Online Mid-Term Exam MIS-M-BBA-5 BBA-2YR (Morning) - Spring-2021-Shahid Khan

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Online Mid Term Examination Spring 2021

Course: Management Information Date: April 6, 2021

Duration: 12:00pm ~11:59pm
Teacher Name: Shahid Khan
Marks: 20
Class: BBA-5, BBA-2yr (2A, 3A, 4A)
Program: BBA-2 year & BBA-4 year

Student’s information

Student I.D: _________ Student Name: _______________________________

Student’s KASBIT email-id: _____________________________________________

Instructions (Important):
• Guidelines for preparing and submitting the solution:
o Solution must be neat, clean and organized
o Solve the paper on separate sheets (not on registers),
o Take the clear and organized images of the solution,
o Arrange them in MS-word
o Convert the MS-word based file into PDF format
o Upload the PDF file of the solution on LMS on or before the DUE DATE and before
the DUE-TIME (to be on the safe side).
o Press the SUBMIT button and confirm the uploading.
o Late submission WILL NOT be graded.
• Solution must be in student’s OWN handwriting, otherwise it will not be graded.
• All students are supposed to concentrate on Mid-term exam assessment on an individual
basis. If the submitted document speaks about any copying, duplication or plagiarism, it
shall stand canceled and ZERO marks will be awarded.

Q1: During the lecture session, it was taught and discussed that now most of the companies
investing and relying on ISs to achieve their six (or fewer) strategic business objectives.
Here, you are required to consider a company, identify and explain the achievements of
their strategic business objectives in an organized manner. (05)

Q2: During the sessions, It was taught and discussed that, how an IS creates value for the
firm as an organizational and management solution to challenges posed by the
environment. You are required to comment on that by explaining the dimension of
information systems with a neat and clean diagram. (05)

Q3: Consider a company and explain transaction processing system of that company, also
draw neat and clean TPS model of that company. (05)

Q4: By considering any company, explain how information systems can improve overall
performance of that considered business units by promoting synergies, core
competencies and Network-based strategies. (05)

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