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Directions: Historians debate whether to call the 1920s the Age of Business, The Roaring Twenties, or the Age

of Conservatism. The
following is a list of terms that we have learned & their impact on the 1920s. Place each of the terms into the appropriate category &
include a short explanation why it belongs in that location. Lastly, determine for yourself which classification best fits the 1920s &
include a short explanation why.

 Red Scare  installment buying  Kellogg-Briand Pact

 Palmer raids  cars  flappers
 Labor Unions  election of 1920  fundamentalism
 jazz  Fordney-McCumber Tariff  Scopes “Monkey” Trial
 Sacco and Vanzetti  Harding’s Economic Policy  Prohibition
 immigration issues  Harlem Renaissance  Billy Sunday/Aimee Semple
 assembly line/Henry Ford  celebrities of the 1920s McPherson
 consumerism  Coolidge & laissez-faire  speakeasies

Age of Age of
Business Conservatism
– conservative


The Roaring

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