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K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas10 Bahasa Inggris

01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise

Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version : 2016-09 | halaman 1

01. What is the text above? 06. The underlined word “uniform” in
(A) The description of palaces in Marrakesh. paragraph 1 most nearly means ….
(B) The best destination in the world. (A) the clothing worn by members of the
(C) The description of Marrakesh. same organization.
(D) The most important city in Morocco. (B) identical.
(E) The history of Marrakesh. (C) changeable.
(D) different
02. Based on the text, you can find all the (E) costume.
followings in Marrakesh, EXCEPT ….
(A) Snake charmers. 07. Which may NOT be considered the wizards‟
(B) a toothbrush. look?
(C) turbaned potion-sellers. (A) Wearing robes or cloaks.
(D) palaces. (B) Wearing pointed hats.
(E) donkey carts. (C) Being an old man.
(D) Walking with a staff.
03. What is the topic of the text? (E) Showing wisdom.
(A) the Baroque and Renaissance architecture.
(B) the Renaissance architecture. 08. What is NOT TRUE according to the text?
(C) the Baroque architecture. (A) Enchantresses are more likely to appear
(D) the world‟s architecture. young.
(E) the architects. (B) The Germanic god Odin is the main
influence for Tolkien‟s Gandalf.
04. The synonym of the underlined word (C) In the Dragonlance Dungeons and
“abundance”most likely is… Dragons, the wizards‟ robes show moral
(A) enough. alignment.
(B) sufficient. (D) Crystal balls may be one of wizards‟
(C) quantity. accessories.
(D) importance. (E) Wizards‟ clothing is often typical.
(E) look.
09. The descriptions of the chocolate room
05. What is NOT TRUE according to the text? were below, EXCEPT ….
(A) the Baroque architecture had many circles (A) There were very big glass pipes high up
and straight lines. in the ceiling.
(B) the Baroque buildings were ornamented (B) There was a great river made of
in detail. chocolate.
(C) the Baroque buildings used many pilas- (C) There was a waterfall.
ters on facades. (D) There were thousands of buttercups in
(D) the Baroque architects also designed the meadows.
surrounding spaces around the (E) There were marshmallows along the
building. riverbanks.
(E) Garlands were used for the Baroque

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise

Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 2

10. What did each character do in the text

(A) Augustus Gloop took more than one
blade of grass.
(B) Violet Beauregarde stuck her blade of
grass behind her ear.
(C) Veruca Salt pointed at an Mr.Wonka
below the waterfall.
(D) Grandpa Joe ate the whole field of grass.
(E) Mr. Wonka asked everybody, except Au-
gustus Gloop, to try the swudge.

11. Below were the descriptions of Oompa-

Loompas, EXCEPT ....
(A) They were not larger than medium.sized
(B) They had funny long hair.
(C) There were five of them.
(D) They were able to walk.
(E) They had big mouths.

12. All of these were Mr Wonka’s claims,

(A) Oompa-Loompas were real people.
(B) The room they visited were important
for the whole business.
(C) The chocolate in the river was the finest
quality chocolate.
(D) Only Mr.Wonka‟s factory had chocolate
(E) Oompa-Loompas only existed in Mr.
Wonka‟s factory.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise

Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 3

Text A Text B
From the moment you arrive in Marrakesh, While Renaissance architecture was
you‟ll get the distinct feeling you‟ve left characterized by circles and straight lines, the
something behind - a toothbrush or socks, Baroque was the era of ovals and undulating
maybe? But no, what you‟ll be missing in walls which alternated between concave and
Marrakesh is predictability and all sense of convex. Baroque buildings became ever more
direction. Never mind: you‟re better off elaborately ornamented. Interiors were
without them here. Marrakesh is too packed covered in paintings, and windows and doors
with mind-boggling distractions and were capped with complex shapes. Garlands,
labyrinthine alleyways to adhere to boring vases, urns, cartouches, and scrolling were
linear logic. If you did have a destination, used for decoration. Composite capitals and
you‟d only be stopped by snake charmers, other variations on the ancient orders were
donkey carts, trendy silver leather poufs and used. Pilasters (columns partly attached to
ancient Berber cures for everything from walls) appeared on facades in great abundance.
relationships to rent. In order to appear more monumental,
Start at action-packed Djemaa el-Fna, and columns and pilasters were paired and often
if you can tear yourself away from the castanet extended over two or more stories, forming
-clanging water-sellers and turbaned potion- what is called the colossal order. In order to
sellers, head into Marrakesh‟s maze of covered maximize drama and grandeur, architects came
market streets. Dive in headfirst at any street to incorporate the spaces around buildings
headed north off the Djemaa el-Fna, and with themselves in their designs. The manipulation
any luck you‟ll emerge exhilarated and of the surrounding environments was highly
triumphant some hours later, carpet in tow. controlled. Shrubs and hedges were cut into
Marrakesh’s old town is an ideal place to cubic shapes, flowers were planted in
explore palaces, stay in a palatial traditional geometric patterns, and the gardens and
guesthouse, and sample a dish of piping-hot woodlands surrounding palaces were
snails. But it‟s worth leaving the old city penetrated by straight rays of avenues. This
occasionally for dinner, drinks, art galleries and total control molded the viewer‟s entire
fixed-price boutiques in the new town. Go experience of the shapes.
with the flow, and become an honorary
Marrakshi bahja (joyous one).

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise

Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 4

Text C Text D
The appearance of wizards in fantasy art, Taken from: Charlie and the Chocolate
and description in literature, is uniform to a Factory, by Roald Dahi.
great extent, from the appearance of Merlin in „An important room, this!‟ cried Mr
Arthurian related texts to those of Gandalf in Wonka, taking a bunch of keys from his
The Lord of the Rings. The association with age pocket and slipping one into the keyhole of
means that wizards, both men and women, are the door. „This is the nerve centre of the whole
often depicted as old, white-haired, and (for factory, the heart of the whole business! And
men) with long white beards so majestic as to so beautiful‟ I insist upon my rooms being
occasionally become host to lurking woodland beautiful! I can‟t abide ugliness in factories‟ In
creatures. It predates the modern fantasy we go, then! But do be careful, my dear
genre, being derived from the traditional image children! Don‟t lose your heads! Don‟t get
of wizards such as Merlin. Some theorize the over-excited! Keep very calm!‟
look of the wizard is modeled after the Mr Wonka opened the door. Five children
Germanic god Woden or Odin as he was and nine grown-ups pushed their way in —
described in his wanderer guise as being an old and oh, what an amazing sight it was that now
man with a long gray beard, baggy robes, a met their eyes‟
wide-brimmed hat and walking with a staff; he They were looking down upon a lovely
has been hypothesized as the main influence valley. There were green meadows on either
for Tolkien‟s Gandaif. Women, especially side of the valley, and along the bottom of it
those termed „enchantresses‟, are more likely there flowed a great brown river.
to appear young, though that is often the What is more, there was a tremendous
effect of magic. waterfall halfway along the river—a steep duff
Their clothing is often typical as well. over which the water curled and rolled in a
Wizards commonly wear robes or cloaks and solid sheet. and then went crashing down into
pointed hats. These are often brightly colored a boiling churning whirlpool of froth and
and spangled with stars and moons, spray.
astrological symbols, or with magical sigils. Below the waterfall (and this was the most
They may also be of gold. The coloring may astonishing sight of all), a whole mass of
have significance with in the fantasy worlds; in enormous glass pipes were dangling down into
The Lord of the Rings, the wizards have colors the river from somewhere high up in the
assigned to them, indicative of rank. When ceiling! They really were enormous, those
Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf the pipes. There must have been a dozen of them
White, it is a major ascension of status; at least, and they were sucking up the
whereas in the Dragonlance Dungeons and brownish muddy water from the river and
Dragons setting, the wizards show their moral carrying it away to goodness knows where.
alignment by their robes. Terry Pratchett And because they were made of glass, you
described this common attire as a way of could see the liquid flowing and bubbling
establishing to those they meet that the person along inside them, and above the noise of the
is capable of practicing magic. waterfall, you could hear the never-ending
Wizards may accessorize their wardrobe suck-suck-sucking sound of the pipes as they
with magical props, such as crystal balls, did their work.
wands, staves, books, potions, scrolls or
tinkling bells, while often rounding out their
appearance with ever-present animal
companions, which may act as familiars.
Stories in contemporary settings resembling
the real world, such as those of Harry Potter,
sometimes eschew some or all of these
trappings for more conventional attire.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise

Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 5

Continued from Text D

Graceful trees and bushes were growing ‘Isn’t it wonderful!’ whispered Charlie.
along the riverbanks— weeping willows and „Hasn‟t it got a wonderful taste, Grandpa?‟
alders and tall clumps of rhododendrons with ‘l could eat the whole field” said Grandpa
their pink and red and mauve blossoms. In the Joe, grinning with delight. „I could go around
meadows there were thousands of buttercups. on all fours like a cow and eat every blade of
‘There” cried Mr Wonka, dancing up and grass in the field!‟
down and pointing his gold-topped cane at the ‘Try a buttercup” cried Mr Wonka.
great brown river. „It‟s all chocolate! Every „They‟re even nicer!‟
drop of that river is hot melted chocolate of Suddenly, the air was filled with screams of
the finest quality. The very finest quality. excitement. The screams came from Veruca
There‟s enough chocolate in there to fill every Salt. She was pointing frantically to the other
bathtub in the entire country! And all the side of the river. „Look‟ Look over there” she
swimming pools as well! Isn‟t it terrific? And screamed. „What is it? He‟s moving‟ He‟s
just look at my pipes! They suck up the walking‟ It‟s a little person! It‟s a little man!
chocolate and carry it away to all the other Down there below the waterfall!‟
rooms in the factory where it is needed! Everybody stopped picking buttercups
Thousands of gallons an hour, my dear and stared across the river. „She‟s right,
children! Thousands and thousands of gallons!‟ Grandpa!‟ cried Charlie. „It is a little man! Can
The children and their parents were too you see him?‟
flabbergasted to speak. They were staggered. ‘I see him, Charlie!’ said Grandpa Joe
They were dumbfounded. They were excitedly.
bewildered and dazzIed. They were completely And now everybody started shouting at
bowled over by the hugeness of the whole once.
thing. They simply stood and stared. ‘There’s two of them!’
‘The waterfall is most important!’ Mr „My gosh, so there is!‟
Wonka went on. „It mixes the chocolate! It ‘There’s more than two! There’s one, two,
churns it up! It pounds it and beats it! It makes three, four, five!‟
it light and frothy! No other factory in the ‘What are they doing?’
world mixes its chocolate by waterfall! But it‟s ‘Where do they come from?’
the only way to do it properly! The only way! ‘Who are they?’
And do you like my trees?‟ he cried, pointing Children and parents a like rushed down
with his stick. „And my lovely bushes? Don‟t to the edge of the river to get a closer look.
you think they look pretty? I told you I hated ‘Aren’t they fantastic!’
ugliness! And of course they are all eatable‟ All . ‘No higher than my knee!’
made of something different and delicious! ‘Look at their funny long hair!’
And do you like my meadows? Do you like my The tiny men - they were no larger than
grass and my buttercups? The grass you are medium-sized dolls - had stopped what they
standing on, my dear little ones, is made of a were doing, and now they were staring back
new kind of soft, minty sugar that I‟ve just across the river at the visitors. One of them
invented! I call it swudge! Try a blade! Please pointed towards the children, and then he
do! It‟s detectable!‟ whispered something to the other four, and all
Automatically, everybody bent down and five of them burst into peals of laughter.
picked one blade of grass — everybody, that But they can’t be real people,’ Charhe said.
is, except Augustus Gloop, who took a big ‘Of course they’re real people,’ Mr Wonka
handful. answered. They‟re Oompa-Loompas.‟
And Violet Beauregarde, before tasting her
blade of grass, took the piece of world-record-
breaking chewing gum out of her mouth and
stuck it carefully behind her ear.

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