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1061 Metropolitan Avenue, San Antonio Village, Makati City,

Philippines 1200

Name: IGNACIO, Andee March 15, 2021

Orthopedic Rotation Sir Michael Lacandola, RN, MAN
- Ospital ng Makati

I. Anatomy of the Bone

II. Function of the Brain when it comes to Pain

Pain Pathway:
1. If you prick your finger on something sharp, this will cause tissue damage which is registered by microscopic
pain receptors called, Nociceptors in the skin.
 Each pain receptor forms one end of a nerve cell called, Neuron. This is connected to the other end in the
spinal cord by a long nerve fiber or axon.
 When the pain receptor is activated, it sends electrical signal up the nerve fiber.

2. The nerve fiber is bundled with many others to form a peripheral nerve. The electrical signal passes up the
neuron within the peripheral nerve to reach the spinal cord in the neck.

3. Within an area of the spinal cord called the dorsal horn, the electrical signals are transmitted from one neuron
to another across junctions which is called, Synapses by means of chemical messengers called the
Neurotransmitters. Signals are then passed up the spinal cord to the brain.

4. In the brain, the signals will pass to the Thalamus. The Thalamus is a sorting station that relays the signals on to
different parts of the brain. Signals are sent to the:
 Somatosensory Cortex- responsible for the Physical Sensation,
 Frontal Cortex- responsible for thinking
 Limbic System- which is linked to emotions

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