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CEG3185 A – Winter 2021

Introduction to Data Communication & Networking

Lectures: Recorded and delivered on-line

Consultation: On-line, will be announced every week.

Labs: Mondays, 13:30 – 14:20 (on-line service)

Tuesdays, 14.30 – 13:50 (on-line service)

Tutorials: Fridays,14.30 – 15:50; on-line

1: W. Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, Pearson Prentice Hall
2: Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Pearson Prentice Hall.
3: J. Walrand, “Communications Networks: A First Course”, R.D. Irwin Inc.
4: D. Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. I: Principles, Protocols and Architecture, Pearson
5: A. Leon-Garcia & I. Widjaja, “Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key
Architectures”, McGraw-Hill.

Marking scheme
Labs 10 % Assignments: 10% Mid-Term 30 % Final Exam: 50 %

Labs. Labs will be on-line. Groups of 2 will be formed. Students can select their partner, however needs to
be from the same lab section, e.g. both from A01 or both from A02. Tutorials to explain the material of the
lab will be given before the Lab is to be done,, when needed. The lab reports are due 1 week after the lab
takes place.

Mid-Term Exam - closed book (80 minutes) Date: February 13, 2021, 12pm (on-line)

Final Exam - closed book (180 minutes) Date: Unknown (on-line)

Assignments: 3 to 4 assignments are planned; however the number is dependent on size of provided TA
support. Dates the assignments will be posted depend on the progress of the curse material. As general
“rule” there will be assignment posted close to the end of each month.

Course Description
Overview of Computer networking. Communication and transmission systems. Physical layer issues:
signal analysis, impairments, analog and digital data transmission, channel capacity, signal encoding. Data
link layer: framing, error control, flow control, line configurations, bridging, protocols, introduction to
LANs. Network layer: circuit and packet switching; Internet Protocols; Internet architectures;
flow/congestion control and routing algorithms and protocols.
Prerequisite: MAT2377 (Probability and Statistics for Engineers) or corequisite ELG3126
(Random Signals and Systems).

How to contact the instructor: Through e-mail, sent to his U of Ottawa account (telephone calls will not
be answered).

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