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Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what
went wrong here.
Stereotyping is the activity under which individuals are assigned traits based on
their active involvement in a social activity or theory. Social identity theory
describes that to enhance their superiority and self-image, people in the in-group
will discriminate people in the out-group.

Gilman had strong confidence in assigning the job role of market research
coordinator Rochelle Beauport since he thought that the new position offered
would help her enhance her experience and thus, broaden her career.
Unknowingly, Gilman wasn’t aware of her self-concept.

It can be interpreted from the case facts that Rochelle Beauport enjoyed the job
role of assistant brand manager. She built a perception that she had been side
lined and thus, shifted to the new role because of her colour!

Thus, Rochelle Beauport stereotyped Gilman as a racist and sexist male


Similarly, with respect to Social Identity Theory, Rochelle Beauport engages in

categorization and differentiation by giving the minority statement regarding
visibility of women in brand management. Thus, she grouped in her boss with the
other men at higher positions at her organization.

2. What other perceptual errors are apparent in this case study?

Self-fulfilling prophecy: It states that an individual’s behaviour gets aligned to the
expectations we have from him/her. Gilman’s expectations about Beauport’s
behaviour are positive yet finally she ends up thinking about quitting.

False consensus effect: Gilman assumed that like him, Beauport would also
accept the given job due to similarities between their characteristics, which
eventually turned out to be false. Thus, he over-estimated the individual
characteristics & values of Beauport.

3. What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of

To minimize misconceptions in such situations, organizations should be open &
transparent about such issues and ensure proper communication between both
the parties before taking such decisions. This not only helps in proactively
diminishing such errors but also retaining and ensuring job satisfaction of

Apply your insight into generalizing and self-concept hypothesis to clarify what
turned out badly here.

Generalizing is the movement under which people are allocated characteristics

dependent on their dynamic association in social action or hypothesis. Social
character hypothesis depicts that to improve their prevalence and mental self-
view, individuals in the in-gathering will separate individuals in the out-gathering.

Gilman had solid trust in appointing the activity part of statistical surveying
facilitator Rochelle Beauport since he imagined that the new position offered
would assist her with upgrading her experience and hence, expand her
profession. Unconsciously, Gilman didn't know about her self-idea.

It very well may be deciphered from the case realities that Rochelle Beauport
appreciated the activity part of the associate brand administrator. She fabricated
a discernment that she had been sidelined and in this manner, moved to the new
job given her shading!

In this manner, Rochelle Beauport generalized Gilman as a supremacist and

chauvinist male manager.

Thus, as for Social Identity Theory, Rochelle Beauport participates in

classification and separation by giving the minority proclamation concerning
permeability of ladies in brand the board. Along these lines, she assembled in
her supervisor with different men at higher situations at her association.

Self-fulfilling prophecy: It expresses that a person's conduct gets adjusted to the
desires we have from him/her. Gilman's assumptions regarding Beauport's
conduct are positive yet at last, she winds up pondering stopping.

Bogus agreement impact: Gilman expected that like him, Beauport would
likewise acknowledge the given activity because of similitudes between their
attributes, which inevitably ended up being bogus. Along these lines, he over-
assessed the individual qualities and estimations of Beauport.

would organizations be able to do to limit misperceptions in these kinds of
To limit misguided judgments in such circumstances, associations ought to be
open and straightforward about such issues and guarantee appropriate
correspondence between both the gatherings before making such choices. This
aide in proactively reducing such mistakes as well as holding and guaranteeing
position fulfilment of workers.

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