Stability and Relapse in Orthognathic Surgery

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Stability and Relapse in Orthognathic Surgery

Neeraj Panchal, DDS, MD, MA

Christine Ellis, DDS, MSD

Paul Tiwana, DDS, MD, MS, FACS

less complex, also demands rigorous

INTRODUCTION precision from start to finish. From the
The long-term success of orthognathic first consultation, the surgeon must begin
reconstructive surgery is dependent upon to factor the aesthetic, functional, and
long-term stability of the surgical stability related demands of the anticipated
correction. Stability is defined as the surgical correction. Failure to do so risks
maintenance of the skeleton and the introduction of errors that ultimately
associated dental structures in the increase the likelihood of surgical relapse.
intended position over time. Failure to Pre-operative planning/execution errors,
achieve stability, also called surgical intra-operative errors at the time of
relapse, can result in a compromised final surgery, or post-operative wound healing
result. There are multiple reasons surgical errors all contribute to early surgical
relapse occurs. These reasons can be relapse.
divided into both short and long-term
causative factors. Short-term relapse
occurs in the immediate post-operative
period, and is most often due to surgical
planning/model surgery errors, intra- PRE-OPERATIVE ERRORS
operative surgical errors, or wound healing
problems. Long-term relapse, on the other
hand, is influenced by three major factors; RELAPSE
growth, physiologic adaptation, and post- Success of the surgical plan depends on
operative changes due to orthodontic or sound knowledge of the physiology and
surgical relapse. Although equally critical, function of the jaws, including the
this article will not cover the role that limitations of any proposed surgical
orthodontic preparation, finishing, and movements. Surgical planning that
maintenance of the orthognathic patient by disregard the limitations, in both direction
the orthodontist play in contributing to and magnitude of skeletal movement,
post-operative stability. increases the risk of early relapse.
When anterior-posterior movement of any
EARLY RELAPSE one jaw exceeds one centimeter, the
Successful double-jaw orthognathic surgeon should consider an alternative
surgery requires methodical surgical surgical technique like distraction
accuracy, making it one of the most osteogenesis or concomitant bone grafting
challenging surgical procedures provided in addition to or instead of a standard Le
within the scope of a modern maxillofacial Fort or BSSO to improve stability.
surgery practice. Single jaw surgery, while
Treatment planning surgical movements under anesthesia and in the supine
that result in excessive counter-clockwise position.
rotation of the facial skeleton should be
Another example of a records collection
avoided. Excessive counter-clockwise
error is an inaccurate face bow transfer.
rotation contributes to early relapse and
Care must be taken to ensure the
usually manifests as a newly developed
acquisition of an accurate face bow
anterior open bite on clinical examination.
transfer, otherwise, the model surgery and
To limit excessive counter-clockwise
splint fabrication will be predicated on an
rotation, the surgeon should employ
erroneous dental and skeletal relationship.
techniques such as grafting to the
Other examples of records collection errors
posterior maxilla, changing the mandibular
include alginate model inaccuracies or
ramus osteotomy to lie outside the
warped dental stone models.
muscular sling (extra-oral inverted-L
osteotomy), or incorporating a TMJ related Presently, surgical work ups assisted by
procedure such as total alloplastic joint computer-based planning are becoming
replacement. Patients diagnosed with more common. To prevent the introduction
short posterior face height are at particular of treatment planning errors, digital
risk for this type of relapse. Even with planning with error-free models, an
technique modification, this sub-group of accurate centric bite and ideal transfer of
patients should be approached with natural head position must occur.
caution and deliberate planning. Irrespective of whether the articulator or
computer is used, the surgeon must
accurately transfer the patient’s records to
eliminate the introduction of records
EXECUTION ERRORS collection errors that may affect post-
Accurate patient records are critical to surgical stability.
surgical planning, therefore, obtaining
surgical records and model surgery
planning must be executed with attention
to detail. Errors made while obtaining
surgical records or during model surgery
planning will translate into an error in the INTRA-OPERATIVE FACTORS
patient’s final outcome. Consequently,
Also of importance to early surgical relapse
errors of records collection or model
are factors secondary to intra-operative
surgery planning may ultimately become
errors that prevent passive and repeatable
factors related to post-operative relapse,
occlusion in the surgical splint. One such
especially in complex two-jaw or bi-
factor is failure to seat the patient’s
maxillary surgery.
condyles into the condylar fossae during
An inaccurate centric bite is one example surgery. Whether one- or two-jaw
of a records collection error. The centric surgery, the mandibular condyles must be
bite must be taken with care and seated passively in the most posterior-
confirmed several times to ensure that superior position of the fossa with good
both of the patient’s condyles are seated in inter-maxillary fixation during stabilization
