Letter of Transmittal: (Author Name) 1

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Letter of Transmittal

Date: April 23, 2018

Muslima Zahan
Assistant Professor
School of Business and Economics
North South University

Subject: Submission of Internship report

Dear Miss,
With due respect, this is my great pleasure to submit internship report on the experience gained
during my 3 months long internship period in Banglalink Digital Communication Ltd under
the “Supply Chain” department in “Procurement” section. I expect this report to be informative
as well as comprehensive.

Working in Banglalink Digital Communications Limited was inspiring and a great learning
experience for me. I hope this knowledge will facilitate me a lot in my future career endeavors.
I have given utmost care to be as thorough as possible for preparing this report.
With my limited knowledge, I have tried my level best to prepare the report worthwhile.
I sincerely hope that this report meets the approval and demonstrate my ability to present
internship report. I would be glad to present the department with any clarification if required.

Nazia Zabin Noushova
ID: 1330927030
North South University


The preparation of this report involves invaluable assistance and cooperation of a number of
people, without capitalizing on whose knowledge, the formidable task of completing this
assignment could not have been accomplished. Their contribution made this report
concentrate effectively.

To start off with heartiest thanks to my internship supervisor, Muslima Zahan, who has
relentlessly guided and advised me throughout my journey of analyzing the critical analysis
of supply chain management of Banglalink Digital Communication Ltd.
My utmost appreciation and gratitude extends to my Line Manager at Banglalink, Md
Wahidul Haque Shawon, Category Manager, for allowing me to steal a portion of his
valuable time and catering to my barrage of questions. I would also like to thank my other
team members of procurement section Nazirul Islam Khan, Fahim Mahmud and Md. Murfat
Abeden for giving me in-depth knowledge about Supply Chain workflow and the company as
a whole.

I would also like to thank all the other officials, for providing the necessary support in the
organization. Their guidance and co-operation helped me get a more active experience.
Moreover, they have provided me with the information regarding each and every operational
activity of the organization which helped me to get a better understanding of the tasks
performed at a MNC. I have thoroughly enjoyed working on the internship report and hope
the report is appreciated.

In addition, I must acknowledge the contribution of my dear parents for their support and
encourage. Lastly I would like to conclude by giving thanks to Almighty Allah for giving me
the strength and the aptitude to complete this report in due time.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 4
List of Abbreviations............................................................................................................. 5
List of Annexes ..................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6
Company Overview: Banglalink Digital Communication Limited ......................................... 7
Mission, Vision and Core Values .......................................................................................... 8
Operational network Organogram ....................................................................................... 10
Ownership Structure............................................................................................................ 11
Overview of Supply Chain Management of Banglalink ....................................................... 12
The Procurement Unit ......................................................................................................... 15
Procurement KPIs of Banglalink ......................................................................................... 18
Internship in the Procurement Department........................................................................... 20
Challenges during Internship ............................................................................................... 21
Findings and Recommendations .......................................................................................... 22
Introspection ....................................................................................................................... 24
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 26
References .......................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 28
Annex-A Weekly Journals .............................................................................................. 28
Annex-B: Offer letter ..................................................................................................... 51
Annex-C: Employer’s Satisfaction Survey ...................................................................... 52

Executive Summary

Banglalink is the second largest cellular provider in Bangladesh after Grameenphone. When
Banglalink entered the Bangladesh Telecommunication Industry in February 2005, the
scenario changed overnight with mobile telephony becoming an extremely useful and
affordable communication tool for people across all segments with innovative and attractive
products and services targeting the different market segments, aggressive improvements of
network quality and dedicated customer care; and effective communication that emotionally
connected customers with Banglalink.

The objective of the company is to ensure telecom facilities for all people of Bangladesh with
minimum cost. Therefore, they are trying to minimize this cost by improving their supply
chain department by implanting new strategies to overcome their faults.

Supply chain is one of the core functional departments of “Banglalink”. Throughout the
whole internship report I wanted to give a brief idea about the process of supply chain and
more specifically procurement unit along with a brief idea about my internship experience in

While doing internship I figure out the focal activities of supply chain of Banglalink, their
strength as well as some of the ways to improve the function. My internship experience
enabled me to develop my interpersonal skills like communication skills, technical skills as
well as gave a hint of understanding about corporate world which was the foremost objective
of my internship.

List of Abbreviations

 BoQ - Bill of Quantities

 BU - Business Unit
 CAPEX - Capital Expenditures
 FD - Functional Department
 MoM - Minutes of Meeting
 OpCo - Operational Company
 OPEX - Operational Expenditures
 PD - Procurement Department
 PO(s) - Purchase Order(s)
 RFI - Request for Information
 RFx - Request for Quote / Request for Proposal
 SLA - Service Level Agreement
 SPOC - Single Point of Contact
 SoW - Scope of Works
 TCO - Total Cost of Ownership
 KPI(s) – Key Performance Indicator(s)

List of Annexes

 Annex-A: Weekly Journals

 Annex-B: Offer letter
 Annex-C: Employer’s Satisfaction Survey


General objective of the project is to fulfil the internship requirement for BBA program. In
order to make students more competent, North South University requires the student to take an
internship course, as a BBA program requirement which helps us to get accustomed to the
business environment. To complete the course students need to spend three months at an
organization and submit an internship report.

The report focuses on the supply chain management activities because Banglalink is trying to
establish a new process of system to upgrade their procurement style in the company. I am
interested to do my report on this topic as it deals with the vendor management process, their
task assortment & employee satisfaction towards the offerings. It requires focusing on the
employees choices regarding contract management assistant. It also finds out new array for
supply chain. That’s why I am really encouraged to do research on vendor management process
by focusing on the contract management particularly. Other than determining the key supply
chain management process for management, my report will also be useful to employees,
management practioners, competitors, industry and the society as a whole. Employees can find
out how well or how bad the supply chain management process is doing based in their
satisfaction towards the organizational environment. Management practitioners can gain
important insights regarding the areas for improvement or adequate spheres. Competitors can
also benefit from the outcomes of this study by getting an indication of where to focus its

Company Overview: Banglalink Digital Communication

Company Description

Banglalink Digital Communications Limited is the second largest company in the telecom
sector of Bangladesh. It (previously Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Limited) is fully owned by
Telecom Ventures Ltd. (previously Orascom Telecom Ventures Limited) of Malta, which is a
100% owned subsidiary of Global Telecom Holding. Since Banglalink’s launch in February
2005, its impact was felt immediately: overnight mobile telephony became an affordable option
for customers across a wide range of market segments.
Banglalink’s initial success was based on a simple mission: “bringing mobile telephony to the
masses” which was the cornerstone of its strategy. Banglalink changed the mobile phone status
from luxury to a necessity, brought mobile telephone to the general people of Bangladesh and
made a place in their hearts.
Banglalink’s growth over the preceding years have been fuelled with innovative products and
services targeting different market segments, aggressive improvement of network quality and
dedicated customer care, creating an extensive distribution network across the country, and
establishing a strong brand that emotionally connected customers with Banglalink.

