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Review Article

Muscle Bioenergetic Considerations for Intrinsic

Laryngeal Skeletal Muscle Physiology
Mary J. Sandagea and Audrey G. Smitha

Purpose: Intrinsic laryngeal skeletal muscle bioenergetics, the Results: Intrinsic laryngeal skeletal muscle fibers
means by which muscles produce fuel for muscle metabolism, described in human models support the fast, high-
is an understudied aspect of laryngeal physiology with intensity physiological requirements of these muscles
direct implications for voice habilitation and rehabilitation. for biological functions of airway protection. Inclusion
The purpose of this review is to describe bioenergetic of muscle bioenergetic constructs in theoretical modeling
pathways identified in limb skeletal muscle and introduce of voice training, detraining, fatigue, and voice loading
bioenergetic physiology as a necessary parameter for have been limited.
theoretical models of laryngeal skeletal muscle function. Conclusions: Muscle bioenergetics, a key component for
Method: A comprehensive review of the human intrinsic muscle training, detraining, and fatigue models in exercise
laryngeal skeletal muscle physiology literature was conducted. science, is a little-considered aspect of intrinsic laryngeal
Findings regarding intrinsic laryngeal muscle fiber complement skeletal muscle physiology. Partnered with knowledge of
and muscle metabolism in human models are summarized occupation-specific voice requirements, application of
and exercise physiology methodology is applied to identify bioenergetics may inform novel considerations for voice
probable bioenergetic pathways used for voice function. habilitation and rehabilitation.

here is a growing interest in the development research. Fiber type and metabolism are requisite compo-
and application of targeted muscle training pro- nents for theoretical modeling of laryngeal physiology, which
grams for voice and other disorders of respiration may include training models for sustainable occupation-
and swallowing for habilitative and rehabilitative means specific vocal dose. A holistic understanding of skeletal
(Burkhead, Sapienza, & Rosenbek, 2007; Johnson, Ciucci, muscle bioenergetic pathways applied to laryngeal muscle
& Connor, 2013; Pitts et al., 2009; Russell, Ciucci, Connor, function physiology is of particular importance for our
& Schallert, 2010). Foundational to an exercise program understanding of aspects of voice training that develop
of any type is an understanding of the muscle duration and fatigue resistance, given that bioenergetic fatigue is a pri-
intensity requirements for the target activity, consideration mary component of muscle fatigue in general. Translation
of the muscle fiber type and metabolic characteristics, of limb skeletal muscle bioenergetics is a place to start,
and a skillful application of muscle training principles to given the technical challenges for basic ILSM metabolic
achieve optimal outcome. Many aspects of intrinsic laryn- research in vivo.
geal skeletal muscle (ILSM) physiology—of which muscle Muscle bioenergetics, the aspects of muscle fiber
bioenergetics is one—are not well understood. Muscle fiber manufacturing and utilization of adenosine triphosphate
type complement and the muscle bioenergetic (metabolic) (ATP) for muscle fuel, will first be described, followed by
substrate that supports muscle fiber function are two key a summary of ILSM fiber types to provide a functional
physiological components required to understand basic context for muscle metabolism as it is currently understood.
laryngeal physiology for targeted training programs. Basic The bioenergetic pathways that support muscle metabo-
research is emerging in the area of ILSM muscle fiber typ- lism are dynamic and can be upregulated during times of
ing, with ILSM metabolism as an area of particularly limited muscle training to establish fatigue resistance and down-
regulated in times of muscle disuse or detraining. The im-
plications of muscle fiber bioenergetic adaptations during
Auburn University, Auburn, AL muscle training programs are important for researchers
Correspondence to Mary Sandage: sandamj@auburn.edu to consider when developing theoretical models of voice
Editor: Julie Liss training and voice fatigue. Clinicians can also apply bio-
Associate Editor: Jack Jiang energetic constructs when developing training programs for
Received May 11, 2016
Revision received September 23, 2016
Accepted October 27, 2016 Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time
https://doi.org/10.1044/2016_JSLHR-S-16-0192 of publication.

