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OpenText™ Documentum™

Content Transformation Services

Release Notes
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Release Notes revision history .................................................................................................. 3

2 About Documentum Content Transformation Services ............................................................. 3

2.1 New features.............................................................................................................................. 4
Support of additional source formats............................................................................ 4
OCR Support ................................................................................................................ 4
3 Packaging and documentation ..................................................................................................... 4
4 Supported environments and compatibility ................................................................................ 4
4.1 Hardware requirements ............................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Supported operating system...................................................................................................... 5
4.3 CTS application prerequisites.................................................................................................... 6
4.4 CTS web services application server requirements .................................................................. 7
4.5 Java certifications ...................................................................................................................... 7
4.6 OpenText product compatibility ................................................................................................. 7
4.7 Language support...................................................................................................................... 7
5 Installation and upgrade notes ..................................................................................................... 8
6 Fixed issues .................................................................................................................................... 8
7 Known issues ................................................................................................................................. 9
7.1 Additional information about known issues ............................................................................. 20
Workaround for XTS-413............................................................................................ 20
Workaround for XTS-161............................................................................................ 21
8 Contact information ..................................................................................................................... 22

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

1 Introduction
This Release Notes provide an overview of Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7,
including new features, delivery information, and supported platforms. OpenText recommends that
you read this Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation included with the software
package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other documentation.

We also recommend that you check OpenText My Support ( for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after the initial release of this product.

Documentum Content Server is now OpenText Documentum Server.
OpenText Documentum Server will be called Documentum Server
throughout this guide.
1.1 Release Notes revision history

Revision date Sections revised Description of revisions

2019-10-07 First release. All new content.

Language support and

2019-10-28 Updated for the Language Pack release.
Known Issues.

Supported environments
2020-05-12 Added the Java certification information.
and compatibility

Supported environments
2020-07-01 Added a note about the Doc6 plugin.
and compatibility

CTS application
2020-10-16 Updated the supported Ghostscript version.

2 About Documentum Content Transformation

This section provides an overview of Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7.

This document contains information about new features, system requirements, fixed issues, and
known issues for Content Transformation Services (CTS) products. Content Transformation Services
consists of these products:

• CTS Documents
• CTS Media
• CTS Audio-Video

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

• XML Transformation Services (XTS)

2.1 New features

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 includes the following new features.

Support of additional source formats

You can now add Blazon supported source formats to Doc11 plug-in. Content Transformation
Services Administration Guide provides more details.

OCR Support
With Doc11 plug-in and Blazon you can convert documents with text-oriented images into searchable
documents using Image Text Recognition or OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology.
Content Transformation Services Administration Guide provides more details.

3 Packaging and documentation

Downloads and documentation for Documentum Content Transformation Services are available on
OpenText My Support (

4 Supported environments and compatibility

This section provides details about supported platforms, systems, and versions.

• An OpenText product configuration running on a particular environment is supported as long
as versions of the components in the environment (for example, operating system, database,
web server, browser, SSO, Directory Servers, and so on) are in standard/primary support by
their vendors.
• Software requirements are listed with release numbers. Software updates—including
patches, Service Packs, and equivalent updates—sometimes introduce unanticipated
changes. Compatibility with software updates that are not listed here cannot be guaranteed.
• All certifications provided in this document are relevant to the current release. Certifications
for patches are documented in the Patch Notes documents published for the patch releases.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

4.1 Hardware requirements
This section provides information on the hardware requirements.

Item Requirement

CPU Dual 2.0 GHz processor or higher

6 GB System RAM (or higher). Content Transformation Server

requires 4 GB RAM for file manipulations. In addition, if the expected
file size to be processed is very large, then an equivalent memory
allowance needs to be provisioned. For example, if the largest file
expected is 1 GB, then Content Transformation Server requires an
extra 1 GB RAM (4+1). Documentum Content Transformation
Services Installation Guide provides instructions on how to increase
memory for CTS.

