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Product of Performance Task (GRADE 9) – Third Grading Period

You are a pastoral worker and an advocate of social justice and eqaulity (R). You are asked by the Diocese of
Baguio City, to make your social action/advocacy by presenting your “pastoral cycle” (S) This will be entitled “Pastoral
Cycle: The Application of the See-Discern-Act Process for a better awareness to the differently abled students in
Baguio City” (P) to be presented to the Archdiocese of Baguio City. (A) It should summarize how you as grade 9 students
can interpret, elaborate, and portray the message presented by subject for young people to appreciate the Church’s
pastoral teachings and orientation. (G) The document should include the essential parts of the pastoral cycle namely: 1.
SEE or Situational Analysis 2. DISCERN/JUDGE or Reflection in Faith 3. Planning (The 4. ACT or Action and 6. Evaluation
can be submitted during the Fourth Grading) .(S)

Format and Mechanics:

A. Materials needed:
1. Camera (for Documentation)
2. Recorder for Interviews
3. Short Bond Paper
B. Specific Instructions:
1. The class will be grouped based on their respective CIP groupings a team leader is also appointed.
2. The pastoral cycle should be encoded in short bond paper.
3. The following criteria will be applied in the grading of the Performance task.
a. Process: (To be graded by the team leader) – 5 points
i. Presentation of the planned advocacy/pastoral work. - 2
ii. Participation and collaboration of each member of the group - 3
b. Output (Logo and Vision Mission)– 10 points
i. Creativity – 2.5pts
ii. Relevance and depth of insight – 2.5pts
c. Literary/Written Output – 10 points
i. Clarity of the articulation of insight in relation to the advocacy – 5pts
ii. Inclusion of the concepts such as See-Discern-Act, Catholic Teachings, Encyclicals, Pastoral Letters and
PCP II. – 5pts
4. Please submit your outputs to your class President the president will submit the outputs to the subject
5. Deadline of submission is on _______________________

This is the cover page!

Performance Task in Christian Living 9

“Pastoral Cycle: The Application of the See-Discern-

Act Process for a better awareness to the differently
abled students in Baguio City”

Submitted by:









Submitted to:

Sir Acena
Page 1 (The Logo and the Name of the Group)
The logo can be drawn or photoshoped (1 Page only)

Children of St. Andre

Page 2 (The Logo and the Explanation)
The explanation should not be more than 5 sentences (1 Page only)


The Logo mainly represents a symbol of care and awareness to our younger differently abled brothers and
sisters in society. In the Logo, there are two hands placed on top of each other; the the base is the bigger hand
while the hand on top is a smaller hand. This demonstrates our advocacy which is to lend a helping hand and to
give hope and encouragement to differently abled people for them to be happier in a society that excludes them.
With this, we also aim for a society that gives better awareness to them, to accept them as they are; human
beings with different capacities.
Page 3 (Vision-Mission)
The Vision-Mission should not be ore than 10 sentences each. (1 Page only)


Vision Statement:

The vision of The Children of St. Andre Bessette is to raise better awareness for differently abled young
children. TCSAB strives to develop ways of promoting better awareness for the development of the differently
abled children through the inculcation of Christian Morality.

Mission Statement:

To attain our desired outcome, TCSAB must be vigilant and be consistent with their approach to the
issues sorrounding differently abled persons. Thus, they need to have a mature relationship with Christ as
Hebrews 5:14 says, “those who are spiritually mature will be able to "distinguish good from evil”. Also,
TCSAB must make use of their Christian Conscience for them to remain steadfast in their mission for a better
awareness for the differently abled persons in society.
Page 4 - SEE

The situational Analysis must answer the following Questions:

What do we see? See, hear and experience the lived reality of individuals and communities. Carefully examine the facts
of the situation. What are the people in this situation doing? How are they feeling? What are they saying? What do we
see is happening to them and how are they responding? What do we know about the issue? What did we observe?
(The situational Analysis can be presented in 1 -2 pages depending on how extensive was the observation. Please include
pictures for documentations. Please do it in paragraph form. NO BULLET POINTS)
Page 5-6 – DISCERN

TheReflection in Faith must answer the following Questions:

a. Social Analysis
From our experience, what is your understanding of the following:
 Why does this situation exist? What are the root causes?
 Economic factors - Who owns? Who controls? Who pays? Who profits? Why?
 Political factors - Who decides? For whom do they decide? How do decisions get made? Who is left out
of the decision-making process? Why?
 Social factors - Who is included? Who is marginalized? Why?
 Historic factors - What past events influence the situation today?
 Cultural factors - What values are evident? What do people believe in? Who or what influences what
people believe and how they live?
b. Theological Reflection
 What lessons or values from Scripture can help us to interpret this experience? eg. the Prophets, the
Beatitudes, the example of Jesus himself and the parables he told.
 What key principles from the Church’s social teaching apply to this situation. eg. Human dignity, human
rights and responsibilities, the common good, principle of subsidiarity, option for the poor, care for
 Analyse the experience you had during your CIP in the light of Scripture and the Church’s social teaching?
Do biblical values and the principles of the Church’s social teaching help us to see this reality in a different
way? Does this experience correspond with the vision and teachings of Scripture and the Church’s social
thinking? If not, in what ways does it not match? (Use encyclicals, Church teachings, the bible/scriptural
passages, and Church documents to support your observation by identifying how would the Church
understand the issue or problem to be addressed. Cite the specific article that you are to use. Ex. “Instead
of resolving the problems of the poor and thinking of how the world can be different, some can only
propose a reduction in the birth rate…To blame population growth instead of extreme and selective
consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues.” - Laudato Si Paragraph 50)

Here are some Church Documents that you could use to support your Reflection in Faith:
 The Holy Bible
 Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
 Social Teachings Encyclicals
• Rerum Novarum (1891)
• Quadragesimo anno (1931)
• Mater et magistra (1961)
• Pacem in terris (1963)
• Dignitatis humanae (1965)
• Populorum progressio (1967)
• Octogesima adveniens (1971)
• Laborem exercens (1981)
• Sollicitudo rei socialis (1987)
• Centisimus annus (1991)
• Evangelium vitae (1995)
• Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2004)
• Deus caritas est (2005)
• Caritas in veritate (2009)
• Evangelii gauddium (2013)
• Laudato si (2015)

Note: All of these documents are available in the internet for free in PDF format
Page 7 – ACT
 Do we have enough information and analysis to act? If not, what additional work is needed? If we were to act
to change this situation, what root causes would we tackle? How do we go about changing the structures
and relationships that produce this situation? How do we plan to act in support of those who are
 Showcase your action through a photodocumentation and video presentation (4th Grading).

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