1254 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 60 • 1254–1263 • May 2017 • Copyright © 2017 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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habilitation or rehabilitation of muscles used for optimal for more than a few seconds; therefore, muscle contraction
voice use. lasting longer than a few seconds requires supplemental
energy sources.
Glycolytic, nonoxidative energy sources are consumed
Muscle Metabolism when muscle activity lasts longer than a few seconds and
Bioenergetics refers to the production of energy sources involves the breakdown of a simple sugar (glucose) and
required for muscle contraction and relaxation (Hoffman, stored carbohydrates (glycogen; McArdle, Katch, & Katch,
2002). According to Brooks, Fahey, and Baldwin (2005), the 2010). For speed activities, that is, rapid and forceful ac-
human body uses three bioenergetic pathways to produce tivities lasting from a few seconds to 1 min, such as the
ATP, the primary muscle fuel required to power muscular 100-m sprint, skeletal muscle relies primarily on nonoxida-
movements. ATP is required for muscle fiber processes that tive glycolytic energy sources as well as immediate energy
promote both contraction and relaxation, described as sources. Skeletal muscle tissue contains high concentrations
excitation–contraction coupling. ATP is locally available in of glycolytic and glycogenolytic enzymes, so muscles spe-
the muscle tissue in limited quantities for muscle contrac- cialized in these processes can rapidly break down glucose
tion and must be replaced when depleted or when muscle and glycogen, yielding a lactate anion and a proton at
contraction requirements exceed its stored capacity. The physiological pH. The number of facilitating enzymes for
three primary energy systems for manufacturing ATP corre- glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, the means by which circu-
late with the demands imposed on the muscles of the body: lating glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver, is extensive
power (e.g., shot putting), speed (e.g., 100-m sprinting), and (Nelson & Cox, 2008). Skeletal muscle contains low amounts
endurance (e.g., distance running). Each of these activities of free glucose. The glycogen reserves of energy found in
requires specific biochemical mechanisms that support ATP skeletal muscles are supplemented with glucose supplied
production. In the human body, energy conversion occurs from the blood, glycogen stored in the liver, and fats and
within each cell in the presence of a substrate that can both amino acids that exist in the muscle. Glucose in the blood-
receive energy input from energy-yielding reactions and stream is consumed as needed by skeletal muscle as special
yield energy to reactions requiring an energy input, usually receptors move to the surface of the muscle cell during mus-
ATP. ATP is composed of a nitrogenous base (adenine), cle activity to offload circulating glucose. In glycolysis, one
a five-carbon sugar (ribose), and three phosphates. Remov- molecule of glucose produces two molecules of ATP; fur-
ing the terminal phosphate from ATP results in adenosine thermore, the quantitative energy available from glycolytic
diphosphate, and removing two phosphates from ATP results energy sources is greater than that available from immedi-
in adenosine monophosphate. This degradation of ATP by ate energy sources, but the combined energy provided by
cleaving a terminal phosphate supplies the chemical energy glycolytic and immediate energy sources is a fraction of the
required to power muscle contraction, regardless of which energy available from oxidative energy sources (Powers &
energy system is providing the ATP. Howley, 2014).
In skeletal muscle, three primary bioenergetic path- Oxidative energy sources for muscles include carbo-
ways have been identified: the immediate energy system, hydrates, fats, and certain amino acids (Brooks et al.,
glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation (Brooks et al., 2005). Oxidative mechanisms of energy production allow
2005). The immediate energy system uses creatine phosphate more energy to be liberated from a glucose molecule than
(CP; also called phosphocreatine) as the fuel substrate for from glycolytic energy production because the breakdown
production of ATP. Glycolysis utilizes circulating glucose of glucose is longer and more involved, which ultimately
and stored glycogen for ATP substrate. Both of these bio- yields more ATP: 36 molecules of ATP in oxidative phos-
energetic mechanisms are anaerobic pathways. Oxidative phorylation versus two molecules of ATP in nonoxidative
phosphorylation, an aerobic pathway housed within the energy production. For endurance activities in which skele-
mitochondria, relies on oxygen as the fuel substrate (Powers tal muscles are engaged for longer than 2–3 min, such as
& Howley, 2014). middle distance and marathon running, oxidative phos-
Immediate energy sources are so named because they phorylation takes over for the primary bioenergetic path-
are immediately available for muscle contraction (Brooks way to support muscle contraction. At the onset of muscle
et al., 2005). In physical efforts that require power, such activity, immediate energy systems are activated. If muscle
as throwing a shot put, muscle activity lasts for only a few activity continues, it depletes the immediate energy sup-
seconds and the muscle cells used rely primarily on the ply and glycolysis predominates to power muscle activity,
immediate energy system. CP, the cellular source of imme- and when muscle activity exceeds the capacity of glyco-
diate energy, is a high-energy phosphorylated compound lytic energy, oxidative phosphorylation takes over as the
existing at approximately five times greater concentrations energy source (see Figure 1). Bioenergetic pathways also
than ATP in resting muscle. CP acts as a reserve of phos- work synergistically to meet the muscle activity require-
phate energy to regenerate the ATP consumed during mus- ments. For example, a distance runner relying primarily
cle contraction. The enzyme creatine kinase catalyzes the on oxidative phosphorylation may engage the immediate
interaction of CP and adenosine diphosphate to result in energy and glycolytic energy systems to provide energy to
ATP. The concentration of stored ATP and the CP reserve muscle fibers that produce power in order to run up a steep
generally found in a cell cannot sustain muscle contraction hill when more power is required.