their respective condylar fossa. If the of the surgical correction with plates and
centric bite is taken with the condyles not screws. Failure to do so will result in a
seated, an immediate change in the post-operative occlusal relationship that is
planned occlusion will occur intra- different from the one that was intended.
operatively as the condyle(s) return to the Dislocation of the mandibular condyles,
true centric position while the patient is may occur during Le Fort I osteotomy if
there is inadequate removal or relief of
posterior interferences. This leads to growth is the usual culprit in these
dislocation of the mandibular condyles as situations. Proffit, Turvey, and Phillips
the maxillomandibular complex is rotated have determined that growth affects post-
superiorly to the correct vertical position of operative stability by asymmetrically
the midface. Similarly, during mandibular changing the untreated and treated areas
surgery, the proximal (condylar) segment of the facial skeleton.1 The possibility of
must be seated adequately to ensure the continued facial growth must be
appropriate surgical correction. Some considered in both the pediatric and adult
surgeons will employ clamps or plates that populations. Most, but not all patients will
run from the maxilla to the proximal complete the majority of their craniofacial
segment to limit this possibility. However, growth by the late teenage years, with the
in the authors opinion, this is usually mandible finishing last in both genders. It
unnecessary. If the occlusion obtained is important to note that although
immediately after rigid fixation is not craniofacial skeletal changes occur
passive and repeatable in the intermediate throughout adulthood, most of these
(maxillary) or final (mandibular) inter- changes are normal, symmetric physiologic
occlusal splints, a rigidly fixed error has changes, and do not contribute to
occurred. The surgeon must correct this observable post-operative relapse. In
error at the time of surgery; post- 1927, Milo Hellman termed “morphological
operative elastics will do little to correct differentiation” to describe these normal
this error post-operatively. changes to the facial skeleton that occur
throughout a patient’s lifetime.2 Pathologic
Finally, unintended intra-operative
conditions of the facial skeleton like
complications also may result in early
unilateral condylar hyperplasia, on the
relapse. One example is a “bad” split of
other hand, differ from normal physiologic
the mandible during sagittal splitting. If
changes and can contribute to post-
inadvertent fractures of the skeleton occur
surgical relapse. Patients suspected of
during the osteotomy, the surgeon must
experiencing pathologic, hyperplastic
first identify the complication and then use
growth should ideally not undergo surgical
an appropriate and stable surgical
correction until after cessation of the
technique to correct the mandible. If the
growth has been verified. However a
rigid fixation employed either to correct an
disadvantage of this philosophy is that as
inadvertent fracture or during routine
unremitting unilateral pathologic growth
fixation is overcome by the function and
continues, compensatory changes occur in
physiologic demands of the jaws during
other unaffected bones of the skeleton and
convalescence, infection, mal-union, or
therefore increase the magnitude of
non-union of the affected osteotomy site
surgical correction when finally performed.
may result. This problem is classified as a
This obviously may also contribute to
wound healing related factor contributing
instability over the long-term.
to early relapse. Clinically, these issues
Consideration can be given by the surgeon
will be readily visible as acute changes of
to perform condylectomy or condylar
the occlusal relationship and will require
shave as a first stage procedure where
further surgery to correct.
appropriate to limit this problem. Final
surgical correction prior to cessation of
pathologic or hyperplastic growth greatly
increases the risk of late post-operative
One of the most common causes of late
post-operative instability is continued
growth of the patient following surgical
correction. Continued or late mandibular
Over a half century ago, Melvin Moss For a period of time following surgery,
postulated the Functional Matrix neuromuscular adaptation to skeletal
Hypothesis.3 He presented a theory of modification occurs. For example, when
growth which credited primarily epigenetic the position of the maxilla is changed, the
rather than genomic factors, as the postural position of the mandible adapts to
primary contributor to the final form of the the new maxillary position. The
skeleton. Moss determined that “bones do proprioceptors located in the periodontal
not grow, they are grown,” as the skeleton ligament of maxillary posterior teeth, in
responds to the “functional matrix” coordination with the central nervous
surrounding them. Applying the functional system, control the posture of the
matrix hypothesis, function and growth are mandible to an independently determined
primarily responsible for determining the normal position. As a result, the post-
form of bones like the angle of the operative inter-occlusal space remains
mandible and the shape of the coronoid essentially unchanged from the pre-
process. Orthognathic surgery changes operative distance,1
the functional matrix as muscular and soft
Similarly, the functional position of the
tissue tension is changed following surgical
tongue changes following any direction of
movements. Consequently, an
mandible or maxilla repositioning. Post-
