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Instructions to Candidates

1. Candidates are allowed to enter Test Center

on showing Identity proof.

2. Candidates will not be admitted into the

Examination hall later than, after 10 minutes of
the commencement of examinations.

3. Mobile phones are not allowed in the Test


4. Programmable calculators are not allowed in

the Test Center.

5. Formulae & Tables book will be provided by

the Test Center.
6. Candidates shall use only Black / Blue ball-
point pen for OMR and Answer Sheets.

7. Candidates are required to write following

information on the first page of the
• University Enrollment Number
• Name in capital letters
• The Course Code.
• QP Booklet Number.
• Candidate should sign with date in the space

8. Candidates are advised not to exchange the

question paper booklet with other.

9. Candidate should not fold the OMR sheet.

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10. A candidate cannot leave the exam hall till
other one hour from the commencement of the
examination. Once the candidate leaves the
exam hall for any reason (except in case to
answer a call of nature), he/she is not
permitted to return to the exam hall.

11. The candidate must personally hand over

the OMR Sheet and Answer sheet to the
Invigilator at the end of the test.

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The following act/s committed by the
candidates during the examinations shall be
construed as indiscipline:

1. Any attempt to prevent/disturb the


2. Carrying or any attempt to carry any

weapons into the Test Center.

3. Acts of misbehavior / intimidation / insult /

assault of other candidates or Test Center staff.
Candidates who indulge in any of the above
acts of indiscipline shall, be bound by the
disciplinary action of the University.

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The following act/s committed by the
candidates during the conduct of the
examinations shall be construed as

1. Carrying into the examination hall or

possessing any books, notes, or any written
material, any other gadgets with memory,
logarithmic/mathematical/ statistical/scientific
tables, programmable calculators, mobile

2. Receiving assistance from other candidates

or giving assistance to them in the examination

3. Copying from any papers, books or notes.

4. Allowing any other candidate to copy from

his/her answer sheets or attempting to copy
from the answer sheets of other candidates.

5. Having any written matter on the person

(like palm, hand, legs, clothes etc.) relevant to
the examination.

6. Passing the question papers or answer

sheets to other candidates.

7. Tearing off or spoiling the answer sheets.

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8. Destroying or attempting to destroy any
evidence of malpractice.
Candidates who indulge in any of the types of
malpractice shall be bound by the disciplinary
action of the University.

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