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Figure 1. Temporal characteristics of bioenergetic pathways. At the onset of exercise, all three energy systems are turned on. For exercise
that lasts about fifteen seconds, the immediate energy system is the primary fuel source. Exercise bouts lasting longer than this brief time
frame deplete the immediate energy system and require supplemental energy sources. The glycolytic energy system then becomes the
primary fuel source for exercise bouts lasting approximately forty-five seconds, after which the glycolytic system is depleted. Oxidative
phosphorylation is the primary fuel source for exercise bouts lasting longer than approximately two to three minutes, depending on the
upregulation of the individual’s metabolism. Adapted from Brooks et al. (2005).

All three energy systems are “turned on” at the onset and to a lesser extent for low-intensity activity. This process
of physical activity. For exercise that lasts about fifteen can become more efficient with muscle training and less
seconds, the immediate energy system is the primary fuel efficient with detraining and disuse.
source. Exercise bouts lasting longer than this brief time
frame deplete the immediate energy system and require
supplemental energy sources. The glycolytic energy system Limb Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types
then becomes the primary fuel source for exercise bouts Bioenergetic mechanisms used by skeletal muscle are
lasting approximately forty-five seconds, after which the in part determined by the muscle fiber complement of the
glycolytic system is greatly reduced or depleted. Oxidative muscles in use; therefore, a short review of skeletal muscle
phosphorylation is the primary fuel source for exercise fiber characteristics is required for metabolic context. Skel-
bouts lasting longer than approximately two to three min- etal muscle consists of bundles of muscle cells called mus-
utes, depending on the upregulation of the individual’s cle fibers (Hoffman, 2002). The number of muscle cells per
metabolism. Highly trained individuals will transition to muscle varies, depending on the size of the muscle and
oxidative phosphorylation faster. The temporal aspects of the type of work the muscle is required to do. The thyro-
bioenergetic substrate use are illustrated in Figure 1. arytenoid muscle, which is responsible for fine adjustments
An aspect of substrate utilization after exercise has in the tension of the vocal fold, has only a few hundred
ceased is the replenishment of locally available muscle fuel muscle fibers when compared with the vastus lateralis, the
stores and enzymes to catalyze ATP production. After ex- largest of the quadricep muscles, which contains hundreds
ercise, oxygen is often consumed during a process referred of thousands of muscle fibers (MacIntosh, Gardiner, &
to as excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC; McComas, 2006). It is understood that fiber type is deter-
McArdle et al., 2010). During this process, oxygen uptake mined by its neural innervation; however, with training,
remains elevated for a period of time during the recovery detraining, or disuse, morphological and bioenergetic char-
process to return the body to homeostasis. EPOC occurs to acteristics of the fiber type can be influenced to operate
a greater degree following higher intensity muscle activity in ways that mirror other muscle fiber types (MacIntosh