25 GB of hard disk space for caching files (may depend on the type
Disk space
of files you work with and the expected number of concurrent users)

100bTX network card (or equivalent, depending on the network

Network card

• PC must also satisfy the minimum hardware requirements for the operating

• Content Transformation Server must not be installed on the same machine as

Documentum Server. This configuration is not supported by Documentum.

• The networking protocol is TCP/IP, using the TCP/IP stack included with

4.2 Supported operating system

This section lists the operating systems supported by Documentum CTS 16.7:

• Windows 2016 x64

• Windows 2019 x64

Note: Datacenter and Standard editions supported if available.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

4.3 CTS application prerequisites

CTS Application prerequisites

• Ghostscript 9.5.2 for Windows (64-bit)

• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (64-bit) (optional

for Doc10 plug-ins)

• Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel) 2013

SP1 (32-bit) (optional for Doc10 plug-ins)

• Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 SP2 (32-bit) (optional for

powerpoint2 plug-ins)

• Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 SP1 (32-bit) (optional for

CTS Documents 16.7 powerpoint2 plug-ins)

• Microsoft Project 2013 SP1 (32-bit) (optional for

Doc10 plug-ins)

• Microsoft Visio 2013 SP1 (32- bit) (optional for

Doc10 plug-ins)

• OpenText Blazon 16.6 (optional for ICH and Office


Note: CTS supports renditions of Microsoft Office 2016

format with the Doc6 plugin.

• Ghostscript 9.5.2 for Windows (64-bit)

• Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 SP2(32-bit) (optional for

powerpoint2 plug-ins)
CTS Media 16.7
• Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 SP1 (32-bit) (optional for
powerpoint2 plug-ins)

Note: CTS supports renditions of Microsoft Office 2016

format with the Doc6 plugin.

CTS Audio-Video 16.7

XML Transformation • Microsoft HTML help Workshop 1.3 (optional for CHM
Services 16.7 format output)

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

4.4 CTS web services application server requirements
This section provides information on the web application server requirements for the Content
Transformation Service web services with OpenJDK 11.

• Apache Tomcat 9.x

• JBOSS 7.2
• IBM Liberty

• Pivotal vFabric tc Server 4.x

4.5 Java certifications

Red Hat OpenJDK 11.0.2 and Red Hat OpenJDK 11.0.3 versions are supported.

4.6 OpenText product compatibility

Note: For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the Compatibility
Matrix ( on OpenText My Support.

OpenText Documentum Product Compatible Versions

Documentum Administrator 16.7

Documentum Foundation Classes 16.7

Documentum Foundation Services 16.7

Documentum Server 7.3, 16.4, 16.7

4.7 Language support

Documentum Content Transformation Services Suite is currently localized in the following languages.
Additional languages may be available in future releases.

Component Languages


Documentum Content B UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI
Transformations Services

B = both user interface and documentation

UI = user interface only

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

5 Installation and upgrade notes
This section provides additional installation and upgrade information, including related or third-party
product information and any required critical patches.

This section provides additional installation and upgrade information, including related or third-party
product information and any required critical patches.

Before beginning installation, ensure that your system meets the requirements listed in Chapter 4,
Supported environments and compatibility. After installation, be sure to update your software to the
latest patched release, if any patches are available.

Documentum Content Transformation Services Installation Guide contains installation instructions for
your product. This documentation is available from OpenText My Support

6 Fixed issues
This section provides information about past issues that have been fixed in this release.

Issue number Issue description

Internal hyperlinks from Microsoft Excel files points to wrong location in merged
ECDCTS-5087 PDF file.

ECDCTS-5319 Cannot transform EML file containing an attachment to PDF.

When rendering Microsoft Word document which contains charting data, the
ECDCTS-5334 charts in the PDF rendition is incorrect.

When rendering Microsoft Word file to PDF/A the background is rendered

ECDCTS-5336 incorrectly.

When converting Microsoft Word document with font Monotype Hadassah to

ECDCTS-5368 PDF, the "-" character is being turned in to "6" in the PDF.

When automatic slide numbering is added into a table in PowerPoint document,

ECDCTS-5370 the PDF rendition changes all numbers to zero.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS-5373 A particular PowerPoint file fails to be rendered.

