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[ BSA 1-A12 ] BL 121 - Law on Obligations and Contracts

Quiz 1

Quiz 1

Grade distribution
Graded: 55, Min: 40%, Max: 100%, Average: 72%



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Breakdown of results
Number of times taken: 55

Here is a summary of the answers to the quiz questions:

Question 1: Match the concept with the correct term.

Spontaneous products of the soil and the offspring and other products of animals: choice 1 (correct): 51, choice 2: 1, choice 3: 0, choice 4: 1, choice 5: 0, choice
6: 0, choice 7: 2, choice 8: 0, choice 9: 0, choice 10: 0 natural fruits
Default on the part of both parties: choice 1: 0, choice 2 (correct): 51, choice 3: 1, choice 4: 1, choice 5: 0, choice 6: 1, choice 7: 0, choice 8: 1, choice 9: 0, choice
10: 0 compensatio morae
If a thing refers to a class, to a genus and cannot be pointed out with particularity: choice 1: 1, choice 2: 0, choice 3 (correct): 54, choice 4: 0, choice 5: 0, choice
6: 0, choice 7: 0, choice 8: 0, choice 9: 0, choice 10: 0 generic thing
Diligence of a good father of a family: choice 1: 1, choice 2: 0, choice 3: 0, choice 4 (correct): 52, choice 5: 0, choice 6: 0, choice 7: 0, choice 8: 0, choice 9: 0,
choice 10: 2 ordinary diligence
Damages determined beforehand: choice 1: 0, choice 2: 0, choice 3: 0, choice 4: 0, choice 5 (correct): 50, choice 6: 4, choice 7: 0, choice 8: 0, choice 9: 0, choice
10: 1 liquidated damages

Total: 55

Question 2: If the debtor obliged to do something fails to do it, an action for specific performance will prosper.

True: 21 No (38.2%)
False: 34 Yes (61.8%) F, because it violates rule on involuntary servitude

Total: 55

Question 3: In conditional obligations, the obligation arises upon the happening of the condition.

True: 36 No (66.7%)
False: 18 Yes (33.3%) F, if it is a resolution conditional obligation, the obligation ceases

Total: 54

Question 4: An obligation which is payable upon the death of Mr. X within five years from its execution is a conditional obligation.

True: 39 No (70.9%)
False: 16 Yes (29.1%) F, death is certain

Total: 55

Question 5: Consent is an essential requisite of obligation.

True: 21 No (38.2%)
False: 34 Yes (61.8%)

Total: 55

Question 6: Conditional obligation where the condition is both suspensive and potestative is void.

True: 31 No (57.4%)
False: 23 Yes (42.6%)

Total: 54

Question 7: Impossible conditions, those which are contrary to good customs or public policy and those prohibited by law are deemed not agreed upon.
True: 37 No (67.3%)
False: 18 Yes (32.7%) F, only if not to do an impossible thing

Total: 55

Question 8: This obligations is demandable at once

All of the above.: 27 Yes (49.1%)

Pure obligation: 25 No (45.5%)
Obligations subject to a resolutory condition: 3 No (5.5%)
Obligation with an in diem period: 0 No (0.0%)

Total: 55

Question 9: The following are all sources of contractual liability, except

Mistake: 42 Yes (76.4%)

Fraud: 1 No (1.8%)
Negligence: 3 No (5.5%)
Delay: 2 No (3.6%)
Contravention of the tenor of the obligation: 7 No (12.7%)

Total: 55

Question 10: The father, or in his absence, the mother, becomes liable for the damage that a minor son may cause to others. This liability arises from

Quasi-delict: 28 Yes (50.9%) equivalent to negligence of the parents

Law: 18 No (32.7%)
Contracts: 0 No (0.0%)
Quasi-contract: 6 No (10.9%)
Delict: 3 No (5.5%)

Total: 55

Question 11: This kind of damage is awarded for physical suffering, mental anguish, serious anxiety, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, and the like.

Moral damages: 53 Yes (96.4%)

Actual damages: 0 No (0.0%)
Exemplary damages: 0 No (0.0%)
Nominal damages: 2 No (3.6%)
Temperate damages: 0 No (0.0%)
Liquidated damages: 0 No (0.0%)

Total: 55

Question 12: Delay or default on the part of the creditor is known as

Mora accipiendi: 50 Yes (90.9%)

Compensation morae: 0 No (0.0%)
Mora solvendi ex re: 2 No (3.6%)
Mora solvendi ex personae: 3 No (5.5%)

Total: 55

Question 13: The right of the creditor that is enforceable against a definite debtor is

Personal right: 47 Yes (85.5%)

Real right: 5 No (9.1%)
Natural right: 0 No (0.0%)
Moral right: 3 No (5.5%)

Total: 55

Question 14: The source of obligations which is a rule of conduct, just and obligatory, promulgated by legitimate authorities for common good, benefit and observance

Law: 47 Yes (87.0%)

Contracts: 3 No (5.6%)
Quasi-contracts: 3 No (5.6%)
Delict: 1 No (1.9%)
Quasi-delicts: 0 No (0.0%)

Total: 54

Question 15: A juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do gives rise to

Civil obligation: 48 Yes (87.3%)

Natural obligation: 4 No (7.3%)
Moral obligation: 0 No (0.0%)
Perfect obligation: 3 No (5.5%)

Total: 55
Question 16: Which of the terms are synonymous to obligor: (1) Creditor (2) Active subject (3) Debtor (4) Passive subject?

3 and 4: 48 Yes (87.3%)

1 and 2: 2 No (3.6%)
2 and 3: 2 No (3.6%)
1 and 3: 3 No (5.5%)

Total: 55

Question 17: The following are sources of obligations derived from law, except

Contracts: 23 Yes (41.8%)

Delicts: 29 No (52.7%)
Quasi-delicts: 0 No (0.0%)
Quasi-contracts: 3 No (5.5%)

Total: 55

Question 18: A owes B P1,000. A, knowing that the debt has prescribed, nevertheless, still pays B. Can A recover what he voluntarily paid?
[First statement: Yes, because B has no right to demand the payment effected by A.]
[Second statement: No, the payment extinguished the natural obligation.]

Only the second is correct.: 27 Yes (50.0%)

Both answers are correct.: 6 No (11.1%)
Both answers are wrong.: 10 No (18.5%)
Only the first is correct.: 11 No (20.4%)

Total: 54

Question 19: A juridical relation resulting from a lawful, voluntary, and unilateral act and which has for its purpose the payment of indemnity to the end that no one
shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another.

Quasi-contract: 50 Yes (90.9%)

Law: 1 No (1.8%)
Contract: 3 No (5.5%)
Delict: 0 No (0.0%)
Quasi-delict: 1 No (1.8%)

Total: 55

Question 20: Omission of the diligence which is required by the circumstances of person, place and time.

Negligence: 51 Yes (92.7%)

Fraud: 0 No (0.0%)
Delay: 3 No (5.5%)
Contravention of the terms of the obligation: 1 No (1.8%)

Total: 55

Question 21: The following are kinds of fruits of an obligation, except

Penal: 53 Yes (96.4%)

Natural: 0 No (0.0%)
Industrial: 2 No (3.6%)
Civil: 0 No (0.0%)

Total: 55

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