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et al., 2006; McArdle et al., 2010; Powers & Howley, 2014). that there are outliers who are genetically predisposed to a
Some motor units are designed for aerobic metabolism, greater percentage of one fiber type over another, such as
which refers to energy-generating catabolic reactions when elite athletes (Brooks et al., 2005). The muscle fiber distri-
oxygen is present, whereas other motor units are better bution predisposes elite athletes to perform the athletic re-
suited for anaerobic activity, during which oxygen is absent quirements of their sport. For example, elite sprinters have
(McArdle et al., 2010). been found to have a higher proportion of fast glycolytic
Two distinct muscle fiber types have been identified muscle fibers (power fibers) whereas elite distance runners
according to their contractile and metabolic characteristics: have been found to have a higher proportion of slow-twitch
slow-twitch fibers (Type I) and fast-twitch fibers (Type II). oxidative fibers (endurance fibers). Type I fibers are most
The contractile properties of skeletal muscle are determined, likely found in abundance in endurance athletes, such as
in part, by the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, which distance runners and cross country skiers (McArdle et al.,
determine the maximum contraction speed of a muscle 2010). As we described previously, muscle training programs
fiber, a vital parameter for the functional characterization may alter muscle fiber characteristics to better match the
of muscle fibers (Larsson & Moss, 1993; Shiotani, Westra, work imposed on the muscle; however, extensive training of
& Flint, 1999). Type I fibers are fatigue-resistant fibers and a 50/50 distribution of muscle fiber type complement will
therefore are more suited for prolonged, low-to-moderate not match that of a trained individual with a genetically
intensity activity. Type I muscle fibers primarily produce optimal muscle fiber complement for the task (Powers &
ATP through aerobic, oxidative pathways; therefore, Type I Howley, 2014). If there are elite athletes who are outliers to
fibers are highly fatigue resistant and well suited for pos- the typical muscle fiber type distribution, the potential of
tural requirements and prolonged aerobic exercise (McArdle vocal outliers with genetic predisposition to certain vocal
et al., 2010). tasks over others should be considered and investigated.
Type II fibers are better suited for shorter, higher During motor unit recruitment, muscle fibers are
intensity activity and can be broken down into Type IIa recruited in a specific order, the magnitude of recruitment
and Type IIx fibers (Hoffman, 2002; McArdle et al., 2010). being directly linked to the degree of force production re-
Type IIa fibers are referred to as fast, fatigue-resistant, quired. This recruitment order is referred to as the size
oxidative glycolytic fibers, which means they rely on both principle (Sale, 1986). According to the size principle, mus-
oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis for energy pro- cle fibers are recruited in the following order: Type I →
duction. They have the capacity for both aerobic and an- Type IIa → Type IIx. The degree to which these fibers are
aerobic metabolism. Type IIx fibers, or fast, fatigable recruited in succession is determined by the intensity of
glycolytic fibers, have the greatest capacity for anaerobic the muscle effort. For lower intensity activities, Type IIx
metabolism. Type IIa and IIx fibers are both anaerobic may not be recruited because the degree of force required
fibers, but in different capacities. Type IIx fibers rely pri- may not necessitate the engagement of Type IIx fibers.
marily on anaerobic (glycolytic) metabolism to produce For maximal intensity exercise, all muscle fiber types will
energy. It should be noted that although biochemical and be recruited in order to produce the higher degree of force
contractile differences exist between muscle fiber types, required, with more Type II fibers engaged than Type I
these fiber types do not generally function in isolation, for greater force production. That being said, even during
but rather form a continuum. In addition, whole muscles, a maximal voluntary contraction, not all muscle fibers
which are made up of many motor units, generally consist within a motor unit are typically engaged at the same time
of a combination or hybrid of muscle fiber types. Table 1 (McArdle et al., 2010).
provides a summary of muscle fiber type characteristics.
The muscle fiber complement in limb skeletal muscle
is usually estimated at 50% Type I fibers and 50% Type II ILSM Muscle Fiber Types
fibers (Powers & Howley, 2014). Most people have a 50/50 There is abundant research about the muscle fiber
distribution of muscle fiber type, but the literature suggests complement of limb skeletal muscle, but there has been

Table 1. Characteristics of muscle fiber types found in the larynx.

Muscle fiber type Contractile property Fatigue resistance Metabolic properties

Limb skeletal muscle

Type I Slow High Slow oxidative
Type IIa Fast Moderate Fast oxidative glycolytic
Type IIx Fast Low Fast glycolytic
Specialized muscle fiber types
Type IIL Superfast Low Fast glycolytic
Slow tonic Slow High Oxidative

Note. Muscle fiber types that have been found in the larynx are described according to their physiological
characteristics. Adapted from Brooks et al. (2005), Han et al. (1999), and Schiaffino and Reggiani (2011).