MSG files with downloadable images take a long time to process when the server
ECDCTS-5383 does not have the Internet.

ECDCTS-5388 Chart labels are rotated in PDF/A rendition in a particular PDF file.

ECDCTS-5408 Border is added to text fields when transforming HTML to PDF.

ECDCTS-5416 XLSB (excel12bbook) type files do not work with Doc10 plug-in.

Content Transformation Services does not accept user provided metadata

ECDCTS-5424 (author, subject and keywords) for embedding it in the document.

When rendering Microsoft Word document with Spanish special characters in the
filename, the header in the PDF is rendered incorrectly, if the filename is
ECDCTS-5478 mentioned in the header.

ECDCTS-5624 Content Transformation Services stops processing the queue items.

Microsoft Excel document fails to render to PDF when it contains with logarithmic
ECDCTS-5759 axis.

ECDCTS-5768 Missing lines when rendering from Microsoft Word to PDF in a particular PDF file.

ECDCTS-5796 Document failed to render from Microsoft Word to PDF in a particular PDF file.

ECDCTS-5885 Document renditions have an “ASPOSE evaluation” watermark and red overlay.

7 Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release.

Issue Issue description


Installation and upgrade

ECDCTS- Copyright is not working for CR2 and PSD formats.


Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS- After you install Content Transformation Services on a localized operating server,
2151 an error appears in the install.log file.
Workaround: During Content Transformation Services installation, ensure that the
user name does not include multi-byte characters.

ECDCTS- Processing fails for CR2 and DNG files in a fresh Content Transformation Services
1433 installation.

Workaround: Restart the Content Transformation Services host.

ECDCTS-849 Content Transformation Services does not support the extended multi-byte
character range.
Workaround: Install the Arial Unicode MS font for multi-byte character support.

ECDCTS-592 To enable PDF/X compliance, install Ghostscript 64-bit, 9.06 version and
edit <GS9.06>/lib/, and update the following line:
/ICCProfile (ISO Coated sb.icc) def % Customize or remove.
%/ICCProfile (ISO Coated sb.icc) def % Customize or remove.

DTS-4941 The procedure of changing the installation owner is not supported in this release.

DTS-4784 To install Content Transformation Services Windows Services with short names, the
8.3 file naming convention needs to be enabled on the Windows NTFS File system.
To enable the 8.3 file naming convention:

1. Run Regedit.

2. Navigate to the following key:


3. Locate this value: NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation.

4. Set the value to 0.

5. To apply the change, restart the Content Transformation Services server.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes


ECDCTS- For the object being saved to the repository, all the required object types, SBOs,
1845 aspects, jar libraries must be available in the BOF library.

ECDCTS- Setup a distributed environment where one docbase is served by two Documentum
1539 Servers (DS1 and DS2). Consider two Content Transformation Services machines
(CTS1 and CTS2) and configure CTS1 with DS1 server config object and CTS2
with DS2 server config object. While installing the Content Transformation Services
DAR point to the secondary docbase, the DAR installation fails, since the filestore
location is filestore_01 while it should be distributed_store.

ECDCTS-949 A RealTime Content Transformation Services request takes about double the time
to complete, if a single Content Transformation Services instance is used for both
asynchronous and real time requests.
Workaround: When load balancing multiple Content Transformation Services
servers, if the same Content Transformation Services instance is servicing both real
time and asynchronous requests, then the response time is doubled. It is
recommended to have different Content Transformation Services instances for real
time and asynchronous requests.

ECDCTS-564 Content Transformation Services does not process

the transformXcpPdf and transformXcpDocument profiles correctly when you
set the start page of the page range to 0.
Workaround: To workaround this issue, set the start page to 1.

DTS-4868 When Content Transformation Services contains a

single CTSServerService.xml file, but several backup files ending with different
extensions (for example, consider these two files CTSServerService.xml and
CTSServerService120917a.xml), Content Transformation Services may pick
up the backup XML file for processing instead of the original one. This issue occurs
as part of the design, since the XML file name is not referred to in the Content
Transformation Services code; XML files are parsed based on the XML tags to build
internal tables.