Mission, Vision and Core Values

“To understand people’s needs best and develop appropriate communication services to
improve people’s lives and make it simple.”

The strategy the company has adopted to achieve this vision is based upon its commitment
to integration- both the internal integration of all business operations as well as integration
of Banglalink’s core competencies with those of its customers. The company supports the
vision with four key goals to serve its customers- operational excellence, technological
leadership, innovative business relationships and maintenance of a dynamic workforce.


Segmented approach in terms of products and services.

Delivering superior benefits in every phase of the customer experience (before, during and
after sales).
Creating optimum shareholder value.

Core Values
Customer Obsessed
 They are driven by their customer insight - all their digital innovations are borne
out of customers’ needs.
 They never stop. They are always moving, looking for the next disruptive digital
 They are adventurous and excited about trying new things.
 They are quick to bring new digital products and services to market, always driven
by a clear customer need.
 They don’t follow the status quo, they are passionate about creating their own path.
 They have an ownership mentality, demonstrating passion and taking responsibility
of the business as if it their own.
 They are agile and dynamic. They like to push boundaries and explore what’s

 They are not held back by a fear of failure and are always looking to develop
new things.
 They take smart risks, but only when it’s in their customers best interests.

 They bring people together by their passion for customers.
 They work with each other and they respect the time of others.
 They don’t look to blame, they look for solutions to problems and they take
 They partner with others in order to achieve more.
 When doing things together, they do them smarter and faster.
 They are open, honest and demonstrate integrity and respect in all their dealings –
both internally and externally.
 They are trustworthy; they keep their promises and admit their mistakes.
 They are focused on upholding the highest level of ethics at all times.
 They set clear expectations and communicate feedback in transparent and respectful


“Start Something New” is their new

slogan which inspires to
always think something out of the box.

Operational network Organogram


Board of Directors

Erik Aas

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Technical Officer

Anton Landman Pierre Boutros Obeid

Chief legal Officer & Chief Human Resources &

Company Secretary Administration Officer
Jahrat Adib Chowdhury
Chief Corporate & Regulatory
Chief Marketing Officer

Mike Michel
Chief Procurement Officer

Ralf Mittelstaedt

Banglalink maintains organizational hierarchy like other multinational companies. After

having Shareholders & Board of Directors at the top Erik Aas is the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) & Managing Director. Under his supervision there are several head of the departments
like, Anton Landman the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Pierre Boutros Obeid the Chief
Technical Officer (CTO), Jahrat Adib Chowdhury the Chief legal Officer & Company
Secretary, Monzula Morshed the Chief Human Resources & Administration Officer etc.

Ownership Structure
The structure of shareholders is shown below using an exhibit:

Fig: Ownership Structure of Banglalink

[Source: Banlalink Digital Communications Ltd. Annual Report (2013)]

Overview of Supply Chain Management of Banglalink

Supply chain department is one of the core functional departments of Banglalink which works
under the umbrella finance. In Banglalink function of supply chain is so important for its whole
business operation. Supply chain department has to co-ordinate with each and every department
of the Banglalink in order to run its operation effectively and efficiently. Every purchase of
Banglalink has gone through the supply chain. In order to work effectively supply chain is
divided in several units. They are supply chain-Procurement, supply chain- strategy and
planning, supply chain- reporting and performance management, supply chain-logistic, supply
chain-warehouse, supply chain-contract management, supply chain- SIM and Scratch card

Procurement is the acquisition of goods and /or services at the best possible payment terms,
through selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, in the right
quantity and quality, at the right time, in the right place for the direct benefit or use of the
organization. By procurement, in simpler terms, we understand something that encompasses
the whole process of acquiring property and services. It begins when the department identifies
a need and decides on its procurement requirement.

The three main functions of sourcing are:

1) Find out the pool of right vendors at the right time for placing before the procurement team
as per the requirements of user departments.
2) Vendor enlistment
3) Vendor management.

Before knowing the details about working function of direct sourcing it is important to
know about the flow of function of supply chain-procurement. It starts with the submission of
purchase request (PR) and ends with issuing purchase order (PO). In between there are several
steps to execute the whole function.

The other functions of supply chain units are briefly as follows:

Supply-Chain warehouse: The function of warehouse is to store all the technical and non-
technical material, equipment and tools in an efficient way so that it can be placed to the right
place at right time in right quantity. Banglalink has 13 warehouse situated in different part of
the country. They are Ashulia warehouse, Barisal warehouse, Bogra warehouse, Comilla
warehouse, Chittagong warehouse, Faridpur Warehouse, Khulna warehouse, Mohakhali
warehouse, Mymensingh warehouse. Rajshahi warehouse, Rangpur warehouse, Sylhet
warehouse and Khustia warehouse.

Supply- Chain Logistic: The function of logistic is to distribute the product and service to the
user. Banglalink is operated country wide. In order to remain competitive in the market it needs
a solid distribution channel to ensure the consumer as well as the user department gets the right
product and service at the right time. Logistic meet up this criteria.

Supply Chain SIM and SC operation: SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) and SC
(Scratch Card) are the two main items for Telecommunication Company. Based on their
importance there is a separate unit called SIM and SC operation closely worked with logistic
and warehouse to ensure the availability of SIM and Scratch Card in the market so that
Banglalink does not have to lose important market share and revenue. Its main function is to
maintain adequate amount of SIM and Scratch Card in the warehouse to meet the market

Supply Chain-Planning and Performance Management: The main function of this unit is
to prepare the plan regarding the whole supply chain. Making rules and regulations, creating
terms, developing strategies and reporting to the higher authority.

The Procurement Unit

Procurement is the acquisition of goods and /or services at the best possible payment terms,
through selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, in the right
quantity and quality, at the right time, in the right place for the direct benefit or use of the

By procurement, in simpler terms, we understand something that encompasses the whole

process of acquiring property and services. It begins when the department identifies a need and
decides on its procurement requirement.