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limited research done to determine the fiber type profiles Figure 2. Intrasubject variability. The thyroarytenoid (TA), lateral
cricoarytenoid (LCA), interarytenoid (IA), posterior cricoarytenoid
of human ILSMs. Most of the basic ILSM muscle fiber (PCA), and cricothyorid (CT) were characterized by the ratio of
research has been based on animal models. The intrinsic percent of Type I fibers to Type II fibers in laryngeal muscles in three
laryngeal muscles include four paired muscles—the thyro- human cadavers. Data were adapted from Rosenfield et al. (1982).
arytenoid (TA), lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA), posterior
cricoarytenoid (PCA), and cricothyroid (CT)—and one un-
paired muscle, the interarytenoid (IA; Hoh, 2005). Limb
skeletal muscle is primarily responsible for postural sup-
port and locomotion, and intrinsic laryngeal muscles are
responsible for airway protection, respiration, and phona-
tion (Hoh, 2005). The larynx also serves a vital buffering
role between the ambient environment and the body’s core
homeostasis (Sandage, Connor, & Pascoe, 2014). Given
the differences in physiological requirements of the larynx
between species (e.g., articulation for humans and thermo-
regulation for panting species), comparison of animal
muscle fiber characterization with human ILSM physiol-
ogy should be done with care.
Human laryngeal muscles have been described to
express Type I, Type IIa, Type IIx, and Type IIL isoforms
similar to fiber types seen in limb skeletal muscle (Tellis,
Rosen, Thekdi, & Sciote, 2004). Few investigations have
been conducted to describe the specific muscle fiber com-
plement of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles in humans. In a
cadaver study, the total number of muscle fibers counted
from each muscle for each cadaver was similar; however,
variability in the distribution of Type I and Type II fibers
was found within and between cadavers (Rosenfield, Miller,
Sessions, & Patten, 1982). The intersubject variability of
the muscle fiber complements of the ILSMs between par-
ticipants is graphically represented in Figure 2. Figure 3
shows the intrasubject variability of the muscle fiber com-
plement of each of the ILSMs.
Shiotani et al. (1999) investigated the MHC com-
position of human cadaver intrinsic laryngeal muscles of
nine middle-aged and older adults. These authors used
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis to determine MHC
composition. They found that human laryngeal muscle
composition exhibited a predominance of fast-type MHC
in laryngeal adductor (closing) muscles and a mixed fast–
slow type in respiratory and phonatory muscles. In addi-
tion, an MHC band migrating between Type IIa and predominantly consist of Type I fibers. One explanation
Type I was found in all laryngeal muscles, which is similar for the incongruent findings of these studies could be re-
in position to Type IIL found in rats. This indicates the lated to the ages of the cadavers; during the aging process,
possible presence of superfast Type IIL muscle fibers in the there tends to be a change from Type I to Type II fibers
larynx. The TA muscle is made up of two muscular com- (MacIntosh et al., 2006). Because the ages of the cadavers
ponents: the thyromuscularis and the thyrovocalis, or simply in the Rosenfield et al. study were not reported, this cannot
vocalis (VOC; Stemple, Glaze, & Klaben, 2010). Shiotani be confirmed. Another difficulty in comparing the results
et al. (1999) reported MHC composition for the VOC spe- of these two studies lies in the nomenclature used and the
cifically and the TA muscles generally. The findings of method of reporting muscle fiber types. Rosenfield et al.
MHC composition in human intrinsic laryngeal muscles are reported muscle fiber types as either Type I or Type II,
reported in Figure 4. These authors found higher percent- whereas Shiotani et al. reported Type I, Type IIa, and
ages of Type IIa muscle fibers than Type IIb or Type I in Type IIb. This difference makes translation of data from one
each of the ILSMs. study to the other more difficult. Shiotani et al. reported
Overall, Shiotani et al. (1999) reported lower per- the findings in a table of means and standard deviations, so
centages of Type I fibers than Rosenfield et al. (1982), par- combining the Type II groups is not feasible without the
ticularly for the PCA, which were previously reported to raw data. It should also be noted that in humans, Type IIb

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Figure 3. Intersubject variability in intrinsic laryngeal skeletal muscle fiber type. The same data from Figure 2
were reformatted to show variability among three human cadavers in the percent of Type I fibers to Type II
fibers in laryngeal muscles. The numbers 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the cadavers in the study. The PCA,
which is responsible for maintaining airway patency, had a high percentage of Type I fibers in all three cadavers.
TA = thyroarytenoid; PCA = posterior cricoarytenoid; LCA = lateral cricoarytenoid; IA = interarytenoid; and
CT = cricothyroid. Data were adapted from Rosenfield et al. (1982).

fibers are currently referred to as Type IIx fibers, which are studies indicated the presence of STFs in all nine cadaver
considered to be undifferentiated muscle fibers (Powers & TA muscles, predominantly in the region of the VOC
Howley, 2014). muscle. These authors proposed that STFs may contribute
Li, Lehar, Nakagawa, Hoh, and Flint (2004) compared to the TA’s function of pitch modulation and regulation
MHC isoforms found in abductor and adductor muscles in
five human cadavers ages 55–75 years using SDS-PAGE
and Western blot analysis. Although extraocular-specific Figure 4. Myosin heavy chain percent composition in human intrinsic
laryngeal muscles. The human laryngeal muscle composition of
MHC and fast Type IIb MHC isoforms have been found
six human cadavers was examined via sodium dodecyl sulfate
in the TA muscles of rats, they were not detected in this polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot
study in the human cadaver ILSMs. These authors found analysis to determine myosin heavy chain composition. It should
that fast Type IIx MHC was expressed only in adductor be noted that Type IIb fibers are currently referred to as Type IIx
muscles, which are the TA, VOC, and LCA muscles, muscle fibers in the human body. TA = thyroarytenoid; LCA = lateral
cricoarytenoid; IA = interarytenoid; VOC = thyrovocalis; PCA =
whereas fast Type IIa MHC and slow MHC were expressed posterior cricoarytenoid; and CT = cricothyroid. The graph is adapted
in all ILSMs. They propose that fast Type IIx MHC expres- from the means and standard deviation (error bars) data reported by
sion may be associated with rapid glottic closure in order Shiotani et al. (1999).
to protect the airway because they are found only in the
adductor muscles in the larynx. Consistent with the find-
ings of Shiotani et al. (1999) and D’Antona et al. (2002),
the Li et al. study found a higher percentage of Type II
fibers than Type I fibers, with the exception of the PCA,
which contained the highest percentage of Type I fibers.
Han, Wang, Fischman, Biller, and Sanders (1999) in-
vestigated the presence of slow tonic muscle fibers (STFs)
in the TA muscle of nine human cadavers. STFs are unique
muscle fibers because they contract in slow, stable, pro-
longed contractions instead of with a twitch. The contrac-
tions of STFs are precisely controlled and fatigue resistant.
STFs are also found in the human extraocular muscles
(Bormioli, Torresan, Sartore, Moschini, & Schiaffino, 1979).
Immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoblotting

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during phonation because they are found in human laryn- phonation until the target of 60 s was achieved. Continuous
ges and not in the larynges of other mammals. phonation was likely not achieved for 60 consecutive sec-
In addition to the cadaver studies described here, a onds given the respiratory constraints for most individuals.
smaller body of work described in vivo muscle fiber anal- These measurements indicated a drop in StO2 levels during
ysis. D’Antona et al. (2002) investigated the functional the phonatory task, followed by overshoot of StO2 after the
properties and MHC isoforms in the TA, VOC, LCA, CT, phonatory task was completed, as compared with baseline.
and PCA muscles of four adult men ages 55–67 years biop- The StO2 overshoot observed is consistent with what has
sied subsequent to laryngectomy. Biopsy samples were been described as EPOC (McArdle et al., 2010).
analyzed using SDS-PAGE and densitometry. The presence These findings were compared with those of Cannon,
of MHC-1, MHC-2A, and MHC-2X isoforms were identi- White, Andriano, Kolkhorst, and Rossiter (2011) and de-
fied. An additional MHC isoform, provisionally labeled termined to be consistent; however, the parallels described
MHC-L by these authors, was found in three of the four vo- for rise and fall in StO2 levels may be an overestimation
cal muscles, which was a migrating type between MHC-1 given that a 60-s, noncontinuous voicing task was com-
and MHC-2A. These authors also found that fast MHC iso- pared with an 8-min maximal cycling ergometer task. The
forms, particularly MHC-2A, were predominant, which is bioenergetic pathways used for a brief vocalization are
consistent with the findings of Verdolini Abbott et al. (2012). likely reliant on the immediate energy system, which would
It is interesting to note that one-third of the fibers were mixed not be comparable to a steady-state cycling bout that relied
or hybrid, which is consistent with the observation that there on oxidative phosphorylation as described in Figure 1.
are likely innumerable mixed fiber types in the human body This methodology may have identified oxygen use during
(Powers & Howley, 2014). In another in vivo muscle fiber voicing as a substrate for energy production, which would
study, Horton, Rosen, Close, and Sciote (2008) investigated be unexpected given the short duration of the vocalization.
the presence of perinatal, extraocular, IIb, and cardiac It may be that all metabolic mechanisms were turned on at
MHC isoforms in the TA and PCA muscles from 15 partic- the start of the vocalization and oxygen was part of more
ipants ages 45–81 years who underwent total laryngectomy. complex substrate utilization that also included CP and glu-
Real-time quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase cose, the latter two of which were not measured. Given this
chain reaction was used to identify MHC genes expressed possibility, the extent to which oxygen was used relative
in the TA and both portions of the PCA. Similar to the to total substrate utilization for the task is still unknown. It
findings of D’Antona et al. (2002), no extraocular-specific remains unclear as to whether the bioenergetic pathways
MHC or MHC-IIb were detected in either of the ILSMs; within the ILSMs are unique. The results of this study are
however, low amounts of perinatal and cardiac genes were valuable and pose excellent questions for future investiga-
found in both the TA and the PCA. tion into laryngeal muscle physiology, particularly if the
findings are indicative of novel bioenergetic pathways that
are not yet described.
ILSM Bioenergetics
Large gaps exist in the current understanding of
ILSM muscle fiber bioenergetics. Because of the highly Limb Skeletal Muscle Adaptation
specialized functional demands of the ILSMs (e.g., ventila- Limb skeletal muscle adapts in conditions of muscle
tion, swallowing, phonating, coughing, airway patency), use, disuse and, detraining. With limb skeletal muscle exer-
the ILSMs are made up of very small and fast fibers with cise of sufficient intensity and frequency, muscle physiology
a high mitochondrial content, which is a unique muscle fi- adapts via neurological, morphological, and bioenergetic
ber phenotype (McMullen & Andrade, 2006). Fast-twitch mechanisms (Powers & Howley, 2014). Upregulation of
muscle fibers found in the limbs typically rely more heavily muscle fiber bioenergetic substrate utilization occurs when
on anaerobic bioenergetic pathways with lower mitochon- the demands placed on the muscle exceed typical demands,
drial density than do Type I fibers. Schiaffino and Reggiani described as the specific adaptations to imposed demand
(2011) have asserted that all laryngeal muscle fibers are principle (McArdle et al., 2010). Downregulation of muscle
fatigue resistant, regardless of fiber type. metabolism occurs when the demands placed on the muscle
The empirical identification of bioenergetic pathways tissue fall below typical demands over a period of time
in the ILSMs is challenging in vivo. Tellis et al. (2011) were (McArdle et al., 2010).
the first to evaluate the efficacy of visible light spectros- With endurance training, significant adaptations
copy in vivo to provide evidence of vocal fold muscle metab- occur to the metabolic features of muscle fibers; these ad-
olism. Visible light spectroscopy measures reflected visible aptations are primarily expressed as an increase in mito-
light to monitor tissue oxygen (StO2) and relative total chondrial proteins and glycolytic enzymes that matches
hemoglobin in the TA–LCA muscle complex. Measure- the increased demand on oxidative capacity (Brooks et al.,
ments of StO2 and relative total hemoglobin levels were 2005). Metabolic and musculoskeletal adaptations that
continuous and direct before, during, and after a phonatory occur during endurance training include increases in mito-
task of production of ah for as loud as possible for a total chondrial size and number, oxidative enzymes, capillary
of 60 s. The participants were instructed phonate as long as density, and reliance on stored fat as an energy (Hoffman,
possible, take a quick breath as needed, and then resume 2002). Endurance training increases the body’s ability to

