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K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris

02 Expressing Surprise & Disbelief, Congratulating, Complimenting - Exercise

Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0202 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 1

01. Read the conversation below.

Joey : “Goodness! He almost killed
Kate :“ . He seems happy.”
The most appropriate expression to show
surprise is…
(A) Wrong.
(B) I can’t believe it.
(C) Yes.

02. Read the conversation below.

Jesse : “Your face is charming.”
Kylie : “Really? “
The most appropate expression to fill the
gap to accept the compliment is…
(A) It’s not my real face.
(B) It is not mine.
(C) You are too kind.

03. Read the conversation below.

Citra :“ “
The best expression to show compliment is

(A) What a gorgeous dress.
(B) What a terrible hair.
(C) Are you here for a halloween party?

04. Read the conversation below.

Bemy :”I know that your birthday is
tomorrow, but I want to be the
first person to .”
The most appropate expression to fill the
gap is…
(A) congratulations!
(B) congratulate.
(C) say happy birthday to you.

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