Figure- Global Procurement Process of Banglalink

In general, two types of procurement can be observed in organizations. They include:

 Direct procurement: Direct procurement is usually performed by a full-time

professional operating within a “purchasing department”.

 Indirect procurement: Indirect procurement may be handled by a separate department.

However, it is also performed by people in all areas of a company; procurement is not

their full-time role.

The procurement division in Banglalink works under the accounting and finance department
and plays a major role in maintaining a good collaboration with other departments within the
organization. Procurement team works under two sections, namely:

1. Procurement Technical

2. Procurement Non-technical

Procurement Technical

As I mentioned earlier, procurement department plays a vital role of the organization and the
technical team plays one of the most crucial functions to expand its network capacity. This

team primarily works for purchasing goods concerning civil construction such as
equipment‟s, towers, generators, BTS, base stations and others. Technical team mainly
receives request from Network Deployment for their huge requirement regarding network

For example, when Network deployment identifies the need for network expansion in certain
areas and thus require setting up of BTS tower and antennas in both Greenfield and Rooftop,
they sent Purchase Request to Technical team. Vendor will start work only when they are
supposed to receive the Purchase Order from procurement. As a result, the user departments
always need to rely on procurement team for any type of request for technical purchase as
Procurement team has the authority of Purchase Order creation.

Procurement Non-Technical

Procurement Non-Technical deals with only purchase of non-technical materials needed by the
various functional units of Banglalink. Purchase Requests are raised by the following

1) Marketing

2) Sales

3) Admin

4) IT

5) Customer Care Department (CCD)

6) Human Resource Management.

Procurement KPIs of Banglalink
Procurement KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) include following three groups of indicators:

Ordering indicators
It aim to measure procurement capacity to manage procurement spent in terms of number of
transactions, reducing operational risk by ordering according to fixed complete terms and
conditions with Suppliers; concentration of procurement spent to certain Suppliers and the
value of procurement spend that follow process of Single Sourcing.

 POs linked to Contracts/FAs
 Single Source
 POs issued
 Value ordered to good performer
 Rating distribution

Financial indicators

They aim to measure effectiveness of contribution of Procurement Departments to company’s

objectives of spend reduction by producing savings and company cash flow by leveraging on
payment terms.

 Technology categories – Operational Expenditure (‘OpEx’) savings;
 Technology categories – Capital Expenditure (‘CapEx’) savings;
 Technology categories – Future Year(s) Total Cost of Ownership (‘TCO’) savings;
 Indirect categories – OpEx savings;
 Indirect categories – CapEx savings;
 Indirect categories – Future Year(s) TCO savings;
 Payment terms.

Process indicators
They aim to represent:
 The capacity of procurement to effectively contribute in meeting Company’s time to
market targets;
 Duration of Group led initiatives results implementation;
 Quality of reporting.

 Time from PR date to PO issued date
 Contracts/FAs negotiated;
 GFAs implementation;
 Tenders;

Internship in the Procurement Department

Company Department Unit Line Manager Exit Date
Banglalink Digital Md Wahidul
Supply Chain Procurement 10-Jan-18 9-Apr-18
Communications Ltd. Haque Shawon

Job Description

 Approve all the Purchase Order (PR) and purchase all the product from vendors.
 Maintain all the inventories in the warehouse.
 Maintain the delivery related process and ensure the product on site within due time.
 Maintain Vendor database.

Specific responsibilities of the job

1. Preparing Vendor database.

2. Update PO/PR summary in ORACLE
3. Writing meeting minute.
4. Update Capex related data from category managers.
5. Invitation to bid & bid evaluation,
6. Managing the relationship between vendors and users,
7. Risk management
8. ERP Software management
9. Meeting Management

Key Performance Indicators of job performance

 Prepare all documents on time.

 Update any changes on PR/PO summary on time and provide feedback to the manager.
 Assist day to day activities to procurement team.

Challenges during Internship

This part of my report may sound unrealistic to many people but as a matter of fact I hardly
faced any difficulties in my workplace. In the three months’ time, I was rather in a place with
everything going in my way. All the people at Banglalink are just that good to make the
workplace a dream place to work on. I was very lucky to have got the chance to be an intern
at Banglalink among the nice people and in such a nice environment. My supervisors were
too good to keep me out of difficulties as they always put me under their safe umbrella. Not
for a single moment I felt that I was new or know nothing about the working pattern of the
organization, they made me feel comfortable that I could work with ease and comfort. I got
every help possible from my supervisors from day one till my last day. There were sometime
difficulties with the works I did but never found it difficult to solve those in the presence of
Shawon, Nazir and Murfat. They were very helpful to me and helped me in all the stages in
needed help.
Also during the internship there were many other interns, around forty of us. So it really was
not very hard because there were many familiar faces from North South University. I have to
say that I bonded really well with the other interns and also my colleagues. I learned a lot and
also had lots of fun during those three months.

Findings and Recommendations

Although Banglalink is a well-organized and well developed organization with state of the
earth technology but in my perspective there are some fields where they can improve. They
have been mentioned below-
 Firstly, In “Due Diligence” process for vendor enlistment Banglalink takes both hard
copies and soft copies which eventually took a longer time for closing up the whole
process. Again it needed lot of space for the bulk amount of papers which were
submitted by vendors. If they can automate whole system than it will certainly saves
time and space. In this way vendors will submit the soft copies and for the legal papers
which are important they will submit both hard and soft copies.

 The management and commercial co-coordinators in the Procurement unit need to be

more accountable and responsible for their decisions and activities before starting any
contract with the vendors. Gap between management at different levels has to be
decreased. Supervisors need to become aware of the status of procurement activities
and projects handled by the officers. This will help contract management to have proper
information about the vendors and the process will be a little easier for both the parties.
 The number of employees needs to increase in the contract management team to
increase their efficiency at work and should be given required training sessions.
 More collaboration is required among the department of supply chain while selecting
the vendors for the company.
 More technological efficiency need to be brought for the efficiency of their
 The current structure/organogram of Contract Management needs to be updated to
make the department suitable for the age of digital technology.
 Vendor helpdesk should be created to provide guidelines to interested vendors.
Suggestion box should be provided for the vendors to know about the changes they
want from Banglalink.
 Most vendors need to develop adequate IT infrastructure to keep up with Banglalink
and get new types of works, especially in the data business. Modern communication
facilities like e-mail usage and constant internet connection should be set up.