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produce ATP efficiently and offload oxygen to working have been habituated, the metabolic mechanisms that have
muscles faster (Hoffman, 2002). In addition, the efficiency been upregulated for muscle efficiency and fatigue resis-
with which EPOC takes place is also influenced by training tance will reverse course and a period of downregulation
and detraining. There are two primary types of athletic will occur. Stores of locally available muscle fuels will no
endurance: muscular and cardiorespiratory. Muscular longer be maintained, and the increased levels of bioener-
endurance refers to the capability of a muscle or group of getic enzymes will diminish. It is easier to maintain muscle
muscles to engage in sustained, high-intensity, or static efficiency for function than to take a break and return to
activity, whereas cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability the prior level of function. Aspects of muscle training phys-
to sustain long-duration exercise (Hoffman, 2002). For the iology, including bioenergetic fatigue resistance, provide
ILSMs, the focus would be primarily muscular endurance evidence for use of muscle metabolic physiology in theoret-
for repeated, brief, submaximal engagement over variable ical models of muscle training, including voice training.
lengths of time.
The aim of anaerobic conditioning is to facilitate high-
intensity activity with rapid recovery between each bout of Intrinsic Laryngeal Skeletal Muscles
exercise and to offset fatigue without experiencing a decrease The ILSMs are rapidly engaging and disengaging
in performance (Hoffman, 2002). Physiological adaptations throughout the day to sustain biological functions such as
that occur with anaerobic exercise include metabolic trans- breathing, phonation, and swallowing. Because phonation
formation of Type I fibers to a more glycolytic subtype, is sustained by and cannot be separated from respiration,
significant glycolytic enzyme elevation, an increase in toler- the duration of ILSM engagement is dependent upon
ance to maximum blood lactate concentrations, a decrease available respiratory volume and the contribution of the
in lactate concentrations during submaximal exercise, and respiratory muscles to management of subglottic pressure.
increased lactate buffering capacity (Hoffman, 2002). Recov- ILSM engagement is also directly related to the type of
ery training for muscle efforts that rely on the immediate voicing task, articulation, and phrasing (Titze, Hunter, &
energy system is evidenced by rapid resynthesis of ATP and Švec, 2007). For these reasons, the use of ILSMs is distinct
phosphocreatine following exercise depletion, with ATP from limb skeletal muscles in the human body. In addition,
replenishing within 3–5 min and phosphocreatine replenish- because phonation can be prolonged for a maximum of
ing within 8–15 min (Stone, Stone, & Sands, 2009). approximately thirty seconds, including voice onset and
Strength training, from an exercise science perspec- offset, steady-state oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs
tive, relies on a multitude of principles including, but not after approximately two to three minutes of continuous
limited to, the principles of specificity, overload, and muscle activity, is likely not achieved. Therefore, given our
fatigue management. Bioenergetic specificity (appropriate current understanding of the temporal constraints of commu-
exercise intensity, duration, rest intervals) and mechanic nication and vegetative vocal behaviors in the development
specificity (movements should be specific to the athlete’s of theoretical constructs of voice training and fatigue, it could
sport) are essential components of athletic training (Stone be hypothesized that the ILSM muscles, with the exception
et al., 2009). In essence, this means the muscles should be of the PCA, may be primarily reliant on anaerobic energy
trained in a specific manner to achieve the target behavior, (i.e., immediate energy system and/or glycolysis) and use
upregulating the bioenergetic mechanisms specific for the oxidative phosphorylation to a far lesser extent. Although
target behavior along the way. Overload focuses on pro- there is emerging evidence of oxygen uptake during sustained
viding the proper stimuli to elicit the desired physical, vocalization (Tellis, Carroll, Fierro, & Sciote, 2011), the de-
physiological, and performance adaptations (upregulation) gree to which CP and glucose uptake occurs is unknown.
by training beyond the current physical performance level. An important implication for translation of limb
Fatigue management describes aspects of muscle condi- skeletal muscle metabolism to the ILSMs is the degree of
tioning that train the muscle to be more fatigue resistant force that is expected from the ILSMs for voicing tasks.
through both central and peripheral mechanisms. Although Typical voice use for conversation would be considered
central mechanisms of fatigue are not yet well described, submaximal muscle activity. Applying the size principle,
peripheral mechanisms include increased availability of submaximal activity would indicate the likelihood that
muscle fuel substrate, increased concentration of bioener- Type I and Type IIa fibers are predominantly recruited.
getic enzymes, and motor learning to cycle through muscle Performing a theater role in a large performance space
fibers within a motor unit (MacIntosh et al., 2006). without amplification might be considered a maximally
Aerobic training, or endurance training, aims to im- intensive vocal challenge. The size principle would also
prove efficiency of ATP production for exercise bouts of indicate that a higher percentage of Type II fibers would
longer durations by causing adaptations to skeletal muscle be recruited for higher intensity vocal tasks in order to
mitochondria and respiratory capacity. Increases in the num- maintain higher sound level voice production against higher
ber of mitochondria and in complexity of the mitochondrial subglottal pressures.
reticulum allow for more ATP production, thus increasing As described by Welham and Maclagan (2003), the
efficiency of the muscle. underlying physiological mechanisms for vocal fatigue,
When exercise conditioning intensity falls below the including depletion of bioenergetic substrate, are largely
level to which the muscles and cardiorespiratory system unknown. Applied research in the area of voice fatigue has

