Adaptation and Competition All Levels Q MS

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(a) Alex poured some pond water into three beakers.

She then put waterweed into

1. each beaker. She put the beakers in different places.

(i) In which beaker did the waterweed grow best? Give the correct letter.

… … … …
1 mark

(ii) The waterweed in the box changed from dark green to pale yellow.
Why did this happen?

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1 mark

(b) In the school pond there were lots of water lilies with large leaves covering the surface.
There were not many plants growing below the surface.
Suggest a reason for this.

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1 mark

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(c) In another experiment, Alex put similar pieces of waterweed into two more beakers of pond
She added fertiliser to one of them.
She kept them both by a window.

(i) Alex added fertiliser to beaker E. Suggest the results of this experiment.

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1 mark

(ii) What do fertilisers contain to help plants grow?

Tick the correct box.

fat minerals

sand sugar
1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

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Plants take in water from the soil. Lisa did an experiment to find out if there is anything else in
2. soil that plants need for growth.

The diagrams below show the results of Lisa’s experiment.

Lisa made the clear, brown solution in flask B by shaking a mixture of soil and water and
then separating the solution from the soil particles.

(a) How could Lisa separate the brown solution from the soil particles?

1 mark

(b) Explain why Lisa grew one plant in distilled water.


1 mark

(c) (i) What type of substance, dissolved in the water in flask B, is used by the plant
for growth?

1 mark

(ii) How are roots adapted for taking in water?


1 mark

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(d) Lisa set up a second experiment using three similar plants. The solution in flasks C, D
and E was the same. She put all three flasks in a sunny position. The diagrams below
show the results of Lisa’s second experiment.

The plant in flask C was the only one which grew well in this experiment.
Explain why.


1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

(a) The drawings below show a stoat in summer and in winter.


stoat in summer stoat in winter

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In winter the ground is often covered by snow or frost. During this part of the year a
stoat’s fur is white.
Suggest two ways its white coat helps a stoat to survive in the winter.



2 marks

(b) The diagram shows the family tree for a family of rabbits.

Use words from the list below to complete the sentences.

adapt cytoplasm genes grow inherit

letters membrane mutate nuclei

Rabbits have the same fur colour all year round.

Young rabbits ............................................ fur colour from their parents.

Information about fur colour is passed on from one generation to

the next in the form of ................................... in the ..................................... of

an egg and sperm.

3 marks
Maximum 5 marks

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Codling moths lay eggs on apple trees. The caterpillars of the codling moth feed on apples.
4. The diagram below shows the life cycle of codling moths.

not to scale

Apple growers use special traps to catch male codling moths.

The traps contain a chemical which female moths produce to attract male moths.

(a) (i) Explain why trapping male moths may result in fewer caterpillars the next year.

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1 mark

(ii) Some apple growers spray their trees with insecticide to kill moths.
Other apple growers disagree with this method of control.
Suggest two reasons for not using insecticides.

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2 marks

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(b) The female moth lays large numbers of eggs.
Suggest why this is necessary.

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1 mark

(c) When the caterpillars are fully grown, they crawl into tiny spaces under the bark of the
trees. The caterpillars stay under the bark during the winter and then change into pupae.

(i) Suggest why more caterpillars and pupae survive when they are under the bark.

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1 mark

(ii) Some apple growers wrap bands of folded cardboard around the trunks of
apple trees, as shown below. Caterpillars crawl into the folds. The cardboard is
removed during the winter and destroyed.

Suggest one way in which this helps to protect the next year’s apples from
damage by caterpillars of codling moths.

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1 mark
Maximum 6 marks

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Bats hibernate during the winter. While they are hibernating, their hearts beat more
5. slowly and they go into a deep sleep.

(a) Towards the end of the summer, bats build up a store of fat in a layer beneath the skin.
Give one reason why fat is a useful storage substance.
1 mark

(b) While bats are hibernating their body temperature falls.

What is the advantage of having a low body temperature during the winter?

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1 mark

(c) Suggest one disadvantage of hibernating.

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1 mark

(d) Sometimes bats wake up too early from hibernation.

These bats are unlikely to survive the cold weather.
Give one reason for their low survival rate as a result of waking too early.

