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Standard Symptoms

in Condmaster®Pro 1.10

1X 2X 3X

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/2


Symptom parameter definition ....................... 3 DC motors

40 DC motor faults, 50 Hz ........................... 16
General, shaft 41 DC motor faults, 60 Hz ........................... 16
10 Unblance ................................................... 4 42 DC motor problems, 50 Hz .................... 17
11 Misalignment ............................................ 4 43 DC motor problems, 60 Hz .................... 17
12 Looseness, 3 - 10 H .................................. 5
13 Looseness, 0.5 - 3.5 H .............................. 5 Fans and pumps
50 Vane or blade faults ............................... 18
Gear boxes
20 Gear damage, 1. shaft (Z1) ....................... 6 Belts
21 Gear damage, 2. shaft (Z2) ....................... 6 60 Worn or loose belts ................................ 19
22 Gear damage, 3. shaft (Z3) ....................... 7 61 Belt problems ......................................... 19
23 Gear damage, 3. shaft (Z4) ....................... 7
Journal bearings
24 Gear alignment, 1. shaft ........................... 8
70 Oil whirl .................................................. 20
25 Gear assembly (GAP) ................................ 8
26 Hunting tooth (HT) ................................... 9
27 HTF modulation of 1X .............................. 9
90 Resonance frequency ............................. 21
28 HTF modulation of GMF ........................ 10
91 Resonance frequency harmonics ............ 21
92 Modulation with rpm .............................. 22
AC motors
93 Fixed modulation .................................... 22
30 Eccentric stator, 50 Hz ........................... 11
31 Eccentric stator, 60 Hz ........................... 11
Rolling bearings
32 Eccentric rotor, 50 Hz ............................ 12
Bearing symptoms BPFO, BPFI, BSF, FTF .... 23
33 Eccentric rotor, 60 Hz ............................ 12
Bearing symptoms BPFOM, BPFIM .............. 23
34 Rotor faults, 50 Hz .................................. 13
List of patters ................................................ 24
35 Rotor faults, 60 Hz .................................. 13
36 Rotor faults, 50 Hz .................................. 14
37 Rotor faults, 60 Hz .................................. 14
38 Loose connector (50 / 60 Hz) ................. 15
39 AC synchronous motor, stator coils ....... 15

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/3

Rpm Shaft revolution in revolutions per minute = fundamental

frequency, normally input as Rpm1.
Delta Rpm Tolerance range for Rpm, normally 0.01 (= ± 1%). This
tolerance is taken into account when calculating multiples and
Z Multiplication factor for Rpm. Z•Rpm = base frequency of the
Delta Z Tolerance range for Z.
Minimum harmonic Position of the lowest multiple of the base frequency =
Minimum harmonic•Z*Rpm.
Maximum harmonic Position of the highest multiple of Z*Rpm.
Modulation, Rpm Position of sidebands to Z*Rpm. Defined by a (decimal)
Modulation, fixed Position of sidebands to Rpm•Z, defined by a fixed value or a
formula including Rpm1 (without Delta Rpm).
Sidebands Number of sidebands on either side of Z*Rpm.
Include centre frequ. The base frequency Rpm•Z is part of the symptom if Include
centre frequency = 1, else only sidebands are part of the

Symptom parameter definition

The following pages contain a detailed description of the standard symptoms supplied with
Condmaster®Pro. All these symptoms have a basic configuration and all symptom parameters
which are relevant are also named and thus visible when you use the symptom. Parameter values
are not shown when they are ”standard”:

Z .............................. 1 Modulation Rpm ..... 0

Delta Z .................... 0 Modulation, fixed ... 0
Min. harm. ............... 1 Sidebands ............... 0
Max. harm. .............. 1 Incl. centre frequ. ... 1
To configure most symptoms, the only data needed is machine speed, which has always been input
as Rpm1. This means that the speed data for the respective measuring point, constant or meas-
ured, is being used. As a general rule, EVAM measuring points should be set up for ”Measured

The tolerance range for rpm, defined by Delta Rpm, should be > 0, because even small speed
variations during measurement affect the position of the lines in the spectrum. 0.01 (tolerance ± 1
% of Rpm) has been used throughout, and Delta Rpm is always shown.

A number of symptoms require a value for Z, e. g. the number of teeth on a gear wheel or the
length of a belt. Belt length requires a value >0 for Delta Z, so does line frequency (0.005 has been
used). The number of gear teeth is absolute (Delta Z = 0, not shown).

