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Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.

) 2020


Listen to people talking in eight different situations and choose the correct answers.

1. You hear a man telling a joke.

What is the joke about?
A. a detective and a snail
B. a group of detectives in New York
C. a tortoise and some snails
2. You hear a newsreader making a mistake in a news item.
What is the item about?
A. a crime at the Prime Minister’s home
B. improved security at the Prime Minister’s home
C. an injury to a detective during an arrest
3. You hear a woman being interviewed for a job.
Why did the woman leave her first job?
A. because she fell asleep while working and was fired
B. because she went to work for another furniture company
C. because the company had to close all its shops
4. You hear a report about a scientific study.
What surprised the researchers?
A. They had thousands of bursts of laughter to analyse.
B. There were a lot of different sounds in the laughter.
C. The women laughed more than the men.
5. You hear a boy and a girl talking at a party.
Where have they seen each other before?
A. at school
B. at Martin’s house
C. at another party
6. You hear a man telling a scary story.

Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.) 2020

What does the old woman in the story say?

A. She says, “What do you want?”
B. She says, “Suddenly, my heart started thumbing.”
C. We don’t know what she says.
7. You hear a radio advertisement for a film.
What kind of film is it?
A. a love story
B. a comedy
C. a documentary about holidays
8. You hear a man called Brian give an audition in a talent show.
What does the judge think of Brian?
A. He’s confident, but that’s all.
B. He’s got the right look, but he can’t sing.
C. He hasn’t got a good voice or any confidence.


Listen to people talking in seven different situations and choose the correct answers.

1. You hear an actor and a director rehearsing a Shakespeare play.

What problem did the actor have?
A. He wasn’t speaking loudly enough.
B. He wasn’t putting enough emotion into the lines.
C. He was standing in the wrong place.
2. You hear a book review on the radio.
Why doesn’t the presenter like the ending of the book?
A. It’s unrealistic.
B. It’s boring.
C. It’s too depressing.
3. You overhear a conversation between a daughter and a parent.
What agreement do they come to?
A. She can stay out late if she does her homework now.
B. If she comes home early, she can finish her homework tomorrow.
C. If she stays out late, she must finish her homework in the morning.
4. You hear someone talking about their favorite holiday destination.

Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.) 2020

What do they like most about it?

A. the peace and quiet
B. the friendliness of the people
C. the scenery
5. You hear a musician talking about songwriting.
What is she doing?
A. describing how she writes songs
B. offering advice on how to write songs
C. saying why she writes songs about other people
6. You hear an art critic talking on the radio about a painting.
Why are people so interested in it?
A. It’s really beautiful.
B. It was mentioned in a book.
C. It’s been restored.
7. You overhear a conversation in which people are talking about things they’d like to
Which invention does everybody agree on?
A. a self-loading dishwasher
B. a car that parks itself
C. something that can take the dog for a walk


Listen to people talking in eight different situations and choose the correct answers.

1. You hear two people talking about a party.

Where are they?
A. in a taxi
B. on a bus
C. in a car
2. You hear a woman buying a ticket.
How many different forms of transport will she need to use for her journey?
A. two
B. three
C. four

Vo Thi Mai Vy (Ms.) 2020

3. You hear a man and a woman talking.

What are they looking at?
A. a ferry
B. a big ship
C. the sea
4. You hear a man at an airport.
What is he doing?
A. going through customs
B. checking in
C. going through passport control
5. You hear a woman talking to a mechanic.
What’s the problem with her motorbike?
A. a damaged wheel and a flat tyre
B. a flat tyre and a broken mirror
C. a broken mirror and a damaged wheel
6. You hear a man and a woman talking in a car.
Why does the woman become angry?
A. The man forgot to look at the map.
B. The man won’t stop the car to ask for directions.
C. The traffic warden doesn’t help them.
7. You hear a woman talking about her hometown.
What has made travelling easier for her?
A. more taxis
B. cheaper bus fares
C. cycle lanes
8. You hear a taxi driver talking to a passenger.
Why is there no petrol in the taxi?
A. There’s a problem with the vehicle.
B. The driver forgot to fill up with petrol.
C. The petrol stations are all closed.



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