understanding of Melvin Moss’ functional
operatively, the tongue’s position relative
matrix hypothesis is essential, particularly
to the anterior teeth duplicates the exact
to aid the surgeon in determining which
pre-surgical contact with the palate and
surgical movements will contribute to or
teeth post-operatively. Surgical changes
prevent relapse.
that decrease the size of the oral cavity,
Surgical movements that increase the such as inferior repositioning of the maxilla
stretch of a muscle or soft tissue change and mandibular setback can be affected by
the functional matrix by introducing the function of the tongue. As the oral
tension. Surgical movements that cavity decreases in size, pressure from
minimize soft tissue or muscle tension tongue function on the structures in direct
improve long-term post-operative stability. contact with the tongue will increase. The
In contrast, surgical movements that result may negatively impact post-
increase the tension applied to the bone by operative stability. Surgical movements
soft tissue or muscle function also increase that increase the size of the oral cavity like
the chances of long-term post-operative superior repositioning of the maxilla,
relapse. The functional matrix hypothesis advancement of maxilla in anterior-
explains the well-documented high risk of posterior dimension, and mandibular
long-term relapse following surgical advancement, result in less pressure from
maxillary expansion as the maxilla tongue function on the accompanying
response to increased tension of the structures and consequently contribute to
palatal soft tissue in the transverse greater post-operative stability. Actual
dimension. In summary, the surgeon must tongue position within the orofacial
take care to ensure that changes to the complex can change in response to
functional matrix are factored into the surgical movements as well. Following a
surgical plan to minimize the effect of mandibular set back, the tongue and floor
these changes on the long-term stability of of mouth musculature potentially increase
the case. functional pressure against the anterior
dentition. Over time, as the tongue
repositions downward along with the hyoid
bone and adapts to the new oral cavity Newer methods of fixation with resorbable
size, the impact of tongue function on materials have demonstrated similar
post-operative relapse is minimized. The favorable outcomes in terms of stability
adaptation of the temporomandibular joint and should be considered affective options
(TMJ) occurs in response to changes as well.8
affecting condylar orientation, position, or
arc of rotation around condylar axis
following orthognathic surgery. Most
patients respond to these changes with
minimal difficulty, however the current
literature regarding treatment and Until recently, the evidence of post-
management of the TMJ is controversial surgical stability has been based on two-
regarding the effect of orthognathic dimensional lateral cephalogram analysis.
surgery on stability. Clinical studies have The introduction of three-dimensional
demonstrated a reduction in pain and digital imaging promises the opportunity
dysfunction following mandibular ramus for more detailed data collection and a
osteotomies.4 However, some authors also deeper understanding of craniofacial
have demonstrated condylar changes relationships. As three-dimensional
following mandibular ramus osteotomies. craniofacial analyses are developed,
Consequently, the recommendation of changes in the craniofacial complex will be
concomitant TMJ and orthognathic surgery better understood. Relapse in multiple
may be elected to remove the risk of dimensions, as opposed to only those
relapse or other problems associated with evident on a cephalometric x-ray, will
post-surgical condylar changes.5,6 certainly aid the surgeon in refining
surgical techniques in the future.
Finally, patients presenting with
Progressive Condylar Resorption (PCR) Much of the scientific data currently
represent a unique and small group of available on the stability of orthognathic
patients with long term post-surgical surgery has come from the analysis of
relapse. PCR is associated with several patient records in the Dentofacial
factors including female sex selection, pre- Deformities Program at the University of
existing TMJ disease, patients with a high North Carolina. The lead investigators,
mandibular plane angle, and patients William R. Proffit, Timothy A. Turvey and
requiring large magnitude mandibular Ceib Phillips, have evaluated the stability
advancement.7 Although no specific of orthognathic surgery in the same group
etiology has been positively identified, PCR of patients for over four decades. A visual
has been associated with both hormonal understanding of the implications for long-
factors and avascular necrosis of the term stability in orthognathic surgery is
involved condyle. gained by reviewing Figure 1, which
summarizes the potential for relapse based
It is important to recognize what role the on common patterns of dento-facial
type of skeletal fixation, either wire or rigid deformity and the associated directional
fixation, plays in the stability of movements.
orthognathic surgery. In the modern era
of orthognathic surgery, titanium based
rigid internal fixation has become the
standard of care at most institutions and
has been found to aid post-surgical
stability in most cases. While wire fixation
is still effective and utilized for specific
scenarios, fixation that compromises post-
operative stability is not recommended.
skeletal changes that may occur resulting
in minimal clinically noticeable occlusal

