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GOAL 1 – To increase creative thinking, artistic expression, and the

creation of meaningful art.


1. By setting specific sketchbook planning requirements prior to every major project.

Students are expected to research, plan, and test out different ideas. Students must
create a variety of thumbnail sketches for each project. Students are required to
explore different perspectives, compositions, and approaches before selecting their
final design.
2. By introducing different journaling practices for the purpose of generating inspiration.
Students will be exposed to the creative processes of a variety of historical and
contemporary artists. They will participate in writing exercises that will help them
transform their thoughts and emotions into ideas for art creation.


A resource that I could access to assist me to reach this goal is…

1. D2L
2. The University of Lethbridge library database
3. Louisiana Channel


1. Students will start to develop their own creative process and explore their role as an
2. Students will move towards creating art with meaning and purpose.


Some differences this will make to my classroom are…

1. Students careful sketchbook planning affects the outcome and strength of their artwork.
2. Students will see that the art they create can have an impact on their community.
3. Students' understanding of the purpose of art will deepen and they will start to develop
their identity as an artist.

GOAL 2 – Increase the use of technology in the classroom as a resource

for art and art creation.

1. By providing students with a wide range of video tutorials on D2L. Students will have
access to several different resources posted on D2L. The resources will vary in skill
level and students can choose tutorials based on their interest and ability. This strategy
is intended to show students that art resources are readily accessible on the internet.
If students are interested in a material, they can try out extra explorations and can
access it at any time.
2. Implementing Artist Fridays, each Friday a different student will share an artist with
the class that they are interested in. They must research and find resources online to
collect information to share. It is important for art students to learn about
contemporary artists. It provides them inspiration for their own work, and shows them
the endless possibilities of art creation. Students will have access to online resources
that contain short documentaries on a diverse range of artists and art styles from all
over the world. Representation of different artists is important as art has historically
been viewed through a Western lens.


A resource that I could access to assist me to reach this goal is…

1. Posting art resources on D2L for student accessibility

2. D2L discussion thread for students to post chosen artists

1. Students will use the provided resources and implement them into their art projects.
2. Without being prompted, students will use the internet as a resource for art creation.
3. Students will use the discussion thread and post an artist that interests them.


Some differences this will make to my classroom are…

1. Students will develop specific art material skills by using the provided resources.
2. Students will create works of art that are inspired by contemporary and historical artists.
3. Students’ creative process and project outcome will strengthen.

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