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Revista médica Salud respiratoria

pneumonia and Bronchiolitis

University Foundation of the Andean

Area Respiratory Therapy
Revista médica Salud respiratoria


Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory

process of the lung parenchyma,
generally of infectious etiology (either
viral or bacterial); It presents with
occupation of the air space,
interstitial, and, on some occasions,
of the pleura, secondary to alterations
in the defense mechanisms of the SYMPTOMS
lower airway, which allows the action It is very easy to confuse pneumonia,
of a pathogen that will trigger at first, with a common cold. Some of
activation of the immune response the symptoms of pneumonia include:
and inflammatory, and thus will
generate accumulation of fluid, Cough: As the disease progresses,
leukocytes, and cellular debris in the the cough is accompanied by mucus
alveolus, with subsequent decrease in and when the mucus worsens it may
lung compliance, increase in contain blood.
resistance, alveolar collapse and 1. Fever.
alteration of ventilation-perfusion, 2. Hypothermia in older adults.
which, in turn, will lead to to typical 3. Pain in the chest and
symptoms and signs.
4. Difficulty breathing.
5. Lack of appetite.
The World Health Organization
6. Fatigue.
(WHO) established that 7.6 million
children under the age of 5 die every
year, and that pneumonia is one of
the main causes, with an estimated
worldwide incidence of between 1,000
and 12,000 per 100,000 children, with
important percentages of
Revista médica Salud respiratoria
in contaminated water, vomit or


Causes of pneumonia

The germs that cause
pneumonia vary in each case.
However, they can be grouped
Bacteria: about 80% of
pneumonias are of bacterial There are some risk factors for the
origin. Streptococcus development of pneumonia, such as
pneumoniae, Staphylococcus poor breastfeeding or the absence of
aureus, Haemophilus it during the first two years of life,
influenzae, and Klebsiella are exposure to tobacco smoke,
some of the bacteria that can malnutrition or conditions of poverty,
cause pneumonia. and comorbidities such as
prematurity, low weight at birth,
Viruses: like adenovirus. congenital heart defects,
Fungi and parasites. gastroesophageal reflux and
immunocompromised, among others.
Other Germs: Mycoplasma
pneumoniae, Legionella, and
Chlamydia, which are neither
viruses nor bacteria, can cause
Foreign matter in the
respiratory tract: by breathing
Revista médica Salud respiratoria

On physical examination in the initial
evaluation of children under 5 years ETIOLOGY OF PNEUMONIA
with cough, the IMCI strategy ACQUIRED BY AGE
recommends taking tachypnea into
account as a very sensitive sign for
the diagnosis of pneumonia; other
signs of auscultation are found,
which, although less sensitive, can
guide the diagnosis. The latter are:
non-changing crepitus, increased
vocal thrill, tubal murmur, and dull or
submature percussion.

Very severe pneumonia at risk of
sepsis (or very serious disease)

All patients with cough and one or

more of the following signs will be
Revista médica Salud respiratoria
considered within this classification: • (subcostal runs with or without
Children under 2 months with fever or tachypnea; may be accompanied by
hypothermia. • Signs consistent with nasal flapping and whining).
risk of sepsis or shock (tachycardia, Hypoxemia: O2 saturation <90% in
slow capillary refill, altered ambient air, at the height of Bogotá.
consciousness, low urinary output,
hypotension). • Children under 2
months with decreased appetite, or THERAPEUTIC APPROACH
over 2 months with inability to eat or
drink liquids. • Seizures. • Severe
malnutrition. • Hospitalize in the corresponding
institution, according to the criteria
already noted.
• Support measures: similar to those
of very severe pneumonia.
• Stabilize; patients must be managed • Oxygen therapy independent of
in more complex institutions; start oximetry.
• Antibiotic therapy
• Oxygen therapy independent of
• Ensure continuous monitoring.
• Give IV fluids to improve perfusion Pneumonia (ambulatory
• Start empirical age-based antibiotic
for the first few hours:
All patients with any of these
characteristics will be considered
within this classification:
Severe pneumonia

