Chapter 2 - Review Questions: Operating-System Structures

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Chapter 2 - Review Questions: Operating-System Structures

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1. 1. Apple iPhone What are the two devices that run the iOS 7. 1. registers Of the following 5 forms of
2. Apple iPad operating system? 2. cache storage, rank them from fastest
3. main memory to slowest in terms of access
2. 1. CLI What are the two different approaches for
4. solid state disk time:
(command-line providing a user interface?
5. magnetic disk
1. main memory
2. GUI (graphical
2. magnetic disk
user interface)
3. registers
3. 1. Disk I/O Name two activities the operating system is 4. solid state disk
2. Disk responsible for in connection with disk 5. cache
space/capacity management.
8. 1. Resource allocation List at least three operating
4. 1. File List at least three of the categories of 2. Accounting system functions that maintain
management system programs. 3. Protection and security efficient operation of the
2. Status system.
9. 1. Simple structure (MS- List at least three different ways
3. File
DOS & early UNIX) for structuring an operating
2. Layered approach (layer system.
0 is hardware, layer N is
user interface)
3. Microkernel (Tru64
*4. Modules (Solaris, Linux,
*5. Program
loading and
*5. Hybrid structure (Mac
OS X, uses Mach
microkernel and the BSD
UNIX kernel)
*7. Background
services 10. 1. User goals What are the two basic goal
2. System goals groups that must be considered
5. 1. Mac OS X List at least two different hybrid operating
when designing an operating
2. iOS systems.
*3. Android 11. 1. User Interface List at least three operating
2. Program execution system services that are useful
6. 1. process List at least three of the major categories
3. I/O operations to users.
control of system calls.
2. file
*4. File-system
3. device
*5. Communications
*6. Error detection
*4. information 12. bootstrap program / What is the name of the small
maintenance bootstrap loader piece of code that locates the
*5. kernel and loads it into main
communications memory?
*6. protection
13. command interpreter What part of the operating
system makes the decision with
regards to which job will run?
14. False; it has been added to True or False? DTrace is
Mac OS X and FreeBSD available for Windows systems.
15. An interface that specifies a set of functions that are available to an What is an API?
application programmer, including the parameters that are passed to each
function and the return values the programmer can expect.
16. An interface to the services made available by an operating system. What is a system call?
17. Mechanisms determine how to do something; policies determine what will be What is the difference between policy and
done. mechanism?
18. message passing What technique do microkernels use to
communicate between services?
19. MS-DOS Provide an example of an operating system that
uses the simple structure.
20. Process A program that has been loaded and executing is
called a _____.
21. stack What kernel data structure can be used for one
technique of passing parameters to system calls?
22. system generation; the process of configuring or generating an instance of What does the term SYSGEN refer to?
an operating system for each individual computer site/architecture.
23. True True or False? The view most users see of the
operating system is defined by application and
system programs rather than system calls.
24. True True or False? Performance tuning is a type of

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