You can edit symptoms freely, but in that case should rename them. The fastest way of making a
new symptom is to copy a similar symptom.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/4

Name: ...................... 10 Unbalance

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
1 line at 1X
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Frequency range: >1X
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

10 Unblance
General, all machines. Unbalance, soft foot. A line at 1X, the fundamental
frequency, is generlly present in the spectrum of rotating machines.
The amplitude is significant.

Name: ...................... 11 Misalignment

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
1 lines at 2Xand 3X
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 2 Frequency range: >3X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 3
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

11 Misalignment
General, all machines with couplings, belt drive. Together with 10 Unbalance.
If 10 is not used, set Min. harm. to 1.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/5

Name: ...................... 12 Looseness, 3 - 10 H

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
7 lines at 3X – 10X
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 3
Frequency range: >10X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic ............. 10
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

12 Looseness, 3 - 10 H
General, all machines. Structural looseness, excessive bearing play. Together with 10.
If 11 is not used, set Min. harm. to 2.
If 10 is not used, set Min. harm. to 1.

Name: ...................... 13 Looseness, 0.5 – 3.5 H

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
4 lines at 0.5X, 1.5X, 2.5X, 3.5X
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............. 0.5
Frequency range: 4X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic ............ 3.5
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

13 Looseness, 0.5 - 3.5 H

General, all machines. Structural looseness, excessive bearing play.
Alternative to 12.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/6

Name: ...................... 20 Gear damage, Z1

rpm 1. shaft
Parameter Name Value
4 harm.
Rpm ............................ Rpm shaft 1 ............. Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z1 = teeth wheel 1: ....... 1X GMF
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1 4 times 6 lines at 1X*Z – 4X*Z
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4 (X and Z for shaft 1)
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1 Frequency range: >4X*Z (2X*Z)
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. . No CF ........................... 0

20 Gear damage, 1. shaft (Z1)

General for gear boxes. Looks for 3 sidebands of the gear mesh frequency (GMF),
modulation with the rpm of this shaft, plus 4 harmonics. The GMF itself is usually
present. The appearance of side bands (and harmonics) shows damage.
Input Z1 = no. of teeth of driving wheel on shaft 1.
If frequency range is exceeded, reduce Max. harm. to 2.
Symptoms 20 to 23: To watch the GMF only, set Modulation and Sidebands to 0,
Include centre frequency to 1.

Name: ...................... 21 Gear damage, Z2 Modulation

rpm 2. shaft
Parameter Name Value
4 harm.
Rpm ............................ Rpm shaft 2 ....... Rpm1*Z1/Z2
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z2 = teeth wheel 2: ....... 1X GMF
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
4 times 6 lines at 1X*Z – 4X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
(X for shaft 2, Z for wheel 2)
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4
Frequency range: >4X*Z (2X*Z)
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. . No CF ........................... 0

21 Gear damage, 2. shaft (Z2)

As 20, but modulation with the rpm of the second shaft.
Input Rpm1 * Z1 / Z2 under Rpm.
Input Z2 = no. of teeth of driven wheel on shaft 2.
This results in the same GMF as with symptom 20, but allows you to use
Modulation, Rpm = 1 as the modulation factor. This is the rpm resulting
from the formula on the first line, including the tolerance factor for rpm.
The same goes for symptoms 22, 23.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/7

Name: ...................... 22 Gear damage, Z3

rpm 2. shaft
Parameter Name Value
4 harm.
Rpm ............................ Shaft 2 ........... Rpm1*Z1/Z2
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z3 = teeth wheel 3: ....... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
4 times 6 lines at 1X*Z – 4X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
(X for shaft 2, Z for wheel 3)
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4
Frequency range: >4X*Z (2X*Z)
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. . No CF ........................... 0

22 Gear damage, 3. shaft (Z3)

As 21, shaft 2 with gear wheel Z3, modulation with the rpm of the shaft 2.
Input Rpm1 * Z1 / Z2 under Rpm.
Input Z3 = no. of teeth of driving wheel on shaft 2.

