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Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.

) 2020

Part 1
You will hear Peter Walsh being interviewed for a job. Listen and choose the correct
answer for each question.

1. How long has he been in his present job?

A. Since 2005
B. For about three years
C. For three months
2. Why does he want a new job?
A. For a change
B. To earn more money
C. To get promotion
3. What does he like most about his job?
A. The right to take action and make decisions
B. His colleagues
C. Working conditions
4. What kind of person are they looking for?
A. Someone prepared to work overtime
B. Someone who is punctual
C. Someone who wants to get on
5. What qualifications does Peter have?
A. A degree
B. A school leaving certificate
C. A post graduate diploma

Part 2
Listen to part of a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something
remarkable at the age of 84. Choose best answer (A, B, or C) for each question.
1/ What did Mrs. Schofield learn at school?
A. She learnt to read but not to write.
B. She learnt to make a certain article of clothing.
C. She learnt nothing.
2/ What problems did Mrs. Schofield have when she was shopping?
A. She could only buy cornflakes.

Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.) 2020

B. She couldn’t read the labels on packages.

C. She only bought things with pictures on them.
3/ What impressed her about what the man in the shop said?
A. He achieved success through his own efforts.
B. He had been poor but he became rich.
C. He came to her village and stayed there.
4/ What was the experience of going to college like for her?
A. She didn’t like the amount of homework she was given.
B. She lacked motivation.
C. It was one of the hardest things she’s ever done.
5/ Mrs. Schofield’s plan was to write to
A. Her relations in a number of different countries.
B. One relation in the USA.
C. Relations with whom she was still in contact.
6/ How was she able to find out about local news?
A. She used to ask her neighbors.
B. She had the local paper read to her by somebody else.
C. She used to try to read the local paper.
7/ What does she want to do now?
A. She wants to gain the confidence to do anything.
B. She wants to go on a long journey.
C. She wants to carry on learning.

Part 3
You will hear an excerpt from a radio programme about living forever. Choose the
correct answer (A, B, or C) for each question.
1. According to some scientists, technology that allows people to live for thousands of
A. already exists.
B. will definitely exist within 30 years.
C. may exist within 30 years.
2. According to the speaker, why are scientists closer to finding this technology?
A. They are beginning to understand why and how our bodies age.
B. Medical technology is improving quickly.

Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.) 2020

C. There are more old people in our societies.

3. According to some people, immortality would have a negative effect because
A. we would soon use up all the earth’s natural resources.
B. everybody would stop caring about the environment.
C. the earth would become very overcrowded.
4. What might people have to agree to do, before being allowed to live forever?
A. suggest ways of dealing with over-population
B. not have too many children
C. not commit any serious crimes
5. If you were immortal, you might find it difficult to get up in the morning because
A. you had nothing to do.
B. you would know there were going to be thousands more mornings.
C. the technology that kept you alive might make you very weak.
6. Some people say that immortality would be pointless because
A. only the very rich would be able to afford it.
B. you wouldn’t use your time carefully.
C. you would only remember a part of your life.
7. You might never fall in love if you were immortal because
A. the most powerful human feelings come from knowing that we will not be here
B. you would get bored with everybody that you’ve met.
C. the technology would change the way in which your brain experiences emotions.


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