To avoid this issue, do not retain any unwanted or backed up XML files in
the <CTS_Install_folder>/config folder.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes


ECDCTS- The non-English characters in custom metadata field name are corrupted in the
3524 output PDF file.

ECDCTS- When transforming a file with special characters in filename, an additional

3366 notification is sent to the Administrator’s inbox with the subject “Failed to send
notification”. Users can ignore this notification.

ECDCTS- Broken bitmap present in the Microsoft Word file does not get converted to PDF.

ECDCTS- When deploying Content Transformation Services Webservices in Tomcat 8.0.x, the
3028 following error message appears during Tomcat startup:
java.lang.SecurityException: Toolkit not encapsulated by a
Workaround: Add the following line in the file that is located
in <CATALINA_HOME>/conf folder and restart Tomcat:

ECDCTS- Realtime requests to the multi-file input profiles attachment_adts, mergePDF_adts,

2754 and addSignature_adts might fail. Users must use asynchronous requests for these
profiles to process successfully.

ECDCTS- TIFF source format support is not provided in few MTS profiles. This is because,
2726 TIFF files can have multi-page format, which cannot work in most MTS
transformations that operate on single-page formats.

ECDCTS- The DOC6 plug-in cannot create output PDF files in PDF versions 1.2 and 1.3.

ECDCTS- Custom profiles (implemented by end users; not out-of-the-box profiles) that are
2568 based on CTS Document and CTS Audio-Video prior to the Content Transformation
Services 7.x release may not work since all major plug-ins have been replaced in
Content Transformation Services 7.x products. Profile migration in Content
Transformation Services 7.1 creates a new revision of all the older out-of-the-box
profiles that have matching names. Unused older out-of-the-box profiles are deleted
and custom profiles are left as is. You must test and tune the custom profiles to
make them compatible with the Content Transformation Services 7.1 plug-ins. Refer
to the Documentum Content Transformation Services Installation Guide for details
about the migration procedure and to interpret the migration report. Refer to
the Documentum Content Transformation Services Administration Guide to learn
about the new plug-ins and how to customize them.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS- When intermediate heading levels are missing in Microsoft Word document,
2566 incorrect bookmark hierarchy is generated in PDF.

ECDCTS- DOCUMENTBOOKMARKS are not created for file names that start with a digit, or
2544 when the length of the file name is greater than 40 characters. Refer to the
Microsoft website for more information.

ECDCTS- PDF 1.3 compatibility and 128-bit encryption mode combination is not supported
2530 with Ghostscript 9.06. PDF 1.3 only supports 40-bit keys. Hence, when you create
PDF 1.3 files, use only 40-bit keys as the encryption mode.

ECDCTS- When the user sets the PDF security settings and the encryption mode selected is
2454 either 40-bit or 128-bit, it is mandatory for the user to set the “Security Change
Password” option.

ECDCTS- PDF files generated as PDF/A are sometimes saved as full page images. In such
2111 cases, background information such as header, footer, and overlays is not visible.
To resolve this issue, apply the overlay, header, and footer to the foreground.

ECDCTS- PPT Assembly works for the following:

• PPTX files with POTX template

• PPT files with POT template

However, it fails for PPT files with POTX template and PPTX files with POT
template. This is a conversion limitation due to a Third Party.

ECDCTS- When PowerPoint files are converted to PDF, there is data loss in the following
1935 cases:

• Designs

• WordArt

• ClipArt

• SmartArt

ECDCTS- Real-time requests of RepoIn-RepoOut and FileIn-RepoOut type with the

1576 transformMIMEtoPDF profile returns a failure status incorrectly, even though the
transformation is successful.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS- Due to Third-party plug-in requirements of Content Transformation Services, the
1567 transformation process of sizeable PowerPoint files (> 100 slides) consumes a
large amount of memory. Content Transformation Services can handle two large
PowerPoint assets. However, you need to provision about 1.5 GB of memory for
every additional PowerPoint asset that is expected to be sent for transformation in
the queue simultaneously. This depends on how many plug ins are processing
PowerPoint assets simultaneously.