Vertical maxillary deficiency can be
corrected with a Le Fort I osteotomy with
inferior repositioning, however with far less
predictability than surgical correction of
vertical maxillary excess. Achieving post-
operative stability following a LeFort I
inferior repositioning is difficult. There is
Figure 1: Hierarchy of Stability.
a strong tendency for the maxilla to return
to the original superior position due to the
CORRECTION OF VERTICAL significant upward occlusal forces applied
MAXILLARY EXCESS by the mandibular teeth during function.
Studies have found that up to 50% of
The Le Fort I osteotomy came into
patients experience greater than two
common use in the late 1960s. For
millimeters of post-operative change, and
patients seeking correction of vertical
up to 20% experience greater than four
maxillary excess, the Le Fort I osteotomy
millimeters of change following surgical
allows the maxilla to be superiorly
inferior repositioning of the maxilla.
repositioned (vertically impacted). After
Furthermore, post-operative stability is
superior repositioning of the maxilla, the
highly dependent upon the type of fixation
mandible autorotates to maintain dental
employed. Almost all vertical change is
occlusion. Despite early concerns that the
lost with wire fixation. Even with rigid
maxilla would relapse back downward,
fixation, there is a strong tendency for
superior repositioning of the maxilla has
significant post-operative relapse.
been found to be one of the most stable
Although surgical correction of vertical
surgical movements available, regardless
maxillary deficiency is inherently far less
of the type of fixation used. A better than
stable than other surgical procedures,
90% chance of excellent post-operative
three approaches have been proposed to
skeletal stability following maxillary
improve stability: (1) placement of heavy
superior repositioning has been
fixation plates from the zygomatic body to
maxillary posterior segment; (2)
For patients in which wire fixation is used,
interposition of a synthetic hydroxyapatite
a “telescoping effect can result in a
graft to provide mechanical rigidity; and
minimal continued superior movement that
(3) simultaneous ramus osteotomy to
is on average only a one millimeter
decrease occlusal forces.12 Two additional
difference from the stability achieved with
techniques have also been employed by
rigid fixation in the immediate post-
osteotomy modification. During Le Fort I
surgical period.”9 Long-term studies
osteotomy if the buttress osteotomy is
examining patients over five years show
placed at a higher level than the pyriform
that only about one-third of all patients
rim, as the maxilla is advanced it will be
undergoing maxillary superior
positioned inferiorly. This is described as
repositioning experience a continuation of
“ramping”. Another technique is to
a downward movement of the maxilla.
complete a “step” osteotomy in the region
Fortunately in these cases, eruption of the
of the pyriform rim that accomplishes the
incisors appear to compensate for the
same goal. It must be mentioned that
irrespective of the technique employed, Studies have found good long term post-
stability of the correction is questionable operative stability of the BSSO in cases of
over the long-term as a result of the mandibular deficiency, demonstrating a
change in facial height. better than 90% chance of less than 2 mm
of change one year after surgical
correction, regardless of the type of
fixation used.15 Other post-operative
CORRECTION OF MAXILLARY changes have been observed. The
majority of patients experience greater
ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR than 2 mm of remodeling of the gonion in
an upward direction during the first year
DEFICIENCY after the BSSO advancement. Also, about
The Le Fort I osteotomy with advancement 20% of patients experience condylar
of the maxilla can predictably correct a remodeling 1 to 5 years after surgery,
maxillary anterior-posterior (Class III) resulting in decreased mandibular length
deficiency. In fact, research has found and ramus height. These patients also
that patients have an 80% chance of experience long term post-operative dental
immediate post-operative stability, and adaptation. Lower incisor proclination
only a 20% chance of two to four occurs in about 50% of the cases, with the
millimeters of relapse one year following other half experiencing an increase in
surgery. If a larger magnitude overjet.1 (Figure 2)
advancement is planned (greater than 5
mm), heavier plates and screws with
simultaneous autogenous bone grafting
can aid the post-operative stability.
Distraction osteogenesis, with either
internal or externally placed distractors,
may be considered for patients requiring
maxillary advancements of greater than 10
mm. Patients with midface deficiency
resulting from cleft lip and palate and
other craniofacial anomalies present a
unique challenge to achieving long-term Figure 2A: Preoperative Occlusion. Demonstration of
post-operative stability. For these patients, Relapse Due To Condylar Resorption One Year After
even small magnitude surgical movements Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy To Correct
should be reinforced with the addition of Apertognathia and Mandibular Deficiency.
bone grafts.