• Presence of tachypnea: 2-11

months, 50 or more breaths per
If the child does not meet any of the
minute; 1-4 years, 40 or more breaths
criteria for very severe pneumonia,
per minute, with or without
auscultatory findings for pneumonia
(wheezing or high-pitched / thick
crunch at the end of each inspiration,
• Children older than 2 months with
or tubal murmur), with none of the
signs of respiratory distress
indicators of severe pneumonia or
Revista médica Salud respiratoria
pneumonia in a septic patient and in • Support measures at home: fever
the absence of a broncho-obstructive management with acetaminophen 10-
component. 15 mg / kg / dose every 6-8 hours.
• Continue feeding; oral hydration,
with fractionated liquids.
• Normal oximeter (O2 saturation>
90% in ambient air, at the height of • Frequent nasal washing, as needed.
Bogotá). In children with O2
• The use of symptomatic treatments
saturation bordering the environment,
(antihistamines, cough suppressants,
the decision to drive on an outpatient
decongestants, mucolytics, sprays, or
basis vs. Hospitalization will depend
bronchial hygiene maneuvers) is not
on the IMCI classification, age, and
social and geographic factors, among
others. • Report alarm signs and recommend
consulting immediately if any of them
Note: Regardless of whether this
• Control two days after discharge.
classification is applied based on
severity, every case of ARI managed
by a doctor must involve an approach
to nosological diagnosis,
complemented by the information that
is relevant in each particular case.
Pneumonia can be distinguished from
other respiratory tract infections by
the use of simple clinical signs, such
as respiratory rate and circulation.


If the conditions of the environment

and those of the home allow it, the
management should be ambulatory.
• Antibiotic therapy: amoxicillin (80-
100 mg / kg / day), divided into 2-3 Pneumonia can spread through
doses, for 5-7 days various routes. Viruses and bacteria
commonly present in the nose or
throat of children can infect the lungs
Revista médica Salud respiratoria
when inhaled. They can also spread effectively preventing pneumonia, it
by air, in droplets produced by reduces the duration of the disease.
coughing or sneezing. In addition,
The number of children who get
pneumonia can spread through the
pneumonia can also be reduced by
blood, especially in childbirth and in
correcting environmental factors such
the immediate aftermath. More
as indoor air pollution (for example,
research is needed on the various
by providing clean indoor kitchens at
pathogens that cause pneumonia and
affordable prices) and by promoting
their modes of transmission, as this
proper hygiene in crowded homes.
information is critical to the treatment
and prevention of the disease. Children infected with HIV are given
the antibiotic cotrimoxazole daily to
reduce the risk of pneumonia.


Prevention of childhood pneumonia is

a fundamental component of any
strategy to reduce infant mortality.
Immunization against Hib,
pneumococci, measles, and
whooping cough is the most effective
way to prevent pneumonia.
Refers to the first Broncho-obstructive
Proper nutrition is key to improving a episode that affects children younger
child's natural defenses, starting with than 2 years, characterized by signs
exclusive breastfeeding for the first of infection of the upper respiratory
tract, two or three days prior, followed
six months of life; in addition to
by respiratory distress with wheezing
Revista médica Salud respiratoria
and or crepitus. It presents with acute In order of importance they are:
inflammation, edema, necrosis of Parainfluenza, Adenovirus, Influenza,
epithelial cells, and lymphomonocytic human metapneumovirus.
infiltration of the mucosa and hyper Mycoplasma in older children and
secretion that involves air trapping Chlamydia can give similar pictures.
and the production of areas of
atelectasis; on auscultation, there are
fine inspiratory crackles or expiratory
wheezing and in general it has a
seasonal behavior.
It is a problem of the first magnitude,
due to its high seasonal incidence, as
well as the consumption of resources
it generates. It is the leading cause of
hospital admission for respiratory
problems in children younger than 1
year, with a peak between 2-6 months
of age.
Pulmones enfermos no saludables con
el virus de la enfermedad enojado,
Bronquiolitis/Dibujo de bebé, ilustration,