The out of box plug in configuration is to have three AdvancedPDF1 plug in

<CTS>/config/advancedpdf1/advancedpdf1.xml) and two PowerPoint plug
in processors (MAX_PARALLEL_DECODING in
<CTS>/config/powerpoint/powerpoint.xml). If there are going to be more
than two PowerPoint assets imported together, then the following calculation
indicates the additional memory required.

1. Base Content Transformation Services memory configuration is 4 GB, which

can handle two PowerPoint assets without issues.

2. The maximum expected PowerPoint assets: 3 (AdvancedPDF1 processor) + 2

(Powerpoint processor) = 5. These numbers needs to change if you increase

3. PowerPoint assets that need extra memory: 5 (Step 2) — 2 (Step 1).

4. Additional memory required = 3 (Step 3) x 1.5 GB = 4.5 GB

5. Total Content Transformation Services memory = 4.5 GB (Step 4) + 4 GB

(OOTB recommended) = 8.5 GB
So, if this scenario is expected, then Content Transformation Services will need a
minimum of 8.5 GB memory to not exceed heap memory consumption.

ECDCTS- While transforming video files to AVI formats, performance degradation is observed
1448 when you use the “msvideo1” codec with respect to other codes.

ECDCTS- The Watermark profile does not support text outlines with effects like dots,
1454 crosshatch, and so on.

ECDCTS- Closed Captioning is supported only for MPEG and MPEG-2 formats with NTSE
1317 CEA-608 standard captions.

ECDCTS- The QuickTime rendition created by the video_registration profile is not streamable
1025 by the Darwin Server. Use Real’s “Helix Universal Server” to support QuickTime

ECDCTS-987 Navigation to endnotes and footnotes is lost when documents are transformed to
PDF. The hyperlinks to endnotes and footnotes are also lost during PDF rendition.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS-963 There are no plug ins to embed metadata for BMP, HTM, and EPS file formats, but
if the files already have XMP or EXIF metadata embedded upon import, then the
metadata can be extracted when the legacy register is set.

ECDCTS-861 There is a loss of sharpness in the file content when a PDF is converted to the PS

ECDCTS-538 When a user converts a Word document that contains SmartArt, the SmartArt and
any data or text within the SmartArt is lost in the resultant PDF.

DTS-5375 Reporting tool does not create response object if the length of the Content
Transformation Services Server name is more than 32 characters.
Workaround: If Content Transformation Services reporting is enabled and if
dm_cts_response objects are not created, then this issue might exists. Verify the
hostname field in %CTS_HOME%/config/CTSServerService.xml file. If the
hostname is more than 32 characters wide, then the cts_server_name attribute of
dm_cts_response object should be increased from 32 to 64. To increase the value
of the cts_server_name attribute:


parameter as 1.

2. Run the following command:

alter type dm_cts_response modify cts_server_name char(64)


parameter as 0.

4. Restart Content Transformation Services server and submit the file for
transformation and verify if dm_cts_response objects are created.

DTS-4648 CTS Documents does not support the transformation of the PDF portfolio to other

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDMTS- When Content Transformation Services initializes the POWERPOINT2 plug-in, it
2570 will launch powerpnt.exe and wait for
“POWERPNT_APPLICATION_LOAD_INTERVAL” (default time taken is 2 seconds)
before terminating the powerpnt.exe application. Sometimes, it takes more time to
launch this application, due to which Content Transformation Services kills it before
it is launched. This results in an exception being thrown and failure of the plug-in
initialization. To avoid such a scenario, increase the value of

1. Open %CTS_HOME%\config\powerpoint2\powerpoint2.xml.

2. Add the following under the <CUSTOM> tag:


3. Save the file and restart Content Transformation Services.

ECDMTS- After you import a two-tone color PDF, broken text is seen on the thumbnail.
Workaround: To increase PDF preview images and storyboard image quality,
increase the value of the “doc_token_dpi” parameter in
the pdf_processing.xml file (located at System\Media Server\System Profiles) for
legacy clients and pdf_processing_xcp.xml file for xCP clients. Note that higher
the setting, slower is the transformation process. The Density setting should not
exceed 300 to prevent a memory issue. The Density setting applies only to the
Image3 plug in. Hence, the plug in order should be changed in System\Media
Server\System Profiles\storyboard_pdfstoryboard.xml, if required. Image3 should
be made the first plugin followed by the PDFStoryboard plug in.