Since the late 1970s, the most common
mandibular surgery has been the Bilateral
Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO), which
allows the surgeon to move the mandible
in either a more anterior or more posterior
position. Trauner and Obwegeser first
described the BSSO, which has undergone
several subsequent modifications.13,14
Figure 2B: Preoperative Frontal Repose. Figure 2D: Preoperative Cephalometric Radiograph.

Figure 2E: 6-month Postoperative Occlusion.

Figure 2C: Preoperative Frontal Smile.

Figure 2F: 6-month Postoperative Frontal Repose.

Figure 2H: 6-month Postoperative Cephalometric


Figure 2I: 12-month Postoperative Occlusion.

Figure 2G: 6-month Postoperative Frontal Smile.

Figure 2K: 12-month Postoperative Frontal Smile.
Figure 2J: 12-month Postoperative Frontal Repose.

Figure 2L: 12-month Postoperative Cephalometric

significant. For patients stabilized with
CORRECTION OF MANDIBULAR wire fixation, approximately 20% of
ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR EXCESS patients experience a slight upward and
rotational movement of the maxilla, while
Mandibular setback can be accomplished
about 50% experience backward
by either an Intraoral Vertical Ramus
mandibular movement, six weeks after
Osteotomy (IVRO) or BSSO with
surgery. Furthermore, no return toward
mandibular setback. Post-operative
the original surgical position can be
stability, while clinically acceptable in both
expected to occur, with nearly one-third of
cases, varies depending on which surgical
these patients experiencing continuing
technique is used. One year following
relapse. One year after surgery, only 60%
IVRO, there is a chance of either forward
of patients stabilized with wire fixation
or backward movement of the mandible.
have an excellent clinical result. In
With a BSSO there is no post-surgical
contrast, patients stabilized with rigid
backward movement, but forward relapse
fixation demonstrate greater stability in
is more frequent.
both the maxilla and mandible six weeks
Regardless of surgical technique, up to
after surgery. One year after surgery,
50% of patients experience more than two
90% of patients stabilized with rigid
millimeters of post-operative change
fixation are judged to have excellent post-
following a mandibular setback, with 20%
surgical results. Consequently, rigid
of these patients experiencing change of
fixation provides significantly more stability
more than four millimeters. For patients
for the simultaneous correction of vertical
experiencing significant post-surgical
maxillary excess and mandibular
relapse following a mandibular setback,
the cause may be the result of a technical
problem. During surgery, the position of
the ramus (proximal segment with
condyle) can inadvertently be pushed SIMULTANEOUS CORRECTION
posteriorly into the condylar fossa.
Following surgery, the ramus will return OF MAXILLARY ANTERIOR-
back to its original orientation.
SIMULTANEOUS CORRECTION Some severe skeletal Class III dentofacial
deformities can be corrected with a
OF VERTICAL MAXILLARY combined maxillary Le Fort I osteotomy
with advancement, and mandibular
EXCESS AND MANDIBULAR intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy or
DEFICIENCY bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. The data
on stability for this particular surgical
Patients often present with complex
correction is limited, however it appears to
dentofacial deformities that require double
be similar to the findings of post-operative
jaw surgery to correct. A Le Fort I
stability seen in each jaw after maxillary
maxillary osteotomy with superior
advancement or mandibular setback alone.