Associated risk
The following signs and symptoms are
reasons to seek immediate medical


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
is the cause of 20-40% of cases,
in epidemic times up to 60% in
hospitalized patients are RSV +.
Revista médica Salud respiratoria
 Avoid contact with people who
have complaints or other
respiratory illnesses.
 Wash your hands often or use an
alcohol-based disinfectant.
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose or
 Get vaccinated every year against
the complaint.

People with chronic bronchitis or asthma

sometimes get acute bronchitis. In these
"Me retiré porque no podía soportar el olor a cases, acute bronchitis is most likely a
cigarrillo", 2019. complication of the existing condition.
Bronchitis of this type is not caused by an
infectious virus, making it less likely to be

Yes. Most of the time, acute bronchitis is
caused by a virus, such as the flu virus
(influenza). However, many different
viruses (all highly contagious) can cause
acute bronchitis.

Viruses are spread mainly from person to

person by the droplets generated when a Signs
person becomes sick, sneezes, or During the first few days, the signs
speaks and you inhale it. Viruses can and symptoms of bronchiolitis are
also spread through contact with an similar to those of a cold:
infected object. This happens if you touch
something that has viruses and then
 Cold
touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
 Nasal congestion
To reduce the risk of getting viruses that  Mild fever (not always
can cause bronchitis: present)

After this, for a week or more,

Revista médica Salud respiratoria
shortness of breath or wheezing may
occur when the child breathes out

Many babies also have an ear

infection (otitis media).

Complications of severe bronchiolitis
can include:

 Blue lips or skin (cyanosis),

caused by lack of oxygen
 Breathing pauses (apnea), Prevention
which is most likely to occur in
premature babies and babies
within the first two months of
life Because the viruses that cause
bronchiolitis spread from person
 Dehydration
to person, one of the best ways
 Low oxygen levels and to prevent it is to wash your
respiratory failure hands frequently, especially
If this happens, your child may have before touching your baby when
to be in the hospital. Severe he has a cold or other respiratory
respiratory failure may require a tube illness. Wearing a face mask at
to be inserted into the windpipe to this time is appropriate.
help the child breathe until the
infection has run its course. If your child has bronchiolitis,
don't leave the house until the
If your baby was born prematurely, illness has passed to prevent it
has a heart or lung condition, or has from spreading to others.
a depressed immune system, watch Other common sense ways to
closely for the first signs of help curb the infection include:
bronchiolitis. The infection can
quickly get worse. In such cases, Limit contact with people who
your child will normally need to be have a fever or a cold. If your
hospitalized. child is a newborn, especially a
premature newborn, avoid
exposure to people with colds,
especially in the first two months
of life.

Clean and disinfect surfaces.

Revista médica Salud respiratoria
Cleans and disinfects surfaces
and objects that people touch
frequently, such as toys and door
knobs. This is especially
important if a family member is

Cover coughs and sneezes.

Cover your mouth and nose with
a tissue. Then throw the tissue
away and wash your hands or
use an alcohol-based hand

Use your own glass. Don't share

glasses with others, especially if
someone in your family is sick.
Wash your hands often. Wash
your and your child's hands
often. Have an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer on hand for you
and your child when they are
away from home.

Breast-feed. Respiratory infections

are significantly less common in
breastfed babies.
Revista médica Salud respiratoria

 Coordinadora general Carmen  Sociedad Colombiana de
Graciela Zamora Reyes Pediatra. Pediatría Regional Bogotá.
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Revista médica Salud respiratoria
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May 2020 edition

What is bronchiolitis and pneumonia, how can

we know it and others?
Revista médica Salud respiratoria

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