 Important personnel of partner organizations like Key account managers should
be given easy and quick access to Banglalink offices and premises.
 Finally, in my perspective, there was shortage of personnel in sourcing and compliance
department which need to be fill up to make the proceedings more efficient.


When I joined Banglalink as an intern, my expectations were at many cases somewhat different
to what I experienced. In the university, we were taught to evaluate things strictly by the
formula, especially by using financial ratio calculations. We were also taught various
theoretical rules and principles regarding the topics which were taught. However, in reality
each organization has its own set of rules where pragmatic assumptions and approximations
are also taken into account while taking any decisions.
At very first day when they told me, I going to work in supply chain my question was I am a
Finance major I could I work in supply chain. After some time I realize supply chain is closely
related with finance. To work here you have to be very good in excel. And some invoice related
works also there. But it’s not related to the theory that we learn in our university.
For instance, in class we were taught about how the cash discounts are given by the vendors if
the payments are made earlier, for example 2/10, net 30 means that if the payments are made
10 days after the invoice date, a 2 percent discount from the purchase price can be taken.
However, in reality I observed that no such things existed as cash discount because the
company simply cannot afford to pay earlier than the fixed payment terms.

For instance, in class we were taught about how the cash discounts are given by the vendors if
the payments are made earlier, for example 2/10, net 30 means that if the payments are made
10 days after the invoice date, a 2 percent discount from the purchase price can be taken.
However, in reality I observed that no such things existed as cash discount because the
company simply cannot afford to pay earlier than the fixed payment terms.

We were also given vigorous in-class training on how to conduct the accounting calculations
and to make the financial statements such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account, Balance
Sheet etc. but in reality, these calculations are barely done by employees in large organizations
like Banglalink where the entire system is automated. The finance department needs to give
the journal entries along with the GL (General Ledger) codes in Oracle and all the rest things
are automatically done in the system. Moreover, I also expected that managing inventory was
a major role for finance department but in reality I have observed that the company has a
different material management team which deals with inventory and related things. As a result

of this the finance department has hardly any responsibility regarding inventory
calculations. However, one team from finance work to keep track of the inventories to make
sure the outputs and inputs are recorded and taken into account correctly and they contribute
more during the auditing period where physical count of the inventories is done.

Even the trivial things like dressing up for the office had been different to what I had expected.
It was more casual that what I thought. I was also expecting that I might have to work till 7 or
8 pm with little break in between as was the general practice in many local and even MNCs
here in Bangladesh. As an intern I was never asked to stay more than 9 working hours.
Although the regular employees work little more than nine hours every day, this is because of
the amount of work. Working long hours does not make an office efficient and effective rather
it implies that the workers are inefficient and unable to complete the work in the allocated time.
The emphasis on break between works is also very high.


Banglalink delivers the finest class 4G service to its customers in Bangladesh. The operational
goal is being achieved through the development of vendors’ management system while
focusing on their supply chain departments’ improvement. In Banglalink the contract,
procurement, logistical, warehouse & inventory procedures are handled the Supply chain
management department. To procure any products and/ services, the Procurement unit of
Bengalink’s supply chain department has to follow a systematic procedure consisting of
various steps. In past this department has to face problems and binding while working on their
process due to miscommunication with their vendors and support from the other departments.
Key challenges specific to different stages are: Lack of knowledge and skill of user department
personnel about purchase orders, lack of coordination between different departments in supply
chain members and disagreements between vendors and Banglalink about the penalty costs
calculations due to delays in shipment and in clearing of goods from ports etc. However,
contract management department has actually helped them to improve with that condition and
maintain a healthy relationship with their vendors.

However, Recommendation for procurement department is that they need to increase the
number of employees in their team and they need to divide their workloads in between their
members. Besides, using new technological software for maintain the data up to dates will help
them to track down these contracts more efficiently. Moreover, by sharing the price information
and vendors payment methods will help contract management team to track down whether
there is any vendor to take that money or the company is paying their money to unknown

As a whole this intenship program has actually helped all of us to improve our skills while
changing our perspective about the vendors’ management that we have learned so far from our
normal text books. A multinational company like Banglalink has actually helped me to learn
this new medium of process while giving me a co-operative environment to work.


1. Annual report (2013-2209), http://www.banglalink.com.bd/en/media-center/annual-

2. Gartner(2015), Vendor Management, http://www.gartner.com/it-glossary/vendor-
3. Perelman(2007), Six steps to successful vendor management,
4. Islam(2010), Bangladesh Telecom sectors & their challenges,
5. Banglalink (2015), http://www.banglalink.com.bd/en/#,
6. Minlaw (2013), the contract act 1872,THE CONTRACT
7. Businessdirectory, 2014, contract law,
8. Syed RobayetFerdous, 2009, CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT IN


Annex-A Weekly Journals

Week 1: Journal 1 (January 11, 2018- January 18, 2018)

My internship started on January 11th, 2018 at Banglalink Digital Communication. My

internship program started along with other 38 interns from various other universities. The
Banglalink Advance Internship Program officially started with signing the internship contract
and other necessary papers. I was first taken by another previous intern to my designated floor
which I would later find it to be the fifth floor. The fifth floor has the finance department. I was
hired in the Supply Chain Department which is another branch under the finance department.
The Supply Chain Department is also known as the Procurement Department in Banglalink.

The Procurement Department

The preocurement department of Banglalink mainly deals with various vendors. Starting from
the technical parts needed for Banglalink to operate, like antennas, pillars, sites to the mere
teabags needed for the employees of Banglalink, every purchase is dealt by the procurement
department. The different purchases, vendors, vendor claims and auctions are some of the
notable activities of this department. Maybe because of this vast array of things purchased in
this department, things are never the same like the previous day.

New Experiences

In this department, another intern was also assigned with me. We both have different line
managers but it is more like a teamwork in this department. Hence not necessarily my work is
given by my line manager only. Any member from our team can assign us jobs. This has also
helped a lot in my learning curve because each category manager has different task that they
look after.

Work Done

The first day was spent in introduction and trying to settle in the new environment. My Line
Manager, Md. Wahidul Haque Shawon is an amiable and very understanding person. He did
his utmost to make me feel comfortable. He gave a tour of procurement department and
introduced me with everyone.

On the second day of the week Md. Wahidul Haque Shawon (Category Manager) briefed me
about the work they do and explained me the entire process. He introduced me with the
department head Ralf Mittlestaedt. It was very nice to talk with him.