ECDMTS- TIFF files with four channels are not supported by Content Transformation Services.

ECDMTS-383 On an English operating system server, the Content Transformation Services

configurator does not configure a Japanese, Korean, or Simplified Chinese
repository. The following error message is displayed:
The session locale setting of 'en' in the session config
object is not a valid locale in the repository.
Workaround: The Japanese, Korean, or Simplified Chinese repository has to be
populated first with the English data dictionary. Then the repository should be
configured again using Content Transformation Services configurator.

To populate, run the following server command from the Documentum Server bin
directory in a command prompt:
dmbasic –f dd_populate.ebs –e LoadDataDictionary --
<repository_Name> <User_Name> <Password> data_dictionary_

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

If an out of memory error occurs while transforming a large XML file to a PDF file,
performance is considerably degraded. For more information, see

Additional information about known issues.

XTS-161 When XTS CTS Web Services are installed and configured to the same repository,
a synchronous transformation from ditamap to PDF may fail as file paths are not
resolved properly.
The workaround is to update
both %CTS%\jetty\etc\jetty.xml and %CTS%\config\WebServerService.xml to
use the same space less path. See

Additional information about known issues for specific instructions on the


XTS-157 When rendering a PDF for a DITA Map that has a topic, which conrefs other topics,
the xref destinations are not resolved, thereby creating invalid links in the PDF. The
links get resolved when a PDF is rendered for the DITA Topic containing the xrefs.
This issue is a limitation due to a bug in the DITA toolkit. Newer versions of the
toolkit (for example, DITA-OT 1.4.3 or later) are available which will resolve the
problem. The DITA Open Toolkit is available from the sourceforge website.

XTS-38 When transforming DocBook files to HTML, non-standard characters may appear in
the output file. This issue is a limitation related to browser settings. If you are using
Internet Explorer, correct this error by setting your browser to use the Unicode font.

XTS-35 When a DITAMAP format file that has space in its name (for example, test
file.ditamap or Map Title.ditamap) is imported and transformed to CHM format, the
transformation fails.
This issue is a limitation due to a bug in the DITA toolkit. Newer versions of the
toolkit (for example, DITA-OT 1.4.3 or later) are available which will resolve the
problem. The DITA Open Toolkit is available from the sourceforge website.

XTS-27 DITAMAP transformations fail if the path includes extended or double-byte

characters. If you select a DITAMAP source file that has extended or double-byte
characters in the file path (including file name), the transformation fails.
Documentum recommends that file names and references contain ASCII characters
only. This issue is a limitation with DITAMAP transformations.

XTS-26 When you transform DITAMAP files to CHM format, it is seen that double byte
characters in the CHM file are corrupted.


Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS- Failed to transform Docbook file to HTML and CHM formats. XPUB profile bundles
4826 DITA-OT1.7.2 with docbook-xsl-1.75.2 and only supports XSLT 1.0 stylesheets

ECDCTS- When transforming MPP to PDF using Doc10 plug-in, the following issues exist:
• Longer text is truncated at the end of column.

• Dotted Lines in MPP files appear as straight lines in PDF.

• A line in the header of the MPP file is missing in the PDF.

• Longer integer numbers in MPP are not fully appearing in PDF. For
example: $59,524.62 appears as $59,524....

• Task time in ’Hrs’ may be denoted as ’H’ in the final PDF.

• Macros that are based on filenames may not reflect the actual filename in
the final PDF since CTS renames files before transformations.

ECDCTS- During Microsoft PowerPoint slide registration, each slide can store a maximum of
3521 2000 characters of slide notes in the dmc_slide_aspect.slide_notes table.
The remaining characters will not be stored.

