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Jayvonne Griffin


Stress Reduction in The Workplace

In this time that we are living, the word stress is something that

is a thrown around in almost every conversation, and even now more

than ever is something that is very prevalent in the workplace. This

pandemic that we are living in as increased the amount of stress that

the everyday worker experiences. On a daily basis most employees not

only deal with work stress and making sure that expectations are met

there, but also you have those that are parents who have the stress

with dealing with homeschooling kids, either all day or a couple of

days out of the week and as a parent myself, I can say it’s not easy.

Then you also have the coronavirus as apart of everyday fear and

stress, wanting to make sure that they keep themselves as well as

children safe from sickness. All of this leads to a life that is full of


In working in a Physical Therapy office, I have come in contact

with different people dealing with stress in the workplace along with

trying to heal from injuries that have also added stress to their
everyday life. Most of the conversations that I have had with many of

our patients the one thing that they enjoy about coming into physical

therapy is that although they are trying to find relief from physical

pain, they do get a stress relief to be away from their job, and children

(for those that have them). The hour that they are in the office they

get a chance to express so of the frustration of their everyday life. So,

the biggest question that has been at the forefront of my mind, is how

do we reduce the amount stress in the workplace? How can that

rollover to everyday life? In this research project, this is what I am

hoping to find out.

This is important to me, because in the state of the country that

we are living in we need a way to find peace and live a joy filled life. I

believe that is something that everyone deserves to have in this time

and day that we are living. So, in my research I am hoping to find

some techniques that can be used in the workplace and even in

everyday life to reduce the amount of stress a person has on a daily

basis. As far as my research goes, I am planning to find a meditation

technique as well as some other techniques that I can allow some of

the patients from the physical therapy clinic to try for a week, to see if

it helps in reducing the amount of stress they experience on a daily

basis. In having that research from real patients, I am then hoping to

present it to some companies that upper leadership can give

employees. This also is a chance to open up the conversation in upper

management for this to be a part of training employees and future


By addressing the large problem of stress, I am hoping to

increase patients and employees outlook on life and allow them to find

enjoyment in their workplace. I believe we deserve some of that

especially in the time we live in now. Not only that but I also believe

that it’s important to have these techniques for the future, we don’t

know what this life will bring us but having a plan and a stress

reduction technique keeps you ready for anything that life may throw

at you.

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