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1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

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Mark schemes
(a) (i) C
1. 1 (L3)

(ii) any one from

• no light
accept ‘no Sun’

• it was in the dark

do not accept ‘it was in the box’
1 (L3)

(b) any one from

• less light reached the lower plants

• plants need light to grow

accept ‘plants need light’
accept ‘no photosynthesis could take place’

• the water lilies blocked the light

accept ‘no light’
accept ‘lilies prevented
or reduced the air getting into the water’
accept ‘plants need carbon dioxide’
do not accept ‘the water lilies used the minerals’
1 (L3)

(c) (i) any one from

• the waterweed in E will grow bigger than in D

accept ‘it will grow more or faster or better in E’

• the waterweed in E will have more leaves than in D

accept ‘it will have more leaves in E’
do not accept ‘it grew fast in E’
1 (L3)

(ii) minerals
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L4)

(a) by filtration or she filtered it

accept ‘let it settle then pour off the liquid’
or ‘decant’
1 (L5)

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(b) any one from

• as a control
do not accept ‘to make it a fair test’

• to show that the dissolved substances affect the growth of the plant

• to see if they grow differently

do not accept ‘to see if it grows in distilled water’

• to see if they grow normally or well without the dissolved substances

do not accept ‘to see if it grows normally
without soil particles’
1 (L5)

(c) (i) mineral salts or minerals or salts or nutrients

accept ‘nitrates’ or ‘phosphates’
do not accept ‘fertiliser’
1 (L5)

(ii) any one from

• they are spread out

accept ‘they are long’

• they are branched

• they have a large surface area

• they have root hairs

accept ‘they have hairs’
accept ‘they are permeable’
do not accept ‘they can take in water’
1 (L5)

(d) the leaves need light for photosynthesis

accept ‘photosynthesis takes place in the leaves’
or ‘plants need light for photosynthesis’
do not accept ‘the leaves need light’
1 (L6)

(a) it helps it to hide from its prey

3. 1 (L6)

it helps it to hide from predators

answers may be in either order
accept ‘hides it from rabbits or from animals it eats’
accept ‘hides it from animals which eat or hunt it’
accept ‘to camouflage it’
for one mark only accept ‘it is an insulator’
or ‘it keeps them warm’
1 (L6)
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(b) inherit
1 (L6)

1 (L6)

accept ‘nucleus’
1 (L6)

(a) (i) Answers must refer to mating or breeding or reproduction.

any one from

• fewer males to mate

do not accept ‘there are no males to mate’
or ‘there are fewer males’

• fewer moths to breed

do not accept ‘fewer moths’
accept ‘there will be fewer eggs’
1 (L5)

(ii) any two from

• insecticide might enter food chains

• other useful or harmless insects might be killed

accept ‘other insects or bees might be killed’
do not accept ‘other animals are killed’

• predators of pests might be killed

• people might eat the insecticide

accept ‘people might be poisoned’
accept ‘people might breathe it in’
accept ‘so that the apples are organic’
2 (L6)

(b) any one from

• some eggs or caterpillars or pupae or moths

accept ‘caterpillars get eaten’ may be eaten

• some might not hatch

• some might die

accept ‘so that as many as possible survive’
1 (L5)

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(c) (i) any one from

• they cannot be seen by predators or birds

accept ‘they are not eaten’ or ‘to hide’
accept a named predator such as blue-tit

• for shelter
accept ‘to keep warm’

• to protect them from the cold

accept ‘to protect them’
1 (L5)

(ii) any one from

• caterpillars are removed or killed

accept ‘pupae can be removed or killed’
accept ‘there are fewer pupae’

• fewer pupae change into moths

• fewer moths produce caterpillars

• there will be fewer caterpillars to eat the apples

1 (L6)

(a) any one from

• it is a good source or store of energy
do not accept ‘it is a good store of food’
do not accept ‘it is a source of energy’

• it insulates the body

accept ‘it keeps the heat in’
accept ‘it stops them getting too cold’
do not accept ‘it keeps the body warm’

• it is insoluble
1 (L6)

(b) any one from

• less heat loss

• less energy needed

• food reserves or fat lasts longer

1 (L7)

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(c) any one from

• predators can catch them easily

• habitat or roosts could be damaged

• the food reserve may run out

1 (L7)

(d) any one from

• food in short supply

accept ‘no food’

• they lose too much heat

1 (L7)

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