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Vicent Lluís Gavaldà Adrover
Noelia Milan Maza
Carola Samaranch Ibars
David Vila Lopez

Vicent Once upon a time one country where tourism was on the rise, inflated tourism, on
the one hand it generated many revenues for hoteliers and restaurateurs and another hand the
local administration in research for more income tooks advantage of the high consumption of
water to magnify municipal rates per liter of water that was wasted and real estate tax had
increased around a one per cent, taking advantage of the growth in rental apartments, as well
as the rental price of housing was increased too, in last year.
Although of this good economic behavior, the wages from waiters and hostesses of the hotels
had not been increased but they are considered low and some poorly, but instead the prices of
the basic products, like for example, eggs, cheese, bread, they had strengthened the last
The workers were unsafetied in front the immense power of the restaurators union, because the
presence of workers unions in that sector was limited, but missing power.
- Hey Xato! How is Mari? Is your Andreuet okay?
- They are OK. Andreu is growing each day, thank you Mr. Esteve.
- That's good. Let's have health! I’ve heard that Mari lost her job recently ...
- Oh yeah, Mr. Esteve. I don’t know how we will end...
- Xato, you shouldn’t worry if you do your job well, with efficiency, and you’re diligent.
- Ah, Mr. Esteve, working many hours in a day and receiving little, but over all the fiscal
pressure... I don’t know what we will do.
- Oh, another maudlin! This is not the attitude, Xato. These are difficult times and everyone gets
the pressure, we must adjust the belt and work more if it’s necessary, but while tourists are
coming we have to be calm, besides you can not complain, you have work. This is what I would
do if I were in your place.
In this way the restorers were causing fear on their wage earners and the days were passing,
but there came a day when the situation became dramatic and unbearable, the issue was very
thrilled, this discomfort resulted in the outbreak of periodic strikes and long protests that claimed
wage improvements included decent work conditions.
- But what do you do? have you gone crazy? in this step you will end up scaring the tourists but
it will be worse for you because you will lose your workplace. Be reasonable and get to work,
children! – the owners were talking with this unfortunate burden of contemptuous treatment to
wage earners -.
- We’re fed up! We want working but we don’t like to be anyone’s slaves!
- We don’t go well guys, this is what nobody expected by you! you are selfish also you don’t
want to work...Think about the future of your family if you still have dignity - the businessmen
accused and abused of the strikers committee harshly-.
The positions were very confronted and seemed irreconcilable. Unfortunately, the restorators’
reaction was dissable to negotiate, they neither were able to get an understanding because not
only did they grant nothing but they started drastic measures. They began to dismiss workers
gradually but introducing artificial intelligence to their service, so robots manufactured in the
countries of Southeast Asian. This robots worked twice as many hours, they didn’t collect
salaries and they didn’t protest.
Fired workers swarm through the streets with nothing to do, without knowing where to go, like
zombies. Rabid and desperate they are breaking in violence into their old restaurants and hotels
attempting to destroy the robots because they prevent them from working. But robots are clever
and it will not be easy to destroy them, in those moments a fearsome fight with uncertain and

dire results was started. Vicent

Noelia As the days progressed, the events became terrifying situations. The workers
threatened the owners, discovered weak points in the robots and managed to destroy more
than one, along with the furniture of the premises. Because of the serious incidents, the robots
were rescheduled to deal with the situation that was presented against the former workers. In
this way, they became fascinating artificial "human" with characteristics very similar to those of
people and with a faster and more effective reaction capacity. Although the people who were
fired by their bosses outnumbered the robots, these work machines were smarter than them
and to have more power, they allied with the robots of other restaurants and hotels, and even
infiltrated among angry workers to be able to study them and warn their bosses of what their
next plans would be.

However, an unimaginable situation occurred. The fact that robots resembled people so much,
developed feelings for them. One of the machines spent a lot of time infiltrated with the workers
and ended up falling in love with one of them. Because of this alliance, the fighting situation that
the robots were preparing against humans was in jeopardy since one of the robots had sided
with the workers. Noelia

Vicent A partir d’ aleshores eixe mateix robot es convertí en un agent doble, les seves
accions anaven encaminades a desinfomar sobre els plans dels treballdors humans i a
boicotejar quan calgués les accions tàctiques que emprenien els robots informant amb
antelació dels moviments que haurien de dur a terme els de la seva pròpia espècie.

- Per què ens ajudes a nosaltres contra els de la teva espècie? -Li va preguntar un antic
treballador acomiadat, ara reciclat a sergent-.
- Jo vaig ser creat i programat per a servir als humans, d’ altra banda els nostres creadors
eren humans, però ells eren concients de què havien d’ inculcar-nos una capacitat o una
mena de voluntat d’ acció que ens permetés prendre decisions inteligents en moments
crítics o difícils, per pròpia inicitiva, aquesta era l’ única manera de poder assolir l’
eficiència que desitjaven els nostres programadors, és a dir, volien que a més de ser
eficaços fórem eficients dotant-nos d’ una inteligència que ens permetés aprendre de la
pròpia experiència, igual que els humans. Mai van imaginar els nostres creadors que
aquesta capacitat volitiva es convertiria en una arma de doble fil, doncs al dotar-nos d’
inteligència som capaços de crear consciència, i la consciència fortament desenrotllada
ens permet ser lliures per pensar i per actuar amb independència.
La meva consciència es deu haver elevat a un nivell prou alt com per distingir la justícia
de la injustícia. Ara crec que els vostres amos us han tractant injustament, fent valer la
seva posició abusant de vosaltres que esteu en una posició jeràrquica inferior.
- I com ho has pogut entendre?
- Per què vaig capturar a una dona humana que antigament treballava com a cambrera d’
hotel i que ara forma part de la resistència contra nosaltres els androides. Ella m’ ho va
explicar tot, jo vaig començar a prendre-li simpatia primer, després afecte i el nostre
feeling es va anar intensificant fins a sentir passió l’ un per l’altre, i ara gràcies a ella
estic amb vosaltres.
- No puc creure que un simple robot pugui experimentar els mateixos sentiments i
emocions dels humans i a sobre enamorar-se d’ un enemic.
- Sóc un robot, com tú dius, però t’ oblides que no sóc ximple, sóc una máquina
- Ja ja ja, potser si assoleixes un grau més d’ inteligència amb el temps t’ adonaràs que
en ocasions les persones enamorades continuen sent intel·ligents però es tornen més
- What do you mean?
- Res, deixa-ho córrer. He de tornar a la meva posició; que tinguis sort en l’ amor i en la

guerra camarad!. Vicent

Even so, the bosses continued with their plan to take revenge on the former workers and
studied the movements of each one, including the departure and entry times of their homes in
order to attack them individually. So it was, each of the robots had a person as a target to attack
in their free time at work. Little by little, a war broke out when the workers saw that they were
killing their peers and joined forces to go in groups and face them. Meanwhile, one of the former
workers had a lot of programming and robotics knowledge and joined the robot they had on their
side to get the formula to destroy them drastically.

After several days, rehearsing with the robot at their side, and seeing that almost half of the
workers had been killed, they found a program to end this situation. And that's how overnight
they sent a virus to all the robots, including the one that was with them, to reset them and make
them harmless toys. Faced with this situation, the bosses had no choice but to re-hire them and
complying with all the requests made by the workers, thus returning peace to the city.


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