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largely focused on voice function measures following what mechanisms of muscle function, muscle training and detrain-
are described as vocally fatiguing tasks (Boucher, Ahmarani, ing, and aspects of fatigue resistance. Further basic research
& Ayad, 2006; Chang & Karnell, 2004; Milbrath & Solomon, is needed for a more complete understanding of ILSM bio-
2003; Solomon & DiMattia, 2000; Solomon, Glaze, Arnold, & energetics. Evaluation of the length of time muscles are
van Mersbergen, 2003). Applying a muscle bioenergetic con- engaged combined with determination of the force required
struct to the Milbrath and Solomon (2003) investigation of for the target muscle behavior are two primary means to
the influence of vocal warm-up on voice fatigue, it could establish bioenergetic requirements indirectly. The former
by hypothesized that the use of ILSMs for vocal warm-up is easier to establish than the latter, given that the current
would be additive to the subsequent fatiguing task instead state of voice science lacks a cohesive theoretical frame-
of ameliorating the effects of the prolonged voicing task. work for determination of vocal force or power. Applied
Bioenergetic mechanisms used during the vocal warm-up research in the area of voice dose or load is an important
may not have had time to recover prior to the extended first step to quantify functional occupation-specific voice
voicing task, resulting in a greater degree of muscle meta- requirements (Cleveland, Sundberg, & Stone, 2001; Folland
bolic depletion. In future studies of voice fatigue, the physi- & Williams, 2007; Stathopoulos & Felson, 2006). From the
ological rationale for choice of task and interpretation of vocal dose literature, muscle bioenergetic frameworks can
outcomes would be enhanced with bioenergetic fatigue be applied to theoretical models for voice habilitation,
included in the model. Working from a physiological model which should include fatigue resistance training. Future
that includes bioenergetic fatigue in company with mechan- directions to determine the bioenergetic aspects of the ILSMs
ical stress, voice building programs that are designed to should include more basic research to identify metabolic
develop tolerance for vocally fatiguing tasks may be of profiles of the ILSMs as well as applied studies of temporal
great occupational benefit. and force/power aspects of voice requirements. Discerning
Inclusion of bioenergetic fatigue in research and clini- these novel aspects of voice function will allow for the
cal hypothesis development may provide a more holistic development of functionally relevant voice assessment pro-
approach to the understanding of voice function and the cedures and training approaches that will advance the study
development of voice disorder. For example, consider the of ILSM physiology to be in closer alignment with that of
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