Name: ...................... 23 Gear damage, Z4

rpm 3. shaft
Parameter Name Value
4 harm.
Rpm ............................ Shaft 3 ..... Rpm1*Z1/Z2*Z3/Z4
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z4 = teeth wheel 4: ....... 1X GMF
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
4 times 6 lines at 1X*Z – 4X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
(X for shaft 3, Z for wheel 4)
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4
Frequency range: >4X*Z (2X*Z)
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. . No CF ........................... 0

23 Gear damage, 3. shaft (Z4)

As 22, shaft 3 with gear wheel Z4, modulation with the rpm of the shaft 3.
Input Rpm1 * Z1 / Z2 * Z3 / Z4 under Rpm.
Input Z4 = no. of teeth of driven wheel on shaft 3.
Of course the rpm on the outgoing shaft can be measured, in which case you
set Rpm to Rpm1.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/8

Name: ...................... 24 Gear alignment, 1. shaft

rpm 1. shaft
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z1 = teeth wheel 1: ....... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
3 times 3 lines at 2X*Z – 3X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Frequency range: >3X*Z
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 3
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sideband ...................... 1
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

24 Gear alignment, 1. shaft

General for gear boxes. Looks for 1st to 3rd harmonic of GMF (2nd and 3rd should
be higher than 1*GMF), with 1 sideband, modulation with the rpm of the shaft.
Input Z1 = no. of teeth of driving shaft.
Because the GMF modulation is involved, this symptom should not be used to-
gether with symptom 20 for the same measuring point.

Name: ...................... 25 Gear assembly (GAP)

rpm 1. shaft
Parameter Name Value
5 harm.
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = Z1 / NA: ................... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
5 times 3 lines at 1X*Z/NA – 5X*Z/NA
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Frequency range: >5X*Z/NA (3X*Z/NA)
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 5
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sideband ...................... 1
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

25 Gear assembly (GAP)

Looks for the GAPF (gear assembly phase frequency) which is a fraction of GMF
when the assambly phase factor NA> 1. NA is 1 if 1 is the only common prime factor,
else it is the product of the prime factors common to the meshing gear wheels.
When NA = 1, GAPF = GMF (symptoms 20 - 23). When NA > 1, you can monitor GMF
plus GAPF.
Input Z = Z1 /NA. If the frequency range is exceeded, reduce Max. harmonic.
Examples of NA:
Z1 = 15 = 1 * 5 * 3
Z1 = 6 = 1 * 2 * 3 Z2 = 25 = 1 * 5 * 5
Z2 = 11 = 1 * 11 NA = 1 * 5 = 5
NA = 1

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7/9

Name: ...................... 26 Hunting tooth (HT)

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = NA / Z2: ................... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0 2 lines at 1X * NA / Z2, 2X * NA / Z2
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1 Frequency range: below X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 2
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

26 Hunting tooth (HT)

Looks for the hunting tooth frequency HTF (one faulty tooth on Z1 meets
a faulty tooth on Z2). Again, you need the assembly phase factor NA.
Input Z = NA / Z2.

Name: ...................... 27 HTF modulation of 1X Modulation

with HTF
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
3 lines around 1X
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Frequency range: >1X
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation HTF: ..... NA / Z2
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sideband ...................... 1
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

27 HTF modulation of 1X
Looks for the HTF sideband of 1X.
Input NA / Z2 under Modulation, Rpm.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7 / 10

Name: ...................... 28 HTF modulation of GMF

with HTF
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z1 = teeth wheel 1: ....... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
3 lines at X*Z
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1 Frequency range: >X*Z
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation HTF: ..... NA / Z2
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sideband ...................... 1
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

28 HTF modulation of GMF

Looks for the HTF sideband of 1GMF.
Input Z1 = no. of teeth.
Input NA / Z2 under Modulation, Rpm.

Other faults:
Exessive bearing play will cause a typical looseness patter,
i. e. harmonics of 1X of the respective shaft (symptom 13).

A broken tooth causes shock vibration (CREST and KURT up).

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7 / 11

Name: ...................... 30 Eccentric stator, 50 Hz

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * 2 * LF ..... 6000
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z .......................................................................... 1 100 Hz
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
1 line at 100 Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

30 Eccentric stator, 50 Hz
Looks for the double line frequency. This line is due to magnetostriction, always present,
with normal amplitudes depending on motor design. Increased amplitudes can be due to
an uneven stationary air gap between rotor and stator. Can even be a sign of soft foot, a
warped base, loose iron, or shorted stator laminations.

