. twelve Boy: He’s twelve.
4. ten 5. nine 6. seven Girl: Is she ten?
Boy: No. She’s eleven.
CD1 Track 60
B. Listen and match.
1. How old are you?
I’m eight.
2. How old are you?
I’m nine.
3. How old are you?
I’m seven.

CD1 Track 61
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Boy: How old is your sister?
Girl: She’s ten.
Boy: How old is your brother?
Unit 8 Where’s Your Mom?
CD1 Track 65 Girl: I’m in the dining room.
1. Warm Up Where’s your sister?
A. Look, listen, and point. Boy: She’s in the yard.
Jenny: Where’s your mom?
Lisa: She’s in the bedroom. CD1 Track 70
Jenny: Where’s your dad? B. Listen and number.
Lisa: He’s in the kitchen. 1. Are you in the bedroom?
Jenny: Where’s Tony? No, I’m in the living room.
Lisa: He’s in the bathroom. 2. Are you in the dining room?
Yes, I am.
CD1 Track 66 3. Is your sister in the bathroom?
B. Listen and repeat. No, she’s in the yard.
1. bedroom 2. kitchen
3. bathroom 4. living room CD1 Track 71
5. dining room 6. yard C. Listen and circle.
1 I’m not in the living room.
CD1 Track 67 2. I’m not in the yard.
2. Listening Practice 1 3. I’m in the dining room.
A. Listen and number.
1. bathroom 2. living room CD1 Track 72
3. yard 4. bedroom D. Listen and write.
5. kitchen 6. dining room Girl: Where are you?
Boy: I’m in the kitchen.
CD1 Track 68
Girl: Is the cat in the yard?
B. Listen and match.
Boy: Yes, it is.
1. Where’s Tony?
He’s in the bathroom.
2. Where’s Lisa’s mom?
She’s in the bedroom.
3. Where’s Lisa’s dad?
He’s in the kitchen.

CD1 Track 69
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: Are you in the bedroom?
Boy: No, I’m in the living room.
Where are you?
Review 2
CD1 Track 78
CD1 Track 73 3. Writing Practice
1. Listening Practice A. Draw and write. Then listen and write.
A. Listen, number, and write. 1. How old are you?
1. He’s my dad. 2. Are you happy?
2. He’s my grandpa.
3. She’s my mom. CD1 Track 79
4. He’s my brother. Useful Expressions
5. She’s my grandma. Listen, repeat, and practice.
Boy: Thank you.
CD1 Track 74 Girl: You’re welcome.
B. Listen, circle, and match.
1. I’m not happy. I’m sad.
2. I’m not sick. I’m angry.
3. I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty.

CD1 Track 75
C. Listen, draw, and write.
1. He is seven.
2. She is eleven.
3. He is nine.

CD1 Track 76
D. Listen, match, and write.
1. Harry is in the bedroom.
2. Jenny is in the kitchen.
3. Mike is in the bathroom.

CD1 Track 77
E. Look and listen.
Harry’s mom: Hi. I’m Harry’s mom.
What’s your name?
Mike: My name is Mike.
Where’s Harry?
Harry’s mom: He’s in the bathroom.
Are you hungry?
Mike: No, I’m not.

Unit 9 This Is a Desk

CD2 Track 2 CD2 Track 7
1. Warm Up B. Listen, circle, and write.
A. Look, listen, and point. 1. That is a window.
Mike: Is this a desk? 2. This is a bookcase.
Jenny: Yes, it is. 3. That is a bed.
Mike: Is this a chair?
Jenny: Yes, it is CD2 Track 8
Mike: This is a desk. This is a chair. C. Listen and circle.
Jenny: And that’s a door. 1. This is a bed.
2. That is a bookcase.
CD2 Track 3
B. Listen and repeat. CD2 Track 9
1. desk 2. chair 3. door D. Listen and write.
4. bed 5. bookcase 6. window 1. Boy: Is this a bookcase?
Girl: Yes, it is.
CD2 Track 4 2. Girl: Is that a bed?
2. Listening Practice 1 Boy: No. That’s a window.
A. Listen and number
1. chair 2. door 3. window
4. desk 5. bookcase 6. bed

CD2 Track 5
B. Listen, number, and match.
1. This is a desk.
2. That is a door.
3. This is a chair.