Then I was given to very important vendor list and asked to update the files. It was a
really big file and it took me around 3 days to finish it. There were 500 vendor list, and I had
to update all of them and find out which of them were not anymore vendors of Banglalink. I
had to update their mail address, phone number and contact person.

Among all this I had other works like receiving vendors, scanning all papers and photocopy.


During my work with the vendor contact list, I learned to some excel functions like VLookup
It helped me to work efficiently and fast. After doing excel work he showed me how to use
scan machine. I got my official intern email id and using that he showed me how I can directly
save my mail address in the scanner and get scan PDF files in my official mail account.


As most of my works are in excel also as finance and accounting student this excel work is
very helpful to me. When I work in excel I can relate it with my studies. Using different
formulas and shortcuts in excel is very useful for my future learning.

Notable Incident

As I’m working in Procurement Department, there was not many notable incidents in the first
week. Although a category manager got married and I was invited in his wedding. Also for his
wedding, the responsibility of collecting wedding gift for that manager’s wedding was on me
and the other intern. So this is how the first week was spent of my internship.

Week 2: Journal 2 (19th January, 2018 – 25th January, 2018)

This was my second week at Banglalink Digital Communication. Things were easier and more
comfortable for me. It was a great pleasure for me to work with such talented and friendly
employees. Every person there is very co-operative. The environment is very amiable. They
assisted me in every possible means. I have tried to cope up with the organization’s culture
along with the rules and practices with more dedication and respect.

New Experiences

As I was moving towards the second week and as things were becoming much more
comfortable for me, the work load assigned to me was also increased. What was interesting for
me is that during every new work I was given, I was explained about it a lot and it was taken
for granted that I knew everything.

Work Done

After the weekend in the second week of my internship, I got to know about a tradition of my
group which was the daily weekly meeting. Every Tuesday the entire team which consists of
CPO’s office, Procurement Logistics and all the category managers gather in a meeting room
to discuss their weekly progress and their goals. My line manager, Mr. Shawon told me to
create MOM (Minutes of Meetings). In MOM I was asked to record the important highlights
of the meeting. I was also taught to work in Oracle where all the information of every purchase
is recorded. I learned how to download data and filter them according to the different
departments. I was also given two different sets of data from two different years and compare
and highlight the differences.

Among all this I had other works like receiving vendors, scanning all papers and photocopy.


During my work with the MOM, I learned to highlight and record the important things in a 2-
hour meeting. It helped me to edit and distinguish between things which are important and
which aren’t. During the comparison of the data and price list of different years, I had an overall
idea of the types of things which are needed by a telecom companies.


Most of the work is done as a team so the members of this organization are really dependent
on each other. Which is mostly a good thing because everyone has each other’s back. But
sometimes this is a drawback as well because if the other person is busy or unavailable the
work somehow comes to a stop.

Notable Incident

I was asked to be present in one of the commercial negotiation of the company with a very
important vendor. By being present in the commercial negotiation, I got to see how things work
in the real life and how to deal with the negotiations of price and the contract terms.

Week 3: Journal 3 (26th January, 2018 – 1st February, 2018)

The third week at Banglalink Digital Communication started from 28th January, 2018. In this
week, our CPO Ralf Mittlestaedt gave the whole department a lunch treat. The treat was from
KFC. It was arranged so that we could get a chance to know each other in a better way. During
the third week span, we, the interns of the ‘Tiger’s Den’- Banglalink headquarter, became very
close with our seniors which delineated a friendly environment of this organization and
workplace culture.

Work Done

This week I was assigned an important task. I was asked to find out about an agreement between
Banglalink and Huawei. There was a VAT issue regarding this two companies. Apparently due
to change in the Governmental Laws, the VAT issued which was 6% changed to 15%. I was
asked to determine the extra payment to be made and also to contact the people from Huawei
and to arrange a meeting room regarding this. So starting from calling the people and then
assigning a room, time and papers for the meeting, all was done by me. In fact my Manager
even gave me an opportunity to start the meeting which was a very important moment for me.


When I was arranging this meeting between Huawei and Banglalink I learned how to book a
room using Microsoft Outlook. It was very interesting to see these rooms could be booked and
also with the help of the scheduling assistant, I also could see when, which room was booked
and by whom. My line manager taught me some important things in excel. Like, to copy and
move one excel page exactly to another excel book without opening. I learned how to merge
two excel sheets in one.


Employees are very active towards their work. They maintain office time, rules and regulation
strictly. Office hour starts at 9.00 am and ends at 6.00. Interns are also expected to work for the
entire office hours but there are times where flexibility is offered. The employees check in time
was pretty much accurate in spite of having flexible time. In fact when the workload is heavy,
the employees use extended time to sort everything out. This gives an insight about the
organization that they are very punctual. I also got to know that the department maintains a
strict equal opportunity policy as I have come to see that there are people physically
handicapped but working in a very senior position.
Notable Incident

The one notable incident was on Thursday, there was a Pitha Utshob arranged by Banglalink.
There were various sorts of pitha and Baul singer who sang funny songs about Banglalink. It
was a very interesting experience for me.

Week 4: Journal 4 (2nd February, 2018 – 8th February, 2018)

My fourth week at Banglalink started on 4th February as after my weekend. As time passed
by, the workplace and the people working within the organization became very flexible with
us and it helped me to get used to this friendly environment. The works became very interesting
as the senior officer assisted me to learn different aspects of Excel and how to input information
in it. This week completed my first month at Banglalink.

Work Done

This week was a bit relaxing for me as the work load became low form last week. This week
was going to complete my first month of joining. So, my colleagues from human resource
department called me for opening a bank account. I went there and filled my bank account form
happily. I also had similar jobs like the previous weeks which included making MOM,
collecting vendors, preserving various legal papers in zip files and inputting data in oracle.
Another new which I was given during the week was to make a CS. CS was made for a
commercial TVC. I was given a format and some files and asked to find the information from
the files. The picture of the file is attached at the end.


During my work with the CS, I got to know about how TVCs are made, the script and the
remuneration of certain artists and the budget of such projects.


As last week, was end of January month so human resource department was quite busy. As I
worked and helped my colleagues in my free time I saw had an extra pressure upon them. It
was good to see how other department works. It was something new for me to learn how to
manage employees’ documents and I was happy to help.

Notable Incident

A colleague who has been in Banglalink was going to leave his job and settle in Canada. So
me and the other intern, we both were assigned the job to arrange a farewell for him and collect
funds. We planned to give him a huge surprise and it was a fun experience to do something
creative for him.

