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Homework/Assignment 7

Full Name of submitter: Đỗ Thị Hồng Nhung Student ID: IEIEIU17025

• Tô Bảo Trân – IEIEIU18103
• Trần Thị Thanh Thảo – IEIEIU18136
• Đỗ Trung Hiếu - IEIEIU18026
• Phạm Tuấn Phát - IEIEIU17021
• Đỗ Thị Hồng Nhung - IEIEIU17025
• Lê Thị Hạnh Tiên - IEIEIU17006
• Nguyễn Hồng Bảo Phúc - IEIEIU18153
• Lê Bảo Trân - IEIEIU18101
• Ngô Nguyễn Thanh Sang - IEIEIU18077

A JIT system has the following processes (C is the final assembly and D is the
warehouse). All the processes employ Kanban. The container size is 250 units and
safety coefficient 0.1. There are 8 operating hours per day.
Process C produces in lot size. The setting up time each time changing lot is 15
minutes. Total time for setting up a day should be less than or equal to 1 hour.
Warehouse D withdraws from C a constant quantity of products which is equal to
the lot size of C. The consuming rate is 4000 units/day. A triangular Kanban is
employed to signal process C to start produce when the stock reaches the reorder
point. Lead time of signal Kanban is 1.0 hour.

(1hours) (3.5mins) (1.5 hour) (4000 units/day)

1) If process C uses maximum number of set up time per day allowable, what is the lot size of
process C? Where should we put the triangular Kanban?
2) Process C withdraws parts from B also with constant quantity, which is its lot size. Process
B withdraws parts from A in constant cycle of 1.0 hours. How many withdrawals Kanban C
should have?

3) A supplier delivers material to process A 4 times per day. The supplier production lead time
is 0.6 day. What is the supplier Kanban cycle a-b-c? What is the total number of supplier

a. Lot-size = (Daily average usage of parts / Times of setup per day) +
Safety inventory per day

- Let X = number of setting up time / day. Total time for setting up a day ≤ 60
ð X x 15 ≤ 60 mins => X= 4 times/day
- Safety inventory per day = 4000 x 0.1 = 400 units
!""" &'( #$%&'(%)*+
Lot size = $#)*% = 1000 units = 4 ,$&
! &'(

b. Triangular Kanban.
- Daily demand = 4000 units/day = 500 units/hour

500units × 1h × (1+0.1)
Triangular Kanban = hour
= 2.2 = 3 kanbans

- The withdrawl interval = withdrawl interval from the subsequent machining process
- The production lead time = Necessary time span within the self-process + withdrawl
interval of the preceding process
- Necessary number of Kanban = (Withdrawal interval + Production lead time)
× Hourly necessary units of parts/Capacity of parts box

Withdrawl Kanban C = 500 × 1h+3.5h+1.5h

( × 1+0.1) ( )
= 13.2 = 14 kanbans
Kaban cycle: a-b-c = 1-4-c
The supplier production lead time is 0.6
=> 𝑐 × ≥ 0.6 => 𝑐 ≥ 2.4 → 𝒄 = 𝟑

The supplier Kanban cylcle: a-b-c = 1-4-3

- Total number of supplier kanban = {Daily demand × (Order interval to

the supplier + production lead time of the supplier) + safety inventory}
/capacity of units per parts box
!""" × 748".9:×(<8".<)
- Total supply number of Kanban = = 14.96
= 15 𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑠


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