CD2 Track 6
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: Is that a bed?
Boy: Yes, it is.
Girl: Is that a window?
Boy: Yes, it is.
Girl: That’s a bed. That’s a window.
Boy: And this is a bookcase.

Unit 10 Stand Up!

CD2 Track 10 3. Be quiet, please.
1. Warm Up
A. Look, listen, and point. CD2 Track 16
Ms. Brown: Stand up, everyone! C. Listen and write.
Sit down, please! 1. Don’t sit down, please.
Listen, everyone! 2. Don’t read, please.
3. Be quiet, please!
CD2 Track 11
B. Listen and repeat. CD2 Track 17
1. stand up 2. sit down D. Listen and write.
3. listen 4. read 1. Girl: Tom, don’t sit down!
5. write 6. be quiet Boy: OK.
2. Boy: Shh, be quiet and listen.
CD2 Track 12 Girl: OK.
2. Listening Practice 1
A. Listen and number.
1. write 2. be quiet
3. sit down 4. listen
5. read 6. stand up

CD2 Track 13
B. Listen, number, and match.
1. Stand up, please!
2. Listen, please!
3. Sit down, everyone!

CD2 Track 14
3. Listening practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Be quiet, Jack and Sue.
Linda, read please!
Listen, everyone!
Don’t write, please!

CD2 Track 15
B. Listen, number, and write.

1. Read, please. Unit 11 It’s a Pencil

2. Don’t write, please!
CD2 Track 18 Boy: It’s a pencil case.
1. Warm Up Girl: What is it?
A. Look, listen, and point. Boy: Hmm… Is it a computer?
Jenny: Is it a pen? Girl: Yes, it is.
Harry: No, it isn’t.
Jenny: Is it an eraser? CD2 Track 23
Harry: No, it isn’t. B. Listen, number, and write.
Mike: What is it? 1. It’s a pencil case.
Harry: It’s a pencil. 2. It’s a computer.
3. It’s a notebook.
CD2 Track 19
B. Listen and repeat. CD2 Track 24
1. pen 2. pencil 3. eraser C. Listen and circle.
4. pencil case 5. notebook Q: What is it?
6. computer A: It’s a computer.

CD2 Track 20 CD2 Track 25

2. Listening Practice 1 D. Listen and write.
A. Listen and number. Boy: Is it a notebook?
1. pencil case 2. pen Girl: No, it isn’t.
3. computer 4. pencil Boy: What is it?
5. eraser 6. notebook Girl: It’s a pencil case.

CD2 Track 21
B. Listen and match.
1. What is it?
It’s a pencil.
2. What is it?
It’s a pen.
3. What is it?
It’s an eraser.

CD2 Track 22
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: What is it?
Boy: It’s a notebook.
Girl: What is it?
Unit 12 What Color Is It?
CD2 Track 26 Boy: It’s green.
1. Warm Up
A. Look, listen, and point. CD2 Track 31
Jenny: Is it red? B. Listen, color, and write.
Harry: No, it isn’t. 1. Is it yellow?
Jenny: Is it blue? No. It’s orange.
Harry: No, it isn’t. 2. Is it green?
Jenny: What color is it? Yes, it is.
Harry: It’s yellow. 3. Is it red?
No. It’s purple.
CD2 Track 27
B. Listen and repeat. CD2 Track 32
1. red 2. blue 3. yellow C. Listen, write, and match.
4. green 5. orange 6. purple 1. What color is it?
It’s blue.
CD2 Track 28 2. What color is it?
2. Listening Practice 1 It’s purple.
A. Listen and number. 3. What color is it?
1. yellow 2. purple 3. blue It’s yellow.
4. green 5. orange 6. red
CD2 Track 33
CD2 Track 29 D. Listen and write.
B. Listen, color, and write. Boy: Is it green?
1. What color is it? Girl: No, it isn’t.
It’s blue. Boy: What color is it?
2. What color is it? Girl: It’s orange.
It’s yellow.
3. What color is it?
It’s red.