Amar offer digital content development (Video) PR 22829
Festive Flims Jungle Films Studio Focus
Site Name Job Descriptions UOM Qty
Initial Price/Unit (BDT) Final Price/Unit (BDT) Initial Price/Unit (BDT) Final Price/Unit (BDT) Initial Price/Unit (BDT) Final Price/Unit (BDT)
Amar offer digital content development
N/A Job 1 BDT 700,000.00 BDT 650,000.00 BDT 1,026,300.00 BDT 950,700.00 BDT 1,107,450.00 BDT 842,950.00
Total Price (BDT) BDT 700,000.00 BDT 650,000.00 BDT 1,026,300.00 BDT 950,700.00 BDT 1,107,450.00 BDT 842,950.00
Technical Standing
RFQ details
Invited Vendors Studio Focus, Jungle Films and Festive Films
Offers received from: Studio Focus, Jungle Films and Festive Films
Technically qualified Studio Focus, Jungle Films and Festive Films
Awarded Vendor: Festive Flims
Commercial Terms:
Payment term: 60 days after delivery.
Payment terms:
Liquidated Damages: As per contract
Term sheet signed: *) PO will be issued directly to our creative agency " Asiatic" as per contract. 3rd Party payment will through agency
*) to be attached to CS for approval
Prepared By Approved By
Shawkat Hossain Md Saiful Alam
Category Manager Head of Category Management
On top of Budget Savings
In the Budget Savings
(Budget Price - Final
(Reference Price-Budget)
Referance Final Price of Selected Vendor Budget price)
Amount % Amount
944,583.33 650,000.00 800,000.00 144,583.33 22% 150,000
Defination of reference price:
1. Average of Technically Recommended Vendor.
2. The Final Price of selected vendor.
Week 5: Journal 5 (9th February, 2018 – 15th February, 2018)

The fifth week started in Banglalink and by now I was familiar with the work that I would have
to do. Although none of the issues which I had to deal with was similar to the work done
previously. Everyday little by little I got to learn something new. Also it was Banglaink’s 13 th
birthday so people were busier with the celebration.

Work Done

This week started with a lot of work. First it started with arranging two meetings with fourteen
different vendors. It was my responsibility to mail them, confirm them by calling, and arranging
the meeting room and receiving them. The first two days were spent arranging these. During
this week I also learned to use Oracle. All the data are preserved in Oracle. With my Manager’s
ID I entered Oracle and I learned how data could be downloaded and uploaded in Oracle.


While using Oracle I learned that there are so many different users and purchasers. It was very
interesting to how all these data are made and preserved in form of excel. Also since it’s a
common platform, any employee who has an ID and account can log into it and extract the
data. Many times I had to download POs (purchase order) and assign them to the buyers. The
buyers were actually the different category managers


The bond among the employees are very strong. They all are very understanding and involved
in each other lives. I was very astonished to see that they are actually friends in real life.

Notable Incident

This week was Banglalink’s 13th birthday so we had a celebration planned. There was a big
cake brought in and the Chief Officers were present who gave a speech about Banglalink and
all the future plans they had for Banglalink. It was truly an honour to be present among such
renowned people and to experience that.

Week 6: Journal 6 (16th February, 2018 – 22nd February, 2018)

The sixth week started in Banglalink and it was filled with preparations of the 4G launch. Every
department was totally busy with many technical issues that had to be done for its launch. So
entire Banglalink was busy with its preparation and then finally it was lauched on Tuesday 20,

Work Done

In this week, a lot of other tenders came and I helped in sorting out the tenders, selecting the
appropriate tenders and arranging meetings for these vendors.

Apart from that, I also learned to make a BoQ. The format was given and I actually had to fill
the details. Then another was making a memo. I also learned to make another CS (Comparative
Statement) for auction.


There was a sense of responsibility now that I had learnt my part of the due diligence procedure.
I knew what feedbacks I needed from the vendors and what documents were to be received.
Along with the routine, this week I had decided to learn a little more in details about my own
work and also expand my horizons. My line manager, had given me a more detailed view of
the sourcing unit which consisted of Direct Sourcing and Indirect Sourcing. Our team worked
with direct sourcing concerned with the technical area which meant our work was to go through
the due diligence procedure for vendors who supplied for direct support to the infrastructure.
The Indirect Sourcing team was concerned with the non-technical vendors, who support the
units indirectly, such as media, etc. I now had a clear idea of what my team’s part was in the
department. To my observation, most of our vendors fell into the risk zone – in-scope, which
called for thorough screening. The indirect vendors were less risky and mostly out-of-scope.
As per my curiosity, my line manager had told me that the direct vendors, those who worked
with power connections, etc. had to usually precede their work with government influence since
these contracts might be delayed due to certain reasons. Hence, our job was to make sure that
we do not select vendors who are not authentic and who may use influence of government
officials or bribery to get our work done, because it is important for the organization to stick to
the policies and guidelines. Moreover, if any of the companies seemed to be associated with
high risk in doing business, extra clauses could be added in the contract so that they comply
with the Banglalink policies. The concepts were getting clearer about this particular area of

“sourcing” and I was glad that I not only did my work because I had to, but I understood
it in depth. On the other hand, the procurement team seemed to have a lot of work. The word
“procurement” was a little more familiar to me than “sourcing” and Mr Shawon came from the
procurement team, which made it an added advantage to learn about it from him. He told me
that the procurement team had two subunits which were OPEX and CAPEX. While OPEX was
concerned with the total operations and services, CAPEX had to do with non-services (capital)
which in turn was either concerned with foreign or local vendors. In brief she had told me that
the user team had to make a purchase request to the procurement team, and if the budget was
80 lakhs or above then there was a call for tender. However, if the budget was below 80 lakhs,
it would be treated as a normal purchase. Thus, the procurement team would ask for the price
from vendors, following a revised price after which a market research was done and thus the
“rock bottom price” was asked for. After all the processes of selecting vendors, the budget was
compared with the final price and given to the CTO to qualify technically for which then
vendors were filtered. Lastly, vendors were selected and approved in terms of their technical
and financial offers and agreements were made. There was an even longer procedure for foreign
vendors. But my brains were only ready to absorb this much information for the time being.

Notable Incident

Since 4G was not yet launched officially, everyone was busy for the big inauguration. So a lot
of people were very busy but despite that everyone was making sure that I do understand what
I am doing and realize my contribution.