repositioning and mandibular advancement
Of particular interest, the type of fixation
with bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
used once again significantly affects post-
constitute the typical procedures used to
operative stability. Ninety percent of
correct both vertical maxillary excess and
patients with rigid fixation following double
mandibular deficiency. For this particular
jaw correction of a Class III dentofacial
type of surgery, the influence of the type
deformity were judged to have an
of fixation used for long-term stability is
excellent clinical result compared to only
60% of patients with wire fixation one year
following surgery. (Figure 3)

Figure 3A: Preoperative Cephalometric Radiograph.

Maintenance of Stability One Year After LeFort 1
Osteotomy with Maxillary Superior Repositioning and
Advancement, Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus
Osteotomy with Mandibular Advancement and

Figure 3C: Preoperative Frontal Smile.

Figure 3D: Preoperative Lateral Repose.

Figure 3B: Preoperative Frontal Repose.
Figure 3E: Preoperative Occlusion.

Figure 3G: 12-month Postoperative Frontal Repose.

Figure 3F: 12-month Postoperative Cephalometric


Figure 3H: 12-month Postoperative Frontal Smile.

Surgical transverse widening of the maxilla
can be accomplished with either a
segmental Le Fort I osteotomy or
Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion
(SARPE). The selection of surgical
technique depends at least in part on the
presenting dentofacial deformity of the
patient. If only a transverse deficiency
exists, then a SARPE is a reasonable
alternative. If other accompanying
maxillary deformities exist, for example,
maxillary constriction and anterior open
bite, then a segmental Le Fort I may be
the best surgical option. Surgeon and/or
orthodontist preference will also play a role
in the selection of transverse surgical
technique. Vanarssdall has documented a
preference of SARPE over segmental Le
Fort I on the basis of an improved
Post-operative stability must be considered
in both cases as surgical maxillary
expansion is the least stable of all
orthognathic surgical procedures. As
discussed earlier in this chapter, widening
Figure 3I: 12-month Postoperative Lateral Repose. the maxilla causes a stretching of the
palatal mucosa. As predicted by the
functional matrix theory, the tension of the
stretched palatal tissue applies a
constricting force to the recently operated
maxilla. The result is relapse of surgical
expansion. In fact, studies have found
that approximately 50% of the expansion
in the 2nd molar area resulting from Le
Fort I segmental surgery is lost within one
year of surgery. Stability data on SARPE is
similar to that of segmental Le Fort I
osteotomy. It has been reported that
about 60% of patients undergoing SARPE
have dental relapse of greater than two
millimeters of the posterior teeth with
lingual movement of the teeth.17
Figure 3J: 12-month Postoperative Frontal Occlusion.
Techniques to control transverse relapse
following surgery include over-correction of
the transverse deficiency, immediate post-
surgical placement of a heavy orthodontic
palatal bar and/or a palate covering
retainer. Many authors recommend that
when the transverse expansion of the (titanium or resorbable) has greatly
maxilla requires more than 6-7 mm of increased the stability of certain
movement, a staged approach consisting orthognathic procedures like double jaw
of first stage SARPE followed by Le Fort I surgery.
adds to the overall long-term stability of
the correction.18,19
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