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Materials Today: Proceedings

Damaged Evaluation for Sandwich Material on Side Plate Hull Using Experiment Modal
--Manuscript Draft--

Manuscript Number:

Article Type: SI: ICMSE 2020

Keywords: sandwich material; damage; identification; experiment modal analysis; vibration;

natural frequency

Corresponding Author: Achmad Zubaydi, Professor

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

First Author: Rizky Chandra Ariesta, Bachelor Degree

Order of Authors: Rizky Chandra Ariesta, Bachelor Degree

Achmad Zubaydi, Professor

Abdi Ismail, Bachelor Degree

Tuswan Tuswan, Bachelor Degree

Abstract: Sandwich material is a material innovation that is applied widely. One example is the
sandwich material in ship construction. The application of the sandwich material
provides the advantages of reduced weight and toughness under impact loads. In the
development of this material can be damaged. The majority of damage that occurred in
the core of the material was hard to identify. In this study, the identification of damage
evaluates by testing the sandwich material on a laboratory scale. The damage
evaluate by experiments modal analysis (EMA). This technique uses a vibration base
to determine damage to the material. Damage indicators detect when there is a natural
frequency decrease in the frequency of the sandwich material.

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☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
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Figure 1 Click here to access/download;Figure;Figure 1. Sandwich Material Details.jpg
Figure 2 Click here to access/download;Figure;Figure 2. Set up Experiment.jpg
Figure 3 Click here to access/download;Figure;Figure 3. Measurement Data Input.jpg
Figure 4 Click here to access/download;Figure;Figure 4. Vibration Response.jpg
Figure 5 Click here to access/download;Figure;Figure 5. Frequency Response Function.jpg
Manuscript Click here to view linked References

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ICMSE 2021

Damaged Evaluation for Sandwich Material on Side Plate Hull

Using Experiment Modal Analysis
R C Ariesta, A. Zubaydi, A. Ismail, Tuswan
Departement of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Marine Techmology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia


Sandwich material is a material innovation that is applied widely. One example is the sandwich material in ship construction. The
application of the sandwich material provides the advantages of reduced weight and toughness under impact loads. In the
development of this material can be damaged. The majority of damage that occurred in the core of the material was hard to identify.
In this study, the identification of damage evaluates by testing the sandwich material on a laboratory scale. The damage evaluate
by experiments modal analysis (EMA). This technique uses a vibration base to determine damage to the material. Damage
indicators detect when there is a natural frequency decrease in the frequency of the sandwich material.

[copyright information to be updated in production process]

Keywords: sandwich material; damage; identification; experiment modal analysis; vibration; natural frequency

1. Introduction

Material innovation in the world is experiencing rapid development. Sandwich material one example is utilization
in the civil, aircraft, shipping, and rail industries [1]. Development support by advances in material production
technology. Especially, sandwich material in the shipping industry has any advantage to use. That aims to obtain a
construction system that is strong and lightweight so that it can increase the capacity of the ship's load. This goal is an
advantage in the use of sandwich materials in the shipping industry [2]. Improved functionality of the sandwich
material is not without problems. The problem is damage inside the core material [3]. Vibration-based damage
identification develops to quantify the damage. This evaluation technique has several classifications for determining
the damaged type. This identification level divide into four. The first is to determine the presence (a), then identifies
the location (b), know the amount (c), and predict the remaining life with the damage (d) [4]. Vibration-based damage
identification on ship plates using the finite element method applied to facilitate inspection of the damaged [5,6,7].
The current study analysis focus on the damage identification Tanker 17500 DWT hull sandwich plate design. The
side hull plate lies in the parallel area of the middle body of the draft waterline. The side hull plate design developed
into a sandwich material. The existing side hull plate is 12 mm thick. Then the plate thickness design was calculated
according to the Lloyd Register standard [8], obtained the size of the sandwich plate for the side hull. Sandwich's
material configuration consists of a steel plate on the face and a core material made of fiberglass reinforced
polyurethane elastomer. Evaluation damage using the Experiment Modal Analysis (EMA). Damaged is detected by
natural frequency reduction.
2. Method

2.1. Design of sandwich plate on ship

The faceplate material is an A36 steel plate, while the core material is fiberglass reinforced polyurethane elastomer
[9,10]. There are no thickness verification standard complete rules regarding the maximum thickness limit on the hull
design. The suitability of the plate thickness design is chosen by referring to the LR standard. Each part of ship
construction has a different strength ratio (R) it the dependent location. The rules explain that the configuration is
divide into two, called the faceplate, and the core material is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Sandwich material details [8]

The thickness calculation uses equation (1) to get a compatible design.

𝑅 = 0.01 𝐴𝑅 [0.1 . (𝑏 2 /𝑑 (𝑡1 + 𝑡2 ) + 11.7 (𝑏. 𝑡𝑐 /𝑑 2 )1.3 ] 𝑘𝑃𝑒𝑞,𝑅 (1)

R is the strength index where the value of R must be less than 1. Meanwhile, if the R-value is more than 1, it is
necessary to recalculate. The sandwich material's application to the ship has been investigated in the Roro ship's ramp
door construction. Vibration analysis is carried out by observing the influence of static and dynamic responses.