Week 7: Journal 7 (23rd February, 2018 – 1st March, 2018)

The seventh week started in Banglalink and finally was 4G launched officially. Every
department was asked to be present in the main building so that we could celebrate it.

What I liked about working at Banglalink, is that “office” was not as rigid as I thought it would
be. It was nicer. Everyone had the flexibility to do their work at their own times unless there
was some important deadline. Everyone took tea breaks, lunch breaks, evening snack breaks
and involved in funny conversations that would lift up the spirits of everyone. It should also be
mentioned that everyone was friendly and there wasn’t a huge segregation between the bosses
and the subordinates. The respect came from within, and no one had to impose it. I was very
comfortable in this work set up

Work Done and Learning

We sat with the bunch on documents from each company, verified them for one last time and
then started assessing the risk for the companies which were in-scope. Most of the vendors
were high risk vendors. The next part was that we took print outs of the documents and got it
signed by the local managers from the sourcing end. Mr Shawon sent me to with the documents
to the “compliance end” where the documents were to be verified following the company’s
compliance policies and only if the compliance team signed the papers, further steps could be
taken with the vendors. If there was any doubt about the authenticity of the vendors from the
compliance team, they would notify us and thus there would be site visits done to verify further.
Thus, after the site visits it would be decided whether the vendor would be taken to the next
process. With every new week, there was additional information I learnt of and a new process
was added to my work. All the enlisted vendors of Banglalink were being verified as per the
companies’ policy. We were given the protocol by our line manager that only after we collected
all the required document from the companies, we could move to the next procedures so that
our sourcing team wouldn’t have to take the blame for any flaws. Mr. Saiful also asked us to
verify the documents as per our best knowledge given the information from the vendors. The
sense of acknowledgement gets even better when a supervisor appreciates the effort. Hence, I
was on top of the world when Mr Shawon appreciated my skills of communication and
explaining to vendors. He said my personality suits to be a lecturer since I would explain to
vendors with a lot of patience. On this issue, I had realized that there were certain people who
weren’t easy to deal with and asked a lot of questions so that they could dodge not submitting
the documents. They would delay processes and even call at weekends for enquiries. What I

preferred doing on the contrary was to answer to their queries because it would actually
help me get my job done early. As I have mentioned earlier, everyone in my team were so
friendly, that it wasn’t just an obligation to get my work done but also my own interest to help
get the job done as soon as possible. This week I figured the bridge between the sourcing team
and the procurement in the sense that we had to first check with the vendor’s legal documents
and operations followed by the bridge between us and the compliance team where they verify
the documents and call up the references to check about the vendor operations.

Notable Incident

When 4G was about to be launched officially we were asked to gather at the entrance of the
main building and women were given scarves, men were given caps and t-shirts. It was an
amazing launch with confetti, speakers and games. It was amazing to watch all the employees
of Banglalink, uniting together in this launch.

Week 8: Journal 8 (2nd March, 2018 –8th March, 2018)

The eighth week in Banglalink was going to go a little busy as I was told by Mr Shawon. We
were supposed to start collecting and verifying documents for another group of vendors very
soon and so wanted to get over with the current vendors we had.

Work Done and Learning

So our whole team sat with my line manager and noted down points to follow up with vendors
while he explained certain things regarding the process. I also had the privilege to help in some
of the procurement teams’ work. I had to fill the new vendor creation form of vendors. I enjoyed
helping other teams with their work as a matter of fact. Moreover, since the “Sourcing” unit as
I mentioned earlier was a new phenomenon at Banglalink and not everyone was very familiar
with the due diligence process and screening of documents, in some ways I knew a lot about
the process. I was surely thankful to my line Manager, Mr. Shawon who had taught us about
the process and details and of course weeks of doing this routine work had made me feel like
an expert. There were times when I had to help other teams in the due diligence process which
made me feel very resourceful. Furthermore, I would also get appreciation and complements
on knowing the process well, of course with the guidance of my supervisors. The most
interesting event of this week or maybe my entire internship period was the site visit. If the
compliance found flaws or any fishiness in the operations or documents of vendors, there would
be a requirement for site visit, where members had to go from the sourcing and compliance

This week, I was also asked to make a vendor claim. I had to study the legal documents and
find out modules where it was mentioned what would cause discrepancy. I was also asked to
calculate the amount of money in taka and dollars which the vendor would have to pay. I had
a bit of difficulty in understanding the legal terms but I was helped by another manager and I
finally understood the whole thing.

Attached below is the Vendor Claim I made.

Dated 2/25/2018

Contract/PO No. Supplier PO Value Valid till Material Group / scope description User Department

559+52255+53243+5245 Fiber @ Home BDT 185,655,500.00 Fiberization connectivity O&M
Sl No Deviations Breach of Contract Month LD in BDT LD in USD
Annexure A> Module 3> SLA> 7.MTTR( Service Affected) < 3
hr ( from Notification by BL over phone/SMS/Mail).>8. MTTR(
1 Service Quality Nov 17-Dec 17 12735.21 $153.44
Not service Affected) < 5 hr ( from Notification time by BL
over phone/SMS/Mail)
Total $153.44
The calculation of penalty:
PO No Contract/PO Value
LD (Penalty) in BDT
52454 6912000 1289.880535
52451 8,820,000.00 1142.513587
52255 75,586,000.00 3786.537359
52559 209,500.00 103.0857488
52255 75,586,000.00 4017.179216
53243 2,810,000.00 232.7255727
52454 6912000 1878.086625
52451 8,820,000.00 285.2019051
Calculated service credit BDT 12,735.21
Actual amount after taking into consideration the capping clause BDT 12,735.21
Refering the penalty calculation sheet $ 153.44
In accordance with the above explained Banglalink demands Fiber @ home to pay the amount of calculated LD of BDT 12,735.21 which will be adjusted with the invoice of the PO
52255 .
Approved By Acknowleged By
Week 9: Journal 9 (9th March, 2018 –15th March, 2018)

The ninth week in Banglalink was also remarkable as I learned more about it in details.
Working in supply chain is a tough and challenging work. I got to know other departments
work by working here as we need to accumulate all departments work together. One advise
that I got from my line manager gave me is that here my work will be determined by how good
I can make others responsible to their work, because we are totally dependent on each other’s

Work Done and Learning

Banglalink is going through a renovation, for that purpose we need to prepare new database for
report keeping and others. So this week I prepare a block listed vendors database and send them
negative news massage through email that they are already blacklisted. It was a difficult
experience for me as I had to give vendors a bad news through email. I did learn about
communicating with others in a course but I found it much difficult in real life. I did take advice
on how to write it by my line manager. So I prepared a database regarding their existing vendors
and their contact information. It was a huge responsibility as I had an excel file which contained
the database of around 500 vendors. I also learnes lots of new things and new terms which has
different meaning in finance. I mainly need to prepare database which help me to learn new
formula and technique in excel. I also get to know about budget preparation. Company looks
at each category and their saving on last year and their KPI. Based on that, company prepares
their budget.

