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Assignment of IT in Business

The Role of Economic Development of Pakistan

Abdurrahman Muhammad
ID #: 5224

The Role of IT in
Development of Pakistan
Page 2 of 3 The Role of IT in Economic Development of Pakistan

The world is undergoing with the library of changes and challenges. Day by day people are finding
more ways for more comfortable life.

To make the life comfortable and for people satisfaction many businesses are researching for new
innovations. These innovations are totally based on the technology. The 21st century brought the new
term of Information Technology. The people influenced greatly by this term. In whole world the
number of people moves towards the IT education.

In our beloved country the government didn’t planned for the IT education. Its look like a storm hit
the sea shore and just passed through. In such field the government didn’t support anyone and never
tries to manage nor told people the importance of information technology.

On the other hand in foreign countries, like America, Europe, and Japan etc. the government planned
greatly for the IT education. This planning for IT education was fruitful for their success. However
there is great shortage of the manpower I such a field.

Approximately 25,00,000 IT manpower needed all around the world. Only one million manpower in
IT is demanded by U.S.A and Japan. Rests 500,000 are needed by Canada, Europe and other
countries. Now if we look into the matter, in Pakistan the backward systems and plans and legal
disobedience form the great huddles in the ways of success. Approximately (Hardly) 2,000 to 5,000
man power in the field of IT we have in Pakistan. On the other hand in India there are approximately
above 2,00,000 and have the plan to increase the number of manpower in such the field by 20,000
per year.

This great planning by these countries provides them with the profit. The global software market is
approximately of one trillion US Dollars. India exports software approximately near 80 billion US
Dollars. On the other hand Government of Pakistan via the Pakistan Software Export Board exports
approximately near 750 million US Dollars. While Microsoft is the great company of software
working all around the world situated in America.

This is the great challenge for Pakistan. First of all we have to know what IT. Is what the basics of
the IT are or on what it consists of? IT based on the Communication, Computer and Robotic

In Pakistan all the system are backwards. There is the call of the time, to change the present situation
and walk with the time. Pakistani traditions and some old and meaningless values are now on the
edge of change. Our government has to look in such matter and must plan for the great change in
changeable fields. Like in agriculture field some of the farmers are using old and traditional wooden
plough instead of tractors. Not only in agriculture but in every sector there is the traditional and
backward system.

If we only focus on IT, our communication system is not very fast. Computer is not used to keep the
data for the longer time and there is no management of national records. If we look deeply, our
national record is not computerized which sometimes let the criminal move easily in the entire
country. In many countries the record of the public is computerized and the police get the criminal in
short period of time. In our courts the data is kept in hard copy in a dusty record room and there is no
management of keeping data in computer as to find the data in short time. Our automobile data is

Abdurrahman Muhammad ID# 5224 (ITIB)

Page 3 of 3 The Role of IT in Economic Development of Pakistan

also kept in the record room and have no computerized record. Beyond this our national records are
also kept in the dusty record room, and to find the particular file at the time of need can’t be found so
as the result we have to plan from the beginning and this is the reason that we are standing on the
same position and we are very much backward in the development.

We are now in the era of information and internet. World is moving so fast. Pakistan has many
institutions of IT education and training centers. The need is that we have to manage and fulfill the
need of time with the investment of manpower in the field of IT. We have many educated personals
too, working all around the world but due to old and backward technology we are standing on the
past position. We have to put our political and other bad thinking on a side and work hard by joining
our heads and to step forward in the time. No matter we are so backward we may get the success as
the IT may play the vital role in the economic development of Pakistan.

Allah (S.W.T) said in his Holy Book Quran:

“And that man shall have nothing but what he has striven for.”
[Chapter: 53& Section: 39]


Abdurrahman Muhammad ID# 5224 (ITIB)

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