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i A.N§ i3,t\*,.ifi
i',l l{ítspp y a_j.ji -,,{ ;i, i i í .j_,,,_,,] /

4, osztál;,

Tanutó iskoiája: i .. ., 7---:

l, Farnn {rnirnűls
chlasd eI a, szöveget! vdlasze§ ki a megfetelő átlat nevét a keretbőI! Írd a srót esz iiyes hetryre!

1 "l :.'
The animals that a:fann ali make §pqcial

i,. ]' "',"''''
.,,l."'; "


Thereisa '
:' ']
, l

NETGH...NEIGH.". and gallops around. ",' ,' '

There,is a tha! goeq }4OO,..'..and

makes the milk fof, children to, drink.

There is thé , he goes OINK,

oryiry; oü.{K,
There is the ,
;,it lras a wooll} coat

ne goes

QIJACK....QUACK.,... éí
Ttus is the . It makes the eggs for

Here is the . It makes rnilk,and.

fl ji

2,. §! *siiV * tgal,e.séi el u"s,

Kariícázrl be a ke[.yes, rliví.d v&.lx*z*í

1) Are ),üu English? l'Jo, i:rn not. b) No, l'l:n.

2} Me thcy lrappy? a) Yes, are |he1, 1_es; they 31g.
\\i ,í
3) Are your parents Spanislr? ?S, tney re, b) Yes, they are,

1) Y

4) Is it liot? ) No, it isn't, b} No, i1.'s.

5) Are we in Ameriea? g) íes, we are. b) 1Yes, wo're.

6) Is she in year i0? r) \o, she tsn't. b) No, she is.

7) ls he your íriencl? il 1es, he's, |-)iYes, he is.
8) fun I old? a; No, I'm. b) No, I'm nor.


Olvasd el a következő rövid történeiet, majd karik;ázd be a |telyes válasz betű.jelét!

Jane went on holiday io the beach, She likes playing in the sand. FIer brothei, likos jurnping

ov_er waves, Her favourite thing to do is]find sea,shells, .. ,

, Questions; ." . . ,

, 1), Where did.Jaíle go on ho!dá5r?

a; to,the mountains . b. to the beach
2) What is Jane's lavourite thing to do?

a. )find seá;§hells b play with a bail :

3) What does her brother. like doing?

waves sand

§, Jumping Óver b. playing in the


4. Th;e livíng rooln

A kép alapján írd le a helyes rövid.válaszakat!
1. Is the lamp under the shelf.l

Z. , rs thá'lamp next io'the sofa?

-J. Are

the curtains in front of the mirror?

4. Is t}re carper under tlre coÍlíeetable?

5. Is ihe coffee table in the middle?

5" frl3l bgdrgűr,
Púrosítsda következő röviíl §eé;,ii,s*k'&etűjeééc * *etgf"elelő t,e,re*eí.ez,ési ttll"g*lla,ktcc;t! {'{rtí i:

{letű ket a négyzetekbe ! )


a snrall table that is next to a becj

L3 § bedsi<ieíable
B) a cotrifortabie seat tl,jih atrns wlrere
w, two or moíe peopie can sit
gr@ l66p

c} a pece of special flat glass that

§ alann clock ]

ref]ects vourself l,l hen vou look in ri

Dl a thinsa that uses electricitv. oil or

J brrnk beds
, .
, : 'l
., ''
j , ' ,1 '- ,
'.', ', . .

_M;j gas to produce light
,{EJ) . .,: : ]!

J " P' chest of drawers w floor coverins for bedfooms

w kids likó to sleep in thom they are


carpet one on top of the other

@ people'place their clean socks in it

H1 it makes a sound in the rnorning to

curtains \^/aKe you up

people lrarig them on tlie'wall irear'


tile window

"itr#É:| ö a snrall carpet for covering or

1 Sofa.

decorating part of a f,loor

il, l he l:?'hala
€}tv*scl et'* leírást, trtajd egész;,s'§il irj ar szíive+et. a i;etelbert xregatfrlta

lcífejezésekli,eI! Yan, *wit többsr.*r.i's jr*szx á*ii ketI. ?é":{3x) Eztrtán

Párosítsú a kéráőseket a megfbÍelő vőlcesz*kkott$ret r* beéűkee a négyzetekbe!)

hqsnot got, lives, is i3x), §l{im§, lras got (3x), eats

It a veqi hig and hoav}r anirtal, it -ia black and white
rnamrnal. Iii* a targe dorsal fin and two pectoral f,rns. It
--l*,. -I -
a long tail, sma1l eyes anc1 a \iely big rnouti. It legs or wings,
',.......'..'.-.._ .sharp teeth too. It '- --T6=
,m the oeean. rí
very fasí. it

fish and other rnanne nlamínals" It


ihtelligent and .it

.qan:be very dangerous"
.*Ooesit:"át'firh?,',, ,
", .,:

', .

_ 'ls it big?
|.-Has it got fins and a large tail?

I Can it climb tall tr"es? ,

].,.. . :'., , ,,' ,

i_t" got eight,legs? .

- Doqs it live in the lake? :

," , :, : .'.

, ; 7.. Erryor cgrlectioru : , .


Keresd meg a hibát és írd k a monda1o,kat helyesen!

2. She is got a piano:at home.

3 He can't play drum,

4. Its her favourite dress, ,'

5. This boy doesn't likes swimming.

6. He]s favourite subject is Music,.

7. . These
,],in mv1 class.

8. He play the piano very weli,

9. He wearing a hat.

1O, tVh{ they are doing?

1 1. Have ;iou got ten finger?

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