2.2. Experiment Modal Analysis.

In various engineering fields, including automotive, design, aviation, and structural engineering, EMA is used to
find detailed information from a structure to monitor various types of forces or loads acting on a structure [11]. The
experiment performs assumed that sandwich plate material clamped at the ordinary frame on both sides. Configuration
of experiments as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Configuration of Experiment Modal Analysis

The EMA testing procedure is as follows. Sandwich material is clamped at both ends and secured with bolts (a).
Force is applied from the modal hammer to the surface of the sandwich plate (b). The response caught from the force
is captured by the accelerometer and displayed in signal vibration response with the time domain (c). Determination
of the natural frequency of the sandwich material is at the vulnerable 500 Hz to 1500 Hz. The data results focus on
the susceptibility of that point. Input force susceptibility is adjusted to the lower limit of 120 mV to 200 mV to obtain
a consistent vibration response. Data from vibration response were recorded on data acquisition using PicoScope
software (d). The data recorded is the input force and the input force's vibration response—several equations used in
the data processing process given in equation (2).

X(ω) = H(ω) . F(ω) (2)

Data recorded is the input force and the vibration response of the input force. H (ω) is compliance (m / N) when
the displacement is divided by forces. Moreover, the magnitude varies according to the frequency value (ω). Analyzed
response to the structure can be in terms of displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Then, the above equation
transforms to equation (3) to obtain the frequency value.

Ẍ(ω) = H(ω) . F(ω) (3)

H (ω) is the inertance (ms-2/N), namely the acceleration divided by the force the magnitude varies according to the
frequency value (ω). Through EMA, the shape of the vibration modulus and the damping ratio will get the natural
frequency. The vibration response on the sandwich plate shows input force exerted in the response amplitude signal.
The vibration signal data converted to the frequency response function (FRF). The appropriate FRF is transformed to
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to obtain the vibration amplitude of the sandwich material intact and damage [12]. The
damaged is assumed to be a volume reduction in the core of the sandwich [13].

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Effect of Impact on damage measurement

The following vibration response is used to assess the magnitude of the damage. Figure 3 shows the force resulting
from impulse input on the sandwich plate. The signal force is represented in the sinusoidal form at low energy impact
[14]. Impulse force measurement was input on the surface of the sandwich material. The parameters taken into account
are the input force and the vibration response captured by the sensor. The impulse force was carried out near and far
from the accelerometer. The exciting truth about the experiment in the analysis is that not all impulse force results can
be seen in the vibration response. The results of the vibration response are given in Figure 3.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Measurement data input force: (a) Intact Condition; (b) Damaged Condition
(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Vibration Response: (a) Intact Condition; (b) Damaged Condition.

The noise was removed by a data acquisition device equipped with a low pass filter. A slab sensitivity while produced
a good while on a point close to the accelerometer. Then to see the damage on the material compared to the vibration
response using equation (3). The vibration amplitude in the damaged sandwich material is significant. The results are
shown in Figure 5. Where the result of the reduction in the stiffness of the vibration amplitude is getting bigger.
Inertance and frequency in mode 3 appear to have good sensitivity to damage. Damage to the sandwich material causes
a shift in the inertance graph towards a lower frequency.

Fig. 5. Comparison of Frequency Response Function on Intact and Damaged Condition

Table 1. Natural Frequency Results (Hz)

Conditions Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5

Intact 576.29 737.16 1007.45 1293.25 1347.91
Damaged 563.30 724.67 995.21 1268.52 1334.90

Natural frequency data collection was carried out in the frequency range 0-1500 Hz with a resolution of 1 Hz. The
frequency of response function seen from the highest peak produced by each measurement's average graph [15]. The
natural frequency values were obtained in intact and damaged conditions are presented in Table 1. The damage was
evaluated by comparing the value of the natural frequency reduction in the sandwich material. The decrease of each
natural frequency in mode 1 is 2.25%, Mode 2 is 1.69%, mode 3 is 1.21%, mode 4 is 1.91% and mode 5 is 0.96%. In
the future, experimental studies need to be supported by numerical studies to investigate the effect of damage on shape
modes. The dynamic characteristics of sandwich plates with vinyl ester bio-resin cores are also not widely known
[16]. Damage identification needs to be developed with advanced methods such as artificial intelligence on ship
structures [17]. Research on ship replating using a sandwich plate needs to be done in the future [18].

4. Conclusion

Experimental damage identification in this study leads to the following conclusions:

(i) The response to vibration measurement is more sensitive in the area close to the accelerometer. That
because the accelerometer has limitations in capturing the hammer's force input with a limited force.
(ii) The decrease in frequency occurs due to damage to the sandwich material, as indicated by an increase
in the vibration's amplitude.
(iii) Proves that the theory of natural frequency reduction occurs due to a decrease in stiffness or means that
there is damage to the sandwich core material.


The first author would like to thank the Freshgraduate Scholarship of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) for
financial support during study Master’s Degree.


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