CD2 Track 30
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Woman: What color is it?
Girl: It’s purple.
Woman: What color is it?
Girl: It’s orange.
Woman: What color is it?
Review 3
CD2 Track 34 Lisa: What color is it?
1. Listening Practice. Mike: It’s red, yellow, and green!
A. Listen and check.
1. This is a bed. CD2 Track 39
2. That’s a door. 3. Writing practice.
3. That’s a bookcase. Color. Then listen and write.
4. This is a chair. 1. What is it?
2. What color is it?
CD2 Track 35
B. Listen, write, and match. CD2 Track 40
1. Be quiet. 2. Listen. Useful Expressions
3. Read. 4. Write. Listen, repeat, and practice.
Boy: I’m sorry.
CD2 Track 36
Girl: That’s OK.
C. Listen, number, and write.
1. It’s a pen.
2. It’s a notebook.
3. It’s a pencil case.
4. It’s a computer.
5. It’s an eraser.
6. It’s a pencil.

CD2 Track 37
D. Listen, color, and match.
1. It’s red.
2. It’s green.
3. It’s orange.
4. It’s yellow.
5. It’s purple.
6. It’s blue.

CD2 Track 38
E. Look and listen.
Lisa: This is a pencil case.
It’s purple!
Mike: Wow!
Lisa: What is it, Mike?
Mike: It’s an eraser.

Unit 13 Jenny Is Tall

CD2 Track 41
1. Warm Up She’s old.
A. Look, listen, and point. 2. The desk isn’t big. It’s small.
Harry’s mom: Is Jenny short? 3. The boy isn’t tall. He’s short.
Harry: No, she isn’t. She’s tall.
Harry’s mom: Is Mike tall? CD2 Track 47
Harry: No, he isn’t. He’s short. C. Listen and circle.
Harry’s mom: Is Sam big? 1. Lisa isn’t short. She’s tall.
Harry: No, he isn’t. He’s small. 2. Mike isn’t old. He’s young.

CD2 Track 42 CD2 Track 48

B. Listen and repeat. D. Listen and write.
1. tall 2. short 3. big Woman: Is Ms. Jones tall?
4. small 5. old 6. young Boy: Yes, she is.
Woman: Is she old?
CD2 Track 43 Boy: No, she isn’t. She’s young.
2. Listening Practice 1
A. Listen and number.
1. young 2. big 3. tall
4. short 5. old 6. small

CD2 Track 44
B. Listen and circle.
1. Mike isn’t tall. He’s short.
2. Sam isn’t big. He’s small.
3. Jenny isn’t short. She’s tall.

CD2 Track 45
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: He isn’t tall. He’s short.
Boy 1: My grandma isn’t young. She’s old.
Boy 2: The desk isn’t big. It’s small.

CD2 Track 46
B. Listen, circle, and write.
1. My grandma isn’t young.

Unit 14 I Can Sing

CD2 Track 49 CD2 Track 54
1. Warm Up B. Listen, circle, and write.
A. Look, listen, and point. 1. She can skate but she can’t drive.
Lisa: Can you sing? 2. He can swim but he can’t cook.
Harry: Yes, I can.
Lisa: Can you swim? CD2 Track 55
Harry: Yes, I can. C. Listen and circle.
Lisa: Can you drive? 1. Can Peter skate?
Harry: No, I can’t. I can sing. No, he can’t.
I can swim. But I can’t drive! 2. Can Peter sing?
Yes, he can.
CD2 Track 50
B. Listen and repeat. CD2 Track 56
1. sing 2. swim 3. drive D. Listen and write.
4. dance 5. skate 6. cook 1. Girl: Can you dance?
Boy: Yes, I can.
CD2 Track 51 2. Girl: Can you cook?
2. Listening Practice 1 Boy: No, I can’t.
A. Listen and number.
1. drive 2. skate 3. dance
4. swim 5. sing 6. cook

CD2 Track 52
B. Listen and circle.
1. Harry can swim.
2. Harry can’t drive.
3. Harry can sing.

CD2 Track 53
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl 1: I can dance but I can’t sing.
Girl 2: I can skate but I can’t drive.
Boy: I can swim but I can’t cook.

Unit 15 What’s This?