Name: ...................... 31 Eccentric stator, 60 Hz

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * 2 * LF ..... 7200
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z .......................................................................... 1 120 Hz
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
1 line at 120 Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

31 Eccentric stator, 60 Hz
As 30, for line frequency 60 Hz.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7 / 12

Name: ...................... 32 Eccentric rotor, 50 Hz

slip frequency
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * 2 * LF ..... 6000
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z .......................................................................... 1 100 Hz
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
7 lines at ≈100 Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Frequency range: >100 Hz
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... 6000/P - Rpm1: .............
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

32 Eccentric rotor, 50 Hz
Looks for the double line frequency with 3 sidebands, modulation with the slip fre-
quency, which is the difference between synchronous speed and actual speed.
Sidebands can be due to an uneven rotating air gap between rotor and stator. Can
even be a sign of soft foot, a warped base, misalignment.
Input 6000/P–Rpm1, where P = no. of poles.
To test for slip frequency sidebands around 1X, set Rpm to Rpm1.

Name: ...................... 33 Eccentric rotor, 60 Hz

slip frequency
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * 2 * LF ..... 7200
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z .......................................................................... 1 120 Hz
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
7 lines at ≈120 Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Frequency range: >120 Hz
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... 7200/ P-Rpm1: ..............
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

33 Eccentric rotor, 60 Hz
As 32, for line frequency 60 Hz.
Input 7200/P–Rpm1, where P = no. of poles.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7 / 13

Name: ...................... 34 Rotor faults, 50 Hz

pole pass frequency
Parameter Name Value
5 harmonics
Rpm ............................ Rpm .......................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance rpm ........... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X 2X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
5 times 5 lines at 1X – 5X
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Frequency range: >5X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 5
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... 6000 - P*Rpm1: .............
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 2
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

34 Rotor faults, 50 Hz
Looks for 1X and 5 harmonics with 2 sidebands, modulation with the pole pass
frequency, which is the slip frequency multiplied with the no. of poles.
Looks for the double line frequency. Sidebands can be due to an uneven rotating air
gap between rotor and stator. Can even be a sign of soft foot, a warped base,
Input 6000-P*Rpm1, where P = no. of poles.

Name: ...................... 35 Rotor faults, 60 Hz

pole pass frequency
Parameter Name Value
5 harmonics
Rpm ............................ Rpm .......................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance rpm ........... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X 2X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
5 times 5 lines at 1X – 5X
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Frequency range: >5X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 5
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... 7200 - P*Rpm1: .............
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 2
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

35 Rotor faults, 60 Hz
As 34, for line frequency 60 Hz.
Input 7200-P*Rpm1, where P = no. of poles.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7 / 14

Name: ...................... 36 Rotor bar faults, 50 Hz

2 * LF
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm .......................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance rpm ........... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = no. of rotor bars: .... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
2 times 5 lines at 1RBPF, 2RBPF
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Frequency range: <2X * Z
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 2
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... Modulation 2 * LF ..... 6000
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 2
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

36 Rotor faults, 50 Hz
Looks for the rotor bar pass frequency RBPF and harmonic, with 2 sidebands, modula-
tion with 2*LF. Indicates loose or open rotor bars, electric arching between loose bars
and end ring.
Input Z = no. of rotor bars.

Name: ...................... 37 Rotor bar faults, 60 Hz

2 * LF
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm .......................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance rpm ........... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = no. of rotor bars: .... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
2 times 5 lines at 1RBPF, 2RBPF
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Frequency range: <2X * Z
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 2
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... Modulation 2 * LF ..... 7200
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 2
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

37 Rotor faults, 60 Hz
As 36, for line frequency 60 Hz.
Input Z = no. of rotor bars.

SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
Standard Symptoms in Condmaster®Pro 7 / 15

Name: ...................... 38 Loose connector

1/3 LF
Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ 2 * LF .............................
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z .......................................................................... 1 100 (120) Hz
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
4 lines around 100 (120) Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Frequency range: <200 Hz
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... Modulation LF / 3: .........
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. . No CF ........................... 0

38 Loose connector (50 / 60 Hz)

Looks for 2 sidebands of the double line frequency, modulation with 1/3 of the line
frequency. Indicates loose or broken connectors which make only sporadic contact.
Input Rpm 6000 for 50 Hz, 7200 for 60 Hz.
Input Modulation, fixed 1000 for 50 Hz, 1200 for 60 Hz.