ECDCTS- When the filename includes I18N characters, Content Transformation Services fails
3364 to transform PDF to HTML renditions.

ECDCTS- When CTS Documents and CTS Media is installed, register_d2 profile creates
3177 medium and LRES storyboards twice for TIFF source format.
Workaround: Remove TIFF format from thumbnail and autoGenProxy profiles to
avoid this issue.

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS- CTS Media fails to properly render certain SVG files.
Workaround: To overcome this issue, users can choose to change the SVG
rendering engine for high fidelity SVG file output.

1. Install SVG renderer Inkscape ( on the MTS machine.

2. Ensure that you install Inkscape in a folder without any version number or
spaces, such as C:\Inkscape484. The install folder should not have a format
similar to C:\Program Files\Inkscape-0.48.4.

3. After installation, add Inkscape folder that contains the inkscape.exe file to
system environment PATH variable. To update the PATH variable:

a. Click Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced
system settings > Environment Variables.

b. Edit the Path variable and append the location of the Inkscape install folder.
Use ; as a delimiter.

c. Click OK.

4. Open the <MTS_INSTALL_HOME>\config\image3\image3.xml file.

5. Ensure that entry for DEFAULT_SVG_TO_IMW in the image3.xml file is as


6. Uncomment svg:decode tag in CTS\lib\delegates.xml file.

7. Restart CTS Media system.

ECDCTS- [CJKRu] Extract MIME transformation fails in localized Content Transformation

1192 Services servers.
Workaround: To support this transformation on a non-English Windows Operating
System, add the following environment variable to the System environment:

• Variable Name: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS

Variable value: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

ECDCTS-927 If a PDF document displayed in the xCP Viewer contains double-byte characters,
such as Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, then JPEG Low Resolution and JPEG story
renditions appear as blank pages. This issue occurs only when the CID fonts are
not embedded in the PDF.
Workaround: Do one of the following:

• Embed the CID fonts in the PDF.

Change the order of plug-ins to ensure that IMAGE3 is the first plug-in, ahead of the
PDFStoryBoard plug-in, in the storyboard_pdfstoryboard profile.

DTS-3331 Content Transformation Services cannot create renditions when the Kerberos
platform is enabled.
Workaround: To enable Kerberos support, on the client side, add the following
code to set a runtime property to the service context:
IServiceContext theContext = cf.newContext();
Invoke WebServices with the modified service context.

XTS-438 A real time synchronous zipped File In File Out transformation request fail for a
DITAMAP input file transformation to PDF.
Workaround: This issue is specific to DITA 1.4.2. To resolve this issue, upgrade to
a later version of DITA.

7.1 Additional information about known issues

Workaround for XTS-413
To process very large XML files, do the following configuration changes to increase the memory
allocated to the corresponding Java Virtual Machines (JVM).

1. For Docbook transformations, modify the %CTS%\config\xpub.xml file. Identify the following
tag in that file, and increase the values for the renderx.xep.jvm.opts property as shown:
<XML_PROPERTY name="renderx.xep.jvm.opts" value="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"/>
This element is commented out by default. You must uncomment the element to modify the

2. For DITA transformations, modify the %CTS%\xts\DITA-OT1.4.2\demo\fo\build.xml file.

Identify the following tags in that file and increase the maxmemory attribute value as shown:
<target name="transform.fo2pdf.xep" if="use.xep.pdf.formatter">
<java classname=""
resultproperty="errCode" failonerror="false" fork="true"

Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes


The default value of maxmemory is set to 256 m.

Workaround for XTS-161

To resolve this issue, you may update both %CTS%\jetty\etc\jetty.xml and
%CTS%\config\WebServerService.xml to use the same space less path. The following details
the locations in each file (underlined) that require modification:

<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context">
<Arg><Ref id="Contexts"/></Arg>
<Set name="resourceBase">c:/temp/CTSWS/cache/</Set>
<Call name="addServlet">

<ServerProperty Key="Cache" Description="Temp output folder which can
be accessed through http url" Type="String" Value="c:\temp\CTSWS\cache"/>


Documentum Content Transformation Services 16.7 Release Notes

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