As usual we also had the weekly team meeting on Tuesday where everyone discussed their
performance, queries and plans for the following week. As a part of weekly regular task I took
notes, created the meeting minutes, downloaded the PR Tracking file and assigned the PRs to
various category managers.

Notable Incident

During this week, my line manager went to one of the site visits. Here I got to know that since
my line manager is dedicated for the buying of the various BTS towers, it is also part of his
responsibility to check that whether they are working or not. It sounded like a different
experience to me.

Week 10: Journal 10 (16th March, 2018 –22nd March, 2018)

The tenth week in Banglalink started with the realization that soon the place which became my
second home was going to end. It was an amazing experience to work with these unknown
people who became really close to me in a short span of time.

This week started with working with fixed assets team regarding the proper utilizations of
budget. I was mainly asked to be in some of the meetings as a representative of my team.

I was also assigned with the task of doing a survey regarding block listed vendors. I went to
every user department and asked about their block listed vendors. I try to find out whether we
have any dependence on those vendors. If we have any ongoing project, how to resolve that.
And also about their payment settlement.

As usual in the weekly meeting on Tuesday where everyone discuss their last week
performance and next week plan. During meeting I took notes and prepared meeting minute
and also emailed every member on the team so that it can act a reminder of their discussions.

Work Done and Learning

I was asked this week to call up several vendors and arrange a meeting room through Outlook.
This situation arises when the user department needs a purchase. Procurement is the purchasing
department. So whenever something is needed by any other departments of Banglalink, they
let the procurement department know and then it is upto the procurement department to look
for vendors and contant them. So I was given a list of vendors who were deemed to be capable
of doing the task and I was given the responsibility of arranging the meeting. When the meeting
with these vendors were done, they were asked to submit a technical and commercial (financial)
offer to Banglalink. When their financial offer is given, they are asked to attend a negotiation
in which the prices are negotiated and they are given another chance to present their final offer.
That is when I made another CS (comparative statement). I already made a CS before so it was
not difficult but it was bit more extended as it included seven vendors, their initial and final
offers, along with their prices per unit and the VAT included. It was pretty easy as I was already
given the excel format and had to just input data.

A picture of Outlook has been given below.

Week 11: Journal 11 (23rd March, 2018 –29th March, 2018)

The eleventh week started with the rush of month closing. During month closing, we need to
make reports where all the information about how much revenue we have and how much we
are making from last on air product or services are mentioned. We also have to summarize all
the information about the delivery of the product, inventories on the warehouse. For this I had
to go to the revenue department along with my line manager to get these information.

Work Done and Learning

I also learned more about budgeting. I got to learn that for every purchase there is a budget
allocated for it. For every price the vendors offer, Banglalink has their own price and depending
on that savings is calculated. Every category manager has to report their savings or over the
top expenditure. A picture of such an excel file is given below.

I loved working in ORACLE and as I got to know more about it, I was fascinated. ORACLE
is Banglalink’s internet system. Everything is updated in the ORACLE. The procurement
department also has a common share drive, where all the internal files are stored. These files
could be accessed by anyone from the team but as I was an intern, I did not have access to the
share drive. Though I was showed many times by my line manager Mr. Shawon that how it

I also saw that in ORACLE, if I give a certain PR number, every file attached to it can be seen.
BoQ is one of the files which contain information about the quantity and price of a certain
purchase. The BoQ is specially needed if the related PO has to be issued

I was also taught many new things in excel which were really helpful for me. I got to know so
many short cuts which made my life so easier. I have to say that after this, Excel actually
doesn’t scare me anymore. I also learned about KPI (Key performance indicator). The
procurement department also has to make reports on KPI report and savings plan. There are
also many other inventory management calculations GIT calculation and the differentiation of
vendor on market condition.

Week 12: Journal 12 (30th March, 2018 –9th April, 2018)
The twelfth week in Banglalink marked the end of my internship duration. It was a very
emotional week for me because I really got attached with my team members and also the
other interns who joined with me. It was a very difficult week for me and even my team
members realized it. They spent more time in talking with me, giving advice about my future
which was really helpful for me. Even the work I given to me also reduced because now I
would gone soon and they did not want to assign me under some big projects. It was a
difficult week for me.
Work Done and Learning
As usual, my job was to update the PR PO assignment. It was a regular responsibility of
mine. Firstly I had to download the updated excel file from ORACLE which gets updated
every moment, and then I send it to Nazirul Islam Khan. He usually assigns the POs to
various category manager. After the assignment it is my job to update the PO status again in
ORACLE. A picture of the ORACLE and the update table has been given below.
I was given another project, the last project during internship in Banglalink. It was to collect
the Acknowledgment Code of Conduct of VEON’s policy. It was a lengthy project and took
all of my last week to finish it. We had to collect this CoC (Code of Conduct) from all the
vendors that Banglalink has. It turned out to be a messy project as the proper number of
vendors always keeps on changing. New vendors are added, some of the vendors were a one-
time vendor and some were blacklisted. The accumulation of all the vendors, their
information and mailing them about this new rule turned out to be very hectic. But I am really
happy that at least at my last day I could hand over the file, which contained all the updated
vendor information. During my last day when I had to hand over my data, I felt really proud
that at least I did do something meaningful.
Notable Incidents
I got to learn a lot about the procurement department in the last 3 months. It was a delightful
experience for me. I was explained again and again upon my queries the different functions
of each of the different category managers, the logistics, the warehouse and the CPO office.
My line manager was really helpful and never got annoyed or disturbed no matter whatever
issues or questions I had.
Also as my last day neared, I got a lot of treats from my team members. The very last day we
had a huge team lunch only as a farewell to me. It was indeed a touching moment for me. I
left Banglalink on April 9, for the last time with lots of memories and good wishes for my
future, with the promise of maintaining all the friendships and acquaintances I have made in
the last 3 months.

Annex-B: Offer letter

Annex-C: Employer’s Satisfaction Survey


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