CD2 Track 57 Girl: Is that a cat?
1. Warm Up Boy: Yes, it is.
A. Look, listen, and point.
Tony: What’s this? CD2 Track 62
Jenny: It’s a dog. B. Listen and circle. Then match and write.
Tony: What’s that? 1. What’s that?
Lisa: It’s a rabbit. It’s a snake.
Tony: What’s that? 2. What’s that?
Lisa: It’s a horse. It’s a cat.
3. What’s this?
CD2 Track 58 It’s a turtle.
B. Listen and repeat.
1. dog 2. rabbit 3. horse CD2 Track 63
4. cat 5. snake 6. turtle C. Listen, circle, and write.
1. Is this a snake?
CD2 Track 59 Yes, it is. It’s a snake.
2. Listening Practice 1 2. Is that a rabbit?
A. Listen and number. No, it isn’t. It’s a horse.
1. horse 2. rabbit 3. snake 3. Is this a cat?
4. dog 5. turtle 6. cat No, it isn’t. It’s a turtle.

CD2 Track 60 CD2 Track 64

B. Listen and match. D. Listen and write.
1. What’s that? Boy: What’s this?
It’s a rabbit. Girl: It’s a snake.
2. What’s this? Boy: What’s that?
It’s a dog. Girl: It’s a turtle.
3. What’s that?
It’s a horse.

CD2 Track 61
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: What’s this?
Boy: It’s a turtle.
Girl: What’s that?
Boy: It’s a snake.

Unit 16 He’s Clever!

CD2 Track 65 CD2 Track 71
1. Warm Up C. Listen, write, and circle.
A. Look, listen, and point. It’s not long.
Mike: Look at the girl! It’s not fast.
Her hair is long! It’s slow.
Jenny: Look at the boy! He’s clever! It’s a turtle.
Harry: Look at the girl! She’s pretty!
CD2 Track 72
CD2 Track 66 D. Listen and write.
B. Listen and repeat. 1. Boy: It’s a snake.
1. long 2. clever 3. pretty Girl: It’s long.
4. cute 5. fast 6. slow 2. Girl: It’s a turtle.
Boy: It’s cute.
CD2 Track 67
2. Listening Practice 1
A. Listen and number.
1. clever 2. pretty 3. fast
4. cute 5. slow 6. long

CD2 Track 68
B. Listen, number, and write.
1. The hair is long.
2. The girl is pretty.
3. The boy is clever.

CD2 Track 69
3. Listening Practice 2
A. Look, listen, and point.
Girl: Look at the baby! She’s cute!
Boy: Look at the boy! He’s fast!
Girl: Look at the boy! He’s slow!

CD2 Track 70
B. Listen, write, and number.
1. The boy is fast.
2. The baby is cute.
3. The boy is slow.

Review 4
CD2 Track 73 3. The horse is fast.
1. Listening Practice 4. The rabbit is cute.
A. Listen and number. 5. The cat is pretty.
1. He’s short and young. 6. The dog is clever.
2. She’s short and old.
3. She’s short and young. CD2 Track 77
4. He’s tall and big. E. Look and listen.
5. He’s tall and old. Jenny: What’s that?
6. She’s tall and young. Harry: It’s a horse.
Jenny: Wow, it’s big! Is it fast?
CD2 Track 74 Harry: Yes, it is.
B. Listen, circle, and write. Jenny: Can it swim?
1. I can sing. Harry: No, it can’t.
2. I can’t drive.
3. I can’t skate. CD2 Track 78
4. I can cook. 3. Writing Practice
5. I can dance. Look, listen, and write your answer.
6. I can’t swim. 1. What’s this?
2. What color is it?
CD2 Track 75 3. Is it short?
C. Listen, number, and write.
1. What’s this? CD2 Track 79
It’s a dog. Useful Expressions
2. What’s that? Listen, repeat, and practice.
It’s a horse. Boy: Bye, Jane!
3. What’s that? Girl: Bye, David!
It’s a snake. See you later!
4. What’s this?
It’s a turtle.
5. What’s that?
It’s a cat.
6. What’s that?
It’s a rabbit.

CD2 Track 76
D. Listen and match.
1. The snake is long.
2. The turtle is slow.

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