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Hitt 1

Noah Hitt


English 12

21 September 2020

The Silent Screams of the Unborn

Abortions started in the 1920’s and have been going on ever since. It was first introduced

in the United States in the 1960s and became very popular throughout the years. It has though

taken effect of many people as a horrific action, do to it being someone taking an innocent life

without hesitations usually.

Innocent babies are getting murdered everyday. They have done nothing wrong in the

world and they are getting killed because their mothers can’t take responsibility for them or they

just don’t want to have to take care of a child. Murder is wrong and will always be wrong no

matter who or what you kill. By 1967 many states changed their abortion laws except in extreme

cases, such as where the pregnancy interferes with the mother’s mental or physical health or

when the fetus has severe physical defects. So women begin to discover a few or many affects

and side effects due to them getting the fetus removed from them.

Most of time women get abortions because the pregnancy is inconvenient for them. They

never consider the baby whose future they are taking away. Being raped is a different situation

because it is against the woman’s will. I can understand why women would get abortions for that

but it is still bad no matter what.

A fetus starts living within 2 weeks and it can’t really be determined but according to

doctor facts, the heart beats after 16-25 days and the brain works after 40 days. After conception
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you become the person reliable for what actions you choose. You make choices by being asked

or being face to face with them, you don’t choose actions that could affect your well being but

you try to avoid them. So why can't the fetus? The fetus could be alive and the abortion could be

murder. Abortion is legal but it shouldn’t be or without valuable proof that a women was raped

or something revolving around that topic. Nothing is right about abortion, 1/3 of Women have

also claimed that a few days after they have abortions they feel Regret, Anger, Despair, Pain, and

Broken from what they have done.

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Works Cited

“Abortion & Pregnancy Risks” Accessed 24 September


“Emotional and Mental Health After Abortion,” . Accessed

24 September 2020.

“5 Facts About The Abortion Debate In America,”

Accessed 26 September 2020.

“Should Abortion Be Legal,”, Accessed 25 September 2020.

“What facts about abortion do I need to know?”

abortion-do-i-need-know. Accessed 24 September 2020.

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