Name: ...................... 39 AC synchronous, coils

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm .......................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance rpm ........... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = no. of stator coils .... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
5 lines at 1CPF
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Frequency range: <X * Z
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 2
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

39 AC synchronous motor, loose stator coils

Looks for the stator coil pass frequency CPF, with 2 sidebands,
modulation with rpm.
Input Z = no. stator coils.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 40 DC motor faults, 50 Hz

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * 3 * LF ..... 9000
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z ................................. Z= 1 (hwr), 2 (fwr): ........ 150 (300 Hz)
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
1 line at 150 (300) Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

40 DC motor faults, 50 Hz
Looks for the SCR frequency, which is 6*LF in full-wave rectified motors and 3*LF
in half-wave rectified motors. Indicates problems with armature windings, ground-
ing, and system tuning.
Input Z = 1 for half-wave and Z = 2 for full-wave rectified motors.
Can even cause a harmonic (set Max. harm to 2).

Name: ...................... 41 DC motor faults, 60 Hz

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * 3 * LF .... 10800
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005
Z ................................. Z= 1 (hwr), 2 (fwr): ........ 180 (360 Hz)
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
1 line at 180 (360) Hz
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

41 DC motor faults, 60 Hz
As symptom 40, for LF = 60 Hz.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 42 DC motor faults, 50 Hz SCRF

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * LF ......... 3000
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005 50 Hz
Z .......................................................................... 1 Lines at 50, 100 Hz (hwr)
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1 SCRF
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic: ..............
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0 50 Hz
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Lines at 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 Hz (fwr)
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

42 DC motor problems, 50 Hz
Looks for the line frequency with 2 harmonics (half-wave rectified) or 5 harmonics
(full-wave rectified). For half-wave rectified motors, there should be no significant vibra-
tion at 1LF and 2LF (3LF = SCRF). For full-wave rectified motors, there should be no
significant vibration at 1LF to 5LF (6LF = SCRF). Vibration at these frequencies indicates
faulty firing card, blown fuse, faulty SCR, shortened control card, and/or loose connec-
Input Max. harmonic = 2 for half-wave and 5 for full-wave rectified motors.

Name: ...................... 43 DC motor faults, 60 Hz SCRF

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 60 * LF ......... 3600
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance LF ............. 0.005 60 Hz
Z .......................................................................... 1 Lines at 60, 120 Hz (hwr)
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1 SCRF
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic: ..............
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0 60 Hz
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1 Lines at 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 Hz (fwr)

43 DC motor problems, 60 Hz
As symptom 42, for LF = 60 Hz.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 50 Vane/blade faults

rpm 3 harm.
Parameter Name Value
Rpm 1 ......................... Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = no. of blades: .......... 1X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0
3 times 3 lines at 1X*Z – 3X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 3
Frequency range: >3.5X*Z
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sideband ...................... 1
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

50 Vane or blade faults

Looks for the blade pass frequency (BPF) which is significant in pumps, fans
and compressors. Rpm modulation, 3 sidebands.
Input Z = no. of blades.

In pumps, irregular gap between rotating vanes and stationary diffusers;

impeller wear ring seized on shaft, failed diffuser vane welds.

In fans, broken or damaged blades, irregular dirt layer.

In compressors, ??

Pump cavitation: Broad band high noise level above BPF.

Flow turbulence: High random vibration below 1X, high noise level
above BPF.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 60 Worn belts

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = belt frequ. factor: ... 1X
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance belt factor . 0,05 1 times 1 line at belt frequency multi-
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1 ples
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4 Frequency range: >1X
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

61 Worn or loose belts

Looks for the belt frequency (BPF) harmonics.
Input Z = π * pitch diameter (of pulley running at Rpm1) / belt lenght

Belt or pulley misalignment (offset, pigeon toe, angular) cause peaks at 1X

of the driving or driven pulley (symptom 10). Eccentric pulleys also cause
peaks at 1X of the eccentric pulley (symptom 10).

