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Cambridge International AS & A Level


Paper 2 Writing For examination from 2021


You must answer on the enclosed answer booklet.

You will need: Answer booklet (enclosed)


● Answer two questions in total:

Section A: answer Question 1.

Section B: answer one question.

● Follow the instructions on the front cover of the answer booklet. If

you need additional answer paper,
ask the invigilator for a continuation booklet.

● Dictionaries are not allowed.


● The total mark for this paper is 50.

● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown
in brackets [ ].

Section B: Extended writing

In class, you have been discussing whether sending criminals to prison is an

effective way of reducing crime. Write an article for your school magazine. In
your writing, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sending criminals
to prison. Write between 600 and 900 words. [25]
Day by day, the pace of violations on the planet is expanding quickly and
there are numerous ways the two people and government ought to do to
diminish the wrongdoings in the public eye. The contention that the best
technique to diminish the number of wrongdoings is a long-lasting jail
discipline or numerous alternate ways are better is a subject that is both
upheld and discredited by many. Investigating the two sides of this contention
will be examined before an end is given. 

Right off the bat, a few groups believe that the best strategy to diminish
violations by placing lawbreakers in penitentiaries for quite a while. For
instance, when hoodlums realize that punishment would be a significant
stretch of sentences in the penitentiaries, they might be hesitant to do
wrongdoings locally. Consequently, the crooks may quit doing wrongdoings
given this hard discipline. Subsequently, this clarifies why a few groups accept
that give quite a while jail discipline is the awesome lessen wrongdoings. 

Notwithstanding, a few groups feel that numerous different techniques can be

utilized to diminish violations. For example, the death penalty can be utilized
to diminish violations exceptionally because lawbreakers would fear capital
punishment and they could quit doing wrongdoings. Furthermore, recovery
additionally can be utilized to restore crooks to make them great individuals
in the public eye, for example, acquire them work abilities. From this, it turns
out to be very clear that why a few groups accept that alternate ways rather
than a significant stretch of jail are ideal. 

In outline, the two perspectives on this contention are examined. In the wake
of examining this subject, I concur that different strategies, for example, the
death penalty are superior to an extensive stretch jail. Hence, it is anticipated
that the downsides of quite a while in jail more than the advantages.

Pros of prison:

 It permits the public authority to rebuff crooks as well as to eliminate

them from society. A jail sentence implies that, unquestionably, that
individual will perpetrate no more wrongdoings for the length of the
sentence, which can be somewhere in the range of two years to a
hundred and fifty. It permits the public authority to scale disciplines all
the more viably. A man who takes a portion of bread gets five years,
while a man who ransacks a bank gets fifty. The disincentive to
perpetrate violations increments definitely as the wrongdoings get more
serious. With beating, there is just such a lot of actual brutality you can
do to an individual. What amount more would you lash a bank looter
than a bread-stealer? Maybe you would whip him more than once over
a time of days? In any case, it is essentially simpler to add more years
with seriousness.
 It considers projects of "restoration" and "revised instruction" to be
managed to convicts. While these projects are incapable in their present
manifestation, they could be improved and made undeniably more
successful if penitentiaries were rebuilt. Whipping, while viable as an
impediment, can not restore anybody.
 It considers discipline that is a predictable and long haul. Whipping, for
its advantages, just goes on for probably a couple of hours. Jail goes on
for quite a long time. The convict arises toward the finish of the
sentence having encountered discipline as a way of life and can be
fundamentally changed by the experience whenever done appropriately.

Cons of prison:

 As said in the subtleties, the jail climate is regularly helpful for

criminalization as opposed to recovery. Notwithstanding, a
reconstruction of jails could fix this. 
 Jails are over the top expensive, as said in the subtleties. 
 Detainment facilities become hard to oversee as the number of detainees
in a similar establishment increment.
 Though taking 4,000 men and whipping them before returning them to
their homes isn't so unique about flagellating 10,000, taking 4,000 men
and accommodating their food, dress, guarding, and cover for quite a
long time is far simpler than expanding the number being detained to
 Detainment facilities require centralization, which at its center is
wasteful and exorbitant. Floggings should be possible independently
and anyplace, so to be most effective the convict would likely be lashed
just external the town hall at that point let go.
 This just requires several officials for a half-hour of guarding and
afterward beating the convict. 
 Jail is celebrated by numerous lawbreaker and semi-criminal societies. I
question any lawbreakers extol being lashed. 
 Penitentiaries can undoubtedly become degenerate when they structure
a segregated culture among the watchmen and organization. 
 Floggings are public and one-time things and are not the slightest bit
helpful for defilement.

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