Name: ...................... 61 Belt problems, mod.

belt frequency
Parameter Name Value 4 harmon.
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z .......................................................................... 1 1X 2X 3X
Delta Z ................................................................ 0 3 times 7 lines at 1X – 3X
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1 Frequency range: >4X
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4
Modulation, Rpm ....... Mod. belt fr. factor: ......
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

61 Belt problems
Looks for the 1X to 4X modulated with the belt frequency (BPF), 3 sidebands.
Input under Modulation, π * pitch diameter / belt lenght.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 70 Oil whirl

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm .......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = Oil whirl constant 0.45 1X
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ................ 0.07 1 line at 0.42 to 0.48X
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

70 Oil whirl
Looks for the oil whirl frequency, 0.42 to 0.48X.
Journal bearings.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 90 Resonance frequency

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 1 rps ................. 60
Delta Rpm ........................................................... 0
Z ................................. Z = RF in Hz ..................
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ................ 0.01 1 line at RF or selected frequency
Min. harmonic ..................................................... 1
Max. harmonic .................................................... 1
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

90 Resonance frequency
The resonce frequency has to be measured by ”ringing” the machine when it is off.
This symptom can be used to look for any single frequency line.
Input the frequency in Hertz under Z.

Name: ...................... 91 RF harmonics

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm = 1 rps ................. 60
Delta Rpm ........................................................... 0
Z ................................. Z = RF in Hz ..................
Multiples of RF or selected frequency
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ................ 0.01
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic ...............
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

91 Resonance frequency harmonics

Any machine vibration is amplified when its frequency coincides with the
resonance frequency or its harmonics.
This symptom can be used to look for the harmonics of any frequency line.
Input the frequency in Hertz under Z.
Input the number of harmonics under Max. harmonic.
Note: To find the harmonics of a selected frequency in the spectrum,
mark the frequency line and use the function Show harmonics. This does not,
however, return a parameter value.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... 92 Modulation with rpm

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm ......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = .................................
As configured.
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ....................
Centre frequency at Z*Rpm1,
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ................
plus x sidebands, with x harmonics
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic ...............
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ......................
Include centre frequ. . Centre frequ. .................

92 Modulation with rpm

A symptom where all parameters except the rpm modulation
are open. The modulation will be Rpm1 ± Tolerance Rpm.
Modulation, Rpm can be any multiplication factor.

Name: ...................... 93 Fixed modulation

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm ......... 0.01
Z ................................. Z = .................................
As configured.
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ....................
Centre frequency at Z*Rpm1,
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ................
plus x sidebands, with x harmonics
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic ...............
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ...... Modulation, fixed ..........
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ......................
Include centre frequ. . Centre frequ. .................

93 Fixed modulation
A symptom where all parameters except the fixed modulation
are open. Under Modulation, fixed, you can input a formula
including Rpm1, but then Tolerance Rpm will be disregarded.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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Name: ...................... BPFO, BPFI, BSF, FTF

Parameter Name Value
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm ........ 0.005
Z ................................. Z = Bearing factor ........
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ................ 0.01
4 times 1 line at 1X*Z – 4X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
(FTF below 1X, BPFI up to Z ≈ 8)
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4
Frequency range: up to 40X
Modulation, Rpm ................................................ 0
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands ........................................................... 0
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

Bearing symptoms BPFO, BPFI, BSF, FTF

Bearing symptoms cannot be edited in the Standard symptom register.
They are accessible in the Symptom group register when you mark Bearing group.
The standard configuration is as shown, a frequency line at Z*Rpm1 with 4 harminics.
The factor Z will be imported (for all 4 bearing parameters) when you
input the ISO bearing number and the manufacturer. If the bearing is
not in the Condmaster®Pro catalogue, you have to find these factors elsewhere.

Name: ...................... BPFOM, BPFIM

rpm 1. shaft
Parameter Name Value
4 harm.
Rpm ............................ Rpm 1 ....................... Rpm1
Delta Rpm .................. Tolerance Rpm ........ 0.005
Z ................................. Z = Bearing factor ........
Delta Z ....................... Tolerance Z ................ 0.01
4 times 7 lines at 1X*Z* – 4X*Z
Min. harmonic ............ Min. harmonic ............... 1
(BPFIM up to Z ≈ 8)
Max. harmonic ........... Max. harmonic .............. 4
Frequency range: up to ≈40X
Modulation, Rpm ....... Modulation, Rpm .......... 1
Modulation, fixed ............................................... 0
Sidebands .................. Sidebands ..................... 3
Include centre frequ. .......................................... 1

Bearing symptoms BPFOM, BPFIM

As BPF= and BPFI above, but with an rpm modultion, 3 sidebands.

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Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B
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List of symptom patterns

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SPM Instrument AB • Box 4 • S-645 21 Strängnäs • Sweden Technical data subject to change without notice.
Tel +46 152 22500 • Fax +46 152 15075 • • ISO 9001 certified. © SPM 1999-03. 71584.B

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